資料群ガイド 米国収集資料  米国国立公文書館(Archives II)  RG260: USCAR文書(第二次世界大戦米占領司令部文書)  広報局  映像・写真資料、他
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シリーズ解説 USCAR広報局の写真はUSCAR広報誌をはじめ、プレスリリースや壁新聞等に広く活用されました。
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル USCAR広報局写真資料 67
資料日付 (自)1963/06/26、(至)1971/08/02 この写真を見る
作成者 米国立公文書館
所管(発行) USCAR広報局
資料解説 Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
各種識別 [資料種別]写真、[個人情報]有、[数量]160、[言語]和英、[内容コード]A000022653
1260CR-35_0577-01婦人クラブ活動1963年6月26日【原文】Kadena Officers Wives' Club Donated Refrigerator To Okinawa Rehabilitation Center
Kadena Officers Wives' Club representatives Mrs. A. H. Richard (L), welfare chairman,and Mrs. D. E. Lehr (3rd from L), publicity chairman, were on hand with Maj. Edgar Unthan (2d from L), welfare officer, Public Health and Welfare Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, to present a new refrigerator June 26 to the Okinawa Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Handicapped. Representing the latter were Eikichi Arakawa (4th from L) director of the center, and Yukichi Nakayama (5th from L), president, Okinawa Wounded Soldiers Assn.
【和訳】 身体障害者更生指導所へ冷蔵庫を寄贈する嘉手納将校婦人クラブ
6月26日、身体障害者更生指導所へ新しい冷蔵庫を贈呈するエドガー・アンサン少佐 (左から2番目、高等弁務官室公衆衛生福祉部福祉委員)、A. H.リチャード夫人 (左、嘉手納将校婦人クラブ代表、福祉委員長)、D・E・レアー夫人 (左からの3番目、広報委員長)。贈呈を受けたのは新川栄吉所長 (左から4番目)、中山勇吉氏 (左から5番目、沖縄県傷痍軍人会会長)。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
2260CR-35_0579-01婦人クラブ活動1963年6月26日【原文】Kadena Officers Wives' Club Donated Refrigerator To Okinawa Rehabilitation Center
Kadena Officers Wives' Club representatives Mrs. A. H. Richard (L), welfare chairman,and Mrs. D. E. Lehr (3rd from L), publicity chairman, were on hand with Maj. Edgar Unthan (2d from L), welfare officer, Public Health and Welfare Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, to present a new refrigerator June 26 to the Okinawa Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Handicapped. Representing the latter were Eikichi Arakawa (4th from L) director of the center, and Yukichi Nakayama (5th from L), president, Okinawa Wounded Soldiers Assn.
【和訳】 身体障害者更生指導所へ冷蔵庫を寄贈する嘉手納将校婦人クラブ
6月26日、身体障害者更生指導所へ新しい冷蔵庫を贈呈するエドガー・アンサン少佐 (左から2番目、高等弁務官室公衆衛生福祉部福祉委員)、A. H.リチャード夫人 (左、嘉手納将校婦人クラブ代表、福祉委員長)、D・E・レアー夫人 (左からの3番目、広報委員長)。贈呈を受けたのは新川栄吉所長 (左から4番目)、中山勇吉氏 (左から5番目、沖縄県傷痍軍人会会長)。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
3260CR-35_0529-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月21日那覇市寄宮【原文】Women's Course On Home Life
【和訳】 家庭生活に関する婦人講座
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
4260CR-35_0530-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月21日那覇市寄宮【原文】Women's Course On Home Life
【和訳】 家庭生活に関する婦人講座
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
5260CR-35_0531-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月21日那覇市寄宮【原文】The senior class of the Women's Course on Home Life which is held three times a month at the Naha Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center in Yogi, Naha. Students of the class attended a lecture on the "American Heritage" given by Mrs. Rollins S. Emmerich, of the B & V A wives Club.
【和訳】 毎月3回那覇琉米文化会館で行われている婦人学級の第3火曜教室にて、ローリンズ・S・エマリック夫人による講演「アメリカの伝統」が行われた。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
6260CR-35_0533-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月21日那覇市寄宮【原文】CAKE DECORATION was demonstrated by Mrs. James Sompii (L), a member of Naha Officer's wives Club, at the senior class of the Women's Course on Home Life which is held three times a month at the Naha Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center in Yogi, Naha. Prior to the demonstration, students of the class also attended a lecture on the "American Heritage" given by Mrs. Rollins S. Emmerich, of the B & V A wives Club. Helping Mrs. Sompii in decorating the cake is Mrs. Fusako Matayoshi, a student of the class.
【和訳】 毎月3回那覇琉米文化会館で行われている婦人学級の第3火曜教室の皆さんにケーキのデコレーションの仕方を実演して見せているジェームス・サンピ―夫人 (左、那覇将校婦人クラブ会員)、右側で補助するのは受講生の1人、又吉房子さん。尚この日はデモンストレーションに先立ちローリンズ・S・エマリック夫人による講演「アメリカの伝統」も行われた。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
7260CR-35_0519-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月9日【原文】Tea Ceremony
【和訳】 お茶会
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
8260CR-35_0520-01婦人クラブ活動1964年4月9日【原文】Tea Ceremony
【和訳】 お茶会
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
9260CR-35_0618-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月25日【原文】Bazar By Blind Association
【和訳】 盲人協会によるバザー
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
10260CR-35_0602-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月26日那覇市上泉町【原文】INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB CHORUS entertains 100 Ryukyuan guests with a typical Ryukyuan folk song, "Nantahama," and American songs at a friendship tea sponsored by the USCAR Women's Club at the Harborview Club on May 26 as one of the annual Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities. The chorus is conducted by Kiss Lynne Sutton, music teacher at the Mercy Intermediate School, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Samuel H. Kitamura.
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブ合唱団は恒例の琉米親善週間の取り組みとして5月26日、米民政府婦人クラブ後援のもと、ハーバービュークラブで開催された親善茶会にて100名の琉球人を招き、琉球民謡の「なんた浜」やアメリカの歌でゲストを楽しませた。合唱団はサミュエル・H・北村夫人のピアノ伴奏にキス・リン・サットン氏 (マーシー中学校音楽科教諭)の指揮で構成された。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
11260CR-35_0604-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月26日那覇市上泉町【原文】INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB CHORUS entertains 100 Ryukyuan guests with a typical Ryukyuan folk song, "Nantahama," and American songs at a friendship tea sponsored by the USCAR Women's Club at the Harborview Club on May 26 as one of the annual Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities. The chorus is conducted by Kiss Lynne Sutton, music teacher at the Mercy Intermediate School, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Samuel H. Kitamura.
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブ合唱団は恒例の琉米親善週間の取り組みとして5月26日、米民政府婦人クラブ後援のもと、ハーバービュークラブで開催された親善茶会にて100名の琉球人を招き、琉球民謡の「なんた浜」やアメリカの歌でゲストを楽しませた。合唱団はサミュエル・H・北村夫人のピアノ伴奏にキス・リン・サットン氏 (マーシー中学校音楽科教諭)の指揮で構成された。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
12260CR-35_0606-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月26日那覇市上泉町【原文】INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB CHORUS entertains 100 Ryukyuan guests with a typical Ryukyuan folk song, "Nantahama," and American songs at a friendship tea sponsored by the USCAR Women's Club at the Harborview Club on May 26 as one of the annual Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities. The chorus is conducted by Kiss Lynne Sutton, music teacher at the Mercy Intermediate School, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Samuel H. Kitamura.
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブ合唱団は恒例の琉米親善週間の取り組みとして5月26日、米民政府婦人クラブ後援のもと、ハーバービュークラブで開催された親善茶会にて100名の琉球人を招き、琉球民謡の「なんた浜」やアメリカの歌でゲストを楽しませた。合唱団はサミュエル・H・北村夫人のピアノ伴奏にキス・リン・サットン氏 (マーシー中学校音楽科教諭)の指揮で構成された。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
13260CR-35_0609-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月28日【原文】RYUKYUAN TOUR AMERICAN HOME
Mrs. James Ball, a member of the Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club, is shown explaining the operation of an electric oven to (L-R): Mmes. Emiko Takara, Sumiko Kinjo and Sachiko Shinjo, members of the Matsugawa Women's Club in Naha. After guiding her guests through the kitchen, Mrs. Ball entertained them with coffee and cookies and discussed home life and education in the United States. 32 members of the Matsugawa Women's Club were invited to visit three American homes in the Naha Air Base housing area by the Naha Officers Wives Club on May 28. The tours were arranged by the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner, as part of the Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities.
【和訳】 琉球人の米住宅見学
那覇空軍基地将校婦人クラブ会員のジェイムズ・ボール夫人が、那覇市にある松川婦人会会員(左から) タカラ・エリコ、キンジョウ・スミコ、シンジョウ・サチコに電気オーブンの操作を説明している。キッチンで客を案内した後、ボール夫人はコーヒーとクッキーで客をもてなし、米国の家庭生活と教育について話し合った。松川婦人会会員32名は、5月28日、那覇将校婦人クラブが主催した琉米親善週間事業の一環として、高等弁務官事務所広報室が企画した那覇基地住宅地区の三つのアメリカ家庭を訪問した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
14260CR-35_0611-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月28日【原文】RYUKYUAN TOUR AMERICAN HOME
Mrs. James Ball, a member of the Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club, is shown explaining the operation of an electric oven to members of the Matsugawa Women's Club in Naha. After guiding her guests through the kitchen, Mrs. Ball entertained them with coffee and cookies and discussed home life and education in the United States. 32 members of the Matsugawa Women's Club were invited to visit three American homes in the Naha Air Base housing area by the Naha Officers Wives Club on May 28. The tours were arranged by the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner, as part of the Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities.
【和訳】 琉球人の米住宅見学
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
15260CR-35_0613-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月28日【原文】RYUKYUAN TOUR AMERICAN HOME
Mrs. James Ball, a member of the Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club, is shown explaining the operation of an electric oven to members of the Matsugawa Women's Club in Naha. After guiding her guests through the kitchen, Mrs. Ball entertained them with coffee and cookies and discussed home life and education in the United States. 32 members of the Matsugawa Women's Club were invited to visit three American homes in the Naha Air Base housing area by the Naha Officers Wives Club on May 28. The tours were arranged by the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner, as part of the Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities.
【和訳】 琉球人の米住宅見学
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
16260CR-35_0615-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月28日【原文】RYUKYUAN TOUR AMERICAN HOME
Mrs. James Ball, a member of the Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club, is shown explaining the operation of an electric oven to members of the Matsugawa Women's Club in Naha. After guiding her guests through the kitchen, Mrs. Ball entertained them with coffee and cookies and discussed home life and education in the United States. 32 members of the Matsugawa Women's Club were invited to visit three American homes in the Naha Air Base housing area by the Naha Officers Wives Club on May 28. The tours were arranged by the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner, as part of the Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities.
【和訳】 琉球人の米住宅見学
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
17260CR-35_0616-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月28日【原文】RYUKYUAN TOUR AMERICAN HOME
Mrs. James Ball, a member of the Naha Air Base Officers Wives Club, is shown explaining the operation of an electric oven to members of the Matsugawa Women's Club in Naha. After guiding her guests through the kitchen, Mrs. Ball entertained them with coffee and cookies and discussed home life and education in the United States. 32 members of the Matsugawa Women's Club were invited to visit three American homes in the Naha Air Base housing area by the Naha Officers Wives Club on May 28. The tours were arranged by the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner, as part of the Ryukyuan-American Friendship Week activities.
【和訳】 琉球人の米住宅見学
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
18260CR-35_0536-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月4日【原文】Int. Women's Club's Meeting
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブの会合
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
19260CR-35_0537-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月4日【原文】Int. Women's Club's Meeting
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブの会合
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
20260CR-35_0544-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月7日那覇市寄宮【原文】MAKE-UP DEMONSTRATION
Mrs. Anita Hill, American cosmetician, conducts a make-up demonstration for the participants of the Home Life Course at the Naha Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center. The course, sponsored jointly by the cultural center and the Home Economics Dept. of the University of the Ryukyus and supported by American women's clubs, has provided Okinawan women an opportunity to learn about American customs and ways of managing homes. The volunteer model is Mrs. Kazuko Nakamrura, Matsuyama-cho, Naha.
【和訳】 メイクアップデモンストレーション
アニタ・ヒルさん (アメリカの美容師) は那覇琉米文化会館における婦人学級の参加者のためにマックスファクターの化粧方のデモンストレーションを実施した。同講座は文化会館と琉球大学の家政学科の後援によるもので、米婦人クラブのサポートで沖縄の女性にアメリカの習慣と家庭を切り盛りする方法について学ぶ機会を提供した。ボランティアのモデルはナカムラ・カズコさん (那覇市松山町) 。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
21260CR-35_0546-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月7日那覇市寄宮【原文】MAKE-UP DEMONSTRATION
Mrs. Anita Hill, American cosmetician, conducts a make-up demonstration for the participants of the Home Life Course at the Naha Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center. The course, sponsored jointly by the cultural center and the Home Economics Dept. of the University of the Ryukyus and supported by American women's clubs, has provided Okinawan women an opportunity to learn about American customs and ways of managing homes. The volunteer model is Mrs. Kazuko Nakamrura, Matsuyama-cho, Naha.
【和訳】 メイクアップデモンストレーション
アニタ・ヒルさん (アメリカの美容師) は那覇琉米文化会館における婦人学級の参加者のためにマックスファクターの化粧方のデモンストレーションを実施した。同講座は文化会館と琉球大学の家政学科の後援によるもので、米婦人クラブのサポートで沖縄の女性にアメリカの習慣と家庭を切り盛りする方法について学ぶ機会を提供した。ボランティアのモデルはナカムラ・カズコさん (那覇市松山町) 。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
22260CR-35_0548-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月7日那覇市寄宮【原文】MAKE-UP DEMONSTRATION
Mrs. Anita Hill, American cosmetician, conducts a make-up demonstration for the participants of the Home Life Course at the Naha Ryukyuan-American Cultural Center. The course, sponsored jointly by the cultural center and the Home Economics Dept. of the University of the Ryukyus and supported by American women's clubs, has provided Okinawan women an opportunity to learn about American customs and ways of managing homes. The volunteer model is Mrs. Kazuko Nakamrura, Matsuyama-cho, Naha.
【和訳】 メイクアップデモンストレーション
アニタ・ヒルさん (アメリカの美容師) は那覇琉米文化会館における婦人学級の参加者のためにマックスファクターの化粧方のデモンストレーションを実施した。同講座は文化会館と琉球大学の家政学科の後援によるもので、米婦人クラブのサポートで沖縄の女性にアメリカの習慣と家庭を切り盛りする方法について学ぶ機会を提供した。ボランティアのモデルはナカムラ・カズコさん (那覇市松山町) 。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
23260CR-35_0591-01婦人クラブ活動1964年5月8日【原文】International women's club
【和訳】 国際婦人クラブ新正副会長
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
24260CR-35_0636-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月16日【原文】GIFT FOR RYUKYUAN EDUCATION - Mrs. Kenneth L. Scott, president, Ft. Buckner Women's Club, presents a $1,500 check to Lt. Col. John M. Ford, director, Administrative Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, on June 16 to help defray costs of a forthcoming Ryukyuan-American High School students' seminar. Ryukyuan students attending the seminar will be selected for undergraduate studies in the 1965-1966 academic year in the U.S. under the U.S. Dept. of Army-sponsored scholarship program for the Ryukyuan people.
【和訳】 琉球の高校生への支援
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
25260CR-35_0638-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月16日【原文】GIFT FOR RYUKYUAN EDUCATION
Mrs. Kenneth L. Scott, president, Ft. Buckner Women's Club, presents a $1,500 check to Lt. Col. John M. Ford, director, Administrative Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, on June 16 to help defray costs of a forthcoming Ryukyuan-American High School students' seminar. Ryukyuan students attending the seminar will be selected for undergraduate studies in the 1965-1966 academic year in the U.S. under the U. S. Dept. of Army-sponsored scholarship program for the Ryukyuan people.
【和訳】 琉球教育への贈り物
ケネス・L・スコット夫人 (フォートバックナー婦人クラブ会長)は、6月16日にジョン・M・フォード氏 (高等弁務官室総務局長) に1,500ドルの小切手を贈り、今後の琉米高校生セミナーの費用削減を支援した。このセミナーに参加する琉球人学生は、1965年から1966年にかけて、米国陸軍主催の奨学金制度のもと、学士課程に選出される。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
26260CR-35_0622-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月3日【原文】AGREEMENT ON LAND LEASE
Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, chairman; Wakaba Day Nursery Committee, signs a contract for leasing the land for a new building of the Wakaba Nursery with Mr. John T. Sheehan (R), chief, Land Div., Legal Affairs Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, in the latter's office on June 3. The Wakaba nursery is a welfare project supported by the Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Looking on are Mrs. Seisaku Ota (L, front row), advisor to the OIWC; in back row, (L-R): Mrs. Harriman N. Simmons, vice-president; Mrs. Chiyoko Tonaki, vice-president; and Mrs. Richard Finch, president of the OIWC. The new site for the nursery is on government-controlled prefectural land. It is on 400 tsubos located in Miyagi-Baru, Yosemiya, Naha. Construction of the new nursery building is scheduled to start in June with completion by August. The cost for construction will be $13,000, to be raised by donations. So far the OIWC has raised $8,000.
【和訳】 借地契約
6月3日にジョン・T・シーハン (右、高等弁務官室法務局土地課長) の事務所にて、新たに建てる保育園の借地契約に署名を行っているのは若葉保育園委員長の仲松恵爽夫人。それを眺めているのは国際婦人クラブ顧問の大田政作夫人(前列左)に(後列左より)ハリマン・N・シモンズ夫人 (副会長)、渡名喜千代夫人 (副会長)とリチャード・フィンチ夫人 (会長)。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
27260CR-35_0625-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月3日【原文】AGREEMENT ON LAND LEASE
Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, chairman; Wakaba Day Nursery Committee, signs a contract for leasing the land for a new building of the Wakaba Nursery with Mr. John T. Sheehan (R), chief, Land Div., Legal Affairs Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, in the latter's office on June 3. The new site for the nursery is on government-controlled prefectural land. It is on 400 tsubos located in Miyagi-Baru, Yosemiya, Naha. Construction of the new nursery building is scheduled to start in June with completion by August. The cost for construction will be $13,000, to be raised by donations. So far the OIWC has raised $8,000.
【和訳】 借地契約
6月3日にジョン・T・シーハン (右、高等弁務官室法務局土地課長) の事務所にて、新たに建てる保育園の借地契約に署名を行っているのは若葉保育園委員長の仲松恵爽夫人。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
28260CR-35_0627-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月3日【原文】AGREEMENT ON LAND LEASE
Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, chairman; Wakaba Day Nursery Committee, signs a contract for leasing the land for a new building of the Wakaba Nursery with Mr. John T. Sheehan (R), chief, Land Div., Legal Affairs Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, in the latter's office on June 3. The new site for the nursery is on government-controlled prefectural land. It is on 400 tsubos located in Miyagi-Baru, Yosemiya, Naha. Construction of the new nursery building is scheduled to start in June with completion by August. The cost for construction will be $13,000, to be raised by donations. So far the OIWC has raised $8,000.
【和訳】 借地契約
6月3日にジョン・T・シーハン (右、高等弁務官室法務局土地課長) の事務所にて、新たに建てる保育園の借地契約に署名を行っているのは若葉保育園委員長の仲松恵爽夫人。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
29260CR-35_0630-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月3日【原文】AGREEMENT ON LAND LEASE
Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, chairman; Wakaba Day Nursery Committee, signs a contract for leasing the land for a new building of the Wakaba Nursery with Mr. John T. Sheehan (R), chief, Land Div., Legal Affairs Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, in the latter's office on June 3. The new site for the nursery is on government-controlled prefectural land. It is on 400 tsubos located in Miyagi-Baru, Yosemiya, Naha. Construction of the new nursery building is scheduled to start in June with completion by August. The cost for construction will be $13,000, to be raised by donations. So far the OIWC has raised $8,000.
【和訳】 借地契約
6月3日にジョン・T・シーハン (右、高等弁務官室法務局土地課長) の事務所にて、新たに建てる保育園の借地契約に署名を行っているのは若葉保育園委員長の仲松恵爽夫人。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
30260CR-35_0631-01婦人クラブ活動1964年6月3日【原文】AGREEMENT ON LAND LEASE
Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, chairman; Wakaba Day Nursery Committee, signs a contract for leasing the land for a new building of the Wakaba Nursery with Mr. John T. Sheehan (R), chief, Land Div., Legal Affairs Dept., Office of the High Commissioner, in the latter's office on June 3. The new site for the nursery is on government-controlled prefectural land. It is on 400 tsubos located in Miyagi-Baru, Yosemiya, Naha. Construction of the new nursery building is scheduled to start in June with completion by August. The cost for construction will be $13,000, to be raised by donations. So far the OIWC has raised $8,000.
【和訳】 借地契約
6月3日にジョン・T・シーハン (右、高等弁務官室法務局土地課長) の事務所にて、新たに建てる保育園の借地契約に署名を行っているのは若葉保育園委員長の仲松恵爽夫人。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
31260CR-35_0640-01婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
32260CR-35_0640-02婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
33260CR-35_0640-03婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
34260CR-35_0640-04婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
35260CR-35_0640-05婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
36260CR-35_0640-06婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
37260CR-35_0640-07婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
38260CR-35_0640-08婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
39260CR-35_0640-09婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日宮古【原文】Mrs. Mel Krug, president, FBOWC, presents food baskets to Choyo Sunagawa, chief, Miyako District Welfare Office, Hirara City, Miyako. The gifts will be distributed to 130 needy families in Miyako through the district office.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古地区福祉事務所で砂川朝用所長に食料品を贈っているメル・クラブ夫人 (フォートバックナー将校婦人クラブ会長) 。この食料品は同福祉事務所を通じて130の困窮家庭に配布される。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
40260CR-35_0643-01婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
41260CR-35_0643-02婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
42260CR-35_0643-03婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
43260CR-35_0643-04婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
44260CR-35_0643-05婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
45260CR-35_0643-06婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】Presenting toys to children in the Hanazono Day Nursery, Hirara City, Miyako are
(L-R): Mrs. Sachiko Kinjo, welfare chairman, OIWC; Mrs. Gergic H. Mallery,
welfare chairman, MOWC; Mrs. Joyce Pitcher, president, MOWC; and Mrs. Eleanor
Buckley, welfare chairman, USCAR Women's Club. The nursery, operated by
Mrs. Fukuko Okamoto, takes care of 60 children.


AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 宮古平良市にある花園保育園 (岡本福子園長-園児60人) の子供達におもちゃを贈っている (左より) 金城幸子夫人 (国際婦人クラブ福祉委員長) 、ガーギック・H・マレリー夫人 (マリン将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) ジョイス・ピッチャー夫人 (マリン将校婦人クラブ会長) 、エレノー・バックレー夫人 (民政府婦人クラブ福祉委員長)


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
46260CR-35_0643-07婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
47260CR-35_0643-08婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
48260CR-35_0643-09婦人クラブ活動1971年12月6日平良市【原文】MASTER CAPTION

AMERICAN WOMEN'S CLUBS SHARE CHRISTMAS JOY WITH RYUKYUANS - Some 20 representatives from nine American women's clubs, affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, presented Christmas gifts to children, the aged and the needy families in Miyako and Yaeyama on Dec, 6, 7 and 8. They presented toys to the children, toilet articles to aged persons and food baskets to the needy families. The gifts were purchased with a fund donated by the Fort Buckner Officers' Wives Club (FBOWC), Okinawa International Women's Club (OIWC), Kadena Officers' Wives Club (KOWC), Kadena NCO Wives Club (KNCOWC), Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOSNA), Marine Officers' Wives Club (MOWC), Navy Officers' Wives Club (NOWC), Transportation Women's Club (Transp WC), and USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
49260CR-35_0516-02婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
50260CR-35_0516-03婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
51260CR-35_0516-04婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
52260CR-35_0516-05婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
53260CR-35_0516-06婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Pictured are (L-R, front) Miss Ingrid Lin, Port Wheel School; Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman, KOWC; Miss Jean Rygiel, Port Wheel School; Butoku Kinjo, director, Ishimine Children's Home; (L-R, back row) Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, KOWC; Met Johnson, advisor to the 9th grader's student council; and Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
54260CR-35_0516-07婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
55260CR-35_0516-08婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
56260CR-35_0516-09婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市首里石嶺【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) and the 9th graders' student council of the Port Wheel School presented checks totaling $950 to the Ishimine Children's Home on March 23. The checks will be used for the purchase of playing equipment for mentally-retarded children. Last December the 9th graders held a Christmas party for the children of Ishimine Children's Home.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
57260CR-35_0521-01婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】RIBBON CUTTING - Cutting a ribbon marking the opening of sanitary facilities at the Daido Kindergarten are principal Nishihira, Mrs. Parker. Looking on are (L-R) Mr. Chinen, Mr. Miyagi, head teacher, Daido Kindergarten, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Cayler, and Mr. Arakawa.


The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 リボン・カット


大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
58260CR-35_0521-02婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】INSPECTING sanitary facilities are (L-R) Mr. Arakawa, Miss Masako Oshiro welfare program specialist, HEW, USCAR; Mrs. Parker, and Mrs. Cayler.


The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 完成した便所を見ている (左から) 新川PTA会長、大城昌子さん(米国民政府厚生教育局)、パーカー夫人、及びケイラー夫人。


大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
59260CR-35_0521-03婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
60260CR-35_0521-04婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
61260CR-35_0521-05婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
62260CR-35_0521-06婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
63260CR-35_0526-01婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
64260CR-35_0526-02婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
65260CR-35_0526-03婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
66260CR-35_0526-04婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
67260CR-35_0526-05婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
68260CR-35_0526-06婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
69260CR-35_0526-07婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】Mrs. Parker congratulates officials of the Daido Kindergarten, its PTA, and the Naha District Education Board on the opening of the school's solitary facilities.


The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 写真は大道幼稚園、PTA会及び那覇教育区教育委員会の関係者に祝辞を述べているパーカー夫人。


大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
70260CR-35_0526-08婦人クラブ活動1971年3月23日那覇市【原文】Mrs. Parker congratulates officials of the Daido Kindergarten, its PTA, and the Naha District Education Board on the opening of the school's solitary facilities.


The Daido Kindergarten, Naha, marked the opening of its modern sanitary facilities on March 23 with a ceremony attended by Mrs. A. R. Parker, welfare chairman and Mrs. R. L. Cayler, assistant welfare chairman, of the Kadena Officers Wives' Club; Garland J. Moore, chief, Welfare Div,, Health, Education and Welfare Dept (HEW), U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR); Principal Moriyoshi Nishihira, Daido Elementary School; Tadashi Arakawa, president, Daido Kindergarten PTA; and Seiyu Chinen, chief, Facility Section, Naha District Education Board. The construction of the facilities, begun in December last year, was completed on March 16 at a total cost of $10,087, of which $6,087 was donated by the Kadena Officers Wives' Club, and $4,000 by the Naha District Education Board. The club provided the financial assistance in response to a request made by the kindergarten and its PTA through the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council.
【和訳】 写真は大道幼稚園、PTA会及び那覇教育区教育委員会の関係者に祝辞を述べているパーカー夫人。


大道幼稚園ではモダンな便所の建設工事を終え、このほど開所式を催した。この開所式には嘉手納将校婦人クラブのA・R・パーカー夫人 (福祉委員長) 、R・L・ケイラー夫人 (副福祉委員長) 、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長、西平守良大道小学校長、新川忠大道幼稚園PTA会長、知念政雄那覇教育区教育委員会施設課長等が出席した。同便所の工事は去年の12月に着工され、総工費10,087ドルで去る3月16日に完成したものである。総工費の内6,087ドルは大道幼稚園と同幼稚園PTA会が琉米福祉協議委員会に要請し、それに答えて嘉手納将校婦人クラブが寄付したもので、残り4,000ドルは那覇教育区教育委員会が負担したものである。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
71260CR-35_0539-01婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Fricke hands a check for $75 to Tstsuo Shima, teacher's consultant, Chuo Ikusei-en. At right is Miss Oshiro.


The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 島辰夫中央育成園指導主事に75ドルの小切手を手渡しているフリッキー夫人。右側は大城さん。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
72260CR-35_0539-02婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Fricke hands a check for $75 to Tstsuo Shima, teacher's consultant, Chuo Ikusei-en. At right is Miss Oshiro.


The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 島辰夫中央育成園指導主事に75ドルの小切手を手渡しているフリッキー夫人。右側は大城さん。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
73260CR-35_0539-03婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Fricke hands a check for $75 to Tstsuo Shima, teacher's consultant, Chuo Ikusei-en. At right is Miss Oshiro.


The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 島辰夫中央育成園指導主事に75ドルの小切手を手渡しているフリッキー夫人。右側は大城さん。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
74260CR-35_0539-04婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
75260CR-35_0539-05婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
76260CR-35_0539-06婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
77260CR-35_0539-07婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
78260CR-35_0539-08婦人クラブ活動1971年3月31日【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

The Kadena NCO Wives' Club presented a check for $75 to the Chuo Ikusei-en, training center for mentally retarded children. Making the presentation was Mrs. Carl Fricke, welfare chairman of the club, who visited the center on Mar. 31, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, The Kadena NCO Wives have donated a total of $575 to the center since 1969. The money was used for the purchase of teaching materials, desks, chairs, and others equipment for the training center.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
79260CR-35_0553-01婦人クラブ活動1971年4月16日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (C), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, escorted by Garland J. Moore (R), chief, Welfare Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, called on Choshin Kabira (L), executive director, Ryukyu Anti-Tuberculosis Association, to present a check of $3,522 to be used for the purchase of medical laboratory equipment. The check was presented in response to a request made by the association to the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council which is comprised of women's clubs, business, religious and fraternal groups, military units, and other interested persons, to coordinate American welfare projects and activities in the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブのロイ・カールソン夫人 (福祉委員長) は4月16日、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長 (右) の案内で、琉球結核予防会事務所を訪れ、医療検査器具の購入費として3,522ドルの小切手を川平朝申事務局長 (左) に手渡した。この小切手の贈呈は琉球結核予防会が琉米福祉協議会に要請し、それに答えて贈られたものである。なお、琉米福祉協議会は婦人クラブ、事業団体、宗教団体、親善団体、軍隊やその他の興味を持っている人々によって構成され、沖縄に於ける福祉事業や活動を調整する機関である。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
80260CR-35_0553-02婦人クラブ活動1971年4月16日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (C), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, escorted by Garland J. Moore (R), chief, Welfare Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, called on Choshin Kabira (L), executive director, Ryukyu Anti-Tuberculosis Association, to present a check of $3,522 to be used for the purchase of medical laboratory equipment. The check was presented in response to a request made by the association to the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council which is comprised of women's clubs, business, religious and fraternal groups, military units, and other interested persons, to coordinate American welfare projects and activities in the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブのロイ・カールソン夫人 (福祉委員長) は4月16日、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長 (右) の案内で、琉球結核予防会事務所を訪れ、医療検査器具の購入費として3,522ドルの小切手を川平朝申事務局長 (左) に手渡した。この小切手の贈呈は琉球結核予防会が琉米福祉協議会に要請し、それに答えて贈られたものである。なお、琉米福祉協議会は婦人クラブ、事業団体、宗教団体、親善団体、軍隊やその他の興味を持っている人々によって構成され、沖縄に於ける福祉事業や活動を調整する機関である。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
81260CR-35_0553-03婦人クラブ活動1971年4月16日【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (C), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, escorted by Garland J. Moore (R), chief, Welfare Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, called on Choshin Kabira (L), executive director, Ryukyu Anti-Tuberculosis Association, to present a check of $3,522 to be used for the purchase of medical laboratory equipment. The check was presented in response to a request made by the association to the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council which is comprised of women's clubs, business, religious and fraternal groups, military units, and other interested persons, to coordinate American welfare projects and activities in the Ryukyus.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブのロイ・カールソン夫人 (福祉委員長) は4月16日、ガーランド・J・ムーア米国民政府厚生教育局副支部長 (右) の案内で、琉球結核予防会事務所を訪れ、医療検査器具の購入費として3,522ドルの小切手を川平朝申事務局長 (左) に手渡した。この小切手の贈呈は琉球結核予防会が琉米福祉協議会に要請し、それに答えて贈られたものである。なお、琉米福祉協議会は婦人クラブ、事業団体、宗教団体、親善団体、軍隊やその他の興味を持っている人々によって構成され、沖縄に於ける福祉事業や活動を調整する機関である。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
82260CR-35_0556-01婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
83260CR-35_0556-02婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
84260CR-35_0556-03婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
85260CR-35_0556-04婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
86260CR-35_0556-05婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
87260CR-35_0556-06婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
88260CR-35_0556-07婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
89260CR-35_0556-08婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club Dinner Dance at OIC
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
90260CR-35_0556-09婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】L to R: Mrs. James B. Lampert LTG, James B. Lampert and Mrs. H. W. Lombard, pres, USCAR Women's Club.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブのダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
91260CR-35_0559-01婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club annual spring dinner dance was held at the Okinawa International Club, Kisyaba, on April 24. L to R: Col. H. W. Lombard, Mrs. Hirosada Ohama, Mrs. James B. Lampert, Civil Administrator Robert A. Fearey, Mrs. R. H. Barrow, Mrs. William Lowry, Mrs. Jinsuke Okuda, and Mr. Teruo Teruya.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティーが4月24日、喜舎場のオキナワインターナショナルクラブで開かれた。左からH・W・ロンバード大佐、オオハマ・ヒロサダ夫人、ジェームズ・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人、ロバート・A・フィアリー民政官、R・H・バロー夫人、ウィリアム・ロウリー夫人、オクダ・ジンスケ夫人、テルヤ・テルオ氏。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
92260CR-35_0559-02婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club annual spring dinner dance was held at the Okinawa International Club, Kisyaba, on April 24. L to R: Col. H. W. Lombard, Mrs. Hirosada Ohama, Mrs. James B. Lampert, Civil Administrator Robert A. Fearey, Mrs. R. H. Barrow, Mrs. William Lowry, Mrs. Jinsuke Okuda, and Mr. Teruo Teruya.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティーが4月24日、喜舎場のオキナワインターナショナルクラブで開かれた。左からH・W・ロンバード大佐、オオハマ・ヒロサダ夫人、ジェームズ・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人、ロバート・A・フィアリー民政官、R・H・バロー夫人、ウィリアム・ロウリー夫人、オクダ・ジンスケ夫人、テルヤ・テルオ氏。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
93260CR-35_0559-03婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】L to R: Mrs. Frank Ye'h, Mr. Hirosada Oharma, Mrs. H. W. Lombard, pres., USCAR Women's Club9 High Commissioner, Ltg James B. Lampert, Mrs. R, A, Fearey and Brig. Gen. R. H. Barrow.
【和訳】 左からフランク・イエ夫人、オオハマ・ヒロサダ夫人、米民政府婦人クラブ広報H・W・ロンバード夫人、高等弁務官ジェームズ・B・ランパート中将、ロバート・A・フィアリー民政官夫人、R・H・バロー准将。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
94260CR-35_0559-04婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club annual spring dinner dance was held at the Okinawa International Club, Kisyaba, on April 24.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
95260CR-35_0559-05婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club annual spring dinner dance was held at the Okinawa International Club, Kisyaba, on April 24.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
96260CR-35_0559-06婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】USCAR Women's Club annual spring dinner dance was held at the Okinawa International Club, Kisyaba, on April 24.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
97260CR-35_0559-07婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】L to R: Mrs. Frank Ye'h, Mr. Hirosada Oharma, Mrs. H. W. Lombard, pres., USCAR Women's Club9 High Commissioner, Ltg James B. Lampert, Mrs. R, A, Fearey and Brig. Gen. R. H. Barrow.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
98260CR-35_0559-08婦人クラブ活動1971年4月24日北中城村喜舎場【原文】L to R: Mrs. Frank Ye'h, Mr. Hirosada Oharma, Mrs. H. W. Lombard, pres., USCAR Women's Club9 High Commissioner, Ltg James B. Lampert, Mrs. R, A, Fearey and Brig. Gen. R. H. Barrow.
【和訳】 米民政府婦人クラブ恒例のスプリングディナーダンスパーティー、オキナワインターナショナルクラブにて
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
99260CR-35_0550-01婦人クラブ活動1971年4月9日糸満町【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Naha Officers' Wives Club presented a check for $999 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman on April 9. Mrs. Roy Carlson, welfare chairman of the club, made the presentation to Dr. Masanori Hokama, director of the institute. Others pictured are (L-R) Fumiko Uehara, nurse, Sakae Oshiro, chief clerk, both of the institute; and Kokichi Arasaki, sanatoria officer, Welfare Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands. The check will be used to purchase and install 21 ceiling fans in the wards.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブは4月9日、糸満町にある琉球結核研究所に病室の吊り下げ扇風機21台の購入費とその取付け工事費として999ドルの小切手を贈った。写真はロイ・カールソン夫人 (福祉委員長) が外間政典所長に小切手を手渡しているところ。その他に写真は左から琉球結核研究所の上原文子看護婦と大城栄事務長、及び琉球政府厚生局の新崎広吉療養所係官。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
100260CR-35_0550-02婦人クラブ活動1971年4月9日糸満町【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - The Naha Officers' Wives Club presented a check for $999 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman on April 9. Mrs. Roy Carlson, welfare chairman of the club, made the presentation to Dr. Masanori Hokama, director of the institute. Others pictured are (L-R) Fumiko Uehara, nurse, Sakae Oshiro, chief clerk, both of the institute; and Kokichi Arasaki, sanatoria officer, Welfare Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands. The check will be used to purchase and install 21 ceiling fans in the wards.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブは4月9日、糸満町にある琉球結核研究所に病室の吊り下げ扇風機21台の購入費とその取付け工事費として999ドルの小切手を贈った。写真はロイ・カールソン夫人 (福祉委員長) が外間政典所長に小切手を手渡しているところ。その他に写真は左から琉球結核研究所の上原文子看護婦と大城栄事務長、及び琉球政府厚生局の新崎広吉療養所係官。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
101260CR-35_0561-01婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
102260CR-35_0561-02婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
103260CR-35_0561-03婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
104260CR-35_0561-04婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
105260CR-35_0561-05婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
106260CR-35_0561-06婦人クラブ活動1971年5月12日糸満町【原文】NAHA AIR BASE WIVES DONATE TV SETS - The Naha Officers Wives Club, through its welfare chairman, Mrs. Roy Carlson (L), escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, presented three television sets on May 12 to the Ryukyu Tuberculosis Research Institute in Itoman-cho. Pictured are (L-R) Sakae Oshiro, chief, Administration Section, Dr. Masanori Hokama, director, and Hatsu Chibana, chief nurse, of the TB institute. The club has donated a total of $24,678 to Ryukyuan health and welfare institutions since January 1971.
【和訳】 テレビを寄贈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (左) は5月12日、米国民政府教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で糸満町にある琉球結核研究所を訪れ、テレビ3台を贈った。写真は左からカールソン夫人、大城栄庶務課長、外間政典所長、及び知花ハツ看護婦長。なお、那覇将校婦人クラブは今年の1月以来、沖縄の医療施設や福祉施設に24,678ドルを寄付した。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
107260CR-35_0563-01婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
108260CR-35_0563-02婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
109260CR-35_0563-03婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
110260CR-35_0563-04婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
111260CR-35_0563-05婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
112260CR-35_0563-06婦人クラブ活動1971年5月21日北谷村【原文】CHECK PRESENTATION - Mrs. Roy Carlson (R), welfare chairman, Naha Officers Wives Club, presents a check for $1,000 to CWO2 Roy A. Fitzgerald (L) of the Headquarters, 30th Artillery, at a Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council meeting held at the Castle Terrace Club, Camp Kue, on May 21. The donation is for expenses of an annual summer camp program conducted for American Bey Scouts, and Ryukyuan and American Girl Scouts at the White Beach Scout facility.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
那覇将校婦人クラブの福祉委員長ロイ・カールソン夫人 (右) は去る5月21日、キャンプ桑江のキャッスルテラスクラブで催された琉米福祉協議会会合の席上で、1,000ドルの小切手をロイ・A・フィッツジェラルド准尉 (左、米陸軍第30砲兵旅団司令部所属) に手渡した。この小切手はホワイト・ビーチ・ボーイスカウト施設で行われる琉米ガールスカウトやアメリカ・ボーイ・スカウトの夏期キャンプ計画の費用に充てられる。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
113260CR-35_0565-01婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
114260CR-35_0565-02婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
115260CR-35_0565-03婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
116260CR-35_0565-04婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
117260CR-35_0565-05婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
118260CR-35_0565-06婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
119260CR-35_0565-07婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
120260CR-35_0565-08婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
121260CR-35_0565-09婦人クラブ活動1971年5月24日恩納村【原文】MEDICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR ONNA-SON MUNICIPAL DISPENSARY - Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, Kadena Officers Wives Club, escorted by Miss Masako Oshiro, welfare program specialist, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, visited the Onna-son Municipal Dispensary on May 24 to present $1,416 worth of equipment, including a medical examination table, cabinets, and washing machine, gas range, electric fans and a TV set. Shown receiving an electric fan from Mrs. Cayler is Mayor Kotoku Toyama of Onna-son. At left is Dr. Noritaka Yoneshiro, director of the dispensary, which services some 50 persons a day.
【和訳】 恩納村診療所に医療機器を寄贈
R・L・ケイラー夫人 (嘉手納将校婦人クラブ福祉委員長) は5月24日、米国民政府厚生教育局の大城昌子さんの案内で恩納村診療所を訪れ、診察用テーブル、キャビネット、洗濯機、ガスレンジ、扇風機、テレビ等1,416ドル相当の品物を贈った。写真は左から米城由高同診療所々長、当山幸徳恩納村々長及びケイラー夫人。なお、同診療所では毎日50人の患者が診療を受けている。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
122260CR-35_0567-01婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】RyuKyuan children of the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha perform a dance at the friendship tea.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 親睦会でダンスを披露する那覇市のわかば保育園の子ども達。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
123260CR-35_0567-02婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】RyuKyuan children of the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha perform a dance at the friendship tea.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 親睦会でダンスを披露する那覇市のわかば保育園の子ども達。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
124260CR-35_0567-03婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】American children of the Machinato Kindergarten perform a Japanese dance, "Sakura, Sakura".


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 牧港の米国人幼稚園の子ども達による「さくら、さくら」


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
125260CR-35_0567-04婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】American children of the Machinato Kindergarten perform a Japanese dance, "Sakura, Sakura".


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 牧港の米国人幼稚園の子ども達による「さくら、さくら」


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
126260CR-35_0567-05婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】American children of the Machinato Kindergarten perform a Japanese dance, "Sakura, Sakura".


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 牧港の米国人幼稚園の子ども達による「さくら、さくら」


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
127260CR-35_0567-06婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
128260CR-35_0567-07婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】Admiring a flower arrangement at the tea are (L-R) Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, Mrs. Mikio Higa, and Mrs. Virginia Kokuba.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 お茶を手に生け花を鑑賞する (左から) ジャネット・K・フィンク夫人、ヒガ・ミキオ夫人、バージニア・コクバ夫人。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
129260CR-35_0567-08婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】Admiring a flower arrangement at the tea are (L-R) Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, Mrs. Mikio Higa, and Mrs. Virginia Kokuba.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 お茶を手に生け花を鑑賞する (左から) ジャネット・K・フィンク夫人、ヒガ・ミキオ夫人、バージニア・コクバ夫人。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
130260CR-35_0567-09婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】Admiring a flower arrangement at the tea are (L-R) Mrs. Jeanette K. Fink, Mrs. Mikio Higa, and Mrs. Virginia Kokuba.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club In Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladles including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 お茶を手に生け花を鑑賞する (左から) ジャネット・K・フィンク夫人、ヒガ・ミキオ夫人、バージニア・コクバ夫人。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
131260CR-35_0571-01婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
132260CR-35_0571-02婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
133260CR-35_0571-03婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
134260CR-35_0571-04婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】Mrs. Robert A. Fearey (2nd from R), honorary president, chats with members of the club at the friendship tea. Shown are (L-R) Mrs. Perry Peters, social chairman; Mrs. Harry Lombard, president; Mrs. Fearey; and Mrs. Robert E. Kays, all of the club.


FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 親睦会でクラブメンバーと話をする名誉会長ロバート・A・フィアリー民政官夫人 (右から2人目) 。 (左から) クラブ社会委員長ペリー・ピーターズ夫人、会長ハリー・ロンバード夫人、フィアリー民政官夫人、ロバート・E・ケイズ夫人。


【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
135260CR-35_0571-05婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
136260CR-35_0571-06婦人クラブ活動1971年5月27日那覇市上泉町【原文】MASTER CAPTION:

FRIENDSHIP TEA, hosted by the USCAR Women's Club, was held on May 27 at the Harborview Club in Naha, to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the arrival of an American squadron under Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry in Naha on May 26, 1853. Some 130 ladies including the club members and invited guests attended. The children from the Wakaba Day Nursery in Naha and the Machinato American Kindergarten performed dances and songs.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
137260CR-35_0580-01婦人クラブ活動1971年6月11日与那原町【原文】MELODION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) presented $485 worth of melodions to the Airin-en Children's Home in Yonabaru on June 11. Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, KOWC, is shown demonstrating how to play a melodion. Each of the 36 elementary school children at the children's home will have a melodion. In May, the club also presented 80 pairs of rain-shoes to the home. At left is Miss Mary Higa, director of the home.
【和訳】 メロディオンを寄贈
嘉手納将校婦人クラブは6月11日、愛隣園に入園している小学生全員 (60人) 分のメロディオン (485ドル相当) を同園に贈った。写真は同婦人クラブの福祉委員長R・L・ケイラー夫人 (右) がメロディオンを演奏しているところ。左側は比嘉メリー愛隣園々長。なお、同婦人クラブは、さる5月にも80足の雨靴を同園に贈った。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
138260CR-35_0580-02婦人クラブ活動1971年6月11日与那原町【原文】MELODION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) presented $485 worth of melodions to the Airin-en Children's Home in Yonabaru on June 11. Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, KOWC, is shown demonstrating how to play a melodion. Each of the 36 elementary school children at the children's home will have a melodion. In May, the club also presented 80 pairs of rain-shoes to the home. At left is Miss Mary Higa, director of the home.
【和訳】 メロディオンを寄贈
嘉手納将校婦人クラブは6月11日、愛隣園に入園している小学生全員 (60人) 分のメロディオン (485ドル相当) を同園に贈った。写真は同婦人クラブの福祉委員長R・L・ケイラー夫人 (右) がメロディオンを演奏しているところ。左側は比嘉メリー愛隣園々長。なお、同婦人クラブは、さる5月にも80足の雨靴を同園に贈った。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
139260CR-35_0580-03婦人クラブ活動1971年6月11日与那原町【原文】MELODION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) presented $485 worth of melodions to the Airin-en Children's Home in Yonabaru on June 11. Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, KOWC, is shown demonstrating how to play a melodion. Each of the 36 elementary school children at the children's home will have a melodion. In May, the club also presented 80 pairs of rain-shoes to the home. At left is Miss Mary Higa, director of the home.
【和訳】 メロディオンを寄贈
嘉手納将校婦人クラブは6月11日、愛隣園に入園している小学生全員 (60人) 分のメロディオン (485ドル相当) を同園に贈った。写真は同婦人クラブの福祉委員長R・L・ケイラー夫人 (右) がメロディオンを演奏しているところ。左側は比嘉メリー愛隣園々長。なお、同婦人クラブは、さる5月にも80足の雨靴を同園に贈った。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
140260CR-35_0580-04婦人クラブ活動1971年6月11日与那原町【原文】MELODION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) presented $485 worth of melodions to the Airin-en Children's Home in Yonabaru on June 11. Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, KOWC, is shown demonstrating how to play a melodion. Each of the 36 elementary school children at the children's home will have a melodion. In May, the club also presented 80 pairs of rain-shoes to the home. At left is Miss Mary Higa, director of the home.
【和訳】 メロディオンを寄贈
嘉手納将校婦人クラブは6月11日、愛隣園に入園している小学生全員 (60人) 分のメロディオン (485ドル相当) を同園に贈った。写真は同婦人クラブの福祉委員長R・L・ケイラー夫人 (右) がメロディオンを演奏しているところ。左側は比嘉メリー愛隣園々長。なお、同婦人クラブは、さる5月にも80足の雨靴を同園に贈った。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
141260CR-35_0580-05婦人クラブ活動1971年6月11日与那原町【原文】MELODION - The Kadena Officers Wives' Club (KOWC) presented $485 worth of melodions to the Airin-en Children's Home in Yonabaru on June 11. Mrs. R. L. Cayler (R), welfare chairman, KOWC, is shown demonstrating how to play a melodion. Each of the 36 elementary school children at the children's home will have a melodion. In May, the club also presented 80 pairs of rain-shoes to the home. At left is Miss Mary Higa, director of the home.
【和訳】 メロディオンを寄贈
嘉手納将校婦人クラブは6月11日、愛隣園に入園している小学生全員 (60人) 分のメロディオン (485ドル相当) を同園に贈った。写真は同婦人クラブの福祉委員長R・L・ケイラー夫人 (右) がメロディオンを演奏しているところ。左側は比嘉メリー愛隣園々長。なお、同婦人クラブは、さる5月にも80足の雨靴を同園に贈った。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
142260CR-35_0583-01婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】WELDING - Mrs. Lampert (front) observes Hirofumi Arakaki, a trainee, welding e fender on a pick-up truck at the Welding Workshop on June 16. Others pictured are (L-R) Mr. Kinjo; Mrs. Keiko Iha, chief, Women's and Minors' Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Mr. Kyuna; Mr. Yamada; Dr. Warner (rear); and Mr. Yoko Nakamatsu.


Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 職業訓練所を視察
6月16日、溶接科実習場で訓練生の新垣さんが小型トラックにフェンダーを取り付けているのを見ているランパート夫人 (前方) 。その他に写真は左から金城所長、伊波婦人少年課長(琉球政府労働局)、喜友名労政部長、山田氏、ワーナー教育部長及び仲松労働局長。


ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
143260CR-35_0583-02婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】WELDING - Mrs. Lampert (front) observes Hirofumi Arakaki, a trainee, welding e fender on a pick-up truck at the Welding Workshop on June 16. Others pictured are (L-R) Mr. Kinjo; Mrs. Keiko Iha, chief, Women's and Minors' Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Mr. Kyuna; Mr. Yamada; Dr. Warner (rear); and Mr. Yoko Nakamatsu.


Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 職業訓練所を視察
6月16日、溶接科実習場で訓練生の新垣さんが小型トラックにフェンダーを取り付けているのを見ているランパート夫人 (前方) 。その他に写真は左から金城所長、伊波婦人少年課長(琉球政府労働局)、喜友名労政部長、山田氏、ワーナー教育部長及び仲松労働局長。


ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
144260CR-35_0583-03婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
145260CR-35_0583-04婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
146260CR-35_0583-05婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
147260CR-35_0583-06婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
148260CR-35_0583-07婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】CHATTING with Miss Rieko Miyazato, a trainee, at the Painting Workshop are
(L-R) Mr. Yoko Nakamatsu; Mrs. Lampert; Mr. Yamada; and Mrs. Keiko Iha,
chief, Women's and Minors' Sec., GRI Labor Dept.


Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 職業訓練所を視察
塗装科実習場で宮里リエ子さん (訓練生) と話し合っているのは(左から)仲松労働局長、ランパート夫人、山田氏、伊波婦人少年課長 (琉球政府労働局) 。


ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
149260CR-35_0583-08婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】CHATTING with Miss Rieko Miyazato, a trainee, at the Painting Workshop are
(L-R) Mr. Yoko Nakamatsu; Mrs. Lampert; Mr. Yamada; and Mrs. Keiko Iha,
chief, Women's and Minors' Sec., GRI Labor Dept.


Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 職業訓練所を視察
塗装科実習場で宮里リエ子さん (訓練生) と話し合っているのは(左から)仲松労働局長、ランパート夫人、山田氏、伊波婦人少年課長 (琉球政府労働局) 。


ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
150260CR-35_0583-09婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
151260CR-35_0588-01婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】OBSERVING the disassembling of an engine at the Auto Repair Workshop are (L-R) Junichi Taishi, chief, General Affairs Sec., Okinawa Vocational Training Center Yoshun Nakamatsu, chief, Employment Security Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Mr. Kyuna; Mrs. Keiko Iha, chief, Women's and Minors' Sec., GRI Labor Dept.; Dr. Warner; Mrs. Lampert; Mr. Yamada; Mr. YoKo Nakamatsu; and Mr. Kinjo.


Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 職業訓練所を視察
自動車整備課実習場でエンジンを分解しているのをみているのは (左から) 大司沖縄職業訓練所総務部長、仲松琉球政府労働局職業安定課長、喜友名労政部長、伊波琉球政府労働局婦人少年課長、ワーナー教育部長、ランバート夫人、山田氏、仲松労働局長及び金城所長。


ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
152260CR-35_0588-02婦人クラブ活動1971年6月16日北谷村吉原【原文】MASTER CAPTION

Mrs. James B. Lampert, wife of the High Commissioner, observed the facilities and operations of the Okinawa Vocational Training Center at Yoshihara, Chatan-son on June 16. This was Mrs. Lampert's fifteenth in a series of familiarization visits to medical, educational and welfare institutions in the Ryukyus. After receiving a briefing on the center's operations and activities from Yoko Nakamatsu, director, Labor Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI), she toured the facilities escorted by Mr. Nakamatsu; Junichi Kinjo, director of the center; and Chogi Kyuna, chief, Labor Policy Div., GRI Labor Dept.: Dr. Gordon Warner, chief, Education Div., Health, Education and Welfare Dept., and Raymond T. Yamada, labor information officer, Labor Dept., both of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. The center, operated by the GRI Labor Dept., provides training for adults, junior and senior high school graduates. The training covers sheet metal work, auto repair, concrete block production, painting, machinery, electronics, welding and plumbing.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

ジェームス・B・ランパート高等弁務官夫人は沖縄に来島以来、医療、教育及び福祉施設の視察を行ってきたが、その一環として、去る16日、北谷村吉原にある沖縄総合職業訓練所を視察した。同訓練所でランパート夫人は、仲松庸幸琉球政府労働局々長から同訓練所の運営や活動について説明を受けた後、仲松局長、金城同訓練所々長、喜友名琉球政府労働局労政部長、ワーナー米国民政府厚生教育局教育部長、山田氏 (米国民政府労働局勤務) 等の案内で同訓練所の施設を視察した。この訓練所は琉球政府労働局が運営し、中・高卒及び一般の人を対象に職業訓練を行っている。なお、この訓練所には板金科、自動車整備科、ブロック建築科、塗装科、機械科、電子機器科、溶接科、及び配管科の8コースがある。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
153260CR-35_0593-01婦人クラブ活動1971年8月2日【原文】DONATION - Mrs. Donald C. BucKley (R), welfare chairman, USCAR Women's Club, presents a $600 check to Norman Hogg, director, United Service Organizations (USO), in Naha, Aug. 2. The money will be used for the purchase of additional kitchen and program equipment in the Naha USO center.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
米民政府婦人クラブ福祉委員長ドナルド・C・バクリー夫人 (右) は8月2日、米国慰問協会のノーマン・ホッグ氏に600ドルの小切手を贈呈した。那覇市の米国慰問協会で使用するキッチンやプログラム機器の購入に使用される予定。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
154260CR-35_0593-02婦人クラブ活動1971年8月2日【原文】DONATION - Mrs. Donald C. BucKley (R), welfare chairman, USCAR Women's Club, presents a $600 check to Norman Hogg, director, United Service Organizations (USO), in Naha, Aug. 2. The money will be used for the purchase of additional kitchen and program equipment in the Naha USO center.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
米民政府婦人クラブ福祉委員長ドナルド・C・バクリー夫人 (右) は8月2日、米国慰問協会のノーマン・ホッグ氏に600ドルの小切手を贈呈した。那覇市の米国慰問協会で使用するキッチンやプログラム機器の購入に使用される予定。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
155260CR-35_0593-03婦人クラブ活動1971年8月2日【原文】DONATION - Mrs. Donald C. BucKley (R), welfare chairman, USCAR Women's Club, presents a $600 check to Norman Hogg, director, United Service Organizations (USO), in Naha, Aug. 2. The money will be used for the purchase of additional kitchen and program equipment in the Naha USO center.
【和訳】 小切手贈呈
米民政府婦人クラブ福祉委員長ドナルド・C・バクリー夫人 (右) は8月2日、米国慰問協会のノーマン・ホッグ氏に600ドルの小切手を贈呈した。那覇市の米国慰問協会で使用するキッチンやプログラム機器の購入に使用される予定。
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
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