資料群ガイド 米国収集資料  米国国立公文書館(Archives II)  RG260: USCAR文書(第二次世界大戦米占領司令部文書)  広報局  映像・写真資料、他
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  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル USCAR広報局写真資料 85
資料日付 (自)1953/07/03、(至)1970/06/19 この写真を見る
作成者 米国立公文書館
所管(発行) USCAR広報局
資料解説 Buildings / 建物 / Construction / 建設 / Dedications / 落成式
各種識別 [資料種別]写真、[個人情報]有、[数量]160、[言語]和英、[内容コード]A000022670
1260CR-41_0602-01建設1953年7月3日那覇市【原文】Ryubo Department
【和訳】 デパートリウボウ
【分類】Construction / 建設
2260CR-42_0508-01建物1958年10月15日那覇市首里【原文】Shurei-no-Mon (Gate of Courtesy) at the entrance to the University of the Ryukyus campus on Shuri Hill. U.S. Army Band plays during the dedication ceremony of a replica of the Gate, the original of which was destroyed during World War II.
【和訳】 首里の丘陵地で琉球大学キャンパスの入り口にある「守礼門」。第二次世界大戦で破壊された門の復元竣工式では、米陸軍音楽隊が演奏した。
【分類】Buildings / 建物
3260CR-41_0563-01建物1959年3月18日糸満町【原文】Itoman Post Office
【和訳】 糸満郵便局
4260CR-41_0584-01建物1959年3月26日那覇市【原文】Naha Civil Air Terminal Building
【和訳】 沖縄国際空港ターミナルビル
5260CR-41_0585-01建物1959年3月26日那覇市【原文】Naha Civil Air Terminal Building
【和訳】 沖縄国際空港ターミナルビル
6260CR-41_0586-01建設1959年3月26日那覇市【原文】Naha Civil Air Terminal Building
【和訳】 沖縄国際空港ターミナルビル
【分類】Construction / 建設
7260CR-43_0117-01落成式1960年11月17日今帰仁村【原文】Hokubu Sugar Company Plant Dedicate
【和訳】 北部製糖所落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
8260CR-42_0472-01建物1960年5月12日【原文】One of two Japanese language television stations in the Ryukyus, both of which are located in Naha, Okinawa. The English language Armed Forces Radio and Television Station (AFRTS) is also located in Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄那覇市にある琉球の日本語テレビ局2つのうちの1つ。英語放送の軍事ラジオ・テレビ局も沖縄にある。
【分類】Buildings / 建物
9260CR-42_0484-02建物1960年5月12日【原文】One of two Japanese language television stations in the Ryukyus, both of which are located in Naha, Okinawa. The English language Armed Forces Radio and Television Station (AFRTS) is also located in Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄那覇市にある琉球の日本語テレビ局2つのうちの1つ。英語放送の軍事ラジオ・テレビ局も沖縄にある。
【分類】Buildings / 建物
10260CR-43_0155-01落成式1961年12月8日那覇市首里【原文】The High Commissioner plants a tree to commemorate the dedication of a new Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station building in Shuri, Dec. 8, 1961.

The Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station in Shuri dedicated its new building on Friday, Dec. 8 with High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as a special guest.

TREE PLANTING Planting a tree to commemorate the dedication of the new building is High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as Hiroshi Senaga, deputy chief executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands looks on.
【和訳】 1961年12月8日に行われた琉球農業試験場の落成式で、記念植樹を行う高等弁務官。


【分類】Dedications / 落成式
11260CR-43_0158-01落成式1961年12月8日那覇市首里【原文】The Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station in Shuri dedicated its new building on Friday, Dec. 8 with High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as a special guest. RIBBON CUTTINO - Cutting a ribbon to formally open the new building is High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway and Hiroshi Senaga, deputy chief executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands.
【和訳】 首里の琉球農業試験場の落成式が12月8日、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官を特別ゲストに迎えて行われた。式典でリボンカットするポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官と琉球政府瀬長浩副主席。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
12260CR-43_0160-01落成式1961年12月8日那覇市首里【原文】The Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station in Shuri dedicated its new building on Friday, Dec. 8 with High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as a special guest. INSPECTING NEW BUILDING - Inspecting the building following a ribbon-cutting ceremony are (l to r): Buntaro Furugen, chief of the experiment station; Hiroshi Senaga, deputy chief executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Maj. George T. Sakai language aide to the High Commissioner, and High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway.
【和訳】 首里の琉球農業試験場の落成式が12月8日、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官を特別ゲストに迎えて行われた。リボンカットの後、新しい建物を視察する (左から) 試験場所長フルゲン・ブンタロウ氏、琉球政府瀬長浩副主席、高等弁務官付き通訳官ジョージ・T・サカイ少佐、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
13260CR-43_0162-01落成式1961年12月8日那覇市首里【原文】The Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station in Shuri dedicated its new building on Friday, Dec. 8 with High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as a special guest.
EXHIBITSHigh Commissioner Paul W. Caraway views Ryukyuan-made textiles at an exhibit in the new building following its dedication. To his right is Hiroshi Senaga, deputy chief executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, and in the background, Civil Administrator John G. Ondrick.
【和訳】 首里の琉球農業試験場の落成式が12月8日、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官を特別ゲストに迎えて行われた。

【分類】Dedications / 落成式
14260CR-42_0484-01建物1961年5月18日那覇市【原文】The Government of the Ryukyu Islands-United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Building, Naha, 1961. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands occupies the two lower floors, United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands the two upper floors. At the right is the Naha Police Station.
【和訳】 1961年、那覇市にある琉球政府および琉球列島米国民政府行政府ビル。下の2階が琉球政府、上の2階を琉球列島米国民政府が使用。右手には那覇警察署。
【分類】Buildings / 建物
15260CR-41_0559-01建設1961年8月10日浦添村牧港【原文】Okinawa Chlorine Factory
【和訳】 沖縄塩素産業
【分類】Construction / 建設
16260CR-42_0205-01建設1962年10月29日【原文】The University of the Ryukyus new Student Center, being constructed by University students and USARYIS military personnel, is scheduled for completion in the near future.
【和訳】 琉球大学の新しい学生センター。琉球大学の学生と琉球列島米国陸軍の軍人により建設されており、間もなく完成する。
【分類】Construction / 建設
17260CR-43_0219-01落成式1962年10月6日【原文】High Commissioner Dedicating New Scout Hut
【和訳】 新しいスカウト小屋の除幕式を行う高等弁務官
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
18260CR-43_0176-01落成式1962年2月15日コザ市【原文】The High Commissioner helps break ground for a new USO Center in Koza, Feb. 15, 1962.
【和訳】 1962年2月15日、コザの新しい米国慰問協会の地鎮祭でのポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
19260CR-43_0178-01落成式1962年4月13日那覇市泊【原文】GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY FOR TOMARI WATER PLANT - A much-needed project - the expansion of the Tomari Water Treatment Plant was started today at a cost of $298,000. Upon completion of this project in February next year, this plant will provide 5.6 million gallons per day to the citizens of Naha. This added supply of potable water is expected to neat the present needs of Naha, which is about 4.7 million gallons per day. Today's ceremony was attended by Chief Executive Seisaku Ota, Speaker Akio Nagamine, Mayor Junji Nishime and Deputy Civil Administrator Edward K. Shultz who represented the Office of the High Commissioner. Breaking ground are (L to R): Kohatsu, president of Kohatsu Gumi; Hajime Takara, Speaker of Naha City Assembly; and Junji Nishime, Naha City Mayor.
【和訳】 泊浄水場起工鍬入式
待ち望まれた泊浄水場の拡張事業が工事費用298,000ドルをかけて今日開始された。来年2月の完成後は那覇市民に1日560万ガロンの水を供給する。この追加供給により、1日あたり約470万ガロンの那覇の現在の必要量を整えると予測される。式典には琉球政府大田政作行政主席、立法院長嶺秋夫議長、西銘順二市長、高等弁務官事務所を代表してエドワード・K・シュルツ副民政官らが出席した。鍬入れする (左から) 小波津組社長の小波津氏、那覇市議会高良一議長、西銘順二那覇市長。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
20260CR-42_0199-01建設1962年6月14日【原文】Testing the soil for the New Student Center of the Ryukyus is the first step in the construction of his new 37 x 64 foot concrete block one-story structure this machine digs down into the earth bringing samples of soil which are used in determining the stability and bearing pressure of the earth.
【和訳】 7×64フィートのコンクリートブロック一階建ての新しい学生センター建設のための最初のステップとなる土壌試験で、この機械で掘り下げ、安定性とベアリング圧力を知るために使用する土壌のサンプルを採取する。
【分類】Construction / 建設
21260CR-42_0214-01建設1962年6月14日【原文】SOIL TESTING on the site of the new student center of the University of the Ryukyus. The 37 x 64-ft, one-story concrete block structure will be built with student labor under the technical supervision of U.S. military and civilian engineers of Hq USARYIS, the U.S. Amy Engineer District, Okinawa, and the U.S. Civil Administration, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 土壌試験
【分類】Construction / 建設
22260CR-42_0202-01建設1962年7月6日粟国【原文】An aerial view of the Aguni Island School where local villagers and two sergeants from the 65th arty, 30th army brigade, are erecting a new kitchen for the school under the supervision of the chief of staff, USARYIS, in conjunction with the high commissioner's People to People program.
【和訳】 粟国島の農村地域の学校風景。高等弁務官のピープルトゥピープル事業と組み合わせて琉球列島米国陸軍管理のもと、米陸軍第65特科団と第30特科団の軍曹2人が島の人々と学校のをキッチンを建設中。
【分類】Construction / 建設
23260CR-42_0208-01建設1962年7月6日粟国【原文】Sgt. Emzie Stovall and Sp/5 John W. Shadrach, both of the 65th arty., 30th arty brigade, and local villager of Aguni Island work hand in hand in erecting new kitchen for their school. This project is being directed by the chief of staff, USARYIS, in conjunction with the high commissioner's People to People program.
【和訳】 粟国島の人々と学校の新しい炊事場を建設中の第65陸軍特科団所属エムジー・ストヴァル軍曹と第30特科団所属ジョン・W・シャドラッハ特技兵。高等弁務官のピープルトゥピープル事業と琉球列島米国陸軍の監督下で行われる事業。
【分類】Construction / 建設
24260CR-42_0210-01建設1962年7月6日粟国【原文】This is the new kitchen that is being built for the Aguni Island school under the supervision of the chief of staff, USARYS. As part of the high commissioner's People to People program.
【和訳】 高等弁務官のピープルトゥピープル事業の一環として琉球列島米国陸軍の監督下で建設された粟国島の学校の新しい炊事場。
【分類】Construction / 建設
25260CR-42_0212-01建設1962年7月6日粟国【原文】Children of the Aguni Island school assist Sgt. Emzie Stovall and Sp/5 John W. Shadrach in erecting the new kitchen for their school. The two sergeants are from the 65th arty., 30th arty brigade. This project is under the direction and supervision of the chief of staff, USARYS in conjunction with the High Commissioner's People to People program.
【和訳】 学校の新しい炊事場を建設中のエムジー・ストヴァル軍曹、ジョン・W・シャドラッハ特技兵とその手助けする粟国島の子ども達。軍人2人はそれぞれ第65、第30陸軍特科団に所属。この事業は高等弁務官のピープルトゥピープル事業の一環として琉球列島米国陸軍の監督下で行われた。
【分類】Construction / 建設
26260CR-42_0217-01建設1962年7月6日粟国【原文】This is the new kitchen that is being built for the Aguni Island school under the supervision of the chief of staff, USARYIS. As part of the High Commissioner's People to People Program.
【和訳】 琉球列島米国陸軍の監督下で建設中の粟国島の学校の炊事場。高等弁務官のピープルトゥピープル事業の一環で行われた。
【分類】Construction / 建設
27260CR-42_0114-01建設1962年8月10日浦添村屋冨祖【原文】Yafuso, Urasoe-Son
【和訳】 浦添村屋冨祖区
【分類】Construction / 建設
28260CR-41_0578-01建設1962年8月23日【原文】NEWLY DEVELOPED WELL - Three new wells on Kadena Air Base were recently completed by U.S. Army engineers, providing a total of 2.3 million gallons of water a day to the Tybase water treatment plant for Okinawa's water-thirsty economy. Asae Ikehara (R), a pump operator, explains the daily record of water supply to Leonard H. Dicke (center), technical adviser to Ryukyu Domestic Water Corporation (RDWC) and Jinsuke Okuda, general manager of the RDWC. RDWC is planning another four-well complex on Kadena Air Base, capable of supplying a total of six million gallons water, within the next year.
【和訳】 新しく開発された井戸
米陸軍工兵隊により嘉手納空軍基地で3つの新しい井戸が完成し、沖縄の渇水対策としてタイベース水処理プラントに1日230万ガロンの水を提供する。ポンプ作業員のイケハラ・アサエ氏 (右) から日々の給水記録の説明を受ける琉球水道公社技術顧問レナード・H・ディッケ氏 (中央) と部長の屋田甚助氏。琉球水道公社は今後1年以内に、600万ガロンの水を供給可能な4つの井戸の複合施設を嘉手納空軍基地内に計画している。
【分類】Construction / 建設
29260CR-41_0578-02建設1962年8月23日【原文】NEWLY DEVELOPED WELL - Three new wells on Kadena Air Base were recently completed by U.S. Army engineers, providing a total of 2.3 million gallons of water a day to the Tybase water treatment plant for Okinawa's water-thirsty economy. Asae Ikehara (R), a pump operator, explains the daily record of water supply to Leonard H. Dicke (center), technical adviser to Ryukyu Domestic Water Corporation (RDWC) and Jinsuke Okuda, general manager of the RDWC. RDWC is planning another four-well complex on Kadena Air Base, capable of supplying a total of six million gallons water, within the next year.
【和訳】 新しく開発された井戸
米陸軍工兵隊により嘉手納空軍基地で3つの新しい井戸が完成し、沖縄の渇水対策としてタイベース水処理プラントに1日230万ガロンの水を提供する。ポンプ作業員のイケハラ・アサエ氏 (右) から日々の給水記録の説明を受ける琉球水道公社技術顧問レナード・H・ディッケ氏 (中央) と部長の屋田甚助氏。琉球水道公社は今後1年以内に、600万ガロンの水を供給可能な4つの井戸の複合施設を嘉手納空軍基地内に計画している。
【分類】Construction / 建設
30260CR-41_0580-01建設1962年8月23日【原文】Underground Water Available To Local Economy
【和訳】 地域経済に利用できる地下水
【分類】Construction / 建設
31260CR-42_0197-01建設1962年9月16日【原文】S/Sgt Thomas E. Money, U.S. Army Transportation Group, SP5 Glen A. Cummings, 2/503D Infantry, Principal Tsuyoshi Sokei and Mr. Jinwa Kadekaru, both of the Okinawa Technical High School, inspect the school ground expansion project at the Okinawa Technical High School, while PFC Jack Youngblood 2/503D infantry operates the bulldozer.
【和訳】 沖縄工業高校の校庭拡張プロジェクトを視察する、アメリカ陸軍輸送部隊のトーマス・E・マネー軍曹とグレン・A・カミングス特技兵、沖縄工業高校祖慶剛校長とカデカル・ジンワ氏。ブルトーザーを運転するのはジャック・ヤングブラッド一等兵。
【分類】Construction / 建設
32260CR-43_0180-01落成式1962年9月26日那覇市泊【原文】TOMARI TREATMENT PLUNT EXPANSION PROGRAM BEGINS - Naha City today broke ground for the start of a much-needed project - the expansion of the Tomari Water Treatment Plant at a cost of $298,000. The project, when it is completed in February next year, will increase the capacity of the treatment plant from its present 3.0 million gallons per day to 5.6 million gallons. This added supply of potable water is expected to neat the present needs of Naha, which is 4.7 million gallons per day. Today's groundbreaking ceremony was attended by Chief Executive Seisaku Ota of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Speaker Akio Nagamine of the Legislature, Mayor Junji Nishime of Naha City and others, Representing the High Commissioner was Edward K. Shultz, Deputy Civil Administrator. Mr, Shultz is shown praying to God for a successful completion of the project in accordance with the Japanese Shinto religion. In the back-row (L-R) are: Nobuo Takaramura, president of the Ryukyu Development Loan Corporation and Seisaku Ota of the Government of the Ryukyu lslands.
【和訳】 泊浄水場拡張プログラム開始
待ち望まれた泊浄水場の拡張事業が工事費用298,000ドルをかけて今日起工式を迎えた。来年2月の完成後は現在の1日当たり300万ガロンの浄水量から560万ガロンへ引き上げられる。この追加供給により、1日あたり約470万ガロンの那覇の現在の必要量を整えると予測される。今日の起工式には琉球政府大田政作行政主席、立法院長嶺秋夫議長、西銘順二市長の他、高等弁務官事務所を代表してエドワード・K・シュルツ副民政官らが出席した。日本の神道に従って工事の成功を祈願するシュルツ副民政官。後方は (左から) 琉球開発金融公社宝村信雄総裁、琉球政府大田政作行政主席。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
33260CR-43_0201-01落成式1962年9月26日宜野座村漢那【原文】FIRST FLOW OF WATER - Kanna villagers in Ginoza-Son, northern Okinawa, are now enjoying two modem conveniences - a $65,000 electric power facility operated by the Son office and a new $12,900 Kanna water system. Deputy Civil Administrator Edward K. Shultz (right) is shown opening the spigot to start the flow of water at the completion ceremony of the water system on Sept. 26. At left is Koyu Urasaki, mayor of Ginoza-Son. The High Commissioner provided a grant of $3,828 from his special fund for the project.
【和訳】 最初の流水
村役場運営の65,000ドルの電力施設と、12,900ドルの新しい漢那配水システムの2つの近代的で便利な設備を喜ぶ沖縄北部宜野座村の漢那部落。9月26日の配水システムの落成式で、蛇口をひねり水を出すエドワード・K・シュルツ副民政官 (右) 。左は宜野座村長浦崎康裕氏。この事業には高等弁務官資金から3,828ドルが助成された。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
34260CR-43_0214-01落成式1962年9月26日【原文】The High Commissioner attends a dedication ceremony of the new Boy Scouts hut in Naha, Oct. 6, 1962.
【和訳】 1962年10月6日、高等弁務官が出席して行われた那覇の新しいボーイスカウト小屋での式典。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
35260CR-43_0308-01落成式1963年11月16日東村慶佐次【原文】A NEW LORAN STATION at Gesashi, Higashi-Son, northeastern Okinawa, was commissioned (activated) at 11 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 16, by Admiral Edwin J. Roland, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard (Adm. Roland is standing immediately in front of khaki-clad officers). The term "LORAN" is an abbreviation for "Long-Ranging Aid to Navigation," LORAN facilities in the Pacific provide accurate navigational aids to aircraft and shipping of all nations. The Gesashi station is part of a U.S. Coast Guard network of LORAN facilities. The new $2,500,000 LORAN station, containing the latest type of LORAN radio transmitting equipment, was built by the Alcan Pacific Company under a contract supervised by the U.S. Army Engineer District, Okinawa.

As the Flag touches the top of the flagpole at 1100 hours, Saturday, Nov. 16, the new Coast Guard LORAN (Long-Ranging Aid to Navigation) station at Gesashi, Higashi-Son, northeastern Okinawa, is officially commissioned. In front of the flagpole and obscured by officers and enlisted personnel of the station are Admiral Edwin J. Roland, Commandant of the Coast Guard, and Rear Admiral Christoper C. Knapp, Commander of the 14th Coast Guard District, Honolulu, Hawaii.
【和訳】 ロランステーション開所式
沖縄北部の東村慶佐次に11月16日、新しいロランステーションが米沿岸警備隊のエドウィン・J・ローランド提督 (カーキ姿の将校のすぐ前に立っている) に委託された。ロランというのは広範囲の電波航法で、太平洋のロラン施設はすべての国の航空機と船舶に正確な運航補助を行う。最新型のラジオ無線装置を含む2,500,000ドルのロランステーションは在沖米陸軍工兵隊の監督のもと、アルカン・パシフィック・カンパニーによって建設された。

【分類】Dedications / 落成式
36260CR-43_0310-01落成式1963年11月16日東村慶佐次【原文】ADMIRAL EDWIN J. ROLAND (L), commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, met with leaders of Higashi-Son, northeastern Okinawa, on Nov. 16 where he commissioned (activated) a new LORAN station. The term "LORAN" is an abbreviation of "Long-Ranging Aid to Navigation." Around Admiral Roland are (L to R): Rear Admiral Christopher C. Knapp (partially obscured), commander of the 14th Coast Guard District headquartered in Honolulu; Seikichi Miyagi, president of the Nago English Language School, originally from Higashi-Son; Lt. Robert Gardner, commanding officer of the newly opened LORAN station in Higashi-Son; Matsuji Miyazato, mayor of Higashi-Son; and Masanobu Kinjo, chairman, Higashi-Son Assembly.

MEETING WITH HIGASHI-SON LEADERS during commissioning ceremonies of the new LORAN station in northeastern Okinawa. Admiral Roland shakes hands with Mr. Matsuji Miyasato, mayor of Higashi-Son. Looking on (L to R) are Rear Admiral Christopher C. Knapp (partially obscured), Commander of the 14th Coast Guard District headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii; Mr. Seikichi Miyagi, president of the Nago English Language School, a native of Higashi-Son; Lt. Robert Gardner, commanding officer of the new LORAN station; and Mr. Masanobu Kinjo, chairman, Higashi-Son Assembly.
【和訳】 エドウィン・J・ローランド提督
米沿岸警備隊司令官エドウィン・J・ローランド提督は11月16日、任務を受けたロランステーションのある沖縄北東部の東村のリーダー達と会談した。ロランという用語は地上系電波航法システムのこと。ローランド提督の周りにいるのは (左から)ハワイ州ホノルル第14沿岸警備隊地区司令官クリストファー・C・ナップ提督 (部分的に隠れている) 、東村出身の名護英語学校宮城盛吉校長、東村に新しく開所したロランステーション司令官ロバート・ガードナー中尉、東村宮里松次村長、東村議会金城政信議長。

沖縄北東部の新しいロランステーションの開所式にて。東村宮里松次村長と握手するローランド提督。 (左から)ハワイ州ホノルル第14沿岸警備隊地区司令官クリストファー・C・ナップ提督 (部分的に隠れている) 、東村出身の名護英語学校宮城盛吉校長、東村に新しく開所したロランステーション司令官ロバート・ガードナー中尉、東村宮里松次村長、東村議会金城政信議長。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
37260CR-43_0229-01落成式1963年1月18日宜野座村惣慶【原文】WATER SYSTEM COMPLETION CEREMONY
Sokei and Fukuyama villages in Ginoza-Son held a completion ceremony of their new $12,600 water system at the Sokei community hall grounds on Jan. 18, 1963. The new water system was financed in part by a $5,000 grant from the High Commissioner's Community Development Fund. Enjoying the first flow of water at the ceremony are (L to R): Eiichi Shinzato, Sokei village chief; Dr. Orba F. Traylor, director, Finance Dept., Office of the High Commissioner; GRI Legislator Tokuichi Igei; Ginoza-Son Mayor Koyu Urasaki.
【和訳】 配水システム完成式

宜野座村惣慶の公民館グランドで1963年1月18日、惣慶と福山部落による12,600ドルの新しい配水システムの落成式が行われた。新しい配水システムの5,000ドルは高等弁務官地域社会開発資金から調達された。式典で水を流す (左から) 部落長シンザト・エイイチ氏、高等弁務官事務所財政部長オルバ・F・トレイラー博士、琉球政府立法議員伊芸徳一氏、宜野座村長浦崎康裕氏。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
38260CR-41_0595-01建設1963年3月8日【原文】No Caption
【分類】Construction / 建設
39260CR-41_0596-01建設1963年3月8日【原文】No Caption
【分類】Construction / 建設
40260CR-41_0597-01建設1963年3月8日【原文】No Caption
【分類】Construction / 建設
Ishigaki Port, five days before its official opening. 165,000 meters of reclaimed land will provide space for a modern port terminus, bonded shed and warehouses, oil storage, and commercial areas including cold storage and fish market. It is to be completed with $500,000 in U.S. funds, plus a $1.2 million Ryukyu Development Loan Corporation (RDLC) loan and much technical U.S. know-how and assistance.
【和訳】 石垣港
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
42260CR-43_0256-01落成式1963年6月5日【原文】COMMEMORATIVE CANOE RACE
Hundreds of spectators line the newly- built Shioya Bridge and the shoreline of Shioya Bay to watch the canoe race by local villagers, one of the highlights of the commemorative program marking the opening of the U.S.-funded $524,154 bridge. The bridge is one section of a four-part complex which jumps Okinawa's west coast Highway One over Shioya Bay, saving pedestrians and vehicles a rough seven-kilometer journey over an unpaved road around the bay. Pushing Highway One directly across the Shioya Bay is another in the continuing joint U.S.-Ryukyuan program to assist in developing the economy of northern Okinawa. Dedicated by Civil Administrator Shannon McCunc and GRI Chief Executive; Seisaku Ota on June 5, the longest bridge in the Ryukyus is termed by local residents a "grand bridge - a dream come true" - the culmination of a 54-year old dream by a leading local resident, Dr. Shinjun Taira, still hale and hearty at 90 years of age. Dr. Taira first proposed the construction of a bay bridge to the Japanese governor of Okinawa back in 1909.
【和訳】 記念のカヌーレース
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
43260CR-43_0266-01落成式1963年7月3日那覇市首里【原文】TURNING THE EARTH in a traditional ground-breaking ceremony, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (L) and Mr. Katsunobu Sunagawa (R) with Mr. Senryo Kohatsu (C) looking on, formally launch construction operations for the new English Language Center near the Shuri Museum on July 3. The center, costing $67,378 provided by the United States, will be built by the Kohatsu Construction Co. The director of the center is Mr. Sunagawa, a well-known local English language instructor. Upon the scheduled completion of the two-story, 200 tsubo (7,000 sq. ft.) building in December, the center will be staffed by four full-time Ryukyuan and ten part-time American instructors. Its facilities, for 50 students at one time, will include a modern language laboratory with 18 tape recorders.
【和訳】 起工鍬入式
7月3日に行われた首里博物館近くに建設予定の新しい英語センターの起工式で、小波津選良氏 (中央) が見守る中、鍬入れをするシャノン・マキューン民政官 (左) と砂川勝信氏 (右) 。米国が資金提供する67,378ドルのセンターは、小波津組によって建設される。センター長の砂川氏は地元をよく知る英語講師。12月完成予定の新しい建物は面積200坪 (7,000平方フィート) の2階建てで、フルタイムの琉球のスタッフが4人、パートタイムの米人講師が10人配置される。施設は一度に50人の学生を収容でき、18台のテープレコーダーを備えた近代的な語学実習室となる。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
44260CR-43_0275-01落成式1963年7月9日【原文】CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR SHANNON McCUNE, as he addressed the gathering at the dedication ceremonies of the Higashionna Library, Naha, on July 9. Shown are (L to R): Yukei Kuniyoshi, executive director, Higashionna Library; Maj. Raymond K. Harada, language aide to the Civil Administrator; Civil Administrator McCune; Chief Executive Seisaku Ota, Government of the Ryukyu Islands; and Nobumoto Ohama, president, Nampo Doho Engokai. Civil Administrator McCune praised the late Kanjun Higashionna as a scholar who found truth only by accepting facts as they were.
【和訳】 東恩納文庫の開館式に民政官出席
7月9日に行われた那覇市の東恩納文庫の開館式でスピーチする琉球列島米国民政府シャノン・マキューン民政官。 (左から) 東恩納文庫理事長国吉有慶氏、民政官付き通訳官レイモンド・K・ハラダ少佐、マキューン民政官、琉球政府大田政作行政主席、南方同胞援護会大濱信泉会長。マキューン民政官は故東恩納寛惇氏を、事実をそのまま受け入れることによってのみ真実を見つけた学者と称賛した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
45260CR-43_0468-01落成式1964年10月10日屋部村【原文】Ryukyu Cement Plant
【和訳】 琉球セメント工場落成
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
46260CR-43_0480-01落成式1964年12月15日【原文】Inspecting a mobile kitchen bus which was presented by the U.S. Wheat Associates to the Okinawa Diet Improvement Association at the Okinawa Flour Mill Company, Dec. 15, 1964.
【和訳】 1964年12月15日沖縄製粉会社で行われた、米国小麦協会が沖縄食生活改善協会に寄贈したモバイルキッチンバス見学会。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
47260CR-43_0370-01落成式1964年4月28日【原文】Col. W. P. Wansboro (L) and chief executive Seisaku Ota cutting a ribbon at the dedication ceremony of the new GRI training center. At right is Mr. Shochi Ota, director of the GRI Administrative Affairs Dept.
【和訳】 新しい琉球政府公務員研修所の落成式で、琉球政府大田政作行政主席とリボンをカットする副民政官W・P・ワンズボロー大佐 (左) 。右は琉球政府内務局長大田昌知氏。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
48260CR-43_0372-01落成式1964年4月28日【原文】GRI TRAINING CENTER DEDICATED Deputy Civil administrator William P. Wansboro (foreground) and Chief Executive Seisaku Ota, Government of the Ryukyu Islands, are shown planting trees commemorating the dedication of the new GRI Training Center. The event was held at Nishi-Shinmachi, Naha, on Apr. 28. The building, which was constructed at a cost of $32,000, is designed to train not only GRI personnel but as time and space permit, those of the municipalities. Behind Col. Wansboro is Mr. Shochi Ota, director of the GRI Administrative Affairs Dept.
【和訳】 琉球政府公務員研修所落成
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
49260CR-43_0419-01落成式1964年5月15日那覇市首里【原文】RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY
Cutting a ribbon at the dedication ceremony of the new English Language Center is Mr. Gerald Warner, Civil Administrator of the Ryukyu Islands. Assisting him is Mr. Katsunobu Sunagawa, director of the center.

A demonstration class in audio-oral language drill being conducted by Mrs. Joan R. Tillotson, American trainer at the English Language Center in Shuri, Okinawa. In addition to the drill, a six-week seminar for Ryukyuan English teachers from junior and senior high schools also includes laboratory work, teaching practice, applied linguistics, reading and composition, a speech clinic and forum.
【和訳】 新しい英語センターは1964年5月15日、ワーナー民政官によって正式に開所された。同センターは米国議会の割当て資金12万3千ドルで古波津組によって建築されたものである。同センターは三階建ての鉄筋コンクリート耐風建築で一階にはラウンジ兼、図書館、言語実験室、職員の事務所等があり、二階には教室、講座、講師用休憩室、備品室などがある。同センターは今日世界で最も広く話され、商業、工業、教育面の発展に必要な国際語とも云える英語を琉球の人達が学び且つ効果的に使うのを助けるために設立されたものである。

【分類】Dedications / 落成式
50260CR-43_0422-01落成式1964年5月15日那覇市首里【原文】RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY
Cutting a ribbon at the dedication ceremony of the new English Language Center is Mr. Gerald Warner, Civil Administrator of the Ryukyu Islands. Assisting him is Mr. Katsunobu Sunagawa, director of the center.

A demonstration class in audio-oral language drill being conducted by Mrs. Joan R. Tillotson, American trainer at the English Language Center in Shuri, Okinawa. In addition to the drill, a six-week seminar for Ryukyuan English teachers from junior and senior high schools also includes laboratory work, teaching practice, applied linguistics, reading and composition, a speech clinic and forum.
【和訳】 新しい英語センターは1964年5月15日、ワーナー民政官によって正式に開所された。同センターは米国議会の割当て資金12万3千ドルで古波津組によって建築されたものである。同センターは三階建ての鉄筋コンクリート耐風建築で一階にはラウンジ兼、図書館、言語実験室、職員の事務所等があり、二階には教室、講座、講師用休憩室、備品室などがある。同センターは今日世界で最も広く話され、商業、工業、教育面の発展に必要な国際語とも云える英語を琉球の人達が学び且つ効果的に使うのを助けるために設立されたものである。

【分類】Dedications / 落成式
51260CR-43_0426-01落成式1964年5月15日那覇市首里【原文】LANGUAGE LABORATORY WORK
Operating a console (right foreground) is Mrs. Sachiko Schierbeck, an American-trained Ryukyuan instructor. The students in each booth can hear model pronunciation from the master tape through the console repeated as often as they need. When the students imitate the model pronunciation, their sounds are tape-recorded. The teacher can listen to the students' pronunciation through the console and correct their pronunciation. All trainees attending the English seminar attend 50 minutes of laboratory work a day.


NEW ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER was formally dedicated on May 15, 1964, by Civil Administrator Gerald Warner. The $123,000 center was constructed by the Kohatsu Construction Co. paid from U.S. funds appropriated by the U.S. Congress, administered by the Office of the High Commissioner. The two-story, ferroconcrete, fire and typhoon-resistant building has a lounge and library, a modern language laboratory containing 20 booths equipped with double-channel tape-recorders, and offices for the staff on the 1st floor; six drill classrooms each seating 15 students, a lecture hall, a lounge for trainers, and a storage room on the 2nd floor. The center was established to help the "Ryukyuan people learn and use the English language - the most widely- spoken international language which is essential for commercial, industrial, and educational development in the world today.
【和訳】 実験室での言語実習


【分類】Dedications / 落成式
52260CR-43_0429-01落成式1964年5月15日那覇市首里【原文】SEMINAR FOR RYUKYUAN ENGLISH TEACHERS
A demonstration class in audio-oral language drill being conducted by Mrs. Joan R. Tillotson, American trainer at the English Language Center in Shuri, Okinawa. In addition to the drill, a six-week seminar for Ryukyuan English teachers from junior and senior high schools also includes laboratory work, teaching practice, applied linguistics, reading and composition, a speech clinic and forum.


NEW ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER was formally dedicated on May 15, 1964, by Civil Administrator Gerald Warner. The $123,000 center was constructed by the Kohatsu Construction Co. paid from U.S. funds appropriated by the U.S. Congress, administered by the Office of the High Commissioner. The two-story, ferro-concrete, fire and typhoon-resistant building has a lounge and library, a modern language laboratory containing 20 booths equipped with double-channel tape-recorders, and offices for the staff on the 1st floor; six drill classrooms each seating 15 students, a lecture hall, a lounge for trainers, and a storage room on the 2nd floor. The center was established to help the "Ryukyuan people learn and use the English language - the most widely- spoken international language which is essential for commercial, industrial, and educational development in the world today.
【和訳】 英語教員のためのセミナー


【分類】Dedications / 落成式
53260CR-43_0432-01落成式1964年5月15日那覇市首里【原文】RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY
Cutting a ribbon at the dedication ceremony of the new English Language Center is Mr. Gerald Warner, Civil Administrator of the Ryukyu Islands. Assisting him is Mr. Katsunobu Sunagawa, director of the center.

A demonstration class in audio-oral language drill being conducted by Mrs. Joan R. Tillotson, American trainer at the English Language Center in Shuri, Okinawa. In addition to the drill, a six-week seminar for Ryukyuan English teachers from junior and senior high schools also includes laboratory work, teaching practice, applied linguistics, reading and composition, a speech clinic and forum.
【和訳】 新しい英語センターは1964年5月15日、ワーナー民政官によって正式に開所された。同センターは米国議会の割当て資金12万3千ドルで古波津組によって建築されたものである。同センターは三階建ての鉄筋コンクリート耐風建築で一階にはラウンジ兼、図書館、言語実験室、職員の事務所等があり、二階には教室、講座、講師用休憩室、備品室などがある。同センターは今日世界で最も広く話され、商業、工業、教育面の発展に必要な国際語とも云える英語を琉球の人達が学び且つ効果的に使うのを助けるために設立されたものである。

【分類】Dedications / 落成式
54260CR-42_0066-01建設1964年7月7日【原文】THE RYUKYUS' FIRST CEMENT PLANT is nearing completion at Yabu-Son near Nago, northern Okinawa. The new $5.5 million cement plant at the outset will have a daily capacity of 425 metric tons or about 60 percent of the Ryukyu Islands' current daily requirements. In addition to owning 34 percent of the Ryukyu Cement Company, the Permanente Cement Company of Oakland, Cal., holds a contract to direct construction of the cement plant and to manage its operation for a number of years. The photo shows Permanente's T.R. Gray, project manager, giving instructions to Mr. Seisuke Iha, construction supervisor of the company. The plant, when completed this year, will become the largest single industrial enterprise in the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 琉球初のセメント工場
【分類】Construction / 建設
55260CR-42_0075-01建設1964年8月11日那覇市首里久場川【原文】Kubagawa City Housing
【和訳】 久場川市営住宅
【分類】Construction / 建設
56260CR-42_0077-01建設1964年8月11日那覇市【原文】Gabu River
【和訳】 ガーブ川
【分類】Construction / 建設
57260CR-43_0533-01落成式1965年7月29日石川市【原文】GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY for a new water treatment plant was held at Ishikawa near the Ishikawa Health Center on July 29. The new $2,7148,000 plant, funded out of a $3.2 million U.S. funding allocation, is to be constructed by Oshiro- Gumi (Construction Company). Designed to provide 20 million gallons of water per day, the new plan will increase the total capacity for treated water produced on Okinawa from 29,9 million gallons to 49.9 million gallons. Breaking ground are Kamakichi Oshiro (L), president, Oshiro-Gumi, and Hirosada Ohama (R) president, Ryukyu Domestic Water Corporation.
【和訳】 起工鍬入式
7月29日、石川保健所に近い新浄水場の起工式が行われた。320万ドルの米国資金から資金配分された2,748,000ドルの浄水場は、大城組 (建築会社) によって建設される予定。1日あたり2000万ガロンの水を供給するように設計された新しい計画では、沖縄で給水される処理水の総容量2,900万ガロンから4,990万ガロンに増やす。鍬入れする大城組社長大城鎌吉氏 (左) 、琉球水道公社大浜博貞総裁 (右) 。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
58260CR-43_0533-02落成式1965年7月29日石川市【原文】GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY for a new water treatment plant was held at Ishikawa near the Ishikawa Health Center on July 29. The new $2,7148,000 plant, funded out of a $3.2 million U.S. funding allocation, is to be constructed by Oshiro- Gumi (Construction Company). Designed to provide 20 million gallons of water per day, the new plan will increase the total capacity for treated water produced on Okinawa from 29,9 million gallons to 49.9 million gallons. Breaking ground are Kamakichi Oshiro (L), president, Oshiro-Gumi, and Hirosada Ohama (R) president, Ryukyu Domestic Water Corporation.
【和訳】 起工鍬入式
7月29日、石川保健所に近い新浄水場の起工式が行われた。320万ドルの米国資金から資金配分された2,748,000ドルの浄水場は、大城組 (建築会社) によって建設される予定。1日あたり2000万ガロンの水を供給するように設計された新しい計画では、沖縄で給水される処理水の総容量2,900万ガロンから4,990万ガロンに増やす。鍬入れする大城組社長大城鎌吉氏 (左) 、琉球水道公社大浜博貞総裁 (右) 。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
59260CR-43_0574-01落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
Civil Administrator Gerald Warner (L) and Chief Executive Seiho Matsuoka (R, foreground) cut a ribbon at the dedication ceremony on April 26 of the new Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) Immigration Building in Naha. Holding the ribbon between them is Immigration Agency Superintendent Takashi Kakinohana. Watching the ribbon cutting are (L-R, back row): Tatsuro Fujita, language aide for the civil administrator; Yoshio Yamamoto, chief, Japanese Government Nampo Liaison Office at Naha; Joseph S. Evans, director, Public Affairs Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands; and Ryojun Kugai, director, GRI Legal Affairs Dept.
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
4月26日に行われた那覇の琉球政府出入管理ビルの落成式で、リボンをカットする琉球列島米国民政府ジェラルド・ワーナー民政官 (左) 松岡誠保行政主席 (右手前) 。リボンを支えているのは出入管理部長垣花敬氏。後方で見守るのは (左から) 民政官付き通訳官フジタ・タツロウ氏、日本政府南方連絡事務所山本良雄所長、琉球政府法務局長久貝良順氏。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
60260CR-43_0574-02落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
61260CR-43_0574-03落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
62260CR-43_0574-04落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
63260CR-43_0574-05落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
64260CR-43_0574-06落成式1966年4月26日【原文】NEW GRI IMMIGRATION BLDG. DEDICATED
【和訳】 琉球政府出入管理ビル落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
65260CR-43_0607-01落成式1966年7月29日【原文】NAHA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT
The plant's sewage treatment capacity is estimated to be 21 million gallons per day. The project is being funded by U.S. economic aid appropriations as part of an estimated $32 million integrated sewerage and sewage disposal system planned for Central Okinawa - a major project included in the Joint Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI)-USCAR Long Range Plan. Col. Cochran said at the ceremony, "Completion of the plant, with the associated sewer lines already under construction and to be built at the same time as the plant, will provide this part of Okinawa with the highest quality sewage system facilities in the Far East."
【和訳】 那覇下水処理場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
66260CR-43_0607-02落成式1966年7月29日【原文】NAHA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Shown breaking ground for the construction of the new, modern Naha Sewage Treatment Plant on July 29 are (L-R): Col. George A. Austin, Jr., U.S. Army District Engineer, Okinawa; Kamakichi Oshiro, president, Oshiro Gumi (project contracting firm); and Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR), representing High Commissioner Albert Watson, II. The modern $1.6million plant is to consist of concrete open settling tanks, sludge digestion tanks, and drying beds. The plant's sewage treatment capacity is estimated to be 21 million gallons per day. The project is being funded by U.S. economic aid appropriations as part of an estimated $32 million integrated sewerage and sewage disposal system planned for Central Okinawa - a major project included in the Joint Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI)-USCAR Long Range Plan, Col. Cochran said at the ceremony, "Completion of the plant, with the associated sewer lines already under construction and to be built at the same time as the plant, will provide this part of Okinawa with the highest quality sewage system facilities in the Far East."
【和訳】 那覇下水処理場
那覇下水処理施設の起工式が7月29日に行われた。 (左から) 在沖米陸軍工兵隊ジョージ・A・オースティン大佐、建設会社大城組社長大城鎌吉氏、アルバート・ワトソン高等弁務官に代わり琉球列島米国民政府公益事業局長ハリントン・W・コクラン大佐。近代的な160万ドルの処理場は、オープン沈殿槽、汚泥消化槽、乾燥床のコンクリートで構成されている。1日あたりの下水処理能力は推定2,100万ガロン。この事業は琉球政府と米民政府合同の長期計画の主要プロジェクトとして沖縄中部に計画されている3,200万ドルの統合下水道および下水処理システムの一環として、米国経済援助予算によって資金提供されている。コクラン大佐は式典で、「既に建設中の下水道設備と合わせ、極東で最高品質の下水処理施設を沖縄に提供する」と述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
67260CR-43_0620-01落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa at a ceremony March 17. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
68260CR-43_0620-02落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa at a ceremony March 17. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
69260CR-43_0620-03落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa by three generations at a ceremony March 17 are: (L-R, front row) Yashin Shinzato, 76; Hidenobu Ikemiya, 72; and Shintsu Shimabukuro, 75; and (L-R, 2nd row) Toku Shinzato, 76; Makato Ikemiya, 70; and Makato Shimabukuro, 74. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
沖縄北部の1号線をまたいで架けられた新しい源河橋の落成式が3月17日に行われ、3世代で渡る (前列左から) シンザト・ヤシン氏76歳、イケミヤ・ヒデノブ氏72歳、シマブクロ・シンツ氏75歳、 (後列左から) シンザト・トク氏76歳、イケミヤ・マカト氏70歳、シマブクロ・マカト氏74歳。橋の完成には総工費139,000ドルのうち米国支援金125,550ドルが充てられた。橋は長さ54メートル、幅8メートルの鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造で、両側のアプローチの長さは410メートル。琉球列島米国民政府と琉球政府が共同で、沖縄北部の名護から辺土名までの1号線の改修計画を1962年に発足。建設計画には道路の拡幅と矯正、ルート沿いの丘の斜面を削減、危険なカーブ地点を拡張、新しい排水路と橋の建設の計画が含まれてる。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
70260CR-43_0620-04落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa by three generations at a ceremony March 17 are: (L-R, front row) Yashin Shinzato, 76; Hidenobu Ikemiya, 72; and Shintsu Shimabukuro, 75; and (L-R, 2nd row) Toku Shinzato, 76; Makato Ikemiya, 70; and Makato Shimabukuro, 74. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
沖縄北部の1号線をまたいで架けられた新しい源河橋の落成式が3月17日に行われ、3世代で渡る (前列左から) シンザト・ヤシン氏76歳、イケミヤ・ヒデノブ氏72歳、シマブクロ・シンツ氏75歳、 (後列左から) シンザト・トク氏76歳、イケミヤ・マカト氏70歳、シマブクロ・マカト氏74歳。橋の完成には総工費139,000ドルのうち米国支援金125,550ドルが充てられた。橋は長さ54メートル、幅8メートルの鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造で、両側のアプローチの長さは410メートル。琉球列島米国民政府と琉球政府が共同で、沖縄北部の名護から辺土名までの1号線の改修計画を1962年に発足。建設計画には道路の拡幅と矯正、ルート沿いの丘の斜面を削減、危険なカーブ地点を拡張、新しい排水路と橋の建設の計画が含まれてる。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
71260CR-43_0620-05落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa by three generations at a ceremony March 17 are: (L-R, front row) Yashin Shinzato, 76; Hidenobu Ikemiya, 72; and Shintsu Shimabukuro, 75; and (L-R, 2nd row) Toku Shinzato, 76; Makato Ikemiya, 70; and Makato Shimabukuro, 74. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
沖縄北部の1号線をまたいで架けられた新しい源河橋の落成式が3月17日に行われ、3世代で渡る (前列左から) シンザト・ヤシン氏76歳、イケミヤ・ヒデノブ氏72歳、シマブクロ・シンツ氏75歳、 (後列左から) シンザト・トク氏76歳、イケミヤ・マカト氏70歳、シマブクロ・マカト氏74歳。橋の完成には総工費139,000ドルのうち米国支援金125,550ドルが充てられた。橋は長さ54メートル、幅8メートルの鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造で、両側のアプローチの長さは410メートル。琉球列島米国民政府と琉球政府が共同で、沖縄北部の名護から辺土名までの1号線の改修計画を1962年に発足。建設計画には道路の拡幅と矯正、ルート沿いの丘の斜面を削減、危険なカーブ地点を拡張、新しい排水路と橋の建設の計画が含まれてる。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
72260CR-43_0620-06落成式1967年3月17日【原文】NEW GENKA BRIDGE DEDICATED
Crossing the newly-dedicated Genka Bridge on Highway 1 in northern Okinawa by three generations at a ceremony March 17 are: (L-R, front row) Yashin Shinzato, 76; Hidenobu Ikemiya, 72; and Shintsu Shimabukuro, 75; and (L-R, 2nd row) Toku Shinzato, 76; Makato Ikemiya, 70; and Makato Shimabukuro, 74. The bridge was completed at a total cost of $139,000, of which $125,550 was provided by the United States. The bridge is a steel-reinforced concrete structure of 54 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The length of both approaches is 410 meters. In 1962, the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands jointly launched the Highway 1 improvement program from Nago to Hentona in northern Okinawa, The construction program includes plans for widening and straightening the road, reducing slopes of hills along the route, widening dangerous curves, and construction of new drainage channels and bridges.
【和訳】 源河橋落成式
沖縄北部の1号線をまたいで架けられた新しい源河橋の落成式が3月17日に行われ、3世代で渡る (前列左から) シンザト・ヤシン氏76歳、イケミヤ・ヒデノブ氏72歳、シマブクロ・シンツ氏75歳、 (後列左から) シンザト・トク氏76歳、イケミヤ・マカト氏70歳、シマブクロ・マカト氏74歳。橋の完成には総工費139,000ドルのうち米国支援金125,550ドルが充てられた。橋は長さ54メートル、幅8メートルの鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造で、両側のアプローチの長さは410メートル。琉球列島米国民政府と琉球政府が共同で、沖縄北部の名護から辺土名までの1号線の改修計画を1962年に発足。建設計画には道路の拡幅と矯正、ルート沿いの丘の斜面を削減、危険なカーブ地点を拡張、新しい排水路と橋の建設の計画が含まれてる。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
Col. George A. Austin, Jr. (R), district engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District, Okinawa, is shown congratulating Jiro Sumitani (L), president, JHW Inc., following a contract signing March 23 for construction of the sewer and pumping stations in Naha City. At center is Lt. Col. Harold D. Sursa, chief, Public Utilities Div., Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR). The contract is for $1,304,170. The project includes construction of three pumping stations and some 32,500 feet of 14 to 48-inch sewer pipeline to the Naha sewage treatment plant now under construction by Oshiro Gumi. The construction of the Naha sewer and pumping stations, scheduled to be completed in May 1968, is a part of an estimated $32 million integrated sewerage and sewage disposal system in central Okinawa - a major project in the Joint GRI (Government of the Ryukyu Islands) - USCAR Long Range Plan.
【和訳】 那覇下水道工事契約締結
3月23日に那覇市の下水道とポンプ場建設に関する契約締結を行った在沖縄米陸軍工兵地区技師ジョージ・A・オースティン大佐 (右) と JHW社長スミタニ・ジロウ氏 (左) 。中央は琉球列島米国民政府公益事業局公共事業部ハロルド・D・スーサ中佐。契約額1,304,170ドルのこの事業は、3つのポンプ場の建設と、14~48インチの下水道パイプライン長さ約32,500フィートを大城組が建設中の那覇下水処理場につなぐ。1968年5月に完成予定の那覇下水道とポンプ場の建設は琉球政府の一大事業と 米民政府の長期計画を組み合わせた、沖縄中部の推定32,000,000ドルの統合上下水道と下水処理システムの一部。
【分類】Construction / 建設
74260CR-43_0625-01落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
A HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village.
【和訳】 沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式が3月28日に行われた。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
75260CR-43_0625-02落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
A HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village.
【和訳】 沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式が3月28日に行われた。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
76260CR-43_0625-03落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
Jisei Yogi (2nd from L), mayor, Ginoza-Son, northern Okinawa; and Arthur H. Emme (3rd from L), international relations officer, Liaison Dept. (LD), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR), are shown turning a valve of a HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village. L-R are: Thomas N. Tanimoto, international relations officer, LD, USCAR; Mayor Yogi; Mr. Emme; Government of the Ryukyu Islands Legislator Tokuichi Igei; Seitoku Shiroma, former village chief; and Village Chief Seizo Shiroma.
【和訳】 高等弁務官資金による配水施設が完成
3月28日に行われた沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式で、バルブをひねる宜野座村長の與儀実清氏 (左から2人目) と琉球列島米国民政府渉外局国際関係担当官アーサー・H・エンメ氏 (左から3人目) 。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。 左から米民政府渉外局国際関係担当官トーマス・N・タニモト氏、與儀実清村長、国際関係担当官エンメ氏、琉球政府立法院議員伊芸徳一氏、シロマ・セイトク前松田区長、シロマ・セイゾウ松田区長。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
77260CR-43_0625-04落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
A HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village.
【和訳】 沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式が3月28日に行われた。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
78260CR-43_0625-05落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
A HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village.
【和訳】 沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式が3月28日に行われた。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
79260CR-43_0625-06落成式1967年3月28日【原文】HICOM-AIDED WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED
A HICOM-aided water system at Matsuda village in Ginoza-Son, during a dedication ceremony held on March 28. The project included the construction of two sedimentation tanks, a filter tank, a storage tank, and a pump house, and a replacement of 3,800 meters of a vinyl-plastic distribution pipeline. The total cost of the project was $13,400, of which $5,447 was provided from the High Commissioner's Fund for Special Assistance to Municipalities, and $5,000 in cash and $2,947 in labor, came from the village.
【和訳】 沖縄北部宜野座村松田区の配水施設の落成式が3月28日に行われた。2つの沈殿タンク、フィルタータンク、貯蔵タンク、ポンプハウスの建設作業と、ビニールプラスチック配水パイプライン3,800メートルの交換作業を含む事業で、総費用13,400ドルのうち5,447ドルは自治体への特別援助のための高等弁務官資金から提供され、宜野座村は5,000ドルと人件費2,947ドルを負担した。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
80260CR-42_0327-01建物1968年11月26日【原文】DEPUTY CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger addresses on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co. at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha, Nov. 26. Col. Lillard emphasized, "life insurance, one of the largest and most important industries anywhere in the world, is a business with far-reaching social and economic implications. Its first concern is with people' s lives. It provides men and women with a service through which they can systematically create financial security for their families. He added, "it also serves the economy as an important channel through which capital is made available to business and industry. It is an endeavor that affects everyone directly or indirectly."
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
81260CR-42_0327-02建物1968年11月26日【原文】DEPUTY CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger addresses on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co. at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha, Nov. 26. Col. Lillard emphasized, "life insurance, one of the largest and most important industries anywhere in the world, is a business with far-reaching social and economic implications. Its first concern is with people' s lives. It provides men and women with a service through which they can systematically create financial security for their families. He added, "it also serves the economy as an important channel through which capital is made available to business and industry. It is an endeavor that affects everyone directly or indirectly."
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
82260CR-42_0327-03建物1968年11月26日【原文】DEPUTY CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger addresses on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co. at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha, Nov. 26. Col. Lillard emphasized, "life insurance, one of the largest and most important industries anywhere in the world, is a business with far-reaching social and economic implications. Its first concern is with people' s lives. It provides men and women with a service through which they can systematically create financial security for their families. He added, "it also serves the economy as an important channel through which capital is made available to business and industry. It is an endeavor that affects everyone directly or indirectly."
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
83260CR-42_0327-04建物1968年11月26日【原文】DEPUTY CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger addresses on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co. at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha, Nov. 26. Col. Lillard emphasized, "life insurance, one of the largest and most important industries anywhere in the world, is a business with far-reaching social and economic implications. Its first concern is with people' s lives. It provides men and women with a service through which they can systematically create financial security for their families. He added, "it also serves the economy as an important channel through which capital is made available to business and industry. It is an endeavor that affects everyone directly or indirectly."
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
84260CR-42_0327-05建物1968年11月26日【原文】DEPUTY CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger addresses on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co. at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha, Nov. 26. Col. Lillard emphasized, "life insurance, one of the largest and most important industries anywhere in the world, is a business with far-reaching social and economic implications. Its first concern is with people' s lives. It provides men and women with a service through which they can systematically create financial security for their families. He added, "it also serves the economy as an important channel through which capital is made available to business and industry. It is an endeavor that affects everyone directly or indirectly."
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, congratulates Noboru Kakazu, president, Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of and at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha. Ryukyu Life was established in 1948 with the modest objective of writing workmen's compensation insurance for construction companies with military contracts. In 1952, it was incorporated into the Ryukyu Life and provided it with enough capital to permit it to write a full line of life insurance.
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, congratulates Noboru Kakazu, president, Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of and at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha. Ryukyu Life was established in 1948 with the modest objective of writing workmen's compensation insurance for construction companies with military contracts. In 1952, it was incorporated into the Ryukyu Life and provided it with enough capital to permit it to write a full line of life insurance.
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, congratulates Noboru Kakazu, president, Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of and at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha. Ryukyu Life was established in 1948 with the modest objective of writing workmen's compensation insurance for construction companies with military contracts. In 1952, it was incorporated into the Ryukyu Life and provided it with enough capital to permit it to write a full line of life insurance.
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, congratulates Noboru Kakazu, president, Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of and at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha. Ryukyu Life was established in 1948 with the modest objective of writing workmen's compensation insurance for construction companies with military contracts. In 1952, it was incorporated into the Ryukyu Life and provided it with enough capital to permit it to write a full line of life insurance.
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
Deputy Civil Administrator Ross N. Lillard, Jr., representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, congratulates Noboru Kakazu, president, Ryukyu Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of and at the dedication of its new home office building in Naha. Ryukyu Life was established in 1948 with the modest objective of writing workmen's compensation insurance for construction companies with military contracts. In 1952, it was incorporated into the Ryukyu Life and provided it with enough capital to permit it to write a full line of life insurance.
【和訳】 創立20周年本館落成記念祝賀パーティー

【分類】Buildings / 建物
90260CR-42_0018-01建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
91260CR-42_0018-02建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
92260CR-42_0018-03建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
93260CR-42_0018-04建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
94260CR-42_0018-05建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】Detonating charges dedicating the beginning of construction on the huge Gulf Oil Corp. trans-shipment terminal on Henza Island are (L-R, front row) Yoshiaki Tamaoki, president, Chiyoda Engineering and Construction Co.; P. E. Holloway, president, Gulf Oil Co.-Asia; Edward H. Reeves, director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter; and Keisho Sunagawa, director, Trade and Industry Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands.


CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil trans- shipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the land owners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located tnree miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 平安座島に巨大なガルフ石油会社の積み替えターミナル建設のための起工式で (左から) チヨダ・エンジニアリング・コーポレーションのタマオキ・ヨシアキ社長、ガルフ・アジア石油会社P・E・ハロウェイ社長、F・T・アンガー高等弁務官とスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官代理米民政府経済局長エドワード・E・リーブス氏、琉球政府通商産業局長スナガワ・ケイショウ氏。


【分類】Construction / 建設
95260CR-42_0018-06建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
96260CR-42_0018-07建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
97260CR-42_0018-08建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
98260CR-42_0018-09建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
99260CR-42_0020-01建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
100260CR-42_0020-02建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
101260CR-42_0020-03建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
102260CR-42_0020-04建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
103260CR-42_0020-05建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】Edward H. Reeves (L), director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, speaks at a ceremony marking the start of construction on the huge oil trans-shipment terminal on Henza Island. Acting as interpreter for Mr. Reeves is Kenneth J. Okawara (R) of USCAR.


CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 平安座島の巨大な石油輸送ターミナル建設の起工式で、F・T・アンガー高等弁務官とスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官に代わってスピーチする米民政府経済局長エドワード・H・リーブス氏 (左) 。リーブス氏の通訳を務める米民政府のケネス・J・オカワラ氏 (右) 。


【分類】Construction / 建設
104260CR-42_0020-06建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
105260CR-42_0022-01建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of the Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
106260CR-42_0022-02建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】Leaders of government and industry and people of the island attended a ceremony dedicating the beginning of a project for Gulf's mammoth oil trans-shipment terminal.
CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of the Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 ガルフ石油会社の巨大積み替えターミナル建設プロジェクトの起工式に参加する政府と産業界関係者、島の人々。


【分類】Construction / 建設
107260CR-42_0022-03建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of the Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
108260CR-42_0022-04建設1968年12月9日平安座【原文】MASTER CAPTION

CEREMONY marking the start of construction on the huge oil transshipment terminal of the Gulf Oil Corporation was held on Henza Island, Dec. 9. Edward H. Reeves, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, praised the landowners and officials of the island for their "vision and imagination" in inviting to their island the largest foreign investment in the history of the Ryukyus. Mr. Reeves said, "the growth of a virile Ryukyuan economy and the fulfillment of the great need for industrialization will depend on the amount of help received from outsiders who are willing to invest their capital and to provide necessary technical know-how." The island is located three miles northeast of the Katsuren Peninsula on the east side of Okinawa.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Construction / 建設
109260CR-41_0561-01建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
110260CR-41_0561-02建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
111260CR-41_0561-03建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
112260CR-41_0561-04建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
113260CR-41_0561-05建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
114260CR-41_0561-06建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
115260CR-41_0561-07建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
116260CR-41_0561-08建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
117260CR-41_0561-09建設1968年7月27日【原文】HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE - 600 maters of highway in the Uchima interchange area, the first increment of the new four-lane Highway 41 (Highway 1 Bypass), is shown under construction by the Kokuba Gumi Construction Co. This is one of seven planned interchanges on Highway 41 through central Okinawa designed to avoid all vehicle creasing and left, turns at grade, thus providing Okinawa with its first express highway. The first increment costing $925, 000, is being funded by the U.S. Government; all additional real estate necessary for the highway right-of-way has been purchased by the GRI. The scheduled. Completion date is set for June 1969.
【和訳】 建設中の4レーンの41号線 (1号線のバイパス) 内間インターチェンジ附近の第1工事区間。工事は國場組によって行われている。これは中部を通る41号線の7つのインターチェンジのうちの1つである。このハイウェイは全車両の交叉及び左折を禁止し、沖縄での高速道路となる。工事は92万5千ドルで必要用地は琉球政府が購入している。完成予定は1969年6月の予定である。
【分類】Construction / 建設
118260CR-43_0638-01落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
119260CR-43_0638-02落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
120260CR-43_0638-03落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
121260CR-43_0638-04落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
122260CR-43_0638-05落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
123260CR-43_0638-06落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
124260CR-43_0638-07落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
125260CR-43_0638-08落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
126260CR-43_0638-09落成式1968年7月29日【原文】KUMEJIMA AIRFIELD AND PORT DEDICATED
A dedication ceremony marking the completion of construction improvements at Kanegusuku port and Kumejima airfield was held on July 29 at the port of the island located 53 miles west of Naha. Col. Harrington W. Cochran, director, Public Works Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, representing High Commissioner F. T. Unger, said at the ceremony, "The Absence of an adequate lifeline to Kume-jima was a continuous and serious threat to the economic well-being of the inhabitants of the island. Improvement of transportation facilities was essential for the betterment of economic conditions on the island. A total of $3l6,000 was granted over a two-year period for the improvement and modernization of the airfield runway, and a total of $150,400 was granted for construction of the pier and dredging the harbor. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands assisted in financing of the air terminal building and in providing dredge service for landfill at the port. With these improved port 'facilities, vessels of 500 tons can now be moored alongside the pier for direct loading and unloading of cargo. The U.S. Civil Administration is pleased that the U.S. fund contribution has resulted in such notable benefits to the economic and social well-being of the people of Kume-jima"
【和訳】 7月29日那覇西方53哩の久米島で飛行場と港の完成式が行われた。F・T・アンガー高等弁務官の代理として米民政府公益事業局々長ハリングトン・W・カクラン大佐は同式典で次のように述べた。「久米島に適切な飛行場及び港湾施設だなかったことは同島の経済発展のさまたげとなっていた。輸送施設の改善は島の経済状態の向上に必要なものである。飛行場滑走路の改善の為に二ヶ年の期間で31万6千弗が交付され、又、港の桟橋、浚渫工事に15万4百弗が交付された。琉球政府は又、空港ターミナル建設及び埋立の為の浚渫に財政援助を行った。改善された港湾では直接荷積、荷降しの為に5百屯級の船舶が接岸できる。援助がこのように久米島住民の経済社会発展の為に利益をもたらすことを米民政府は喜ぶものであると述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
127260CR-41_0567-01建設1968年7月31日宜野湾市大謝名【原文】Tank at Ojana
【和訳】 大謝名タンク
【分類】Construction / 建設
128260CR-41_0569-01建設1968年7月31日【原文】Tank at Hena
【和訳】 辺名ポンプ
【分類】Construction / 建設
129260CR-41_0570-01建設1968年7月31日宜野湾市普天間【原文】Pump House at Futenma
【和訳】 普天間ポンプ
【分類】Construction / 建設
130260CR-41_0571-01建設1968年7月31日宜野湾市【原文】Tank of Ginowan
【和訳】 宜野湾タンク
【分類】Construction / 建設
131260CR-41_0572-01建設1968年7月31日那覇市【原文】Tank in Naha Air Base
【和訳】 那覇空軍基地タンク
【分類】Construction / 建設
132260CR-41_0573-01建設1968年7月31日宜野湾市普天間【原文】Pump [House] at Futenma
【和訳】 普天間ポンプ
【分類】Construction / 建設
133260CR-41_0574-01建設1968年7月31日【原文】Pump House at Hena
【和訳】 辺名ポンプ
【分類】Construction / 建設
134260CR-41_0575-01建設1968年7月31日【原文】Pump House at Genga
【和訳】 源河ポンプ場
【分類】Construction / 建設
135260CR-41_0577-01建設1968年7月31日読谷村【原文】Tank at Yomitan
【和訳】 読谷タンク
【分類】Construction / 建設
136260CR-43_0644-01落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
137260CR-43_0644-02落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) is shown breaking ground for the new Okinawa International Club with Ichino Miyagi (L), managing director, Matsumura Construction Co.; and A.D. Blankensee, vice president of the club. The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式で、松村建設K. K. 宮城一郎専務(左)、同クラブのA・D・ブランキンシ―副会長と共にくわ入れを行うスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)。起工式は、喜舎場の現場で、4月26日に行われた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
138260CR-43_0644-03落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) is shown breaking ground for the new Okinawa International Club with Ichino Miyagi (L), managing director, Matsumura Construction Co.; and A.D. Blankensee, vice president of the club. The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式で、松村建設K. K. 宮城一郎専務(左)、同クラブのA・D・ブランキンシ―副会長と共にくわ入れを行うスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)。起工式は、喜舎場の現場で、4月26日に行われた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
139260CR-43_0644-04落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) is shown breaking ground for the new Okinawa International Club with Ichino Miyagi (L), managing director, Matsumura Construction Co.; and A.D. Blankensee, vice president of the club. The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式で、松村建設K. K. 宮城一郎専務(左)、同クラブのA・D・ブランキンシ―副会長と共にくわ入れを行うスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)。起工式は、喜舎場の現場で、4月26日に行われた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
140260CR-43_0644-05落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) is shown breaking ground for the new Okinawa International Club with Ichino Miyagi (L), managing director, Matsumura Construction Co.; and A.D. Blankensee, vice president of the club. The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式で、松村建設K. K. 宮城一郎専務(左)、同クラブのA・D・ブランキンシ―副会長と共にくわ入れを行うスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)。起工式は、喜舎場の現場で、4月26日に行われた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
141260CR-43_0644-06落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter (R) is shown breaking ground for the new Okinawa International Club with Ichino Miyagi (L), managing director, Matsumura Construction Co.; and A.D. Blankensee, vice president of the club. The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式で、松村建設K. K. 宮城一郎専務(左)、同クラブのA・D・ブランキンシ―副会長と共にくわ入れを行うスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官(右)。起工式は、喜舎場の現場で、4月26日に行われた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
142260CR-43_0644-07落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
143260CR-43_0644-08落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
144260CR-43_0644-09落成式1969年4月26日北中城村喜舎場【原文】BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CLUB
The ceremony was held on April 26 at the construction site at Kishaba in south-central Okinawa.
【和訳】 沖縄国際クラブの起工式
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
145260CR-43_0648-01落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in developing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
146260CR-43_0648-02落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in developing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
147260CR-43_0648-03落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
Cutting the ribbon marking the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7 are (L-R) Katsu Hoshi, speaker. Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) Legislature; Counselor Arifin Bey, Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo; Otonosuke Sutani, advisor to the NKC; GRI Chief Executive Chobyo Yara; NKC President Ichiro Inamine; and Edward H. Reeves, director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in develop- ing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
5月7日に行われた中城村伊舎堂の南光化木株式会社の新しい材木加工場の落成式でリボンをカットする (左から) 琉球政府立法院星克議長、在東京インドネシア大使館顧問アリフィン・ベイ氏、南光化木株式会社顧問スタニ・オトノスケ氏、琉球政府屋良朝苗行政主席、南光化木株式会社社長稲嶺一郎氏、米民政府経済局エドワード・H・リーブス局長。125万ドルの工場は450人の労働者雇用だけではなく、建材の収入は慢性的な貿易支出不均衡の緩和に役立ち、沖縄の人々の経済改善に貢献すると思われる。木材はインドネシアから輸入される。ジェームズ・B・ランパート高等弁務官とスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官に代わりリーブス局長は「この工場は沖縄の経済人や投資家が自らと島々に対して、忍耐と努力を通じて健全な経済を発展させることの証となる」と述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
148260CR-43_0648-04落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
Cutting the ribbon marking the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7 are (L-R) Katsu Hoshi, speaker. Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) Legislature; Counselor Arifin Bey, Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo; Otonosuke Sutani, advisor to the NKC; GRI Chief Executive Chobyo Yara; NKC President Ichiro Inamine; and Edward H. Reeves, director, Economic Affairs Dept., USCAR. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in develop- ing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
5月7日に行われた中城村伊舎堂の南光化木株式会社の新しい材木加工場の落成式でリボンをカットする (左から) 琉球政府立法院星克議長、在東京インドネシア大使館顧問アリフィン・ベイ氏、南光化木株式会社顧問スタニ・オトノスケ氏、琉球政府屋良朝苗行政主席、南光化木株式会社社長稲嶺一郎氏、米民政府経済局エドワード・H・リーブス局長。125万ドルの工場は450人の労働者雇用だけではなく、建材の収入は慢性的な貿易支出不均衡の緩和に役立ち、沖縄の人々の経済改善に貢献すると思われる。木材はインドネシアから輸入される。ジェームズ・B・ランパート高等弁務官とスタンリー・S・カーペンター民政官に代わりリーブス局長は「この工場は沖縄の経済人や投資家が自らと島々に対して、忍耐と努力を通じて健全な経済を発展させることの証となる」と述べた。
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
149260CR-43_0648-05落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in developing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
150260CR-43_0648-06落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in developing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
151260CR-43_0648-07落成式1969年5月7日中城村伊舎堂【原文】NEW WOOD PROCESSING PLANT
the completion of the new wood processing factory of the Nanko Kamoku Company (NKC) at Ishado in Nakagusuku-Son on May 7. The $1.25 million factory will not only provide employment for a workforce of 450 persons, but the proceeds from the building materials will help to alleviate the chronic imbalance in the trade payments, thus contributing effectively to the economic betterment of the Okinawan people. The lumber will be imported from Indonesia. Mr. Reeves, representing High Commissioner James B. Lampert and Civil Administrator Stanley S. Carpenter, said "This plant is proof that Okinawan businessmen and investors have many opportunities to help themselves and these islands in developing a sound economy through perseverance and hard work."
【和訳】 新しい材木加工場
【分類】Dedications / 落成式
152260CR-42_0363-01建物1969年9月8日【原文】Office of Advisory Committee to the High Commissioner, USCAR
【和訳】 高等弁務官に対する諮問委員会の事務所
【分類】Buildings / 建物
153260CR-42_0363-02建物1969年9月8日【原文】Office of Advisory Committee to the High Commissioner, USCAR
【和訳】 高等弁務官に対する諮問委員会の事務所
【分類】Buildings / 建物
154260CR-42_0363-03建物1969年9月8日【原文】Office of Advisory Committee to the High Commissioner, USCAR
【和訳】 高等弁務官に対する諮問委員会の事務所
【分類】Buildings / 建物
155260CR-42_0385-01建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
156260CR-42_0385-02建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
157260CR-42_0385-03建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
158260CR-42_0385-04建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
159260CR-42_0385-05建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
160260CR-42_0385-06建物1970年6月19日那覇市【原文】View of the Preparatory Commission building in Naha, Okinawa.
【和訳】 那覇市の準備委員会ビル
【分類】Buildings / 建物
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