資料群ガイド 米国収集資料  米国国立公文書館(Archives II)  RG260: USCAR文書(第二次世界大戦米占領司令部文書)  広報局  映像・写真資料、他
シリーズ 写真資料
シリーズ解説 USCAR広報局の写真はUSCAR広報誌をはじめ、プレスリリースや壁新聞等に広く活用されました。
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル USCAR広報局写真資料 23
資料日付 (自)1954/04/10、(至)1971/03/15 この写真を見る
作成者 米国立公文書館
所管(発行) USCAR広報局
資料解説 General Education / 一般教育
各種識別 [資料種別]写真、[個人情報]無、[数量]160、[言語]和英、[内容コード]A000022607
1260CR-01_0008-01一般教育【原文】OKINAWAN SCHOOL BOYS
【和訳】 沖縄の男子児童
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
2260CR-01_0009-01一般教育【原文】OKINAWAN SCHOOL BOYS
【和訳】 沖縄の男子児童
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
3260CR-01_0010-01一般教育【原文】OKINAWAN SCHOOL BOYS
【和訳】 沖縄の男子児童
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
4260CR-01_0139-01一般教育【原文】[School Lunch]
【和訳】 [給食]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
5260CR-01_0140-01一般教育【原文】[School Lunch]
【和訳】 [給食]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
6260CR-01_0007-01一般教育1949年5月宮古島【原文】Athletic meeting, Girls high school, Miyako
【和訳】 宮古女子高校運動会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
7260CR-01_0001-01一般教育1952年12月22日与那原町【原文】YONABARU HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
【和訳】 高校の授業風景
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
【和訳】 Xマスパーティーニ向フ沖縄児童(登川部隊)
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
9260CR-01_0011-01一般教育1953年2月4日【原文】TRAINING COURSE STUDENTS AT AZAR COMPANY
【和訳】 アザール社の研修生
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
10260CR-01_0079-01一般教育1954年12月29日【原文】EDUCATION SEMINAR CHINEN
【和訳】 教育セミナー、知念
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
11260CR-01_0002-01一般教育1954年1月14日那覇市首里【原文】ABACUS LESSON AT THE SHURI JR. HIGH SCHOOL
【和訳】 首里中学校での珠算の授業
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
12260CR-01_0004-01一般教育1954年1月14日那覇市首里【原文】ABACUS LESSON AT THE SHURI JR. HIGH SCHOOL
【和訳】 首里中学校での珠算の授業
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
13260CR-01_0005-01一般教育1954年1月2日【原文】TOGUCHI VILLAGE X-MAS PARTY
【和訳】 トグチ部落のクリスマスパーティー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
14260CR-01_0169-01一般教育1954年4月10日那覇市上泉町【原文】Scholarship Fund Presented To Okinawan High School Students
【和訳】 工業学校に142コーラル・ロッジ・フリーメイソン・クラブのグレン・A・ストロング氏より、団体の一部分の人達より奨学資金の贈りもの
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
15260CR-01_0014-01一般教育1954年7月美里【原文】MEITATSU TAKAMINE at Misato Primary
【和訳】 高嶺明達氏の美里小学校訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
16260CR-01_0013-01一般教育1954年7月22日玉城村【原文】Meitatsu Takamine at TAMAGUSUKU JHS
【和訳】 高嶺明達、玉城中等学校を訪問。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
17260CR-01_0012-01一般教育1954年7月26日【原文】MEITATSU TAKAMINE VISI
【和訳】 高嶺明達の訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
18260CR-01_0015-01一般教育1954年7月29日名護町【原文】Meitatsu Takamine at NAGO JHS
【和訳】 高嶺明達の名護中等学校訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
19260CR-01_0021-01一般教育1954年8月10日【原文】Japanese students visit
【和訳】 日本人学生の訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
20260CR-01_0022-01一般教育1954年8月10日【原文】Japanese students visit
【和訳】 日本人学生の訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
21260CR-01_0030-01一般教育1954年8月12日【原文】Japan student visit
【和訳】 日本人生徒達の訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
22260CR-01_0082-01一般教育1959年11月3日【原文】Commercial High School
【和訳】 商業高校
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
23260CR-01_0083-01一般教育1959年11月3日【原文】Commercial High School
【和訳】 商業高校
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
24260CR-01_0084-01一般教育1959年11月3日【原文】Commercial High School
【和訳】 商業高校
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
25260CR-01_0086-01一般教育1959年11月6日佐敷村冨祖崎区【原文】Hoshin Nakamura, Chinen High School Senior Picked To Attend Youth Forum In New York.
【和訳】 ニューヨークミラー紙より、知念高校3年の仲村芳信さんはニューヨークのユース・フォーラムに招待された。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
26260CR-01_0087-01一般教育1959年11月6日【原文】Hoshin Nakamura, Chinen High School Senior Picked To Attend Youth Forum In New York.
【和訳】 ニューヨークミラー紙より、知念高校3年の仲村芳信さんはニューヨークのユース・フォーラムに招待された。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
27260CR-01_0089-01一般教育1959年12月11日【原文】Hoshin Nakamura Returns From Newyork Daily Mirror's Youth Forum
【和訳】 ニューヨークミラー紙より招待されたユース・フォーラムから仲村君帰る
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
28260CR-01_0088-01一般教育1959年12月1日【原文】Ryukyuan Cad Departs For Youth Forum In New York
【和訳】 那覇空港より出発する仲村芳信君 知念高校三年生
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
29260CR-01_0090-01一般教育1960年1月18日【原文】School Lunch Program
$2.8 million, Abundant Food Program, for FY 60.
【和訳】 学校給食事業
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
30260CR-01_0094-01一般教育1960年1月18日那覇市【原文】School Lunch Program
【和訳】 学校給食事業
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
31260CR-01_0102-01一般教育1961年1月18日石川市【原文】SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM MARKS FIRST YEAR
Students of the Ishikawa Junior High School are shown preparing to eat bread distributed as part of the free school lunch program made possible by the donation of flour by the American people through the Church World Service and the National Catholic Welfare Conference. The program started last January. Shown helping celebrate the first anniversary of the school lunch program are (L to R): Koei Aguni, principal of the Ishikawa JHS; Kazuo Kobayashi, a health center official; William Harrup of the CWS; Father of the NCWC; Maj. Theodore Llana (behind the Father), USCAR welfare officer; and Seiko Kohagura, director of education, GRI.
【和訳】 学校給食カリキュラムの初年度指標
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
32260CR-01_0105-01一般教育1961年1月18日石川市【原文】SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM MARKS FIRST YEAR
Students of the Ishikawa Junior High School are shown preparing to eat bread distributed as part of the free school lunch program made possible by the donation of flour by the American people through the church world service and the National Catholic Welfare Conference. The program started in January 1960.
【和訳】 石川中学校の生徒たちは、カトリック福祉会と国際カトリック福祉会を通じてアメリカの人々から小麦粉を寄付してもらった無償給食プログラムの一環として、配られたパンを食べる準備をしているところ。このプログラムは1960年1月より始まった。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
33260CR-01_0108-01一般教育1961年4月13日那覇市松川【原文】HEAVY-DUTY ENGINE DONATED TO TECHNICAL SCHOOL
A heavy-duty engine was donated to the Okinawa Technical High School on Thursday, Apr. 13, to assist in the training of vocational education students. Making the presentation were William A. Baxter of the Baxter Trading Company and Teiji Kina of the Kina Machine Importing Firm and sole agents of the American Clinton Engine Company. Mr. Baxter is shown explaining the engine to (l to r ): Mr. Kina; Yasuhara Nakaya, chief of the automotive course of the Technical High School; Shinko Higa, chief of GRI's Vocational Education Section; Tsuyoshi Sokei, principal of the school; and Seiko Kohagura, Director of GRI's Education Department.
【和訳】 工業高校に大型エンジンの寄贈
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
34260CR-01_0110-01一般教育1961年4月13日那覇市松川【原文】HEAVY-DUTY ENGINE DONATED TO TECHNICAL SCHOOL
A heavy-duty engine was donated to the Okinawa Technical High School on Thursday, Apr. 13, to assist in the training of vocational education students. Making the presentation were William A. Baxter of the Baxter Trading Company and Teiji Kina of the Kina Machine Importing Firm and sole agents of the American Clinton Engine Company. Mr. Baxter is shown explaining the engine to (l to r ): Mr. Kina; Yasuhara Nakaya, chief of the automotive course of the Technical High School; Shinko Higa, chief of GRI’s Vocational Education Section; Tsuyoshi Sakei, principal of the school; and Seiko Kohagura, Director of GRI’s Education Department.
【和訳】 工業高校に大型エンジンの寄贈
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
35260CR-01_0111-01一般教育1961年4月13日那覇市松川【原文】HEAVY-DUTY ENGINE DONATED TO TECHNICAL SCHOOL
A heavy-duty engine was donated to the Okinawa Technical High School on Thursday, Apr. 13, to assist in the training of vocational education students. Making the presentation were William A. Baxter of the Baxter Trading Company and Teiji Kina of the Kina Machine Importing Firm and sole agents of the American Clinton Engine Company. Mr. Baxter is shown explaining the engine to (l to r ): Mr. Kina; Yasuhara Nakaya, chief of the automotive course of the Technical High School; Shinko Higa, chief of GRI’s Vocational Education Section; Tsuyoshi Sakei, principal of the school; and Seiko Kohagura, Director of GRI’s Education Department.
【和訳】 工業高校に大型エンジンの寄贈
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
36260CR-01_0112-01一般教育1961年8月23日那覇市【原文】OKINAWAN TEACHERS VISITING AMERICAN SCHOOL
Approximately 100 Ryukyuan teachers of junior and senior high schools from Koza and Naha, inspected Kubasaki American Junior and Senior High Schools in Naha on Aug. 23, 1961. Explaining the operation of the schools' library to Mr. Mitsuo Nakamura, teacher of the Gushikawa Junior High School (left) and Mr. Mitsuyoshi Chinen, teacher of the Koza Senior High School, is Mrs. Nada L. Wareham, president of the American Volunteer Teacher Association, host for the day's events.
【和訳】 沖縄の先生方がアメリカの学校を訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
37260CR-01_0114-01一般教育1961年8月23日那覇市【原文】Okinawan Teachers Visiting American School
【和訳】 沖縄の先生方がアメリカの学校を訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
38260CR-01_0115-01一般教育1961年8月23日那覇市【原文】Okinawan Teachers Visiting American School
【和訳】 沖縄の先生方がアメリカの学校を訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
39260CR-01_0116-01一般教育1962年1月30日那覇市上泉町【原文】RYUKYUAN-AMERICAN VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEETING
The Ryukyuan-American Vocational Training Advisory Council met on Jan. 30 at the Harborview Club with 15 representatives centering discussions on the employment of 1962 junior and senior high school graduates, the training of skilled and semiskilled workers, and the development of vocational training.
【和訳】 琉米職業訓練会議
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
40260CR-01_0119-01一般教育1962年2月1日【原文】EAST-WEST CENTER COMMITTEE
The newly-formed East-West Center Committee of the Ryukyu Islands met Thursday, Feb. 1 to discuss scholarships for study at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii. The Committee announced that two and possibly four scholarships will be available for Ryukyuan scholars from the 1962 academic year. The committee is composed of the following (from l to r): Seizo Oshiro, English language consultant, Education Department, Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Hiroyoshi Higa, Okinawa Junior Chamber of Commerce; Yoei Miyara, president, Golden Gate Club; Matsusuke Yonamine, president, University of the Ryukyus; Roy Nakada, attorney and alumnus of the University of Hawaii; Dr. Raymond N. Hatch, director, Michigan State University Advisory Group to the University of the Ryukyus; and Dr. Bonner Crawford, director, Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 西東センター委員会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
Eight Ryukyuan senior high school teachers completed a typewriter repair training course held by the U.S. Army Quartermaster Repair Shop. The course was part of an annual series of summer seminars designed to teach typewriter repairing skills. Shown are (L-R) Kenichi Afuso, Ginoza; Koko Sakumoto, Naha Commercial High School; Kenji Taira, Chinen; Yoshitake Miyagi, Nago; Masamori Gushiken, instructor of the course; Eitoku Zamami, Futenma; Takemori Onaga, Shuri; Mitsuo Iha, Hokuzan and Kenei Oshiro, Hentona.
【和訳】 タイプライター修理講習会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
Professor of music Barbara B. Smith, University of Hawaii, is shown with Dr. Samuel N. Mukaida, Cultural Affairs Division Chief, Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner. Prof. Smith is currently visiting the Ryukyus on a tour relating to the performing arts. Prof. Smith arrived in Okinawa on Aug. 25 and will depart tomorrow for short visits to Yaeyama and Miyako. She is on a two-month tour of the Far East, sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Projects, East-West Center, University of Hawaii. Her itinerary institute of Advanced Projects, East-West Center, University of Hawaii. Her itinerary includes Korea, Japan, the Ryukyu, Taipei, and Hong Kong.
【和訳】 東西センター音楽教授の琉球視察
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
43260CR-01_0129-01一般教育1962年8月31日【原文】CLOSING CEREMONIES
The first English Language Seminar for Ryukyuan teachers closed after four weeks of intensive training on Aug. 31. The summer workshop was designed to raise the standards of English teaching in junior and senior high schools throughout the Ryukyus. Dr. Genshu Asato, director of the program, is shown presenting a certificate of graduation to Miss Hatsuko Wauke, one of 52 graduates, a teacher of the Yokatsu High School. In the foreground are: (L-R) Choji Ahagon, director of Education Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Seiko Kohagura, director of the Plans and Programs Dept., GRI; and Matsusuke Yonamine, president of the University of the Ryukyus. Next to Dr. Asato is Dr. Bonner M. Grawford, director of the Education Dep., Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 閉会式
琉球の教師を対象とした第1回英語研修会が8月31日、4週間の集中研修を終えて閉幕した。この夏の研修会は、琉球全域の中学・高校での英語教育の水準を高めることを目的とした。52人の卒業生の一人であるワウケ・ハツコ教諭(与勝)に卒業証書を授与する安里源秀委員長。手前は 左から、琉球政府文教局長の阿波根朝次氏、琉球政府計画局長の古波蔵政光氏、琉球大学学長の与那嶺松助氏。安里氏の隣には、高等弁務官室教育部長のボナー・グロフォード氏が並ぶ。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
44260CR-01_0131-01一般教育1962年8月31日【原文】CLOSING CEREMONIES
The first English Language Seminar for Ryukyuan teachers closed after four weeks of intensive training on Aug. 31. The summer workshop was designed to raise the standards of English teaching in junior and senior high schools throughout the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 閉会式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
45260CR-01_0132-01一般教育1962年8月31日【原文】CLOSING CEREMONIES
The first English Language Seminar for Ryukyuan teachers closed after four weeks of intensive training on Aug. 31. The summer workshop was designed to raise the standards of English teaching in junior and senior high schools throughout the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 閉会式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
46260CR-01_0023-01一般教育1962年8月6日【原文】First English Language Seminar
【和訳】 第1回英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
47260CR-01_0024-01一般教育1962年8月6日【原文】First English Language Seminar
【和訳】 第1回英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
48260CR-01_0025-01一般教育1962年8月6日【原文】First English Language Seminar
【和訳】 第1回英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
49260CR-01_0026-01一般教育1962年8月8日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUMMER SEMINAR
American and Ryukyuan educators launched the first of an annual series of summer seminars on Aug. 6, 1962, designed to raise the standards of English teaching in Ryukyuan high schools. Mrs. Charles W. Dahlgren, one of five American volunteer teachers assisting in the program, is shown teaching correct oral English to the seminar participants.
【和訳】 サマーセミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
50260CR-01_0028-01一般教育1962年8月8日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH WORKSHOP FOR OKINAWAN TEACHERS
American and Ryukyuan educators launched the first of an annual series of summer seminars on Aug. 6, designed to raise the standards of English teaching in Ryukyuan high schools.
Teaching correct pronunciation and speaking of English to the seminar participants is Prof. Wallace Smith of the Japan Defense Academy and the University of Michigan. Shown left to right are Smith; Seika Higa, Ishikawa Junior High School; Eitetsu Hirata, Itoman Senior High School; Toichi Ikemiyagi, Chinen Senior High School; Kiichi Miyagi, Futenma Senior High School; and Yoshio Miyazato, Naha Senior High School. Sitting behind the trainees is Mrs. Hannah Widder, one of five American voluntary teachers assisting in the program. The one-month seminar, attended by 50 selected Okinawan English teachers, is being held at the University of the Ryukyus campus in Shuri.
【和訳】 沖縄の先生のための英語ワークショップ
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
Kadena and Naha Air Base Officers Wives Clubs presented books on the United Nations to Ryukyuan and American libraries on Apr. 24, at the Wing Club, Kadena Air Base. Mrs. Robert M. Stillman (2d from L), wife of the commander, 313th Air Division, is shown presenting the books to Sotoku Kadena (C), director of the GRI Library at Shuri. Others in the photo are: Takashi Kinjo (L), of the Okinawa University library; and Mrs. R. L. Gehle (R), welfare chairman of Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club. The clubs presented 14 sets of three books each to 14 libraries.
【和訳】 空軍婦人クラブが図書館に国連の本を寄贈
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
52260CR-01_0130-01一般教育1963年4月26日【原文】Mrs. Levy, Executive Director of the Mental Health Association of Hawaii Met Local Officials
【和訳】 ハワイ精神薄弱児協会実行委員長(南部協会館)シルバー・L・レビーさんと沖縄の関係職員との会合。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
53260CR-01_0128-01一般教育1963年8月14日【原文】Library Field-Trip with Okinawa School librarians at Sukiran Army Library
【和訳】 瑞慶覧陸軍図書館において沖縄の学校図書館司書たちの館内見学
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
54260CR-01_0134-01一般教育1963年8月14日【原文】Library Field Trip
Dr. Eugene Debenko (L), Michigan State University Group library science consultant at the University of the Ryukyus, arranged this Aug. 14, 1963 visit to the Army Library for 60 Ryukyuan primary and high school teachers attending the summer session library course at the University of the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 図書館見学
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
55260CR-01_0141-01一般教育1963年8月19日【原文】ON-THE-JOB TRAINING
65 University of the Ryukyus students are now receiving on-the-job summer vacation training in various military facilities under the U.S. Army-sponsored six weeks' co-operative training program which started on Aug. 19. The student group visited the electrical interior section, Post Engineers, U.S. Army Engineer Group during their tour of military facilities on the first day of the program. Maj. Frank Zeller (3rd from L), Post Engineer, welcomed and encouraged the students to master techniques of the training by making full use of their opportunities. Mr. Masayuki Kanada (L), chief estimator, Work Control Center, Post Engineer, explained the functions and responsibilities of the electrical section and Mr. Kiyoshi Yogi (2nd from L) interpreted for Mr. Kanada.
【和訳】 実地訓練
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
65 cooperative education students of the University of the Ryukyus were welcomed into the summer vacation on-the-job-training program on Aug. 19. Welcoming the students into the program were Maj. Gen. Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, USARYIS and Ⅸ Corps; GRI Chief Executive Seisaku Ota (2nd from R, front row); Mr. C. W. Satterlee (3rd from R. front row), civilian personnel director; and Dr. Matsusuke Yonamine, president, University of the Ryukyus. The event was held at Hq USARYIS.
【和訳】 歓迎
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
57260CR-01_0145-01一般教育1963年8月19日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】RYUKYUAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS receive on-the-job training instruction. Sukiran Data Processing Activity Supervisor Mr. Anjo Uchima (C) gives instructions on the use of an IBM machine to the University of the Ryukyus students when they visited Sukiran on August 19. Accompanying the students were (R to L) Mr. Kiyoshi Yogi Ryukyuan, CPO Placement staff; President Matsusuke Yonamine, University of the Ryukyus; and Assistant Professor Junichi Shimamura, University of the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 琉球大学の学生が実地訓練指導を受けた。8月19日、琉球大学の学生たちが瑞慶覧を訪れた際、IBMのマシンの使い方を指導する瑞慶覧データ処理活動統括者のウチマ・アンジョウ氏(中央)。右から、琉球人で民間人人事事務所職業紹介職員のヨギ・キヨシ氏、琉球大学の与那嶺松助学長、琉球大学の島村潤一助教が同行した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
58260CR-01_0147-01一般教育1963年8月26日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE SEMINAR FOR 50 RYUKYUAN ENGLISH TEACHERS co-sponsored by the English Language Center, the Government of the Ryukyus Education Dept. , and the University of the Ryukyus, was completed on Aug. 26 at the University of the Ryukyus' campus at Shuri. Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (C) spoke at the graduation ceremonies. Facing the students are (L-R): Matsusuke Yonamine, president, University of the Ryukyus; Harumi Nakamura, instructor at the seminar; Civil Administrator McCune; Katsunobu Sunakawa, director of the English Language Center; and Charles W. Dahlgren, educationist, Education Dept. , Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 8月26日、琉球大学首里キャンパスにおいて、英語センター、琉球政府文教局、琉球大学の共催による「琉球人英語教師50人のための英語セミナー」が終了した。卒業式では、シャノン・マキューン民政官(中央)がスピーチを行った。向かい合っているのは(左から)。琉球大学の与那嶺松助学長、ナカムラ・ハルミ講師、マキューン民政官、砂川勝信英語センター所長、チャールズ・W・ダールグレン高等弁務官室教育部教育担当者。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
59260CR-01_0152-01一般教育1963年8月27日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】A GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE BRIEFING is given to 65 students of the University of the Ryukyus who are undergoing a six-week on-the-job training course at various U.S. Army installations on Okinawa, Aug. 19 through Sept. 30. Briefing the students are (L to R, end of table) Messrs. Kiyu Yogi, Seihan Yamashiro and Ikuo Taketomi, employees of the USARYIS Civilian Personnel Office (CPO). Standing at right are professors, instructors and officials of the University of the Ryukyus and a CPO instructor.
【和訳】 8月19日から9月30日まで、沖縄の米軍施設で6週間の実地訓練を受ける琉球大学の学生65名を対象とした説明会が行われた。学生たちに説明をするのは、(左から、テーブルの端)米軍民間人事部のヨギ・キユウ氏、ヤマシロ・セイハン氏、タケトミ・イクオ氏。右に立っているのは、琉球大学の教授・教官・職員と米軍民間人事部の教官。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
60260CR-01_0154-01一般教育1963年8月27日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】IT'S ALL SMILES as University of the Ryukyus student Seitoku Ganeko (seated) explains his six-week on-the-job training in the office of the Design Unit, Post Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Group (USAEG). Observing Ganeko's training are (L to R) Mr.Hosei Uehara, engineering instructor, University of the Ryukyus; Mr. Jaime Z. Lanuza, chief of the Design Unit; and Major Frank J. Zeller, Post Engineer.
【和訳】 和やかな雰囲気の中、琉球大学の学生であるガネコ・セイトクさん(着席)が、米陸軍工兵隊の駐屯地施設斑設計部の事務所で6週間の実地訓練について説明した。訓練の様子を見学したのは(左から)琉球大学工学部講師の上原方成氏、設計部のジェイミー・ラヌザ主任、フランク・J・ゼラー少佐(駐屯地施設斑)。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
61260CR-01_0156-01一般教育1963年8月27日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】PLEASANT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING University of the Ryukyus student Masao Takaesu (2d from L) is quite happy as he discusses his six-week summer vacation on-the-job training at the U.S. Army Engineer District, Okinawa (USAEDO). Conversing with Takaesu are Mr. Jinsuke Nakazato (L), supervisor of the Design Branch, Engineering Division, USAEDO: Dr. Toshio Akamine (2d from R), student counselor, and Assistant Professor Junichi Shimamura (R), both of the University of the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 琉球大学の学生のタカエス・マスオさん(左から2人目)は、6週間の夏休みを利用して、沖縄陸軍工兵隊で行われた実地訓練の話をとても楽しそうに話しているところ。タカエスさんと会話をしているのは、沖縄米陸軍工兵隊技術部設計班監督者のナカザト・ジンスケ氏(左)、学生相談員のアカミネ・トシオ氏(右から2人目)、琉球大学の島村潤一助教(右)の3人。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
62260CR-01_0158-01一般教育1963年8月27日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】UNDERGOING ELECTRICAL WIRING on-the-job training during their student vacation are Katsuo Uehara (L, seated) and Yasuo Takaesu (R, seated); working with the students in repairing an electric motor is Masahiro Senaha (R, foreground), employee of the electrical section, Post Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Group(USAEG). Observing the training are Mr. Keizo Matsumura (L, standing), welfare officer, University of the Ryukyus, and Mr. William F. Miller (R, standing), assistant chief, electrical section, Post Engineer, USAEG.
【和訳】 大学の休暇中に電気配線の実地訓練を受けるウエハラ・カツオさん(左、着席)とタカエス・ヤスオさん(右、着席)、電動モーターの修理をするセナハ・マサヒロ氏(右、前列)は、米陸軍工兵隊駐屯地施設斑電気部の職員。訓練を見学しているのは、琉球大学福祉厚生担当のマツムラ・ケイゾウ氏(左、立会い)と、米陸軍工兵隊駐屯地施設斑電気部のウィリアム・F・ミラー部長補佐(右、立会い)。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
63260CR-01_0160-01一般教育1963年8月27日北中城村瑞慶覧【原文】Sukiran Post Eng.
UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS student Chikara Nomura (2d from R) and Student Counselor Toshio Akamine (R) of the University of the Ryukyus discuss Nomura's training at the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Unit, Post Engineer, Engineer Group. Nomura is being trained by Mr. Jessie J. Cotter (L), chief, R&AC Unit, and Mr. Masahiro Senaha, mechanic, Post Engineer.
【和訳】 瑞慶覧駐屯地施設斑
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
64260CR-01_0170-01一般教育1964年4月10日那覇市上泉町【原文】Scholarship Fund Presented To Okinawan High School Students
【和訳】 那覇商業高校に142コーラル・ロッジ・フリーメイソン・クラブのグレン・A・ストロング氏より、団体の一部の人達から160ドルの奨学資金の贈呈式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
65260CR-01_0171-01一般教育1964年5月5日【原文】ENGLISH TEACHERS MEET
American Volunteer Teachers Association (AVTA) President Gordon A. Meggison Jr. (standing) presides at the first island-wide meeting of school chairmen of the AVTA on May 5 at the Mercy Officers Club to initiate an orientation program for new Volunteer teachers and to review educational materials received by the association. The AVTA, composed of American men and women in Okinawa, grew out of an informal English-Language teaching program which was started by two American women in 1956. Today the AVTA comprises approximately 260 volunteers, teaching in 37 Okinawan schools from elementary to college level, and is accepted as a part of the U.S. People-to-People program. The Purpose of the AVTA is to assist Okinawan students in learning the fundamentals of the English Language, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Through the study of English, the AVTA aims to promote mutual friendship and understanding between Americans and Ryukyuans.
【和訳】 英語教師の会合
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
66260CR-01_0177-01一般教育1964年6月11日【原文】SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION
Mr. William D. Haught (L), secretary of the National Sojourners, Okinawa Chapter #264, June 11, presented to Mr. Tsuyoshi Sokei, principal of the Okinawa Technical Senior High School a check for $120 donated by the Okinawa Chapter to six students of the high school. The students, recommended by Mr. Sokei to receive the scholarship due to their good scholastic records and financial needs, will each receive $20 for the period of June through next March to pay for their various fees, books, and supplies. Third from left is Mr. Ted Seavy, 2nd Vice-President, Okinawa Chapter. The students are Tadao Yonaha, Seiji Kohatsu, Masamichi Miyasato, Jinichi Shimabukuro, sophomores; Mitsuo Uehara, freshman; and Takao Tomori, sophomore.
【和訳】 奨学金授与
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
67260CR-01_0177-02一般教育1964年6月11日【原文】SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION
Mr. William D. Haught (L), secretary of the National Sojourners, Okinawa Chapter #264, June 11, presented to Mr. Tsuyoshi Sokei, principal of the Okinawa Technical Senior High School a check for $120 donated by the Okinawa Chapter to six students of the high school. The students, recommended by Mr. Sokei to receive the scholarship due to their good scholastic records and financial needs, will each receive $20 for the period of June through next March to pay for their various fees, books, and supplies. Third from left is Mr. Ted Seavy, 2nd Vice-President, Okinawa Chapter. The students are Tadao Yonaha, Seiji Kohatsu, Masamichi Miyasato, Jinichi Shimabukuro, sophomores; Mitsuo Uehara, freshman; and Takao Tomori, sophomore.
【和訳】 奨学金授与
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
68260CR-01_0179-01一般教育1964年6月15日浦添村【原文】AVTA English Class
Mrs. Bruee Maegowan


AMERICAN VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (AVTA), composed of American men and women on Okinawa offering their teaching talents on their own time and without pay, grew out of an informal English-language teaching program which was started by two American women in 1956. Today, the AVTA comprises approximately 260 volunteers, teaching in 47 Okinawan schools from elementary to college level, and is accepted as a part of the U.S. People-to-People program. The purpose of the AVTA is to assist Okinawan students in learning the fundamentals of the English language, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Through the study of English, the AVTA aims to promote international friendship and understanding.
【和訳】 浦添中校に英語の指導をする米婦人


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
69260CR-01_0202-01一般教育1964年6月15日【原文】ENGLISH CLASS DEMONSTRATION
Mrs. Charles Parker (R), an American volunteer teacher giving instructions to Osamu Nishihara in an English language class at Urasoe Junior High School on Okinawa on June 15. Mrs. Parker has been teaching English once or twice a week for a year in cooperation with the school's Ryukyuan teachers.


AMERICAN VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (AVTA), composed of American men and women on Okinawa offering their teaching talents on their own time and without pay, grew out of an informal English-language teaching program which was started by two American women in 1956. Today, the AVTA comprises approximately 260 volunteers, teaching in 47 Okinawan schools from elementary to college level, and is accepted as a part of the U.S. People-to-People program. The purpose of the AVTA is to assist Okinawan students in learning the fundamentals of the English language, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Through the study of English, the AVTA aims to promote international friendship and understanding.
【和訳】 英語の模範授業


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
70260CR-01_0188-01一般教育1964年6月5日浦添村【原文】DISCUSSING TEACHING PLANS
Mrs. Bruce MacGowan (2nd from R), an American volunteer teacher, discusses teaching plans with members of the Urasoe Junior High School staff at the school library. Mrs. Macgowan has been teaching in the school for two years and has also contributed to the school by donating books. L-R: Mr. Osamu Iji, English teacher; Mr. Eikichi Oyafuso, school principal; Mrs. MacGowan; and Mr. Seijun Kyan, English teacher.


AMERICAN VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (AVTA), composed of American men and women on Okinawa offering their teaching talents on their own time and without pay, grew out of an informal English-language teaching program which was started by two American women in 1956. Today, the AVTA comprises approximately 260 volunteers, teaching in 47 Okinawan schools from elementary to college level, and is accepted as a part of the U.S. People-to-People program. The purpose of the AVTA is to assist Okinawan students in learning the fundamentals of the English language, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Through the study of English, the AVTA aims to promote international friendship and understanding.
【和訳】 指導計画の話し合い


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
71260CR-01_0191-01一般教育1964年6月5日【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (AVTA), composed of American men and women on Okinawa offering their teaching talents on their own time and without pay, grew out of an informal English-language teaching program which was started by two American women in 1956. Today, the AVTA comprises approximately 260 volunteers, teaching in 47 Okinawan schools from elementary to college level, and is accepted as a part of the U.S. People-to-People program. The purpose of the AVTA is to assist Okinawan students in learning the fundamentals of the English language, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Through the study of English, the AVTA aims to promote international friendship and understanding.
【和訳】 マスター・キャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
72260CR-01_0017-01一般教育1964年7月24日【原文】Meeting For Students Seminar
【和訳】 学生セミナーのための会合
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
73260CR-01_0018-01一般教育1964年7月24日【原文】Meeting For Students Seminar
【和訳】 学生セミナーのための会合
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
74260CR-01_0019-01一般教育1964年7月24日【原文】Meeting For Students Seminar
【和訳】 学生セミナーのための会合
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
75260CR-01_0020-01一般教育1964年7月24日【原文】Meeting For Students Seminar
【和訳】 学生セミナーのための会合
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
76260CR-01_0081-01一般教育1965年7月那覇市久茂地【原文】CHILDREN'S MUSEUM
【和訳】 子供博物館
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States. The American educators (L-R) Miss Alida Parker, counselor, Beverly Hills High School, Los Angeles, Calf., and director of the comparative Education Society; and Gerald Read, professor of Comparative Education, Kent State University, and director and secretary-treasurer of the society, were welcomed to Okinawa by Tetsu Shimabukuro, assistant professor, Education Dept., University of the Ryukyus (U/R); Choji Ahagon, director, Education Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; and Shunichi Shimabukuro, president of the U/R.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
More than 100 American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar and Field Study Comparative Education Society arrived at Okinawa on July 27 to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyu Islands. The group includes elementary school teachers, college professors and public school officials from various areas in the United States.
【和訳】 アメリカの教育者が沖縄でセミナーを開催
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
84260CR-01_0215-01一般教育1965年7月28日【原文】SEMINARS FOR VISITING AMERICAN EDUCATORS
Daniel Whitney, doctorial candidate from Michigan State University (MSU) and a Ford Foundation Research Associate to the University of the Ryukyus, speaks on village life in the Ryukyus to more than 100 American educators who are here to study life and education habits in the Ryukyu Islands. Speakers at the seminars at the Ryukyu-Tokyu Hotel on July 28 were members of the MSU group at the U/R, and staff members of the U.S. Civil Administration. The group will be here until July 30.
【和訳】 アメリカ人教育者向けセミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
85260CR-01_0217-01一般教育1965年7月28日名護町【原文】Visiting American Educators Visit Nago Gift Shop
【和訳】 名護のギフトショップを訪れた沖縄滞在中のアメリカ人教育者たち。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
86260CR-01_0219-01一般教育1965年7月28日名護町【原文】American Educators Visit Nago Gift Shop
【和訳】 名護のギフトショップを訪れた沖縄滞在中のアメリカ人教育者たち。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
87260CR-01_0223-01一般教育1965年7月28日【原文】Visiting American Educators Visit Army Museum
【和訳】 陸軍博物館を訪れた沖縄滞在中のアメリカ人教育者たち。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
88260CR-01_0224-01一般教育1965年7月29日【原文】SEMINARS FOR AMERICAN EDUCATOR
Samuel H. Kitamura, Cultural Affairs Division, Public Affairs Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR), briefs American educators on the Ryukyu Islands. The American educators comprising the Far Eastern Seminar, comparing Education Society were here to study life and educational habits in the Ryukyus. Speakers at the seminars held at the Ryukyu-Tokyu Hotel on July 29 were members of the Michigan State University group at the University, and staff members of the USCAR.
【和訳】 アメリカ人教育者向けセミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
89260CR-01_0226-01一般教育1965年7月29日【原文】Seminars For American Educators
【和訳】 アメリカ人教育者のための講習会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
90260CR-01_0228-01一般教育1965年7月29日【原文】Seminars For American Educators
【和訳】 アメリカ人教育者のための講習会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
91260CR-01_0229-01一般教育1965年7月29日【原文】Seminars For American Educators
【和訳】 アメリカ人教育者のための講習会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
92260CR-01_0068-01一般教育1966年11月3日【原文】RYUKYUAN NURSING SCHOOL TEACHERS visited a kindergarten at Camp Boone and a nursery school on Naha Air Base Nov. 3. Forty-five teachers, members of the Naha City Nursing School Teachers Association, were interested in seeing the difference in education philosophy of a nursery and a nursery school which are separate in the U.S. They are combined in the Ryukyuan education system. Shown in the center surrounded by Ryukyuan teachers is Mrs. Thais Oglesby, acting headteacher, Camp Boone Kindergarten. The arrangements were made by the Education Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) to provide opportunities for Ryukyuan teachers to observe the operation, teaching methods, and equipment of American schools.
【和訳】 琉球出身教員のアメリカンスクール訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
93260CR-01_0068-02一般教育1966年11月3日【原文】RYUKYUAN NURSING SCHOOL TEACHERS visited a kindergarten at Camp Boone and a nursery school on Naha Air Base Nov. 3. Forty-five teachers, members of the Naha City Nursing School Teachers Association, were interested in seeing the difference in education philosophy of a nursery and a nursery school which are separate in the U.S. They are combined in the Ryukyuan education system. Shown in the center surrounded by Ryukyuan teachers is Mrs. Thais Oglesby, acting headteacher, Camp Boone Kindergarten. The arrangements were made by the Education Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) to provide opportunities for Ryukyuan teachers to observe the operation, teaching methods, and equipment of American schools.
【和訳】 琉球出身教員のアメリカンスクール訪問
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
94260CR-01_0231-01一般教育1966年3月24日那覇市上泉町【原文】GET-TOGETHER LUNCHEON Instructors of the newly established Commercial Institute in Iso, Urasoe-Son get together at a luncheon held at the Harborview Club on March 24. The institute was built with $260,000 in U.S. grants and offers business secretarial, sales, and management courses. Shown above are (L-R, around the table): Zentoku Kasai, chief, Management Div., Education Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, director, Education Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands; Kosho Arime, principal; Mrs. Vondlee Lewis, linguistics consultant; Tomokatsu Shingaki, sales management instructor; Zensuke Isa, headteacher; and Dr. Robert J. Geist, English consultant, Michigan State University Group.The institute is scheduled to open on April 6 for 126 high school graduates who have commercial courses.
【和訳】 懇親昼食会
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
95260CR-01_0234-01一般教育1966年3月24日【原文】Stuff For Commercial Institute
【和訳】 商業実務専門学校の講師陣
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
96260CR-01_0237-01一般教育1966年4月4日【原文】English Seminar For School Teachers
【和訳】 学校教員のための英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
97260CR-01_0239-01一般教育1966年4月4日【原文】English Seminar For School Teachers
【和訳】 学校教員のための英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
98260CR-01_0240-01一般教育1966年4月4日【原文】English Seminar For Ryukyuan Teachers
【和訳】 学校教員のための英語セミナー
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
99260CR-01_0243-01一般教育1966年4月5日【原文】Orientation For ARI Students
【和訳】 ARI奨学生のためのオリエンテーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
100260CR-01_0245-01一般教育1966年4月5日【原文】Orientation For ARIA Students
【和訳】 アリア奨学資金学生オリエンテーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
101260CR-01_0246-01一般教育1966年4月5日【原文】ORIENTATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS
Mrs. Charles L. McDermott (R), a reading and speech instructor, is shown pointing out a map of the United States to Tomoko Nakama (L) and Takashi Sakimoto (2nd from L). Both are among 23 Ryukyuan candidates for the U.S. Dept. of the Army-sponsored scholarships who are presently attending a three-month orientation at the English Language Center, which extends from April 4 to June 30. The orientation program includes instruction in reading-composition, American history and government, audio-oral drill and speech. During the orientation period, Tomoko will stay in the home of Lt. Col. and Mrs. C. J. Bordiga, chief, program, Budget and Fiscal Div., Comptroller Dept., USCAR; and Takashi with Mr. and Mrs. Nalcolm F. Slayter, chief, Scholarship and Training Div., Education Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 奨学生オリエンテーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
102260CR-01_0261-01一般教育1966年8月1日【原文】R-A High School Students Summer Camp
【和訳】 琉米高校生サマーキャンプ
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
103260CR-01_0262-01一般教育1966年8月1日【原文】[R-A High School Students Summer Camp]
【和訳】 [琉米高校生サマーキャンプ]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
104260CR-01_0263-01一般教育1966年8月1日【原文】[R-A High School Students Summer Camp]
【和訳】 [琉米高校生サマーキャンプ]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
105260CR-01_0264-01一般教育1966年8月1日【原文】[R-A High School Students Summer Camp]
【和訳】 [琉米高校生サマーキャンプ]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
106260CR-01_0265-01一般教育1966年8月1日【原文】[R-A High School Students Summer Camp]
【和訳】 [琉米高校生サマーキャンプ]
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
107260CR-01_0037-01一般教育1966年8月3日北中城村【原文】BI-NATIONAL STUDENTS' SEMINAR
Hanson Thomas (L), instructor, is shown demonstrating the pronunciation of an English word for Tsuneko Omija (R), senior, Oroku Senior High School, one of some 50 Ryukyuan students participating in the Second Ryukyuan-American Senior High School Seminar at the Kubasaki Senior High School, Okinawa. The two-week bi-national cultural and educational exchange summer seminar brings together Ryukyuan and American boys and girls to promote friendship and understanding through group enjoyment of classroom study, athletics, and social events. The seminar from Aug. 1?13 consists of morning study of the Japanese language and Okinawan history and culture by the American students, and the study of English and American culture and history by the Ryukyuan students, followed by joint music study programs. The afternoon hours are spent in recreation and social exchange. In the evenings, the students enjoy movies, social get-togethers, informal student meetings, and study reviews.
【和訳】 2国間学生セミナー
沖縄の久場崎米人高校にて開催された第2回琉米高等学校セミナーが開催され、約50人の琉球人学生が参加し、小禄高等学校のオオミジャ・ツネコさん (右) ハンソン・トーマス指導員より、英語の発音について指導を受けた。2週間実施されるこのサマーセミナーは、2か国間の文化・教育の交流を目的として、琉米の少年や少女が相互理解や親善を図るため、同じ教室で学習を楽しみ、共に運動や交流会を行う。8月1日から13日までのセミナーは、午前中はアメリカ人学生による日本語と沖縄の歴史・文化の学習、琉球人学生による英語とアメリカの文化・歴史の学習と音楽の合同学習で構成された。午後の時間は、レクリエーションや交流会を行った。夜は映画鑑賞、懇親会、非公式の学生ミーティング、学習の振り返りなどを楽しんだ。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
108260CR-01_0037-02一般教育1966年8月3日北中城村【原文】BI-NATIONAL STUDENTS' SEMINAR
Hanson Thomas (L), instructor, is shown demonstrating the pronunciation of an English word for Tsuneko Omija (R), senior, Oroku Senior High School, one of some 50 Ryukyuan students participating in the Second Ryukyuan-American Senior High School Seminar at the Kubasaki Senior High School, Okinawa. The two-week bi-national cultural and educational exchange summer seminar brings together Ryukyuan and American boys and girls to promote friendship and understanding through group enjoyment of classroom study, athletics, and social events. The seminar from Aug. 1?13 consists of morning study of the Japanese language and Okinawan history and culture by the American students, and the study of English and American culture and history by the Ryukyuan students, followed by joint music study programs. The afternoon hours are spent in recreation and social exchange. In the evenings, the students enjoy movies, social get-togethers, informal student meetings, and study reviews.
【和訳】 2国間学生セミナー
沖縄の久場崎米人高校にて開催された第2回琉米高等学校セミナーが開催され、約50人の琉球人学生が参加し、小禄高等学校のオオミジャ・ツネコさん (右) ハンソン・トーマス指導員より、英語の発音について指導を受けた。2週間実施されるこのサマーセミナーは、2か国間の文化・教育の交流を目的として、琉米の少年や少女が相互理解や親善を図るため、同じ教室で学習を楽しみ、共に運動や交流会を行う。8月1日から13日までのセミナーは、午前中はアメリカ人学生による日本語と沖縄の歴史・文化の学習、琉球人学生による英語とアメリカの文化・歴史の学習と音楽の合同学習で構成された。午後の時間は、レクリエーションや交流会を行った。夜は映画鑑賞、懇親会、非公式の学生ミーティング、学習の振り返りなどを楽しんだ。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
109260CR-01_0062-02一般教育1967年7月22日【原文】RYUKYUANS TO STUDY EXPORT BUSINESS IN TAIWAN
Edward H. Reeves, director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR, on 22 July wished the Ryukyuan government and business officials a successful observation tour to Taiwan. Four Ryukyuans are to depart July 23 for Taipei to study the operation of the export processing zone in Kaohsiung, Taiwan under USCAR's Third Country Training Program. Participating in the program are (L-R): Yasuji Shingaki, president, Ryukyu Stevedoring & Forwarding Co.; Takatoyo Takayasu, Chief, planning sub-section, Trade & Commerce Section, Trade and Industry Dept., GRI; and Joki Kuwae, business manager, Ryukyu Crown Battery Co.; Yukio Miyagi (not shown in the photo), business manager, Ryukyu Brothers Co. will also join the group.
【和訳】 訓練生の台湾派遣
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
110260CR-01_0054-01一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
111260CR-01_0054-02一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
112260CR-01_0054-03一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
113260CR-01_0054-04一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
114260CR-01_0054-05一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
115260CR-01_0054-06一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
116260CR-01_0054-07一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
117260CR-01_0054-08一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
118260CR-01_0054-09一般教育1968年3月11日浦添村伊祖【原文】ADDRESSING 135 graduates at the Okinawa Commercial Institute commencement exercises in Urasoe-Son on March 11, Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, deputy director, Education Department, U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR), commended the graduates ? “You are living in an age that offers great opportunities for well-trained persons. Never have the ideas and the talents of the educated been more eagerly sought. I hope that you will make the most of your time and newly acquired talents in the future.” The institute, completed with U.S. aid funds in April 1966, provides a one-year course in the secretarial, management, and sales field for high school graduates. The 1968 graduates have all been placed in jobs with U.S. agencies, local government, banking, insurance, private businesses and self-employment.
【和訳】 3月11日、浦添村で行われた商業実務専門学校の卒業式では、卒業生135名を前に、琉球列島米国民政府のジャネット・K・フィンク厚生教育局副局長が、「皆さんは、よく訓練された人に大きなチャンスを与える時代に生きています。教育を受けた人のアイデアと才能がこれほど求められていることはありません。皆さんが将来、自分の時間と新たに身につけた才能を最大限に活用することを期待しています。」と挨拶した。1966年4月に米国の援助金で完成したこの同校では、高校卒業者を対象に秘書科、経営管理科、販売科の1年間の教育課程を設置している。1968年の卒業生はそれぞれ、米国政府機関、地方自治体、銀行、保険、個人事業、自営業などに就職している。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
119260CR-01_0062-01一般教育1968年7月22日【原文】RYUKYUANS TO STUDY EXPORT BUSINESS IN TAIWAN
Edward H. Reeves, director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR, on 22 July wished the Ryukyuan government and business officials a successful observation tour to Taiwan. Four Ryukyuans are to depart July 23 for Taipei to study the operation of the export processing zone in Kaohsiung, Taiwan under USCAR's Third Country Training Program. Participating in the program are (L-R): Yasuji Shingaki, president, Ryukyu Stevedoring & Forwarding Co.; Takatoyo Takayasu, Chief, planning sub-section, Trade & Commerce Section, Trade and Industry Dept., GRI; and Joki Kuwae, business manager, Ryukyu Crown Battery Co.; Yukio Miyagi (not shown in the photo), business manager, Ryukyu Brothers Co. will also join the group.
【和訳】 訓練生の台湾派遣
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
120260CR-01_0059-01一般教育1968年7月24日【原文】RYUKYUAN SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS TO U.S.
Thomas H. Baker, chief, scholarship and training branch, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR, encourages Ryukyuan students who are scheduled to depart for the United States on July 28 to study at their assigned universities and colleges under the annual U.S. Dept. of the Army-sponsored Ryukyuan Scholarship Program. The students are (L-R): Miss Yukiko Teruya who will study special education at the University of Iowa; Miss Sakiyo Yamashiro, library science, University of Texas; Sosei Ueda, teaching English as a foreign language, Ohio University; Kunio Hokama, business administration, Miami University; Nobuo Kinjo, teaching English as a foreign language, Ohio University; Katsushige Higa, accounting, University of Toledo; Katsuyasu Kinjo, journalism, University of Oregon; Shigeji Kadekawa, teaching English as a foreign language, Colorado State University; and Choei Jahana, Journalism, University of Florida.
【和訳】 米留学生米国へ発つ
米国陸軍省後援の米国留学生計画によりアメリカの大学で勉強するため、来る28日に米国へ出発する学生を激励しているトーマス H・ベーカ米国民政府厚生・教育局訓練課長。学生は左より照屋由起子(アイオワ大学、特殊教育)、山城咲代(テキサス大学、図書館学)、上田宗政(オハイオ大学、英語教授法)、外間国男(マイアミ大学、経営学)、金城信雄(オハイオ大学、英語教授法)、比嘉勝秀(トレド大学、会計学)、金城克安(オレゴン大学、ジャーナリズム)、嘉手川繁二(コロラド大学、英語教授法)、謝花長英(フロリダ大学、ジャーナリズム)。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
121260CR-01_0059-02一般教育1968年7月24日【原文】RYUKYUAN SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS TO U.S.
Thomas H. Baker, chief, scholarship and training branch, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR, encourages Ryukyuan students who are scheduled to depart for the United States on July 28 to study at their assigned universities and colleges under the annual U.S. Dept. of the Army-sponsored Ryukyuan Scholarship Program. The students are (L-R): Miss Yukiko Teruya who will study special education at the University of Iowa; Miss Sakiyo Yamashiro, library science, University of Texas; Sosei Ueda, teaching English as a foreign language, Ohio University; Kunio Hokama, business administration, Miami University; Nobuo Kinjo, teaching English as a foreign language, Ohio University; Katsushige Higa, accounting, University of Toledo; Katsuyasu Kinjo, journalism, University of Oregon; Shigeji Kadekawa, teaching English as a foreign language, Colorado State University; and Choei Jahana, Journalism, University of Florida.
【和訳】 米留学生米国へ発つ
米国陸軍省後援の米国留学生計画によりアメリカの大学で勉強するため、来る28日に米国へ出発する学生を激励しているトーマス H・ベーカ米国民政府厚生・教育局訓練課長。学生は左より照屋由起子(アイオワ大学、特殊教育)、山城咲代(テキサス大学、図書館学)、上田宗政(オハイオ大学、英語教授法)、外間国男(マイアミ大学、経営学)、金城信雄(オハイオ大学、英語教授法)、比嘉勝秀(トレド大学、会計学)、金城克安(オレゴン大学、ジャーナリズム)、嘉手川繁二(コロラド大学、英語教授法)、謝花長英(フロリダ大学、ジャーナリズム)。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
122260CR-01_0064-01一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
123260CR-01_0064-02一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
124260CR-01_0064-03一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
125260CR-01_0064-04一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
126260CR-01_0064-05一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
127260CR-01_0064-06一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
128260CR-01_0064-07一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
129260CR-01_0064-08一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
130260CR-01_0064-09一般教育1968年9月13日名護町港【原文】TEACHING DEMONSTRATION AT NAGO ENGLISH CLASS
Seijun Toguchi, director of the English Language Center in Shuri, is conducting a demonstration of teaching English for 35 students in the beginners class at the Nago Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center on Sept. 12. The demonstration was conducted after the opening ceremony of the Nago extension branch of the English Language Center at Shuri. Initially, there are two three-hour evening classes from 6:30 on Wednesday and Friday with the instruction by Fritz Snyder and Masaji Irei.
【和訳】 英語クラス指導のデモンストレーション
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
131260CR-01_0066-01一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
132260CR-01_0066-02一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
133260CR-01_0066-03一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
134260CR-01_0066-04一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
135260CR-01_0066-05一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
136260CR-01_0066-06一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
137260CR-01_0066-07一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
138260CR-01_0066-08一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
139260CR-01_0066-09一般教育1968年9月18日那覇市首里大中町【原文】AMERICAN TEACHERS heard U.S. Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard speak on the subject of the U.S. Administration of the Ryukyus and the economy of the islands on Sept. 18, as a part of a day-long orientation program held at the Shuri Museum. The session, for some 400 newly-arrived American teachers assigned to the local Department of Defense-operated American Dependents Schools, covered Ryukyuan culture, customs, education, religion, and history.
【和訳】 琉球政府立博物館で9月18日、1日がかりのオリエンテーションが行われ、ロス・N・リラード副民政官が琉球の米国行政と島の経済をテーマに講演した。国防総省が運営するアメリカ人学校に赴任してきたアメリカ人教師約400人を対象に、琉球の文化、習慣、教育、宗教、歴史などについて説明した。
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
140260CR-01_0266-01一般教育1970年3月30日那覇市首里【原文】GRADUATION OF APPRENTICE TRAINEES
Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, chief, Education Div. of the Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR congratulates 33 students who completed a 10-month English course at the English Language Center in Shuri, March 30, under the USARYIS Apprentice Training Program which is funded by USCAR. The trainees are Ryukyuan military employees who work at 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa Regional Exchange, Strategic Communication Command and Engineer Group. The students met three times a week and completed 216 hours in speaking, hearing, reading, composition, grammar and audio-oral drill. All classes were conducted by American instructors.conducted by American instructors.
【和訳】 技術研修生、英語講座を修了
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
141260CR-01_0266-02一般教育1970年3月30日那覇市首里【原文】GRADUATION OF APPRENTICE TRAINEES
【和訳】 技術研修生、英語講座を修了
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
142260CR-01_0266-03一般教育1970年3月30日那覇市首里【原文】GRADUATION OF APPRENTICE TRAINEES
【和訳】 技術研修生、英語講座を修了
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
143260CR-01_0266-04一般教育1970年3月30日那覇市首里【原文】GRADUATION OF APPRENTICE TRAINEES
Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, chief, Education Div. of the Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR congratulates 33 students who completed a 10-month English course at the English Language Center in Shuri, March 30, under the USARYIS Apprentice Training Program which is funded by USCAR. The trainees are Ryukyuan military employees who work at 2nd Logistical Command, Okinawa Regional Exchange, Strategic Communication Command and Engineer Group. The students met three times a week and completed 216 hours in speaking, hearing, reading, composition, grammar and audio-oral drill. All classes were conducted by American instructors.
【和訳】 技術研修生、英語講座を修了
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
144260CR-01_0268-01一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
145260CR-01_0268-02一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】LANGUAGE LABORATORY
Director Seijun Toguchi (L) explains to Gen. Smith (R) how a student can utilize a language laboratory. A student in each booth can hear model pronunciation from a master tape through the console. When the student imitates the model pronunciation, the sounds are automatically tape-recorded. A teacher can listen to the student's pronunciation through the console and correct the pronunciation. At center is Dr. Jensen.


Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 言語実習室


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
146260CR-01_0268-03一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
147260CR-01_0268-04一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】IMPROVING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION by using a tape-recorder in a booth is Masahiro Nakamura, teacher of English at Goeku Junior High School. He is attending a 10-month English teachers seminar at the ELC. Looking on are (L-R): director Toguchi; Gen. Smith; and Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, instructor, ELC.


Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 発音の練習


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
148260CR-01_0268-05一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
149260CR-01_0268-06一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
150260CR-01_0273-01一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
151260CR-01_0273-02一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
152260CR-01_0273-03一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MEETING WITH ELC STAFF
Twenty-one employees, including instructors, librarians and administration staff, are introduced to Gen. Smith during his tour to the ELC. Shaking hands with Gen. Smith is an administrative clerk, Miss Takae Uehara.


Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 職員の紹介


【分類】General Education / 一般教育
153260CR-01_0273-04一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
154260CR-01_0273-05一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
155260CR-01_0273-06一般教育1970年9月14日那覇市首里【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Maj. Gen. Robert B. Smith, deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, Sept. 14 toured the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri to familiarize himself with its facilities and operation. Gen. Smith was briefed by ELC's director Seijun Toguchi on ELC's history and programs which are aimed at expanding and improving English language study in the Ryukyus. Gen. Smith toured the building to observe the classrooms, language laboratories, a lecture hall and a library, and met instructors and administration staff. He was escorted by Dr. (Col.) Robert T. Jensen, chairman, board of directors, ELC, and director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】General Education / 一般教育
156260CR-01_0276-01一般教育1971年3月15日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS
【和訳】 英語受講生の修了式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
157260CR-01_0276-02一般教育1971年3月15日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS
Receiving a certificate of completion from Seijun Toguchi (R), director of the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri, is Masaru Asato, one of 24 Ryukyuan apprentices who have completed ten months of English language study at the center. They are receiving technical training at various U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands (USARYIS) installations to become full fledged journeymen under the Ryukyuan Apprentice Training Program, administered by the USARYIS Civilian Personnel Office and funded by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands. Others in the photo, seated, L-R: Masanori Yamanoha, apprentice instructor; Clayton L. Hogg, part-time English instructor at ELC; and Victor I. Koga, personnel management specialist, Machinato Civilian Personnel Office. Under this program, since 1962, 109 Ryukyuans have become mechanics, welders, plumbers, electricians, and radio, refrigerator-air conditioning and medical equipment repairmen.
【和訳】 英語受講生の修了式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
158260CR-01_0276-03一般教育1971年3月15日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS
Receiving a certificate of completion from Seijun Toguchi (R), director of the English Language Center (ELC) in Shuri, is Masaru Asato, one of 24 Ryukyuan apprentices who have completed ten months of English language study at the center. They are receiving technical training at various U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands (USARYIS) installations to become full fledged journeymen under the Ryukyuan Apprentice Training Program, administered by the USARYIS Civilian Personnel Office and funded by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands. Others in the photo, seated, L-R: Masanori Yamanoha, apprentice instructor; Clayton L. Hogg, part-time English instructor at ELC; and Victor I. Koga, personnel management specialist, Machinato Civilian Personnel Office. Under this program, since 1962, 109 Ryukyuans have become mechanics, welders, plumbers, electricians, and radio, refrigerator-air conditioning and medical equipment repairmen.
【和訳】 英語受講生の修了式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
159260CR-01_0276-04一般教育1971年3月15日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS
【和訳】 英語受講生の修了式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
160260CR-01_0276-05一般教育1971年3月15日那覇市首里【原文】ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDENTS
【和訳】 英語受講生の修了式
【分類】General Education / 一般教育
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