資料群ガイド 米国収集資料  米国国立公文書館(Archives II)  RG260: USCAR文書(第二次世界大戦米占領司令部文書)  広報局  映像・写真資料、他
シリーズ 写真資料
シリーズ解説 USCAR広報局の写真はUSCAR広報誌をはじめ、プレスリリースや壁新聞等に広く活用されました。
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル USCAR広報局写真資料 45
資料日付 (自)1953/12/20、(至)1971/08/21 この写真を見る
作成者 米国立公文書館
所管(発行) USCAR広報局
資料解説 Labor / 労働 / Land / 土地
各種識別 [資料種別]写真、[個人情報]無、[数量]160、[言語]和英、[内容コード]A000022631
【和訳】 小禄村具志部落民ト民政府土地課員トノ座談会
【分類】Land / 土地
2260CR-11_0408-01労働1960年3月16日【原文】Ryukyuan Labor Leaders Make Presentation
【和訳】 琉球人労働指導者がプレゼンテーションを行う
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
【和訳】 [退職金制度確立、長期療養休暇制度確立、大幅ベースアップ]
【分類】Labor / 労働
9260CR-11_0410-01労働1962年10月16日【原文】No Caption
【分類】Labor / 労働
10260CR-11_0411-01労働1962年10月16日【原文】No Caption
【分類】Labor / 労働
11260CR-12_0001-01土地1962年10月16日名護町【原文】Nago-Cho Public Market Constructed By Land Rental Payment
【和訳】 土地借用支払[新土地計画]によって建設された名護町公設市場
【分類】Land / 土地
12260CR-11_0407-01労働1962年12月17日【原文】Military Employee Receive Bonus
【和訳】 ボーナスを受け取る軍従業員
【分類】Labor / 労働
13260CR-11_0394-01労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
14260CR-11_0394-02労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
15260CR-11_0397-01労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The leaders meeting with newsmen at the Kadena Air Terminal Building on the return are: (L-R, seated); Genshun Okuhama, director of organization, All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO);. Kazuo Itosu, chairman, Government Employees Labor Union (KANKORO); (L-R, standing) Kihei Tokishi, director, mutual benefit division, USCAR Branch, ZENGUNRG; Masahiro Toyama, chairman, Okinawa Textile Industry Labor Union; Kiyoshi Yonahara, education and propaganda director, All-Okinawa Harbor Transportation Labor Union; Takehide Shinzato, chairman, Ryukyu Oil Company Labor Union; Utaro Tomimoto, chairman, central committee, Naha City Office Employees Labor Union; and Kotoku Kakazu, general secretary, All-Okinawa Transportation Labor Union. Yoho Tobaru, vice-president, Telegraph end Telephone and Postal Workers Union (ZENTEI), and Seiichi Tokumura, chairman, Okinawa Bus Company Labor Union were not shown. Standing at rear is Binion C. Waller, acting director, Labor Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
16260CR-11_0397-02労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The leaders meeting with newsmen at the Kadena Air Terminal Building on the return are: (L-R, seated); Genshun Okuhama, director of organization, All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO);. Kazuo Itosu, chairman, Government Employees Labor Union (KANKORO); (L-R, standing) Kihei Tokishi, director, mutual benefit division, USCAR Branch, ZENGUNRG; Masahiro Toyama, chairman, Okinawa Textile Industry Labor Union; Kiyoshi Yonahara, education and propaganda director, All-Okinawa Harbor Transportation Labor Union; Takehide Shinzato, chairman, Ryukyu Oil Company Labor Union; Utaro Tomimoto, chairman, central committee, Naha City Office Employees Labor Union; and Kotoku Kakazu, general secretary, All-Okinawa Transportation Labor Union. Yoho Tobaru, vice-president, Telegraph end Telephone and Postal Workers Union (ZENTEI), and Seiichi Tokumura, chairman, Okinawa Bus Company Labor Union were not shown. Standing at rear is Binion C. Waller, acting director, Labor Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
17260CR-11_0400-01労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
18260CR-11_0400-02労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
19260CR-11_0403-01労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
20260CR-11_0403-02労働1965年9月4日【原文】RYUKYUAN LABOR LEADERS RETURN FROM U.S.
Ten Ryukyuan labor union leaders returned from the United Sates on Sept. 4, following a three-month study and observation of American labor union policies and programs in action. The tour, sponsored by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program and coordinated with the Department of Army in Washington, included visits and discussions at the U.S. Department of Labor and the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
【和訳】 琉球人労働組合の代表が米国より帰国
【分類】Labor / 労働
21260CR-11_0266-02労働1967年7月12日【原文】ZENGUNRO AND DAIRY COMPANY REACH AGREEMENT - The Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd. and the All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), reached a labor agreement July 12 through mediation provided by the Labor Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus(USCAR). The company and union signed the agreement in a brief ceremony held at the USCAR Labor Department the same day. Shown shaking hands are Kosuke Uehara(L), chairman, ZENGUNRO; and Carleton H. Faler(R), director, Labor Department,USCAR. Others pictured are (L-R): Tatsuo Shinya, chairman; and Akizo Shirahisa, treasurer, Milk Plant Chapter, ZENGUNRO; and Kyle W. Keeffer, production manager, Okinawa Branch, Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd.
【和訳】 全軍労及び乳業会社が合意 - ハワイのメドウゴールド乳業会社は、全沖縄軍労働組合連合会と、7月12日に琉球列島米国民政府労働局の仲介を通じて労働協定に達した。同社と労働組合は、同日米民政府労働局で行われた簡単な式典で合意書に署名した。握手を交わすのは、上原康助氏 (左、全軍労委員長)、カールトン・H・ファラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、その他 (左から)、全軍労牛乳工場支部のシンヤ・タツオ委員長とシラヒサ・アキゾウ会計係、メドウゴールド乳業会社沖縄支部のカイル・W・キーファー生産マネージャー。
【分類】Labor / 労働
22260CR-11_0266-03労働1967年7月12日【原文】ZENGUNRO AND DAIRY COMPANY REACH AGREEMENT - The Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd. and the All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), reached a labor agreement July 12 through mediation provided by the Labor Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus(USCAR). The company and union signed the agreement in a brief ceremony held at the USCAR Labor Department the same day. Shown shaking hands are Kosuke Uehara(L), chairman, ZENGUNRO; and Carleton H. Faler(R), director, Labor Department,USCAR. Others pictured are (L-R): Tatsuo Shinya, chairman; and Akizo Shirahisa, treasurer, Milk Plant Chapter, ZENGUNRO; and Kyle W. Keeffer, production manager, Okinawa Branch, Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd.
【和訳】 全軍労及び乳製品会社が合意 - ハワイのメドウゴールドデイリーズ社は、全沖縄軍労働組合連合会と、7月12日に琉球列島米国民政府労働局の仲介を通じて労働協定に達した。同社と労働組合は、同日米民政府労働局で行われた短い式典で協定に署名した。握手を交わすのは、上原康助氏 (左、全軍労委員長)、カールトン・H・ファラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、その他 (左から)、全軍労牛乳工場支部のシンヤ・タツオ委員長とシラヒサ・アキゾウ会計係、メドウゴールドデイリーズ社沖縄支部のカイル・W・キーファー生産マネージャー。
【分類】Labor / 労働
23260CR-11_0266-04労働1967年7月12日【原文】ZENGUNRO AND DAIRY COMPANY REACH AGREEMENT - The Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd. and the All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), reached a labor agreement July 12 through mediation provided by the Labor Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus(USCAR). The company and union signed the agreement in a brief ceremony held at the USCAR Labor Department the same day. Shown shaking hands are Kosuke Uehara(L), chairman, ZENGUNRO; and Carleton H. Faler(R), director, Labor Department,USCAR. Others pictured are (L-R): Tatsuo Shinya, chairman; and Akizo Shirahisa, treasurer, Milk Plant Chapter, ZENGUNRO; and Kyle W. Keeffer, production manager, Okinawa Branch, Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd.
【和訳】 全軍労及び乳製品会社が合意 - ハワイのメドウゴールドデイリーズ社は、全沖縄軍労働組合連合会と、7月12日に琉球列島米国民政府労働局の仲介を通じて労働協定に達した。同社と労働組合は、同日米民政府労働局で行われた短い式典で協定に署名した。握手を交わすのは、上原康助氏 (左、全軍労委員長)、カールトン・H・ファラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、その他 (左から)、全軍労牛乳工場支部のシンヤ・タツオ委員長とシラヒサ・アキゾウ会計係、メドウゴールドデイリーズ社沖縄支部のカイル・W・キーファー生産マネージャー。
【分類】Labor / 労働
24260CR-11_0266-05労働1967年7月12日【原文】ZENGUNRO AND DAIRY COMPANY REACH AGREEMENT - The Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd. and the All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), reached a labor agreement July 12 through mediation provided by the Labor Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus(USCAR). The company and union signed the agreement in a brief ceremony held at the USCAR Labor Department the same day. Shown shaking hands are Kosuke Uehara(L), chairman, ZENGUNRO; and Carleton H. Faler(R), director, Labor Department,USCAR. Others pictured are (L-R): Tatsuo Shinya, chairman; and Akizo Shirahisa, treasurer, Milk Plant Chapter, ZENGUNRO; and Kyle W. Keeffer, production manager, Okinawa Branch, Meadow Gold Dairies of Hawaii, Ltd.
【和訳】 全軍労及び乳業会社が合意 - ハワイのメドウゴールド乳業会社は、全沖縄軍労働組合連合会と、7月12日に琉球列島米国民政府労働局の仲介を通じて労働協定に達した。同社と労働組合は、同日米民政府労働局で行われた簡単な式典で合意書に署名した。握手を交わすのは、上原康助氏 (左、全軍労委員長)、カールトン・H・ファラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、その他 (左から)、全軍労牛乳工場支部のシンヤ・タツオ委員長とシラヒサ・アキゾウ会計係、メドウゴールド乳業会社沖縄支部のカイル・W・キーファー生産マネージャー。
【分類】Labor / 労働
25260CR-11_0269-01労働1967年7月20日【原文】WAGE HIKE FOR U.S. FORCES' RYUKYUAN EMPLOYEES
【和訳】 軍雇用員に対する賃上げ
【分類】Labor / 労働
26260CR-11_0269-02労働1967年7月20日【原文】WAGE HIKE FOR U.S. FORCES' RYUKYUAN EMPLOYEES
【和訳】 軍雇用員に対する賃上げ
【分類】Labor / 労働
27260CR-11_0269-03労働1967年7月20日【原文】WAGE HIKE FOR U.S. FORCES' RYUKYUAN EMPLOYEES
【和訳】 軍雇用員に対する賃上げ
【分類】Labor / 労働
28260CR-11_0269-04労働1967年7月20日【原文】WAGE HIKE FOR U.S. FORCES' RYUKYUAN EMPLOYEES
Representatives of ZENGUNRO, U.S. Forces, Okinawa Regional Exchange (ORE), pose following the announcement of a wage increase for Ryukyuan appropriated and non-appropriated fund and wage board employees of the U.S. Forces, at the conference room in the Executive Building in Naha, July 20. Shown L-R (front row) are: ZENGUNRO branch chiefs Yasuhiro Tanaka, Naval Air Facility; Seisho Tamaki, Sukiran District; Tatsuro Kuniyoshi, Air Force; Gashin Nishihira, Naha branch secretary; Shinsuke Tomoyose, ZENGUNRO secretary; Kosuke Uehara, ZENGUNRO chairman; Hiroshi Nakajima, ZENGUNRO vice-chairman; Genshun Okuhama, ZENGUNRO organization chief; Masashige Yamauchi, Navy and Marine district vice-chairman; Hiroshi Iramine, ZENGUNRO treasurer. Back row are (L-R): Shinsho Miyagi, employment management cooperation specialist, Civilian Personnel Office (CPO), USARYIS; Kosho Tamanaha, ZENGUNRO Sukiran district branch secretary; and Shinkichi Toguchi, Air Force ZENGUNRO branch chairman; Robert T. Preston, director, CPO, USARYIS; Col. Franklin K. Tourtellotte, information coordinator to the High Commissioner; Charles E. Hester, director, CPO, 313th Air Div.; Col. George, chief of staff, USARYIS; Carleton H. Faler, director, Labor Dept., USCAR; Lloyd Green, industrial relations officer, and Vincent D. Oneha, chief, Pay and Management, Camp Butler, Marine Corps; and M. Sexton, civilian personnel director, ORE.
【和訳】 軍雇用員に対する賃上げ
全軍労、米軍、沖縄地区エクスチェンジの代表者が、7月20日琉球人の予算資金、非予算資金および米軍賃金委員会の従業員の賃上げを発表を受け、行政府ビルの会議室でポーズをとる様子。前列左から、全軍労支部長の面々はタナカ・ヤスオ氏 (海軍航空施設)、タマキ・セイショウ氏 (瑞慶覧地区)、クニヨシ・タツロウ氏 (空軍)、ニシヒラ・ガシン氏 (那覇支部事務局)、トモヨセ・シンスケ氏 (全軍労事務局)、上原康助氏 (全軍労委員長)、中島裕氏 (全軍労副委員長)、奥浜玄俊氏 (全軍労組織部長)、ヤマウチ・マサシゲ氏 (海軍海兵隊地区副委員長)、イラミネ・ヒロシ氏 (全軍労会計)、後列左から、ミヤギ・シンショウ氏 (USARYIS民間人事局雇用管理協力専門)、タマナハ・コウショウ氏 (全軍労瑞慶覧地区支部事務局)、及びトグチ・シンキチ氏 (全軍労空軍支部委員長)、ロバート・T・プレストン氏 (USARYIS民間人事局長)、フランクリン・K・トゥールテロッテ氏 (高等弁務官室情報担当官)、チャールズ・E・ヘスター氏 (第313航空隊民間人事部長)、ジョージ大佐 (USARYIS参謀総長)、カールトン・H・フェイラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、ロイド・グリーン氏 (労務管理役員)、ヴィンセント・D・オネハ (給与担当長)両氏ともに海兵隊キャンプ・バトラー、そしてM・セクストン氏 (沖縄地区エクスチェンジ民間人事部長)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
29260CR-11_0269-05労働1967年7月20日【原文】WAGE HIKE FOR U.S. FORCES' RYUKYUAN EMPLOYEES
Representatives of ZENGUNRO, U.S. Forces, Okinawa Regional Exchange (ORE), pose following the announcement of a wage increase for Ryukyuan appropriated and non-appropriated fund and wage board employees of the U.S. Forces, at the conference room in the Executive Building in Naha, July 20. Shown L-R (front row) are: ZENGUNRO branch chiefs Yasuhiro Tanaka, Naval Air Facility; Seisho Tamaki, Sukiran District; Tatsuro Kuniyoshi, Air Force; Gashin Nishihira, Naha branch secretary; Shinsuke Tomoyose, ZENGUNRO secretary; Kosuke Uehara, ZENGUNRO chairman; Hiroshi Nakajima, ZENGUNRO vice-chairman; Genshun Okuhama, ZENGUNRO organization chief; Masashige Yamauchi, Navy and Marine district vice-chairman; Hiroshi Iramine, ZENGUNRO treasurer. Back row are (L-R): Shinsho Miyagi, employment management cooperation specialist, Civilian Personnel Office (CPO), USARYIS; Kosho Tamanaha, ZENGUNRO Sukiran district branch secretary; and Shinkichi Toguchi, Air Force ZENGUNRO branch chairman; Robert T. Preston, director, CPO, USARYIS; Col. Franklin K. Tourtellotte, information coordinator to the High Commissioner; Charles E. Hester, director, CPO, 313th Air Div.; Col. George, chief of staff, USARYIS; Carleton H. Faler, director, Labor Dept., USCAR; Lloyd Green, industrial relations officer, and Vincent D. Oneha, chief, Pay and Management, Camp Butler, Marine Corps; and M. Sexton, civilian personnel director, ORE.
【和訳】 軍雇用員に対する賃上げ
全軍労、米軍、沖縄地区エクスチェンジの代表者が、7月20日琉球人の予算資金、非予算資金および米軍賃金委員会の従業員の賃上げを発表を受け、行政府ビルの会議室でポーズをとる様子。前列左から、全軍労支部長の面々はタナカ・ヤスオ氏 (海軍航空施設)、タマキ・セイショウ氏 (瑞慶覧地区)、クニヨシ・タツロウ氏 (空軍)、ニシヒラ・ガシン氏 (那覇支部事務局)、トモヨセ・シンスケ氏 (全軍労事務局)、上原康助氏 (全軍労委員長)、中島裕氏 (全軍労副委員長)、奥浜玄俊氏 (全軍労組織部長)、ヤマウチ・マサシゲ氏 (海軍海兵隊地区副委員長)、イラミネ・ヒロシ氏 (全軍労会計)、後列左から、ミヤギ・シンショウ氏 (USARYIS民間人事局雇用管理協力専門)、タマナハ・コウショウ氏 (全軍労瑞慶覧地区支部事務局)、及びトグチ・シンキチ氏 (全軍労空軍支部委員長)、ロバート・T・プレストン氏 (USARYIS民間人事局長)、フランクリン・K・トゥールテロッテ氏 (高等弁務官室情報担当官)、チャールズ・E・ヘスター氏 (第313航空隊民間人事部長)、ジョージ大佐 (USARYIS参謀総長)、カールトン・H・フェイラー氏 (米民政府労働局長)、ロイド・グリーン氏 (労務管理役員)、ヴィンセント・D・オネハ (給与担当長)両氏ともに海兵隊キャンプ・バトラー、そしてM・セクストン氏 (沖縄地区エクスチェンジ民間人事部長)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
30260CR-11_0271-01労働1967年7月28日【原文】Labor National Leaders
Four Ryukyuan officials meet Carleton H. Faler (L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) prior to their departure July 31 for the United States to study and observe labor administration in the U.S. Pictured are (L-R): Ryoji Kuba, USCAR Labor Dept., group escort-interpreter; Mr. Faler; and Shotatsu Nakamoto, director; Sanehide Iha, chief, Employment Security Section; and Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief, Labor Policies Section of the Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). Their 32-day visit was arranged by USCAR under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員計画
4名の琉球政府職員は、7月31日の渡米し米国の労働行政視察・研究を行う予定で、出発を前にカールトン・H・ファラー氏 (左、米民政府労働局長)と面会、写真は左から、クバ・リョウジ氏 (米民政府労働局代、表団のエスコート通訳)、フェイラー氏、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)両氏ともに琉球政府労働局。彼らの32日間の訪問は、琉球人国民指導員計画の下でUSCARによって手配された。
【分類】Labor / 労働
31260CR-11_0271-02労働1967年7月28日【原文】Labor National Leaders
Four Ryukyuan officials meet Carleton H. Faler (L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) prior to their departure July 31 for the United States to study and observe labor administration in the U.S. Pictured are (L-R): Ryoji Kuba, USCAR Labor Dept., group escort-interpreter; Mr. Faler; and Shotatsu Nakamoto, director; Sanehide Iha, chief, Employment Security Section; and Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief, Labor Policies Section of the Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). Their 32-day visit was arranged by USCAR under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員計画
4名の琉球政府職員は、7月31日の渡米し米国の労働行政視察・研究を行う予定で、出発を前にカールトン・H・ファラー氏 (左、米民政府労働局長)と面会、写真は左から、クバ・リョウジ氏 (米民政府労働局代、表団のエスコート通訳)、フェイラー氏、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)両氏ともに琉球政府労働局。彼らの32日間の訪問は、琉球人国民指導員計画の下でUSCARによって手配された。
【分類】Labor / 労働
32260CR-11_0271-03労働1967年7月28日【原文】Labor National Leaders
Four Ryukyuan officials meet Carleton H. Faler (L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) prior to their departure July 31 for the United States to study and observe labor administration in the U.S. Pictured are (L-R): Ryoji Kuba, USCAR Labor Dept., group escort-interpreter; Mr. Faler; and Shotatsu Nakamoto, director; Sanehide Iha, chief, Employment Security Section; and Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief, Labor Policies Section of the Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). Their 32-day visit was arranged by USCAR under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員計画
4名の琉球政府職員は、7月31日の渡米し米国の労働行政視察・研究を行う予定で、出発を前にカールトン・H・ファラー氏 (左、米民政府労働局長)と面会、写真は左から、クバ・リョウジ氏 (米民政府労働局代、表団のエスコート通訳)、フェイラー氏、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)両氏ともに琉球政府労働局。彼らの32日間の訪問は、琉球人国民指導員計画の下でUSCARによって手配された。
【分類】Labor / 労働
33260CR-11_0271-04労働1967年7月28日【原文】Labor National Leaders
Four Ryukyuan officials meet Carleton H. Faler (L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) prior to their departure July 31 for the United States to study and observe labor administration in the U.S. Pictured are (L-R): Ryoji Kuba, USCAR Labor Dept., group escort-interpreter; Mr. Faler; and Shotatsu Nakamoto, director; Sanehide Iha, chief, Employment Security Section; and Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief, Labor Policies Section of the Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). Their 32-day visit was arranged by USCAR under its Ryukyuan National Leader Program.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員計画
4名の琉球政府職員は、7月31日の渡米し米国の労働行政視察・研究を行う予定で、出発を前にカールトン・H・ファラー氏 (左、米民政府労働局長)と面会、写真は左から、クバ・リョウジ氏 (米民政府労働局代、表団のエスコート通訳)、フェイラー氏、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)両氏ともに琉球政府労働局。彼らの32日間の訪問は、琉球人国民指導員計画の下でUSCARによって手配された。
【分類】Labor / 労働
34260CR-11_0273-01労働1967年9月21日【原文】Labor Officials Return from U.S.
TWO GRI LABOR SPECIALISTS called on Binion C. Waller, chief, Labor Relations and Programs Div., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), on Sept. 21 after their return from a study of labor statistics planning in the United States. Mr. Ikemura received training in statistical techniques for a year and Mr. Oshima for nine months under the Technical Training in the U.S. Program sponsored by USCAR.
【和訳】 労働局職員、米国から帰国
琉球政府から2名の労働専門官が米国の労働統計計画の研究から帰国し、9月21日にビニオン・C・ワーラー氏 (米民政府労働局労働関係調査係官)を訪問。イケムラ・ケンジ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課課長)は米民政府が主催する米国プログラムの技術研修のもと、1年間の統計技術研修を受け、オオシマ・タカフミ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課労働経済アナリスト)は9ヶ月間技術研修を受けた。
【分類】Labor / 労働
35260CR-11_0273-02労働1967年9月21日【原文】Labor Officials Return from U.S.
TWO GRI LABOR SPECIALISTS called on Binion C. Waller, chief, Labor Relations and Programs Div., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), on Sept. 21 after their return from a study of labor statistics planning in the United States. Mr. Ikemura received training in statistical techniques for a year and Mr. Oshima for nine months under the Technical Training in the U.S. Program sponsored by USCAR.
【和訳】 労働局職員、米国から帰国
琉球政府から2名の労働専門官が米国の労働統計計画の研究から帰国し、9月21日にビニオン・C・ワーラー氏 (米民政府労働局労働関係調査係官)を訪問。イケムラ・ケンジ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課課長)は米民政府が主催する米国プログラムの技術研修のもと、1年間の統計技術研修を受け、オオシマ・タカフミ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課労働経済アナリスト)は9ヶ月間技術研修を受けた。
【分類】Labor / 労働
36260CR-11_0273-03労働1967年9月21日【原文】Labor Officials Return from U.S.
TWO GRI LABOR SPECIALISTS called on Binion C. Waller (L), chief, Labor Relations and Programs Div., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), on Sept. 21 after their return from a study of labor statistics planning in the United States. Shown with Mr. Waller is Kenji Ikemura, chief, Labor Economy Research and Survey Sec., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands. At right is Takafumi Oshima, labor economy analyst of the Labor Economy Research and Survey Sec. Mr. Ikemura received training in statistical techniques for a year and Mr. Oshima for nine months under the Technical Training in the U.S. Program sponsored by USCAR.
【和訳】 労働局職員、米国から帰国
琉球政府から2名の労働専門官が米国の労働統計計画の研究から帰国し、9月21日にビニオン・C・ワーラー氏 (米民政府労働局労働関係調査係官)を訪問。ワーラー氏と写っているのは、イケムラ・ケンジ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課課長)。右は、オオシマ・タカフミ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課労働経済アナリスト)。イケムラ氏は米民政府が主催する米国プログラムの技術研修のもと、1年間の統計技術研修を受け、オオシマ氏は9ヶ月間技術研修を受けた。
【分類】Labor / 労働
37260CR-11_0273-04労働1967年9月21日【原文】Labor Officials Return from U.S.
TWO GRI LABOR SPECIALISTS called on Binion C. Waller (L), chief, Labor Relations and Programs Div., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), on Sept. 21 after their return from a study of labor statistics planning in the United States. Shown with Mr. Waller is Kenji Ikemura, chief, Labor Economy Research and Survey Sec., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands. At right is Takafumi Oshima, labor economy analyst of the Labor Economy Research and Survey Sec. Mr. Ikemura received training in statistical techniques for a year and Mr. Oshima for nine months under the Technical Training in the U.S. Program sponsored by USCAR.
【和訳】 労働局職員、米国から帰国
琉球政府から2名の労働専門官が米国の労働統計計画の研究から帰国し、9月21日にビニオン・C・ワーラー氏 (米民政府労働局労働関係調査係官)を訪問。ワーラー氏と写っているのは、イケムラ・ケンジ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課課長)。右は、オオシマ・タカフミ氏 (琉球政府労働局労働調査課労働経済アナリスト)。イケムラ氏は米民政府が主催する米国プログラムの技術研修のもと、1年間の統計技術研修を受け、オオシマ氏は9ヶ月間技術研修を受けた。
【分類】Labor / 労働
38260CR-11_0275-01労働1967年9月5日【原文】Press Conference by Labor National Leaders
RYUKYUAN LABOR OFFICIALS Who returned to Okinawa from the United States on Sept. 2 are shown at a news conference describing their approximately one-month visit with American government and labor union officials and labor organizations. The trip was conducted under the Ryukyuan National Leader Program sponsored by the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. Pictured are (L-R): Shotatsu Nakamoto, director, Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief of Labor Policies Section and Sanehide Iha, chief of Employment Security Section of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands Labor Department.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員による記者会見
9月2日に米国から沖縄に帰国した琉球人労働関係国民指導員は、米国政府や労働組合関係者、労働組合機関との約1ヶ月間の訪問について記者会見で説明するところ。この旅行は、琉球列島米国民政府が主催する琉球人国民指導員計画の下で行われた。写真は左から、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)以上の琉球政府労働局職員。
【分類】Labor / 労働
39260CR-11_0275-02労働1967年9月5日【原文】Press Conference by Labor National Leaders
RYUKYUAN LABOR OFFICIALS Who returned to Okinawa from the United States on Sept. 2 are shown at a news conference describing their approximately one-month visit with American government and labor union officials and labor organizations. The trip was conducted under the Ryukyuan National Leader Program sponsored by the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. Pictured are (L-R): Shotatsu Nakamoto, director, Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief of Labor Policies Section and Sanehide Iha, chief of Employment Security Section of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands Labor Department.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員による記者会見
9月2日に米国から沖縄に帰国した琉球人労働関係国民指導員は、米国政府や労働組合関係者、労働組合機関との約1ヶ月間の訪問について記者会見で説明するところ。この旅行は、琉球列島米国民政府が主催する琉球人国民指導員計画の下で行われた。写真は左から、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)以上の琉球政府労働局職員。
【分類】Labor / 労働
40260CR-11_0275-03労働1967年9月5日【原文】Press Conference by Labor National Leaders
RYUKYUAN LABOR OFFICIALS Who returned to Okinawa from the United States on Sept. 2 are shown at a news conference describing their approximately one-month visit with American government and labor union officials and labor organizations. The trip was conducted under the Ryukyuan National Leader Program sponsored by the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. Pictured are (L-R): Shotatsu Nakamoto, director, Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief of Labor Policies Section and Sanehide Iha, chief of Employment Security Section of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands Labor Department.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員による記者会見
9月2日に米国から沖縄に帰国した琉球人労働関係国民指導員は、米国政府や労働組合関係者、労働組合機関との約1ヶ月間の訪問について記者会見で説明するところ。この旅行は、琉球列島米国民政府が主催する琉球人国民指導員計画の下で行われた。写真は左から、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)以上の琉球政府労働局職員。
【分類】Labor / 労働
41260CR-11_0275-04労働1967年9月5日【原文】Press Conference by Labor National Leaders
RYUKYUAN LABOR OFFICIALS Who returned to Okinawa from the United States on Sept. 2 are shown at a news conference describing their approximately one-month visit with American government and labor union officials and labor organizations. The trip was conducted under the Ryukyuan National Leader Program sponsored by the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. Pictured are (L-R): Shotatsu Nakamoto, director, Yasuharu Oyadomari, chief of Labor Policies Section and Sanehide Iha, chief of Employment Security Section of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands Labor Department.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員による記者会見
9月2日に米国から沖縄に帰国した琉球人労働関係国民指導員は、米国政府や労働組合関係者、労働組合機関との約1ヶ月間の訪問について記者会見で説明するところ。この旅行は、琉球列島米国民政府が主催する琉球人国民指導員計画の下で行われた。写真は左から、仲本昌達氏 (琉球政府労働局長)、親泊康晴氏 (労働基準部部長)、伊波実秀氏 (職業安定部部長)以上の琉球政府労働局職員。
【分類】Labor / 労働
42260CR-11_0300-01労働1968年10月18日【原文】Labor Trainees to Philippines
Three Ryukyuan labor union leaders called on Carleton H. Faler (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus before leaving for the Philippines Oct. 22 to attend the 20th Asian Labor Leadership Institute at the Asian Labor Education Center (ALEC). Mr. Faler is shown explaining the training program at ALEC to (L-R): Seiwa Tokeshi, executive member, Okinawa Tsuun Chapter of the All-Okinawa Harbor and Transportation Workers' Union; Yoshihiko Oshiro, vice-chairman, All-Okinawa Petroleum Chemistry Workers' Union; and Kenei Uehara, chairman, Okinawa Textile Industry Company Employees' Union. The labor leaders will join 30 participants from seven Asian countries to study the labor movement, its problems and relationships in Asia through lectures, seminars, and discussions.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働組合幹部3氏がアジア労働教育センターで行われる第20回アジア労働組合指導者研修会に出席するため10月22日比国向け出発するが、それに先だち一行は、米国民政府労働局を訪れ、カールトン・H・フェイラー局長(左から2番目)と会談した。写真はフェイラー局長が(左から)渡慶次正和執行委員(港運労、沖縄通運支部)、大城良彦副委員長(全石労)、及び上原憲栄委員長(沖織労組)と研修計画について話し合っているところ。一行はアジアの7ヶ国から参加する30人の労働組合幹部と労働運動、労働問題及び労使関係等々について意見、情報の交換を行うことになっている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
43260CR-11_0300-02労働1968年10月18日【原文】Labor Trainees to Philippines
Three Ryukyuan labor union leaders called on Carleton H. Faler (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus before leaving for the Philippines Oct. 22 to attend the 20th Asian Labor Leadership Institute at the Asian Labor Education Center (ALEC). Mr. Faler is shown explaining the training program at ALEC to (L-R): Seiwa Tokeshi, executive member, Okinawa Tsuun Chapter of the All-Okinawa Harbor and Transportation Workers' Union; Yoshihiko Oshiro, vice-chairman, All-Okinawa Petroleum Chemistry Workers' Union; and Kenei Uehara, chairman, Okinawa Textile Industry Company Employees' Union. The labor leaders will join 30 participants from seven Asian countries to study the labor movement, its problems and relationships in Asia through lectures, seminars, and discussions.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働組合幹部3氏がアジア労働教育センターで行われる第20回アジア労働組合指導者研修会に出席するため10月22日比国向け出発するが、それに先だち一行は、米国民政府労働局を訪れ、カールトン・H・フェイラー局長(左から2番目)と会談した。写真はフェイラー局長が(左から)渡慶次正和執行委員(港運労、沖縄通運支部)、大城良彦副委員長(全石労)、及び上原憲栄委員長(沖織労組)と研修計画について話し合っているところ。一行はアジアの7ヶ国から参加する30人の労働組合幹部と労働運動、労働問題及び労使関係等々について意見、情報の交換を行うことになっている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
44260CR-11_0300-03労働1968年10月18日【原文】Labor Trainees to Philippines
Three Ryukyuan labor union leaders called on Carleton H. Faler (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus before leaving for the Philippines Oct. 22 to attend the 20th Asian Labor Leadership Institute at the Asian Labor Education Center (ALEC). Mr. Faler is shown explaining the training program at ALEC to (L-R): Seiwa Tokeshi, executive member, Okinawa Tsuun Chapter of the All-Okinawa Harbor and Transportation Workers' Union; Yoshihiko Oshiro, vice-chairman, All-Okinawa Petroleum Chemistry Workers' Union; and Kenei Uehara, chairman, Okinawa Textile Industry Company Employees' Union. The labor leaders will join 30 participants from seven Asian countries to study the labor movement, its problems and relationships in Asia through lectures, seminars, and discussions.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働組合幹部3氏がアジア労働教育センターで行われる第20回アジア労働組合指導者研修会に出席するため10月22日比国向け出発するが、それに先だち一行は、米国民政府労働局を訪れ、カールトン・H・フェイラー局長(左から2番目)と会談した。写真はフェイラー局長が(左から)渡慶次正和執行委員(港運労、沖縄通運支部)、大城良彦副委員長(全石労)、及び上原憲栄委員長(沖織労組)と研修計画について話し合っているところ。一行はアジアの7ヶ国から参加する30人の労働組合幹部と労働運動、労働問題及び労使関係等々について意見、情報の交換を行うことになっている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
45260CR-11_0295-01労働1968年10月2日【原文】Opening of Data Transmission System
RIBBON-CUTTING ceremony launching an automatic data transmission system for speeding transmission of unemployment insurance information between Japan proper and Okinawa are U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger; Labor Minister Heiji Ogawa of the Government of Japan (GOJ); and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). The ceremony was held Oct. 2 at the GRI Social Insurance Agency in Naha. The electronic data transmission system is directly connected with the GOJ Labor Market Center in Tokyo and was established through aid from the GOJ. Minister Ogawa arrived in Okinawa earlier on the same day to participate in the ceremony.
【和訳】 本土沖縄間データ伝送回線開通
【分類】Labor / 労働
46260CR-11_0295-02労働1968年10月2日【原文】Opening of Data Transmission System
RIBBON-CUTTING ceremony launching an automatic data transmission system for speeding transmission of unemployment insurance information between Japan proper and Okinawa are U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger; Labor Minister Heiji Ogawa of the Government of Japan (GOJ); and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). The ceremony was held Oct. 2 at the GRI Social Insurance Agency in Naha. The electronic data transmission system is directly connected with the GOJ Labor Market Center in Tokyo and was established through aid from the GOJ. Minister Ogawa arrived in Okinawa earlier on the same day to participate in the ceremony.
【和訳】 本土沖縄間データ伝送回線開通
【分類】Labor / 労働
47260CR-11_0295-03労働1968年10月2日【原文】Opening of Data Transmission System
RIBBON-CUTTING ceremony launching an automatic data transmission system for speeding transmission of unemployment insurance information between Japan proper and Okinawa are U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger; Labor Minister Heiji Ogawa of the Government of Japan (GOJ); and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). The ceremony was held Oct. 2 at the GRI Social Insurance Agency in Naha. The electronic data transmission system is directly connected with the GOJ Labor Market Center in Tokyo and was established through aid from the GOJ. Minister Ogawa arrived in Okinawa earlier on the same day to participate in the ceremony.
【和訳】 本土沖縄間データ伝送回線開通
【分類】Labor / 労働
48260CR-11_0295-04労働1968年10月2日【原文】Opening of Data Transmission System
RIBBON-CUTTING ceremony launching an automatic data transmission system for speeding transmission of unemployment insurance information between Japan proper and Okinawa are U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger; Labor Minister Heiji Ogawa of the Government of Japan (GOJ); and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). The ceremony was held Oct. 2 at the GRI Social Insurance Agency in Naha. The electronic data transmission system is directly connected with the GOJ Labor Market Center in Tokyo and was established through aid from the GOJ. Minister Ogawa arrived in Okinawa earlier on the same day to participate in the ceremony.
【和訳】 本土沖縄間データ伝送回線開通
【分類】Labor / 労働
49260CR-11_0295-05労働1968年10月2日【原文】Opening of Data Transmission System
RIBBON-CUTTING ceremony launching an automatic data transmission system for speeding transmission of unemployment insurance information between Japan proper and Okinawa are U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger; Labor Minister Heiji Ogawa of the Government of Japan (GOJ); and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI). The ceremony was held Oct. 2 at the GRI Social Insurance Agency in Naha. The electronic data transmission system is directly connected with the GOJ Labor Market Center in Tokyo and was established through aid from the GOJ. Minister Ogawa arrived in Okinawa earlier on the same day to participate in the ceremony.
【和訳】 本土沖縄間データ伝送回線開通
【分類】Labor / 労働
50260CR-11_0287-01労働1968年3月25日浦添村【原文】CA Meets Labor Leaders
TOP JAPAN AND LOCAL LABOR UNION met with U.S. Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) at his office in the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) building in Urasoe-Son, Okinawa, March 25. The visiting officials were (L-R): Kokichi Kameko, president, KENROKYO (All-Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions); Koen Suzuki, editor, monthly publication of SOHYO (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan); Ryoichi Yasutsune, director, political division, SOHYO headquarters; and Toshikatsu Horii, president, SOHYO, and also president, SHITETSUROREN (General Federation of Private Railway Workers' Unions of Japan). Mr. Carpenter explained U.S. objectives in the improvement of labor-management relations, working conditions and the level of living standards of the Ryukyuan people. He also pointed out that a proposed Comprehensive Labor Ordinance (CLO) for U.S. Government-employed Ryukyuan workers is "still being coordinated and any speculation as to its contents is premature."
【和訳】 3月25日、沖縄浦添村在の米国民政府ビル内の民政官室でスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)と会談する日本及び地元沖縄の労働組合指導者。写真左から県労協(沖縄県労働組合協議会)の亀甲康吉委員長、鈴木康允「総評」編集長、総評(日本労働組合総評議会)の安恒良一政治局長、堀井利勝総評議長兼私鉄労連議長、カーペンター民政官は組合指導者に対し労使関係並びに労働条件の改善及び琉球住民の生活水準の向上に関する米国の目的を説明した。同民政官は又米国政府の琉球人従業員のための総合労働布令案は「現在まだ調整中でその内容について憶測することは時期尚早である」と語った。
【分類】Labor / 労働
51260CR-11_0287-02労働1968年3月25日浦添村【原文】CA Meets Labor Leaders
TOP JAPAN AND LOCAL LABOR UNION met with U.S. Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) at his office in the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) building in Urasoe-Son, Okinawa, March 25. The visiting officials were (L-R): Kokichi Kameko, president, KENROKYO (All-Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions); Koen Suzuki, editor, monthly publication of SOHYO (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan); Ryoichi Yasutsune, director, political division, SOHYO headquarters; and Toshikatsu Horii, president, SOHYO, and also president, SHITETSUROREN (General Federation of Private Railway Workers' Unions of Japan). Mr. Carpenter explained U.S. objectives in the improvement of labor-management relations, working conditions and the level of living standards of the Ryukyuan people. He also pointed out that a proposed Comprehensive Labor Ordinance (CLO) for U.S. Government-employed Ryukyuan workers is "still being coordinated and any speculation as to its contents is premature."
【和訳】 3月25日、沖縄浦添村在の米国民政府ビル内の民政官室でスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)と会談する日本及び地元沖縄の労働組合指導者。写真左から県労協(沖縄県労働組合協議会)の亀甲康吉委員長、鈴木康允「総評」編集長、総評(日本労働組合総評議会)の安恒良一政治局長、堀井利勝総評議長兼私鉄労連議長、カーペンター民政官は組合指導者に対し労使関係並びに労働条件の改善及び琉球住民の生活水準の向上に関する米国の目的を説明した。同民政官は又米国政府の琉球人従業員のための総合労働布令案は「現在まだ調整中でその内容について憶測することは時期尚早である」と語った。
【分類】Labor / 労働
52260CR-11_0303-01労働1968年9月24日【原文】Labor Leaders Return from U.S.
A group of Ryukyuan labor relations experts who returned Oct. 27 from the United States, met with officials of the Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on the following day. Pictured are (L-R): Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Examination Sec., Central Labor Relations Commission (CLRC); Chogi Kiyuna, chief, Employment Security Div., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Kuni Shimakubukuro, chairman, Public Corporation Labor relations Commission; Keisho Sunagawa, chairman, CLRC; and George L. Jackson, labor law specialist, and Raymond T. Yamada, translator, both of the USCAR's Labor Dept., During their four-week study tour, the Ryukyuan experts observed American labor relations, conciliation and arbitration procedures, and the operations of national and local labor agencies.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員帰沖
【分類】Labor / 労働
53260CR-11_0303-02労働1968年9月24日【原文】Labor Leaders Return from U.S.
A group of Ryukyuan labor relations experts who returned Oct. 27 from the United States, met with officials of the Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on the following day. Pictured are (L-R): Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Examination Sec., Central Labor Relations Commission (CLRC); Chogi Kiyuna, chief, Employment Security Div., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Kuni Shimakubukuro, chairman, Public Corporation Labor relations Commission; Keisho Sunagawa, chairman, CLRC; and George L. Jackson, labor law specialist, and Raymond T. Yamada, translator, both of the USCAR's Labor Dept., During their four-week study tour, the Ryukyuan experts observed American labor relations, conciliation and arbitration procedures, and the operations of national and local labor agencies.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員帰沖
【分類】Labor / 労働
54260CR-11_0303-03労働1968年9月24日【原文】Labor Leaders Return from U.S.
A group of Ryukyuan labor relations experts who returned Oct. 27 from the United States, met with officials of the Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on the following day. Pictured are (L-R): Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Examination Sec., Central Labor Relations Commission (CLRC); Chogi Kiyuna, chief, Employment Security Div., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Kuni Shimakubukuro, chairman, Public Corporation Labor relations Commission; Keisho Sunagawa, chairman, CLRC; and George L. Jackson, labor law specialist, and Raymond T. Yamada, translator, both of the USCAR's Labor Dept., During their four-week study tour, the Ryukyuan experts observed American labor relations, conciliation and arbitration procedures, and the operations of national and local labor agencies.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員帰沖
【分類】Labor / 労働
55260CR-11_0303-04労働1968年9月24日【原文】Labor Leaders Return from U.S.
A group of Ryukyuan labor relations experts who returned Oct. 27 from the United States, met with officials of the Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on the following day. Pictured are (L-R): Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Examination Sec., Central Labor Relations Commission (CLRC); Chogi Kiyuna, chief, Employment Security Div., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Kuni Shimakubukuro, chairman, Public Corporation Labor relations Commission; Keisho Sunagawa, chairman, CLRC; and George L. Jackson, labor law specialist, and Raymond T. Yamada, translator, both of the USCAR's Labor Dept., During their four-week study tour, the Ryukyuan experts observed American labor relations, conciliation and arbitration procedures, and the operations of national and local labor agencies.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員帰沖
【分類】Labor / 労働
56260CR-11_0303-05労働1968年9月24日【原文】Labor Leaders Return from U.S.
A group of Ryukyuan labor relations experts who returned Oct. 27 from the United States, met with officials of the Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on the following day. Pictured are (L-R): Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Examination Sec., Central Labor Relations Commission (CLRC); Chogi Kiyuna, chief, Employment Security Div., Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Kuni Shimakubukuro, chairman, Public Corporation Labor relations Commission; Keisho Sunagawa, chairman, CLRC; and George L. Jackson, labor law specialist, and Raymond T. Yamada, translator, both of the USCAR's Labor Dept., During their four-week study tour, the Ryukyuan experts observed American labor relations, conciliation and arbitration procedures, and the operations of national and local labor agencies.
【和訳】 労働関係国民指導員帰沖
【分類】Labor / 労働
57260CR-11_0311-01労働1969年10月22日【原文】Officials of the Osaka Municipal Government
Governor Gisen Sato and two officials of the Osaka Municipal Government paid a courtesy call on Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on Oct. 22. Governor Sato (C) discusses the roles played by Okinawan workers in the Osaka area with Mr. Wiesinger (2nd from R). Others are Toshiyuki Yokoyama (L), chief, Employment Operations Section, and Akitoshi Hara (2nd from L), deputy chief, both of the Labor Division, Osaka Municipal Government; and Raymond T. Yamada (R), labor information officer, USCAR's Labor Department. The Osaka officials arrived on Okinawa on Oct. 21 to attend a ceremony in memory of war dead from Osaka during the battle of Okinawa.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
58260CR-11_0311-02労働1969年10月22日【原文】Officials of the Osaka Municipal Government
Governor Gisen Sato and two officials of the Osaka Municipal Government paid a courtesy call on Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on Oct. 22. Governor Sato discusses the roles played by Okinawan workers in the Osaka area with Mr. Wiesinger. The Osaka officials arrived on Okinawa on Oct. 21 to attend a ceremony in memory of war dead from Osaka during the battle of Okinawa.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
59260CR-11_0311-03労働1969年10月22日【原文】Officials of the Osaka Municipal Government
Governor Gisen Sato and two officials of the Osaka Municipal Government paid a courtesy call on Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on Oct. 22. Governor Sato discusses the roles played by Okinawan workers in the Osaka area with Mr. Wiesinger. The Osaka officials arrived on Okinawa on Oct. 21 to attend a ceremony in memory of war dead from Osaka during the battle of Okinawa.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
60260CR-11_0311-04労働1969年10月22日【原文】Officials of the Osaka Municipal Government
Governor Gisen Sato and two officials of the Osaka Municipal Government paid a courtesy call on Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on Oct. 22. Governor Sato discusses the roles played by Okinawan workers in the Osaka area with Mr. Wiesinger. The Osaka officials arrived on Okinawa on Oct. 21 to attend a ceremony in memory of war dead from Osaka during the battle of Okinawa.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
61260CR-11_0314-01労働1969年10月23日【原文】Three top-ranking newly-elected officials of Kenrokyo, Okinawa Prefectural Labor Council, called on Edward A. Wiesinger (R) director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus on Oct. 23. Mr. Wiesinger is shown shaking hands with Chairman Ryoshin Nakayoshi of the Kenrokyo. Others pictured are Vice-Chairman Kosuke Uehara (C) and Moriaki Ota (L), secretary-general, of the Kenrokyo
【和訳】 沖縄県労働組合協議会の新役員三氏が、10月23日米国民政府労働局のエドワード・A・ウイシンガー氏(右)を訪問した。写真はウイシンガー局長が県労協の仲吉良新議長と握手しているところ。そのほかに写真は県労協の上原康助副議長と太田守昭事務局長。
【分類】Labor / 労働
62260CR-11_0314-02労働1969年10月23日【原文】Three top-ranking newly-elected officials of Kenrokyo, Okinawa Prefectural Labor Council, called on Edward A. Wiesinger (R) director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus on Oct. 23. Mr. Wiesinger is shown shaking hands with Chairman Ryoshin Nakayoshi of the Kenrokyo. Others pictured are Vice-Chairman Kosuke Uehara (C) and Moriaki Ota (L), secretary-general, of the Kenrokyo
【和訳】 沖縄県労働組合協議会の新役員三氏が、10月23日米国民政府労働局のエドワード・A・ウイシンガー氏(右)を訪問した。写真はウイシンガー局長が県労協の仲吉良新議長と握手しているところ。そのほかに写真は県労協の上原康助副議長と太田守昭事務局長。
【分類】Labor / 労働
63260CR-11_0314-03労働1969年10月23日【原文】Three top-ranking newly-elected officials of Kenrokyo, Okinawa Prefectural Labor Council, called on Edward A. Wiesinger (R) director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus on Oct. 23. Mr. Wiesinger is shown shaking hands with Chairman Ryoshin Nakayoshi of the Kenrokyo. Others pictured are Vice-Chairman Kosuke Uehara (C) and Moriaki Ota (L), secretary-general, of the Kenrokyo
【和訳】 沖縄県労働組合協議会の新役員三氏が、10月23日米国民政府労働局のエドワード・A・ウイシンガー氏(右)を訪問した。写真はウイシンガー局長が県労協の仲吉良新議長と握手しているところ。そのほかに写真は県労協の上原康助副議長と太田守昭事務局長。
【分類】Labor / 労働
64260CR-11_0318-01労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
65260CR-11_0318-02労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
66260CR-11_0318-03労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
67260CR-11_0318-04労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
68260CR-11_0318-05労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
69260CR-11_0318-06労働1969年10月24日【原文】MILITARY PORT DISPUTE SETTLED
Jundo Uezu (L), general manager, Kokuba Stevedoring Company (KSC), shakes hands with Kakichi Matsudo, chairman, Gunkowanro (military port workers union), after signing a new agreement at the USCAR Labor Dept., Oct. 24. Between them is Edward A. Wiesinger, director, USCAR Labor Dept., who mediated the dispute. The agreement provides that a basic minimum monthly wage guarantee of 160 hours will apply to both regular and temporary KSC employees Some 1,300 workers are employed by KSC which has a stevedore contract with the U.S. Army for cargo handling operations at military ports at Naha, White Beach, and Tengan, Okinawa. These employees are represented by Gunkowanro. As Category IV employees, hired by contractors to work on military bases, they receive the benefit of mediation services from the USCAR Labor Dept.
【和訳】 米民政府労働局で10月24日妥結協定に署名した後、握手をかわす國場組港運会社上津順道総支配人(左)と軍港湾労松堂嘉吉委員長、中央は仲裁を行った米民政府エドワード・A・ウイシンガー労働局長。新協定で160時間を保証した月間基本就労時間は国場組港湾会社の常用および臨時労務者に適用される。国場組港運会社は那覇、ホワイトビーチ、天願の各軍港で貨物荷役作業を行う契約を米陸軍と結んでおり、そのため、約1,300名の従業員を雇用している。これらの従業員は軍港湾労組に加入している。契約会社に雇われ、軍基地で就労しているこれら従業員は第4種従業員として米国民政府労働局により仲裁を受ける恩典が与えられている。
【分類】Labor / 労働
70260CR-11_0323-01労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
71260CR-11_0323-02労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
72260CR-11_0323-03労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
73260CR-11_0323-04労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
74260CR-11_0323-05労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
75260CR-11_0323-06労働1969年12月22日【原文】Mr. Burke (R) meets Shipley (C) to discuss reemployment of Ryukyuan military workers
Al Shipley (C), president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on Okinawa, discusses employment of U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees with William T. Burke (R), Re-employment Coordinator to the High Commissioner. After the talk, Shipley said, "Local businessmen will attempt to employ as many U.S. Forces' separated Okinawan employees as possible". At left is Van Swearingen, executive director of the chamber. The chamber prepared a questionnaire for distribution to its more than 144 members, to determine the types and number of employees the members would like to hire.
【和訳】 写真は、アル・シプレー在沖米人商議所会頭(中央)が、ウィリアム・T・バーク高等弁務官再雇用調整官(右)と米軍関係離職者の雇用問題について話し合っているところ。左側はバン・スウエアリンゲン同商議所専務理事。会見後、シップレー氏は「地元の実業家は、米軍関係離職をできるだけ多く採用するつもりである。」と語った。同商議所は、144余人の会員が採用を希望する従業員の人数や職種を決めるため会員に配布する質問書を製作した。
【分類】Labor / 労働
76260CR-11_0348-01労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
77260CR-11_0348-02労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
78260CR-11_0348-03労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
79260CR-11_0348-04労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
80260CR-11_0348-05労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
81260CR-11_0348-06労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4. Explaining efforts underway to assist the workers are (L-R): Kenneth J. Okawara, assistant to the HICOM's Re-employment Coordinator; Hirokuni Arakaki, chief of the Koza PESO; and Mr. Burke.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。説明を行っているのは左からバーク再雇用調整官の補佐官ケネス・J・オカハラ氏、新垣博郎コザ公共職業安定所長及びバーク再雇用調整官。
【分類】Labor / 労働
82260CR-11_0348-07労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
83260CR-11_0348-08労働1970年11月9日【原文】Meeting for Separated Employees
The High Commissioner's Re-employment Coordinator William T. Burk (R), in cooperation with the GRI and Koza Public employment Security offices (PESO) and the Kadena Air Base (KAB) Civilian Personnel Office conducted a consultation session with employees who have been notified that they were being released from employment with the Air Force. The meeting was held Nov. 9 at KAB for the benefit of 92 KAB non-appropriated fund employees working at the bachelor officers quarters and 48 appropriated fund employees, all scheduled to be separated by Dec. 4.
【和訳】 高等弁務官付再雇用調整官は11月9日、琉球政府公共職業安定所並びに嘉手納空軍基地民間人事部と協力して空軍から解雇通告を受けた従業員と話し合いを行った。この会合は、嘉手納空軍基地独身将校宿舎に勤務している92名の非割り当て予算従業員及び48名の割り当て予算従業員の便宜のため嘉手納空軍基地で催された。これらの従業員は12月4日までに解雇される予定である。
【分類】Labor / 労働
84260CR-11_0326-01労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
85260CR-11_0326-02労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
86260CR-11_0326-03労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
87260CR-11_0326-04労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
88260CR-11_0326-05労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
89260CR-11_0326-06労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
90260CR-11_0326-07労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
91260CR-11_0326-08労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
92260CR-11_0326-09労働1970年3月6日【原文】POSSIBLE TRAINING FACILITY FOR SEPARATED EMPLOYEES - William T. Burke (3rd from L), re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner, escorted a group of American officials on an inspection of the Naha Trade and Vocational School Mar.6. The group is assessing the capabilities of various vocational schools in Okinawa for meeting re-training requirements for workers being separated from U.S. Forces employment. Inspecting the facilities at the Naha school are (L-R) Edward A. Wiesinger, director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Dr. Gordon Warner, USCAR; Burke; James Hoover, East Asian Desk Officer, International Affairs, Department of Labor; Ted Colby, director, U.S. Army Ryukyus Special Services Craft shop; Principal Junichi Kinjo of the school; Ivan Miller, chief, Training and Development Branch, Sukiran Area Civilian Personnel Office; Arthur K. Niino, program analyst, USCAR; Head Teacher Masayoshi Gushiken of the school; and Kenneth J. Okawara, economic assistant, USCAR.
【和訳】 高等弁務官再雇用調整官ウィリアム・T・バーク氏、ほか7人が、3月6日、那覇産業技術学校を視察した。一行は、沖縄にある職業訓練の学校施設が、解雇される沖縄の米軍関係労働者を再訓練するための条件を備えているか否かについて調査している。左より、ウイシンガー民政府労働局長、ワーナー博士(民政府)、バーク再雇用調整官、フーバー米労働省国際局東南アジア問題担当官、コルビー在琉米陸軍スペシャル・サービス修理工作場長、金城那覇産業技術学校長、ミラーズケラン地域人事部訓練課長、ニノイ民政府教育計画担当官、久志堅教頭(那覇産業技術学校)、およびオオカワラ経済担当補佐官(民政府)。
【分類】Labor / 労働
93260CR-11_0330-01労働1970年5月12日【原文】COURTESY CALL
Four Japanese mainland and Okinawan labor union officials called on Edward A. Wiesinger (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, May 12.
Pictured are (L-R): Raymond T. Yamada, labor information specialist of the department; Mr. Wiesinger; Yasuo Watanabe, director, and Shokyu Terazaki, deputy chief, Second Div., both of the Second Organization Dept., National Federation of Automobile Workers of Japan; Hisamasa Oshiro, chief secretary, Ryukyu Nissan Automobile Workers' Union; and Hoko Toyama, Okinawa representative, Japanese Confederation of Labor.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
94260CR-11_0330-02労働1970年5月12日【原文】COURTESY CALL
Four Japanese mainland and Okinawan labor union officials called on Edward A. Wiesinger (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, May 12.
Pictured are (L-R): Raymond T. Yamada, labor information specialist of the department; Mr. Wiesinger; Yasuo Watanabe, director, and Shokyu Terazaki, deputy chief, Second Div., both of the Second Organization Dept., National Federation of Automobile Workers of Japan; Hisamasa Oshiro, chief secretary, Ryukyu Nissan Automobile Workers' Union; and Hoko Toyama, Okinawa representative, Japanese Confederation of Labor.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
95260CR-11_0330-03労働1970年5月12日【原文】COURTESY CALL
Four Japanese mainland and Okinawan labor union officials called on Edward A. Wiesinger (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, May 12.
Pictured are (L-R): Raymond T. Yamada, labor information specialist of the department; Mr. Wiesinger; Yasuo Watanabe, director, and Shokyu Terazaki, deputy chief, Second Div., both of the Second Organization Dept., National Federation of Automobile Workers of Japan; Hisamasa Oshiro, chief secretary, Ryukyu Nissan Automobile Workers' Union; and Hoko Toyama, Okinawa representative, Japanese Confederation of Labor.
【和訳】 儀礼訪問
【分類】Labor / 労働
96260CR-11_0335-01労働1970年6月8日【原文】COURTESY CALL
Four Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) labor officials who will leave for Taiwan on June 14 to study administration of wage systems, laborer protection and employment security, called on Edward A. Wiesinger (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on June 8. The officials, all of the GRI's Labor Dept., are (L-R): Tsuneo Miyazato, technical guidance research specialist, Employment Section; Yonezo Orita, chief, Labor Standards Section; and Akira Kishimoto, training specialist, Employment Security Section; Katsuhiko Nakada, wage specialist, of the Labor Standards Section, will also join the group.
【和訳】 琉球政府労働局の職員4人が6月14日、賃金体系、労働者保護および職業安定に関する研修を受けるため台湾向け出発するが、出発に先立ち6月8日エドワード・A・ウィシンジャ―米国民政府労働局々長を訪問した。写真は左から宮里常雄技術指導調査官(職業安定課)、ウィシンジャ―局長、折田米造課長(労働基準課)および岸本彰訓練係長(同課)。仲田勝彦賃金係長(職業安定課)も同研修を受ける。
【分類】Labor / 労働
97260CR-11_0335-02労働1970年6月8日【原文】COURTESY CALL
Four Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) labor officials who will leave for Taiwan on June 14 to study administration of wage systems, laborer protection and employment security, called on Edward A. Wiesinger (2nd from L), director, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) on June 8. The officials, all of the GRI's Labor Dept., are (L-R): Tsuneo Miyazato, technical guidance research specialist, Employment Section; Yonezo Orita, chief, Labor Standards Section; and Akira Kishimoto, training specialist, Employment Security Section; Katsuhiko Nakada, wage specialist, of the Labor Standards Section, will also join the group.
【和訳】 琉球政府労働局の職員4人が6月14日、賃金体系、労働者保護および職業安定に関する研修を受けるため台湾向け出発するが、出発に先立ち6月8日エドワード・A・ウィシンジャ―米国民政府労働局々長を訪問した。写真は左から宮里常雄技術指導調査官(職業安定課)、ウィシンジャ―局長、折田米造課長(労働基準課)および岸本彰訓練係長(同課)。仲田勝彦賃金係長(職業安定課)も同研修を受ける。
【分類】Labor / 労働
98260CR-11_0340-01労働1970年8月25日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:
Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug.23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs. Was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on hi[?] by gangsters at a time when he - was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug.27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Perfectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union) and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション:

【分類】Labor / 労働
99260CR-11_0340-02労働1970年8月25日【原文】DISCUSSION - Victor Riesel discussed labor affairs on Okinawa with ZENGUNRO leaders at Yashio-so on Aug.25. Pictured are (clockwise) Raymond T. Yamada, labor information specialist, Labor Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus; Mr. Riesel; his wife, Evelyn and his sister, Yetta; Shinsuke Tomoyose, chief secretary; Hiroshi Nakashima, vice chairman; Kosuke Uehara, chairman; and Isamu Yoshida, vice chairman, of ZENGUNRO.
Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug.23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs. Was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on hi[?] by gangsters at a time when he - was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug.27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Perfectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union) and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 ビクター・リーゼル氏は8月25日、八汐荘で全軍労の役員と労働問題について話し合った。写真は左より、レイモンド・T・ヤマダ氏(米国民政府労働局)、リーゼル氏、リーゼル夫人、妹のエツタさん、全軍労の友寄信助書記長、中島裕副委員長、上原康助委員長、および吉田勇副委員長。


【分類】Labor / 労働
100260CR-11_0340-03労働1970年8月25日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug.23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs. was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on hi[?] by gangsters at a time when he - was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug.27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Perfectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union) and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション:

【分類】Labor / 労働
101260CR-11_0340-04労働1970年8月25日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug.23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs. was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on hi[?] by gangsters at a time when he - was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug.27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Perfectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union) and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション:

【分類】Labor / 労働
102260CR-11_0343-01労働1970年8月27日【原文】DISCUSSING labor affairs on Okinawa with Victor Riesel (L) is Moriaki Ota, executive director, KENRYOKYO. Mr. Riesel, accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, called at KENROKYO Headquarters in Naha on Aug. 26.


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働問題を話し合うビクター・リーゼル氏 (左)と県労協の太田守昭事務局長。リーゼル氏は妻のエブリンと妹のイエッタを同伴し、8月26日に那覇の県労協本部を訪問。


【分類】Labor / 労働
103260CR-11_0343-02労働1970年8月27日【原文】DISCUSSING labor affairs on Okinawa with Victor Riesel (L) is Moriaki Ota, executive director, KENRYOKYO. Mr. Riesel, accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, called at KENROKYO Headquarters in Naha on Aug. 26.


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働問題を話し合うビクター・リーゼル氏 (左)と県労協の太田守昭事務局長。リーゼル氏は妻のエブリンと妹のイエッタを同伴し、8月26日に那覇の県労協本部を訪問。


【分類】Labor / 労働
104260CR-11_0343-03労働1970年8月27日【原文】DISCUSSING labor affairs on Okinawa with Victor Riesel (L) is Moriaki Ota, executive director, KENRYOKYO. Mr. Riesel, accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, called at KENROKYO Headquarters in Naha on Aug. 26.


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働問題を話し合うビクター・リーゼル氏 (左)と県労協の太田守昭事務局長。リーゼル氏は妻のエブリンと妹のイエッタを同伴し、8月26日に那覇の県労協本部を訪問。


【分類】Labor / 労働
105260CR-11_0343-04労働1970年8月27日【原文】DISCUSSING labor affairs on Okinawa with Victor Riesel (L) is Moriaki Ota, executive director, KENRYOKYO. Mr. Riesel, accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, called at KENROKYO Headquarters in Naha on Aug. 26.


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa Prefectural Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 沖縄の労働問題を話し合うビクター・リーゼル氏 (左)と県労協の太田守昭事務局長。リーゼル氏は妻のエブリンと妹のイエッタを同伴し、8月26日に那覇の県労協本部を訪問。


【分類】Labor / 労働
106260CR-11_0345-01労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
107260CR-11_0345-02労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
108260CR-11_0345-03労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
109260CR-11_0345-04労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
110260CR-11_0345-05労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
111260CR-11_0345-06労働1970年8月27日【原文】Mr. Riesel Meets Domei Official
Victor Riesel meets with Shohan Nakada, chairman, Okinawa District, DOMEI, at the DOMEI Office in Naha Aug. 27. Others pictured are Mrs. Riesel (front) and his sister, Miss Riesel (rear).


Victor Riesel, American columnist and radio-TV commentator whose columns appear daily in 344 U.S. newspapers, arrived on Okinawa Aug. 23 for a five-day visit. The noted American writer and lecturer on labor and political affairs was accompanied by his wife, Evelyn, and his sister, Yetta, who is his Washington correspondent and research assistant. The columnist lost his eyesight in 1956 when acid was thrown on him by gangsters at a time when he was exposing gangster infiltration of labor unions. He leaves here for Honolulu on Aug. 27. Mr. Riesel met with leaders of KENROKYO (Okinawa [Preternatural?] Council of Trade Unions), ZENGUNRO (All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union), and DOMEI (Japanese Confederation of Labor, Okinawa District Council), as well as with U.S. officials and local news media.
【和訳】 8月27日、沖縄地方同盟事務所で仲田昌繁同同盟会長と会見しているビクター・リーゼル氏。その他に写真はリーゼル夫人(前方)と同氏の妹であるリーゼルさん。


【分類】Labor / 労働
112260CR-11_0354-01労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
113260CR-11_0354-02労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
114260CR-11_0354-03労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
115260CR-11_0354-04労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
116260CR-11_0354-05労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
117260CR-11_0354-06労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
118260CR-11_0354-07労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
119260CR-11_0354-08労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
120260CR-11_0354-09労働1971年1月18日【原文】Army Specialist Tsutsui (R) explains the operation of a reader and puncher to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 写真はツツイ一等特技軍曹(右)が、カード読取穿穴装置の機能について説明しているところ。


【分類】Labor / 労働
121260CR-11_0359-01労働1971年1月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
122260CR-11_0359-02労働1971年1月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
123260CR-11_0359-03労働1971年1月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
124260CR-11_0359-04労働1971年1月18日【原文】Mr. Uchima (4th from L) explains functions of the central processing unit to the Ryudai students at the Operations Branch, Data Processing Div., directorate for Data Processing. At left is Dr. Tachikawa.


Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 コンピューター室で中央資料処理演算装置の機能について説明している内間さん(左から4番目)。左側は立川教授。


【分類】Labor / 労働
125260CR-11_0359-05労働1971年1月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
126260CR-11_0359-06労働1971年1月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Some 45 students of the University of the Ryukyus' College of Health Sciences who are taking a course in health statistics visited the Data Processing Div., Directorate for Data Processing, U.S. Army 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa, on Jan. 18. The facility is the largest of its type in the Far East. They were accompanied by Dr. Kyoshi Tachikawa of Tokyo, Japan, professor of statistics, who has been assigned to the university for three months by the World Health Organization. The visit was arranged by Dr. (Capt.) Rolling J. Hawley, preventive medicine officer, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The observation tour was designed to familiarize the students with data processing using computers. The students asked numerous questions on the operations and functions of computer equipment such as the central processing unit, tape drive, printer, puncher and micromation machine. Briefing the visitors were Army Specialist 7 Kyohito Tsutsui, supervisor, and Seiko Hiyane, computer technician, of the Operations Branch, data Processing Div.; and Anzo Uchima, programmer, Analysis and Programming Div., of the Directorate for Data Processing. Fifteen graduates of the university who have completed a year and a half of training at the directorate are now full-time employees there.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
127260CR-11_0364-01労働1971年3月18日【原文】INSPECTING the language laboratory facilities operated by the Machinato Area Civilian Personnel Office (MACPO), of the Headquarters USARYIS are (L-R): Zenji Toguchi, chief, Countermeasures for Separated-Workers Div. ZENGUNRO; Hideo Oshiro, assistant training officer, MACPO; William T. Burke, reemployment coordinator to the High Commissioner; Chogi Kyuna, chief, GRI Labor Administration Div.; Kenneth J. Okawara, assistant to the Re-Employment Coordinator; and Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary, ZENGUNRO. Testing a tape-recorder in a booth is Genshun Okuhama, chief, Organization Div., ZENGUNRO.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 在沖米軍陸軍司令部牧港地域人事部の英語訓研修施設を視察する一行。(左から)渡口善次全軍労離職者対策部長、牧港人事部大城秀世訓練補佐官、ウィリアム・T・バーク再雇用調整官(弁務官付)、喜友名朝義労政部長(琉球政府)、ケネス・J・オカワラ雇用調整官付補佐官、及び友寄信助全軍労書記長。ブースの中でテープ・レコードを試しているのは奥浜玄俊全軍労組織部長。


【分類】Labor / 労働
128260CR-11_0364-02労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
129260CR-11_0364-03労働1971年3月18日【原文】DISCUSSION IN THE auto mechanics training classroom at the Education Center, Kadena Air Base, are (L-R): John Bednareck, training officer, Central Civilian Personnel Office (CCPO), 313th Air Division; Zenji Toguchi, chief, Countermeasures for Separated-Workers Div.; Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary; and Genshun Okuhama, chief, Organization Div. ZENGUNRO; Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Administration Div., and Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Employment Security Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; and Chet Quick, deputy director, CCPO, 313th Air Division.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 嘉手納飛行基地内教育センターの自動車修理教室内で話し合う(左から)第313空軍師団中央人事部ジョン・ベドナレック訓練係官、全軍労の渡口善次離対部長、友寄信助書記長及び奥浜玄俊組織部長、喜友名朝義労政部長(琉球政府)、仲松庸順職安課長(琉球政府)、及び同人事部チェット・クイック副部長。


【分類】Labor / 労働
130260CR-11_0364-04労働1971年3月18日【原文】INSPECTING a Japanese typewriter training classroom at the Koza Vocational Training Center, Government of the Ryukyu Islands are (L-R): Zenji Toguchi, chief, Countermeasures for Separated-Workers Div., ZENGUNRO; Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Employment Security Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary, ZENGUNRO; Chogi Kyuna, chief, GRI Labor Administration Div.; and Hideo Kotake, Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 琉球政府立コザ職業訓練所の和文タイプ教室の施設を視察する(左から)渡口善次全軍労離対部長、仲松庸順職業安定課長(琉球政府)、友寄信助全軍労書記長、喜友名朝義労政部長(琉球政府)及び小竹秀雄氏(沖縄北方対策庁沖縄事務所)


【分類】Labor / 労働
131260CR-11_0364-05労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
132260CR-11_0364-06労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
133260CR-11_0364-07労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
134260CR-11_0364-08労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
135260CR-11_0364-09労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
136260CR-11_0371-01労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
137260CR-11_0371-02労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
138260CR-11_0371-03労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
139260CR-11_0371-04労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
140260CR-11_0371-05労働1971年3月18日【原文】OBSERVING repair work and facilities at the ship engine repair shop at the Naha Military Port, of the 2nd Logistical Command are (L-R) an unidentified; Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary, ZENGUNRO; Hiroki Yoza, Liaison and Labor Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Zenji Toguchi, chief, Countermeasures for Separated-Workers Div., ZENGUNRO; Hideo Kotake, Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency; Chogi Kyuna, chief, GRI Labor Administration Div.; Akira Suzuki, Japanese Government Office at the Preparatory Commission; Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Employment Security Sec., GRI Labor, Dept.; Kenneth J. Okawara, assistant to the Re-Employment Coordinator; Ferris Berry, supervisory ship [surveyor?], Directorate for Marine Maintenance, 2nd Logistical Command; and William T. Burke, re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 第二兵站部隊の那覇軍港在、船舶エンジン修理所の作業状況及び施設を視察する(左から)一人おいて、友寄信助全軍労書記長、与座渉外労働課長(琉球政府)、渡口善次全軍労離対部長、小竹秀雄氏(沖縄・北方対策庁沖縄事務所)、喜友名朝義労政部長(琉球政府)、鈴木杲氏(準備委員会付日本政府事務所)、仲松庸順職安課長(琉球政府)、ケネス・J・オカワラ再雇用調整官付補佐官、第二兵たん部隊マリン・メンテナンス部フェリス・ベリー船舶調査監督官、及びウィリアム・J・バーク再雇用調整官。


【分類】Labor / 労働
141260CR-11_0371-06労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
142260CR-11_0371-07労働1971年3月18日【原文】INSPECTING an auto body repair shop's facilities at the Naha Technical High School, formerly Naha Vocational Training School are (L-R, face to camera ) Willam T. Burke, re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner; Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary, ZENGUNRO; Hideo Kotake, of the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency; and Akira Suzuki, of the Japanese Government office at the Preparatory Commission.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 那覇産業技術学校(現那覇工業高校)の自動車修理実習工場を視察する(左から、カメラに向かって)ウィリアム・T・バーク再雇用調整官(弁務官付)、友寄信助全軍労書記長、小竹秀雄氏(沖縄・北方対策庁沖縄事務所)、及び鈴木杲氏(準備委員会付日本政府事務所)。


【分類】Labor / 労働
143260CR-11_0371-08労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
144260CR-11_0371-09労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
145260CR-11_0376-01労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
146260CR-11_0376-02労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
147260CR-11_0376-03労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
148260CR-11_0376-04労働1971年3月18日【原文】OBSERVING REPAIR WORK and facilities at the marine maintenance electric shop in the Naha Military Port, of the 2nd Logistical Command are (L-R): Hiroki Yoza, chief, Liaison and Labor Sec., and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Administration Div., GRI Labor Dept.; Hideo Kotake, of the Okinawa Bureau of the Japanese Government's Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency; Akira Suzuki, of the Japanese Government office at the Preparatory Commission; Zenji Toguchi, chief, Countermeasures for Separated-Workers Div., ZENGUNRO; Yojun Nakamatsu, chief, Employment Security Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Shinsuke Tomoyori, general secretary, ZENGUNRO; Kenneth J. Okawara, assistant to the Re-Employment Coordinator; and William T. Burke, re-employment coordinator to the High Commissioner.


Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 第二兵站部隊の那覇軍港在マリン・メンテナンス・エレクトリック修理場での作業状況と施設を視察する(左から)与座渉外労働課長(琉球政府)、喜友名朝義労政部長(琉球政府)、小竹秀雄氏(沖縄・北方対策庁沖縄事務所)、鈴木杲氏(準備委員会付日本政府沖縄事務所)、渡口善次全軍労離対部長、仲松庸順職安課長(琉球政府)、友寄信助全軍労書記長、ケネス・J・オカワラ再雇用調整官付補佐官、ウィリアム・T・バーク再雇用調整官(弁務官付)。


【分類】Labor / 労働
149260CR-11_0376-05労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
150260CR-11_0376-06労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
151260CR-11_0376-07労働1971年3月18日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Representatives of the office of the High Commissioner's Re-Employment Coordinator, the GRI Labor Department; Japanese Government Defense Facilities' Administration Agency attached to the Okinawa Bureau of the Okinawa and Northern Territories Agency (OBONTA) and office at the Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM); and All-Okinawa Military Employees Trade Union (ZENGUNRO), toured facilities on U.S. installation and the GRI vocational training schools which are to be utilized in the training program now being developed to assist U.S. Forces' (USF) workers in improving their skills. As recently announced by the Re-employment Coordinator, William T. Burke, the joint program will provide training for employees who have been released recently from U.S. Forces employment, as well as those who are remaining with the USF in Okinawa. The Purpose of the program is to enhance the employability of USF workers to prepare them for employment in the civil economy, or for more advanced levels of employment within the USF.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Labor / 労働
152260CR-11_0379-01労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
153260CR-11_0379-02労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
154260CR-11_0379-03労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
155260CR-11_0379-04労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
156260CR-11_0379-05労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
157260CR-11_0379-06労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
158260CR-11_0379-07労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
159260CR-11_0379-08労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
160260CR-11_0379-09労働1971年8月21日【原文】ALL-OKINAWA LADY-WORKERS CONFERENCE
E.A. Wiesinger, labor director, U.S. Civil Administration, reads a message from High Commissioner James B. Lampert at the First All-Okinawa Lady-Workers Conference held at the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall in Naha, Aug. 21. The High Commissioner said in his message to the conference, sponsored by the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands, that men and women must pool their respective talents, knowledge, and experience if mankind is to build a better world.
【和訳】 第1回全沖縄女性社員大会
【分類】Labor / 労働
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