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作成者 琉球列島米国民政府広報局
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1260CR75-0375_01要人【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
2260CR75-0379_01要人【原文】Briefing For Visiting Japanese Govt, Audit Team
3260CR75-0351_01要人1964/4/7【原文】≪新垣栄三郎氏 リーチ氏 又吉氏タイムス 浜田庄司氏 英国の民芸家リーチ氏が新垣栄三郎氏の製陶所にて皿に模様付け≫
THE OPENING SESSION OF THE 18TH JAPAN FOLK ARTS SOCIETY CONVENTION was held on Sunday, Apr. 12, at the Okinawa Power Distribution Company Hall and will be continued until Apr. 16 under the auspices of the Japan Folk Arts Society and the Okinawa Folk Arts Society. The Okinawa folk arts exhibit, Japan folk arts exhibit, a two-man show by Mr. Shoji Hamada and Mr. Bernard Leach, lectures, conferences and films on Ryukyuan folk arts and field trips are scheduled to be held during the convention, the first of its kind in the Ryukyu's history. More than 200 people are expected to participate in the convention. ≪第18回日本民芸協会大会は日本民芸協会及び沖縄民芸協会の主催により12日(日)沖配ビルホールで開幕され、4月16日まで開催される。このような大会が沖縄で開催されるのは最初であり、大会期間中には日・琉民芸展や浜田庄司氏とバーナード・リーチ氏による「二人展」琉球民芸に関する講演、懇談会、映写会、実地見学、その他多くの行事が行われる。二百人以上の人たちが此の民芸大会に参加するものと思われる。≫
A WORLD RENOWNED BRITISH CERAMIST, Mr. Bernard Leach (R), prepares to color one of the ceramics which were made by Mr. Eisaburo Arakaki (white shirt) in the latter's workshop in Tsuboya on Apr. 7. Looking on are (L-R): Mr. Minoru Matayoshi, chief, social affairs dept., Okinawa Times; Mr. Shoji Hamada, a famous Japanese ceramist and a good friend of Mr. Leach; and Mr. Arakaki. Mr. Leach arrived on Okinawa on Apr. 6 to attend the 18th Japan Folk Arts Society Convention which opened here on Apr. 12. ≪世界的に有名な英国の陶芸家バーナード・リーチ氏(右)が壺屋にある新垣栄三郎氏(白いシャツ)の製作所で新垣氏の作品の一つに着色をしているところで、側で眺めているのは(左より)又吉沖縄タイムス社会部々長、浜田庄司氏(有名名日本の陶芸家、リーチ氏の親友)、新垣氏≫
THE OPENING SESSION OF THE 18TH JAPAN FOLK ARTS SOCIETY CONVENTION was held on Sunday, Apr. 12, at the Okinawa Power Distribution Company Hall and will be continued until Apr. 16 under the auspices of the Japan Folk Arts Society and the Okinawa Folk Arts Society. The Okinawa folk arts exhibit, Japan folk arts exhibit, a two-man show by Mr. Shoji Hamada and Mr. Bernard Leach, lectures, conferences and films on Ryukyuan folk arts and field trips are scheduled to be held during the convention, the first of its kind in the Ryukyu's history. More than 200 people are expected to participate in the convention. ≪第18回日本民芸協会大会は日本民芸協会及び沖縄民芸協会の主催により12日(日)沖配ビルホールで開幕され、4月16日まで開催される。このような大会が沖縄で開催されるのは最初であり、大会期間中には日・琉民芸展や浜田庄司氏とバーナード・リーチ氏による「二人展」琉球民芸に関する講演、懇談会、映写会、実地見学、その他多くの行事が行われる。二百人以上の人たちが此の民芸大会に参加するものと思われる。≫
5260CR75-0353_01要人1964/5/15【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Hosted By Ryukyuan Police ≪ハワイ日系人連合会長仲嶺真助氏の警官ハワイ研修生よりの歓迎夕食会 料亭左馬にて≫
6260CR75-0354_01要人1964/5/15【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Hosted By Ryukyuan Police
7260CR75-0355_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Dr. Shinsuke Nakamine, Pre. United Jap Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Rotary Club ≪ハワイ日系人連合会長仲嶺真助氏のロータリークラブでのスピーチ ハーバビュー≫
HAWAIIAN INSURANCE EXECUTIVE Shinsuke Nakamine was guest luncheon speaker at the weekly meeting of the Naha, Okinawa, Rotary Club on May 19, 1964. Mr. Nakamine, presently head of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii and formerly head of the United Okinawan Association of Hawaii, visited Okinawa under a people-to-people program sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii In coordination with the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus. Others in photo are Mr. Thomas E. Freeman, manager, Civil Air Transport office in Okinawa; Mrs. Fumiko Higa of Honolulu, Hawaii; and, Naha Rotary President Dr. Hiroshi Azama.
8260CR75-0356_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Rotary Club
HAWAIIAN INSURANCE EXECUTIVE Shinsuke Nakamine was guest luncheon speaker at the weekly meeting of the Naha, Okinawa, Rotary Club on May 19, 1964. Mr. Nakamine, presently head of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii and formerly head of the United Okinawan Association of Hawaii, visited Okinawa under a people-to-people program sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii In coordination with the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus. Others in photo are Mr. Thomas E. Freeman, manager, Civil Air Transport office in Okinawa; Mrs. Fumiko Higa of Honolulu, Hawaii; and, Naha Rotary President Dr. Hiroshi Azama.
9260CR75-0357_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Dr. Nakamine, Pre. United Jap Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Rotary Club
10260CR75-0370_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii
11260CR75-0370_02要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii
12260CR75-0371_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii
13260CR75-0371_02要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii
14260CR75-0372_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
15260CR75-0372_02要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
16260CR75-0373_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
17260CR75-0374_01要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
18260CR75-0374_02要人1964/5/19【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At GGC
19260CR75-0358_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Call On CE.
HAWAIIAN PRODUCT -- Mr. Shinsuke Nakamine (R), president, United Japanese Society of Hawaii, and formerly president, United Okinawan Association of Hawaii, presents a salad bowl made of monkey-pod, a Hawaiian-grown tree, to Government of the Ryukyus Chief Executive Seisaku Ota on May 20. Mr. Nakamine met with Ryukyuans and Americans of all walks of life during a two-week goodwill visit to Okinawa sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii.
【和訳】ハワイのお土産 - 5月10日、琉球政府の大田政作主席にハワイ産の木であるモンキーポッドで作られたサラダボウルを贈呈するハワイ日系人連合会会長で元ハワイ沖縄連合会会長の仲嶺真助(右)。仲嶺氏はハワイの米太平洋軍陸軍司令部主催の2週間の沖縄親善訪問中、琉球や様々な立場のアメリカ人と会談した。
20260CR75-0359_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Call On CE.
HAWAIIAN PRODUCT -- Mr. Shinsuke Nakamine (R), president, United Japanese Society of Hawaii, and formerly president, United Okinawan Association of Hawaii, presents a salad bowl made of monkey-pod, a Hawaiian-grown tree, to Government of the Ryukyus Chief Executive Seisaku Ota on May 20. Mr. Nakamine met with Ryukyuans and Americans of all walks of life during a two-week goodwill visit to Okinawa sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii.
【和訳】ハワイのお土産 - 5月10日、琉球政府の大田政作主席にハワイ産の木であるモンキーポッドで作られたサラダボウルを贈呈するハワイ日系人連合会会長で元ハワイ沖縄連合会会長の仲嶺真助(右)。仲嶺氏はハワイの米太平洋軍陸軍司令部主催の2週間の沖縄親善訪問中、琉球の人々や様々な立場のアメリカ人と会談した。
21260CR75-0360_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of United Jap. Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Lions Club
HAWAIIAN LEADER -- Honolulu insurance executive Shinsuke Nakamine (standing) addresses a luncheon meeting of the Okinawa Lions Club May 20, 1964 on the history and rapid advancement in business, professional and other fields of more than 30,000 Hawaiian-Americans of Ryukyuan ancestry residing in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Nakamine, whose father and other relatives reside in the Yonabaru area of Okinawa Island, spoke at the conclusion of a two-week visit to the Ryukyu Islands under sponsorship of the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii in coordination with the Office of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus. He is presently head of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii and formerly president, United Okinawan Association of Hawaii. Lions Club officials in photo are, L-R Third Vice-President Hikosho Nagamine, managing director, Ryukyu Shimpo; President-Elect Kazufumi Uechi, managing director, Okinawa Times; and, Secretary Yoshiaki Yonahara, president, Okinawa, Survey Co.
【和訳】ハワイのリーダー - 1964年5月20日に行われた沖縄ライオンズクラブの昼食会で、ハワイ諸島に居住する琉球系の3万人以上のハワイアン・アメリカ人の歴史と経済、専門分野、その他の急速な躍進について講演するホノルルの保険会社役員仲嶺真助(立っている)。沖縄本島の与那原に父や親戚がいる仲嶺氏は、高等弁務官室の協力の下、ハワイの米太平洋陸軍司令部主催の2週間の琉球訪問の締めくくりとして講演した。仲嶺は現在ハワイ日系人連合会会長で元ハワイ沖縄連合会長。写真のライオンズクラブ関係者は、左から第3副会長ナガミネ・ヒコショウ琉球新報社専務取締役、次期会長の上地一史沖縄タイムス社専務取締役、幹事のヨナハラ・ヨシアキ沖縄サーベイ社長。
22260CR75-0361_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Lions Club
HAWAIIAN LEADER -- Honolulu insurance executive Shinsuke Nakamine (standing) addresses a luncheon meeting of the Okinawa Lions Club May 20, 1964 on the history and rapid advancement in business, professional and other fields of more than 30,000 Hawaiian-Americans of Ryukyuan ancestry residing in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Nakamine, whose father and other relatives reside in the Yonabaru area of Okinawa Island, spoke at the conclusion of a two-week visit to the Ryukyu Islands under sponsorship of the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii in coordination with the Office of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus. He is presently head of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii and formerly president, United Okinawan Association of Hawaii. Lions Club officials in photo are, L-R Third Vice-President Hikosho Nagamine, managing director, Ryukyu Shimpo; President-Elect Kazufumi Uechi, managing director, Okinawa Times; and, Secretary Yoshiaki Yonahara, president, Okinawa, Survey Co.
【和訳】ハワイのリーダー - 1964年5月20日に行われた沖縄ライオンズクラブの昼食会で、ハワイ諸島に居住する琉球系の3万人以上のハワイアン・アメリカ人の歴史と経済、専門分野、その他の急速な躍進について講演するホノルルの保険会社役員仲嶺真助(立っている)。沖縄本島の与那原に父や親戚がいる仲嶺氏は、高等弁務官室の協力の下、ハワイの米太平洋陸軍司令部主催の2週間の琉球訪問の締めくくりとして講演した。仲嶺は現在ハワイ日系人連合会会長で元ハワイ沖縄連合会長。写真のライオンズクラブ関係者は、左から第3副会長ナガミネ・ヒコショウ琉球新報社専務取締役、次期会長の上地一史沖縄タイムス社専務取締役、幹事のヨナハラ・ヨシアキ沖縄サーベイ社長。
23260CR75-0362_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Speaks At Lions Club
HAWAIIAN LEADER -- Honolulu insurance executive Shinsuke Nakamine (standing) addresses a luncheon meeting of the Okinawa Lions Club May 20, 1964 on the history and rapid advancement in business, professional and other fields of more than 30,000 Hawaiian-Americans of Ryukyuan ancestry residing in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Nakamine, whose father and other relatives reside in the Yonabaru area of Okinawa Island, spoke at the conclusion of a two-week visit to the Ryukyu Islands under sponsorship of the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) headquarters in Hawaii in coordination with the Office of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus. He is presently head of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii and formerly president, United Okinawan Association of Hawaii. Lions Club officials in photo are, L-R Third Vice-President Hikosho Nagamine, managing director, Ryukyu Shimpo; President-Elect Kazufumi Uechi, managing director, Okinawa Times; and, Secretary Yoshiaki Yonahara, president, Okinawa, Survey Co.
【和訳】ハワイのリーダー - 1964年5月20日に行われた沖縄ライオンズクラブの昼食会で、ハワイ諸島に居住する琉球系の3万人以上のハワイアン・アメリカ人の歴史と経済、専門分野、その他の急速な躍進について講演するホノルルの保険会社役員仲嶺真助(立っている)。沖縄本島の与那原に父や親戚がいる仲嶺氏は、高等弁務官室の協力の下、ハワイの米太平洋陸軍司令部主催の2週間の琉球訪問の締めくくりとして講演した。仲嶺は現在ハワイ日系人連合会会長で元ハワイ沖縄連合会長。写真のライオンズクラブ関係者は、左から第3副会長ナガミネ・ヒコショウ琉球新報社専務取締役、次期会長の上地一史沖縄タイムス社専務取締役、幹事のヨナハラ・ヨシアキ沖縄サーベイ社長。
24260CR75-0363_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Meet the Press
25260CR75-0365_01要人1964/5/20【原文】Shinsuke Nakamine, President of The United Japanese Society of Hawaii, Meet Press
26260CR75-0376_01要人1964/5/25那覇【原文】Briefing For Visiting Japanese Govt, Audit Team
BRIEFING FOR VISITING JAPANESE GOVT. AUDIT TEAM was held in the third floor conference room of the Executive Bldg. in Naha, Okinawa on May 25. Seated, L-R: Mr. Shimoyama Takeshi, deputy chief; Suzuki Haruhisa, chief; and Mr. Kazuyuki Nishikawa, researcher, Finance Audit Section, Inspection 1st Bureau, Board of Audit, Government of Japan. Standing, L-R: Mr. Azuma Kiyoshi, Audit Commissioner and Mr. Seiko Kohagura, director, Planning Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; and Maj. M. J. Larsen, Acting Comptroller, Office of the High Commissioner, who gave briefings. The GOJ audit team which arrived May 24 is expected to be in the Ryukyu Islands for one week to perform an audit of Japanese Government aid projects to the Ryukyu Islands.
【和訳】5月25日に 那覇市の行政棟3階会議室で行われた日本政府監査チームへの説明会。左からシモヤマ・タケシ副主査、スズキ・ハルヒサ主査、会計検査院検査第一局財政検査課ニシカワ・カズユキ調査官。立っているのは左からアズマ・キヨシ監査委員、コハグラ・セイコウ琉球政府企画部長。説明を行った高等弁務官室のM・J・ラーセン会計監査官代理。5月24日に来島した日本政府監査チームは琉球への日本政府援助事業の監査を行うため、1週間滞在する予定。
27260CR75-0377_01要人1964/5/25那覇【原文】Briefing For Visiting Japanese Govt, Audit Team
BRIEFING FOR VISITING JAPANESE GOVT. AUDIT TEAM was held in the third floor conference room of the Executive Bldg. in Naha, Okinawa on May 25. Seated, L-R: Mr. Shimoyama Takeshi, deputy chief; Suzuki Haruhisa, chief; and Mr. Kazuyuki Nishikawa, researcher, Finance Audit Section, Inspection 1st Bureau, Board of Audit, Government of Japan. Standing, L-R: Mr. Azuma Kiyoshi, Audit Commissioner and Mr. Seiko Kohagura, director, Planning Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; and Maj. M. J. Larsen, Acting Comptroller, Office of the High Commissioner, who gave briefings. The GOJ audit team which arrived May 24 is expected to be in the Ryukyu Islands for one week to perform an audit of Japanese Government aid projects to the Ryukyu Islands.
【和訳】5月25日に 那覇市の行政棟3階会議室で行われた日本政府監査チームへの説明会。左からシモヤマ・タケシ副主査、スズキ・ハルヒサ主査、会計検査院検査第一局財政検査課ニシカワ・カズユキ調査官。立っているのは左からアズマ・キヨシ監査委員、コハグラ・セイコウ琉球政府企画部長。説明を行った高等弁務官室のM・J・ラーセン会計監査官代理。5月24日に来島した日本政府監査チームは琉球への日本政府援助事業の監査を行うため、1週間滞在する予定。
28260CR75-0378_01要人1964/5/25【原文】Briefing For Visiting Japanese Govt, Audit Team
29260CR75-0380_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Arrives ≪日本民社党来島す 那ハ空港≫
30260CR75-0381_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Arrives
31260CR75-0382_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Arrives
32260CR75-0383_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Arrives
33260CR75-0384_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Members Call On Chief Executive ≪日本民社党議員一行四人が主席を訪問≫
34260CR75-0385_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Members Call On Speaker Nagamine
35260CR75-0386_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Call On CE ≪日本民社党議員主席訪問≫
36260CR75-0387_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Visit Gen. Buckner Memorial ≪日本民社党議員一行四人がホートバクナー中将の記念ヒに献花≫
FLORAL TRIBUTE -- Japanese House of Councillors Member Kanemitsu Tabata, head of the Ryukyuan Affairs Committee, Japan Democratic Socialist Party (JDSP), is shown laying a floral wreath at the Buckner Memorial in southern Okinawa, where Lt. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, commander of the U.S. Tenth Army, was killed in action while leading his forces shortly before the end of the Battle of Okinawa on June 18, 1945. Councillor Tabata is leader of a four-man JDSP observation group visiting the Ryukyus from May 25 to 28 at the invitation of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands. Other members not shown are: Japanese House of Representatives member Isamu Imaizumi, chairman, JDSP Policy Research Board; Japanese House of Councillors member Katsumasa Amada, chairman, JDSP House of Councillors Group; and Mr. Keigo Ouchi, chief secretary, JDSP Policy Research Bureau.
【和訳】献花 - 1945年6月18日の沖縄戦終結直前に米第10軍司令官サイモン・B・バックナー中将が戦死した場所である沖縄南部のバックナー慰霊碑に花輪を捧げている日本民社党琉球問題対策委員会委員の田畑金光参議院議員。田畑参議院議員は、高等弁務官の招きで5月25日から28日まで琉球を訪れた4人の日本民社党視察団の団長。写っていない他のメンバーは民社党政務調査会会長イマイズミ・イサム衆議院議員、民社党参議院グループ委員長アマダ・カツマサ議員、民社党政務調査会事務局長オオウチ・ケイゴ。
37260CR75-0388_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Visit Gen. Buckner Memorial ≪日本民社党議員がバクナ中将の記念碑に献花≫
FLORAL TRIBUTE -- Japanese House of Councillors Member Kanemitsu Tabata, head of the Ryukyuan Affairs Committee, Japan Democratic Socialist Party (JDSP), is shown laying a floral wreath at the Buckner Memorial in southern Okinawa, where Lt. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, commander of the U.S. Tenth Army, was killed in action while leading his forces shortly before the end of the Battle of Okinawa on June 18, 1945. Councillor Tabata is leader of a four-man JDSP observation group visiting the Ryukyus from May 25 to 28 at the invitation of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands. Other members not shown are: Japanese House of Representatives member Isamu Imaizumi, chairman, JDSP Policy Research Board; Japanese House of Councillors member Katsumasa Amada, chairman, JDSP House of Councillors Group; and Mr. Keigo Ouchi, chief secretary, JDSP Policy Research Bureau.
【和訳】献花 - 1945年6月18日の沖縄戦終結直前に米第10軍司令官サイモン・B・バックナー中将が戦死した場所である沖縄南部のバックナー慰霊碑に花輪を捧げている日本民社党琉球問題対策委員会委員の田畑金光参議院議員。田畑参議院議員は、高等弁務官の招きで5月25日から28日まで琉球を訪れた4人の日本民社党視察団の団長。写っていない他のメンバーは民社党政務調査会会長イマイズミ・イサム衆議院議員、民社党参議院グループ委員長アマダ・カツマサ議員、民社党政務調査会事務局長オオウチ・ケイゴ。
38260CR75-0389_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Visit "Himeyuri-No-To" ≪ひめゆりの塔に日本民社党議員が献花≫
39260CR75-0390_01要人1964/5/25【原文】JDSP Group Visit "Himeyuri-No-To" ≪日本民社党議員がひめゆりの塔で献花≫
40260CR75-0391_01要人1964/5/25【原文】Luncheon For JDSP Members
41260CR75-0392_01要人1964/5/25【原文】Luncheon For JDSP Group
42260CR75-0393_01要人1964/5/25【原文】Luncheon For JDSP Group ≪日本民社党 ハーバービューでの民政官主催の中食会≫
43260CR75-0394_01要人1964/5/25【原文】Luncheon For JDSP Group
44260CR75-0395_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visit University Of The Ryukyus
45260CR75-0396_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visit University Of The Ryukyus
46260CR75-0397_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visit Jonan Elementary School
47260CR75-0398_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visit Jonan Elementary School
48260CR75-0399_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visit Ryukyu Agriculture Experiment Station
49260CR75-0400_01要人1964/5/27【原文】JDSP Group Visits University Of The Ryukyus
50260CR75-0364_01要人1964/9/2【原文】Jaycees Call On HCCOM
51260CR75-0366_01要人1964/9/2【原文】Jaycees Call On HCCOM
52260CR75-0367_01要人1964/9/2【原文】Jaycees Call On CA
53260CR75-0368_01要人1964/9/2【原文】Jaycees Call On HCCOM
54260CR75-0369_01要人1964/9/2【原文】Jaycees Call On CA
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