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分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1961年4月14日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】SCOUT LEADERS ? Mr. Choshin Kabira (L), Ryukyu District Commissioner, Far East Council, Boy Scouts of America, and Mr. Tomoyasu Bise (C), advisor, Post 215, Naha, are bid farewell by Mr. Richard Wiedman (R), Assistant Scout Executive, Far East Council, just before the Himeyuri-Maru sailed for Japan Apr. 14. The Ryukyuans joined scout leaders from Japan, Taiwan, Korea and the Philippines in attending a one-week adults course in Tokyo sponsored by the council on “the art of training”.
【和訳】 アメリカボーイスカウト極東連盟琉球地区コミッショナー川平朝申(左)と那覇215隊顧問備瀬友康(右)は4月14日姫百合丸にてボーイスカウト指導者講習のため東京へ出発した。この講習は美術訓練委員会の主催で日本、台湾、韓国、フィリピンの各国から代表者が参加、一週間にわたって行われた。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: コザ市
撮 影 日: 1962年11月8日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Koza USO Dedicated
【和訳】 コザ米国慰問協会落成式
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035

The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 マスター・キャプション

【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A distinguished visitor, U. Alexis Johnson (center), U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, is greeted by Richard W. Finch (right) to the garden party. Others are (L-R): Minister Gerald Warner, political advisor to High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway; Mrs. Warner, a sister of Undersecretary Johnson; Yoei Miyara, president of the Golden Gate Club; and Mrs. Finch.


The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 リチャード・W・フィンチ氏(右)に迎えられてガーデンパーティーに臨むU・アレクシス・ジョンソン米国務次官補(政治担当)(中央)。その他は(左から右)。ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官の政治顧問であるジェラルド・ワーナー氏、ジョンソン次官の妹であるワーナー夫人、金門クラブの宮良用英会長、フィンチ夫人。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】WELCOMING HIGH COMMISSIONER Paul W. Caraway, (right) are (L-R): Mrs. Richard W. Finch; U.S. Consul Finch (partly hidden); Mrs. Caraway and Yoei Miyara, president of the Golden Gate Club.


The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官(右)を迎えるのは(左から右)、リチャード・W・フィンチ夫人、フィンチ領事(一部隠れている)、キャラウェイ夫人、金門クラブの宮良用英氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mrs. Richard W. Finch (left) wife of the U.S. Consul in Naha, welcomes Civil Administrator Shannon McCune at the garden party. Others shown are Mr. Finch (partly hidden); Yoei Miyara, president of the Golden Gate club; and Mrs. McCune.


Annual Golden Party In Honor of the Golden Gate club
The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 ガーデンパーティーでシャノン・マキューン民政官を歓迎した在那覇アメリカ領事夫人のリチャード・フィンチ夫人(左)。その他、フィンチ氏(一部隠れている)、金門クラブクラブの宮良用英氏会長、マキューン夫人。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, (left), wife of the chief judge of the Ryukyu Court of Appeals, and Judge Nakamatsu are welcomed by Mrs. Richard W. Finch to the annual garden party. Watching is Yoei Miyara.


Annual Golden Party In Honor of the Golden Gate club
The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 毎年恒例のガーデンパーティーにリチャード・W・フィンチ夫人に迎えられた仲松夫人(左)と琉球上訴裁判所の仲松恵爽判事。見ているのは宮良用英氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035

Annual Golden Party In Honor of the Golden Gate club
The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 マスター・キャプション

【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (center) introduces Hisajiro Fujita, (second from right) chief of the Japanese Government Liaison Office on Okinawa, to U. Alexis Johnson, U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. At right is Keiso Nakamatsu, chief judge of the Ryukyu Court of Appeals.


Annual Golden Party In Honor of the Golden Gate club
The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 日本政府南方連絡事務所の藤田久次郎所長(右から2人目)をU・アレクシス・ジョンソン米国務次官補(政治担当)に紹介するシャノン・マキューン民政官(中央)。右は琉球上訴裁判所の仲松恵爽判事。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1962年12月9日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Yoei Miyara, president of the Golden Gate Club, expressed his appreciation for the Naha American Consular Unit's party. He said the “Golden Gate Club is most appreciative of the fine sprit of international fellowship associated with the garden party which has been held since 1957. We are well aware of our place in the community and would like to serve as a constructive force in the community for many years to come.”


Annual Golden Party In Honor of the Golden Gate club
The annual American Consular Unit's garden party in honor of the Golden Gate Club headed by Yoei Miyara was held at unit's garden in Naha on Dec. 9 under the sponsorship of Richard W. Finch, U.S. Consul and Principal Officer-in-Charge, and Mrs. Finch. Heading the list of Ryukyuan and American guests at the affair was High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway who addressed the group of some 300 persons. The Golden Gate Club is composed of Ryukyuan men and women who have studied in the United States under college scholarships sponsored by the Department of Army and administered locally by the Education Department, Office of the High Commissioner.
【和訳】 金門クラブの宮良用英会長は、那覇アメリカ領事部のパーティーに感謝の意を表した。宮良氏は、「金門クラブは、1957年から開催されているガーデンパーティーに関連した国際的な親睦の素晴らしさに最も感謝している」と述べた。「私たちは地域社会における自分たちの立場を十分に認識しており、今後も地域社会の建設的な力として長年にわたって奉仕していきたいと考えています」と述べた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年10月24日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ARRIVAL OF NEW BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE ? Mr. Richard Weidman (L) arrived at Naha Civil Air Terminal on Oct. 24 to assume the position of Assistant Executive, Okinawa District, Far East Council, Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Mr. Weidman speaks Japanese and will work exclusively with the Ryukyuan Boy Scout program during the next three years. Shown welcoming Mr. Weidman to Okinawa are (from left to right) Mr. Giken Maeda, vice-chairman, Ryukyu District, BSA; Mr. Chosin Kabira, district commissioner, Ryukyu District, BSA; and Soichi Nakaima, chairman, Ryukyu District, BSA. The Ryukyuan Boy Scout District is part of the Far East Council, Boy Scouts of America.
【和訳】 新ボーイスカウト幹部到着 - リチャード・ウェイドマン氏(左)は10月24日、ボーイスカウトアメリカ連盟極東協議会琉球地区副幹部に就任するため、那覇民間航空ターミナルに到着しました。ウェイドマン氏は日本語が話せ、今後3年間は琉球ボーイスカウトのプログラムを担当する予定。ウェイドマン氏を歓迎する(左から)真栄田義見地区副委員長、川平朝申琉球地区委員長、仲井間宗一琉球地区会長。琉球ボーイスカウト地区は、ボーイスカウトアメリカ連盟極東協議会に属する。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年10月24日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ARRIVAL OF NEW BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE ? Mr. Richard Weidman (L) arrived at the Naha Civil Air Terminal on Oct. 24 to assume the position of Assistant Executive, Okinawa District, Far East Council, Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Weidman speaks Japanese and will work exclusively with the Ryukyuan Boy Scout program during the next three years. Shown welcoming Mr. Weidman to Okinawa is Mr. Yoshinobu Hosokawa (R), professional Ryukyuan Boy Scout Executive, Far East Council, Boy Scouts of America.
【和訳】 ボーイスカウト幹部就任 - リチャード・ウェイドマン氏(左)が10月24日、ボーイスカウトアメリカ連盟極東協議会琉球地区副幹部に就任するため、那覇民間航空ターミナルに到着しました。ウェイドマン氏は日本語が話せ、今後3年間は琉球ボーイスカウトのプログラムを担当する予定。琉球ボーイスカウト極東協議会役員の細川吉信氏(右)が、ウェイドマン氏の沖縄訪問を歓迎している。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年10月25日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】OPENING SESSION - The ICFTU-ARO conference held in the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel, Naha, Okinawa, on Oct. 25, 1963. Attending the historic international conference of labor leaders in the Ryukyus were 27 delegates, observers and ARO secretariat members from 13 countries and areas. At the head table, facing camera, are, L-R: Mr. Gerald A. Daniel, Okinawa ICFTU resident representative; Mr. Seisaku Ota, Chief Executive, Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Mr. G. Mapara, ICFTU-ARO secretary; Mr. P.P. Narayanan, ICFTU-ARO chairman; Mr. Omer Becu, ICFTU general secretary; Mr, W.D. Stout, director, Labor Dept., Office of the U.S. High Commissioner of the Ryukyus; Mr. K. Tamaki, general secretary, Okinawa Government Workers Union; and Mr. V.S. Mathur, ICFTU-ARO director of education.
【和訳】 開会式 - 1963年10月25日、沖縄・那覇の琉球東急ホテルで開催された第23回国際自由労連アジア地域執行委員会。琉球で開催されたこの歴史的な労働指導者国際会議には、13の国と地域から27名の代議員、オブザーバー、アジア地域組織事務局員が参加した。カメラに向かって、左から、ジェラルド・ダニエル沖縄国際自由労連常駐代表、琉球政府の大田政作行政主席、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織のG・マパラ書記、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織のP・P・ナラヤナン議長、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織のオメル・ベク書記長、高等弁務官室労働局のW・D・スタウト局長、沖縄官公庁労働組合のタマキ書記長、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織V・S・マチューア教育部長。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年10月25日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ICFTU leaders and official guests at the opening session of the ICFTU-ARO executive board meeting at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel, Naha, Okinawa. At the head table, facing camera are, L-R: Mr. Jose J. Hernandez, delegate, Philippines; Mr. Gerald A. Daniel, Okinawa ICFTU resident representative; Mr. Seisaku Ota, Chief Executive, Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Mr. G. Mapara, ICFTU-ARO secretary; Mr. P.P. Narayanan, ICFTU-ARO chairman; Mr. Omer Becu, ICFTU general Secretary; Mr. W. D. Stout, director, Labor Dept., Office of the U.S. High Commissioner of the Ryukyus; Mr. K. Tamaki, general secretary, Okinawa Government Workers Union; and Mr. V.S. Mathur, ICFTU-ARO director of education.
【和訳】 那覇市の琉球東急ホテルで開催された第23回国際自由労連アジア地域執行委員会の開会式に出席した国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織リーダーと来賓。主賓席でカメラに向かっているのは、左から、ホセ・ヘルナンデス氏(フィリピン代表)、ジェラルド・ダニエル氏(沖縄国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織常駐代表)、琉球政府の大田政作行政主席、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織幹事のG・マパラ氏、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織のP・P・ナラヤナン議長、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織のオメル・ベク書記長、高等弁務官室労働局のW・D・スタウト局長、沖縄官公庁労働組合のタマキ書記長、国際労働組合総連合アジア地域組織V・S・マチューア教育部長。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年10月25日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ICFTU Meeting
【和訳】 第23回国際自由労働組合連合アジア地域執行委員会
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年1月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Dr. Charles B. Fahs. Speaks To Okinawa Lions Club
【和訳】 沖縄ライオンズクラブに向けたチャールズ・B・フラウ博士の講演
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年2月12日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】GOOD LUCK ? Thanks to the Ginowan Lions Club, 24 off-island Ryukyuan high school students and teachers participated in the Science Youth Day program sponsored by the Okinawa Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) on Feb. 11. Students and instructors from the 27 high schools in the Ryukyus toured Voice of America facilities at Okuma and Onna Point and later inspected military installations in the Machinato Service area. During two-day trip here they learned much of the greatness of modern science. Takeshi Haeno, student of the Yaeyama Agricultural High School, is shown expressing his gratitude to the representatives of the Ginowan Lions Club which donated $200 for their food, lodging and travel expenses. Lions' representatives seeing them off at the Tomari Port Terminal building are (L-R) Seiho Nagamine, vice-president; Hanyu Shimabuku, board member; Daniel R. Buck, treasurer; and Kozo Ida, member of the Ginowan Lions Club.
【和訳】 頑張れ - 宜野湾ライオンズクラブのおかげで、2月11日に全米国軍技術者協会沖縄支部が主催するサイエンス・ユース・デー・プログラムに24名の琉球の高校生と教師が参加した。琉球内の27の高校の生徒と教員は、奥間と恩納岬にあるボイス・オブ・アメリカの施設を見学し、その後、マチナトサービスエリアの軍事施設を視察した。2日間の研修では、現代科学の偉大さを多くのことを学んだ。食費、宿泊費、旅費として200ドルを寄付した宜野湾ライオンズクラブの代表者に感謝の意を表している八重山農林高校の生徒、ハエノ・タケシさん。泊港ターミナルビルでお見送りする宜野湾ライオンズクラブの代表者は、(左から右へ)ナガミネ・セイホウ副会長、シマブク・ハンユウ理事、ダニエル・R・バック会計、イダ・コウゾウ会員。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年3月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Sojourners Fate Students
【和訳】 学生たちを激励するソージャナーズ会員たち
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年3月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】"Hinamatsuri" By Girl Scout
【和訳】 ガールスカウトによる「ひな祭り」
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年3月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】"Hinamatsuri" By Girl Scout
【和訳】 ガールスカウトによる「ひな祭り」
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年5月3日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Lions-Sponsored Medical Care
【和訳】 ライオンズクラブによる医療支援
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年8月24日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】NEW UNIFORMS FOR RYUKYUAN BOY SCOUTS ? On behalf of the NCO Wives Club of the 173rd [Airborne] (Sep), Capt. Morton S. Lindner, Ryukyuan Boy Scout Liaison Officer, presents new uniforms donated by the club to the two most outstanding boys among 306 at the Ryukyuan Scout Summer Camp held at White Beach from Aug. 15 to 20. Receiving the new uniforms from Capt. Lindner on Aug. 24 are: Yoshiteru Heshiki (C), 13, Naha Junior High School; and Shosei Atta, 13, Uenoyama Junior High School.
【和訳】 琉球ボーイスカウトに新ユニフォーム - 第173空挺旅団(独立旅団)の下士官婦人クラブを代理して琉球ボーイスカウト連絡員モートン・S・リンドナー少佐より、8月15日から20日までホワイトビーチで開催された琉球ボーイスカウト夏季キャンプで、306人の中で最も優秀な2人の少年に同クラブから寄贈された新しいユニフォームを贈呈した。8月24日にリンドナー少佐から新しいユニフォームを受け取るのは、次の2人、那覇中学校のヘシキ・ヨシテルさん(中央)13歳と上山中学校のアッタ・ショウセイさん13歳。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年8月24日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】NEW UNIFORMS FOR RYUKYUAN BOY SCOUTS ? On behalf of the NCO Wives Club of the 173rd [Airborne] (Sep), Capt. Morton S. Lindner, Ryukyuan Boy Scout Liaison Officer, presents new uniforms donated by the club to the two most outstanding boys among 306 at the Ryukyuan Scout Summer Camp held at White Beach from Aug. 15 to 20. Receiving the new uniforms from Capt. Lindner on Aug. 24 are: Yoshiteru Heshiki (C), 13, Naha Junior High School; and Shosei Atta, 13, Uenoyama Junior High School.
【和訳】 琉球ボーイスカウトに新ユニフォーム - 第173空挺旅団(独立旅団)の下士官婦人クラブを代理して琉球ボーイスカウト連絡員モートン・S・リンドナー少佐より、8月15日から20日までホワイトビーチで開催された琉球ボーイスカウト夏季キャンプで、306人の中で最も優秀な2人の少年に同クラブから寄贈された新しいユニフォームを贈呈した。8月24日にリンドナー少佐から新しいユニフォームを受け取るのは、次の2人、那覇中学校のヘシキ・ヨシテルさん(中央)13歳と上山中学校のアッタ・ショウセイさん13歳。
【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mr. Soko Sen, Vice-President of the JCI, Arrived
A WELCOMING BOUQUET of flowers is presented to Mr. Soko Sen of Japan upon his arrival in Okinawa by Mrs. Fumino Sasaki, representing the wives of the Okinawa Jaycees. Mr. Sen is the vice-president of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) and is also chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa 1963, being held in Naha City, Sept. 15-20.

Fumino Sasaki, representing the wives of the Okinawa Jaycees. Mr. Sen is the vice-president of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) and is also chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa 1963, being held in Naha City, Sept. 15-20.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄青年会議所の奥様方を代表してササキ・フミノ夫人より、日本の千宗興氏に歓迎の花束が贈呈された。国際青年会議所副会頭である千宗興氏は、9月15日から20日まで那覇市で開催される国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議の議長を務めている。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mr. Soko Sen, Vice-President of the JCI, Arrived


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所副会頭の千宗興氏、到着


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月13日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mr. Soko Sen, Vice-President of the JCI, Arrived


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所副会頭の千宗興氏、到着


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市下泉町
撮 影 日: 1963年9月15日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】PINNING A JCI CONFERENCE BADGE on Junior Chamber International Vice-President Soko Sen of Japan (R) is Okinawa Junior Chamber Vice-President Takasi Arimura at the registration desk of the “JCI Conference-Okinawa, 1963” on the 3rd floor of the Okinawa Power Distribution Building, Sunday, Sept. 15.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月15日(日)、沖縄配電ビル3階で開催された「国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議」の受付で、国際青年会議所副会頭の千宗興氏(右)にバッジを留めるのは、有村喬沖縄青年会議所副会頭。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市下泉町
撮 影 日: 1963年9月15日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Registration


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 登録


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所会議開式前に会場に向ふ会員達


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI CONFERENCE OKINAWA - The opening plenary session of the 13th Annual Junior Chamber International Conference-Okinawa was today held from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Okinawa Power Distribution Company Hall, attended by representative members of the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Okinawa. At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Soko Sen (fourth from L at the head table), JCI vice-president and chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa, said in his address that the conference was a place for mutual understanding and free discussion would be made of problems of young men. The conference's first-day programs were highlighted by the parade in the afternoon.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄配電ホールで9月16日午前9時から正午まで第13回国際青年会議所沖縄会議の代表者会議がフィリピン、韓国、日本、香港、沖縄の各代表者が出席して催された。開会の挨拶に立った千宗興氏(中央左から4番目は)、国際青年会議所副会頭、国際青年会議所沖縄会議々長は、「会議は相互理解の場であり、我々の問題を自由に議論する場であり、その問題を解決するためには、このような場が必要である」と述べた。午後は第1日目のハイライトとしてパレードが行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI CONFERENCE OKINAWA - The opening plenary session of the 13th Annual Junior Chamber International Conference-Okinawa was today held from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Okinawa Power Distribution Company Hall, attended by representative members of the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Okinawa. At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Soko Sen (fourth from L at the head table), JCI vice-president and chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa, said in his address that the conference was a place for mutual understanding and free discussion would be made of problems of young men. The conference's first-day programs were highlighted by the parade in the afternoon.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄配電ホールで9月16日午前9時から正午まで第13回国際青年会議所沖縄会議の代表者会議がフィリピン、韓国、日本、香港、沖縄の各代表者が出席して催された。開会の挨拶に立った千宗興氏(中央左から4番目は)、国際青年会議所副会頭、国際青年会議所沖縄会議々長は、「会議は相互理解の場であり、我々の問題を自由に議論する場であり、その問題を解決するためには、このような場が必要である」と述べた。午後は第1日目のハイライトとしてパレードが行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI CONFERENCE OKINAWA - The opening plenary session of the 13th Annual Junior Chamber International Conference-Okinawa was today held from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Okinawa Power Distribution Company Hall, attended by representative members of the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Okinawa. At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Soko Sen (fourth from L at the head table), JCI vice-president and chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa, said in his address that the conference was a place for mutual understanding and free discussion would be made of problems of young men. The conference's first-day programs were highlighted by the parade in the afternoon.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄配電ホールで9月16日午前9時から正午まで第13回国際青年会議所沖縄会議の代表者会議がフィリピン、韓国、日本、香港、沖縄の各代表者が出席して催された。開会の挨拶に立った千宗興氏(中央左から4番目は)、国際青年会議所副会頭、国際青年会議所沖縄会議々長は、「会議は相互理解の場であり、我々の問題を自由に議論する場であり、その問題を解決するためには、このような場が必要である」と述べた。午後は第1日目のハイライトとしてパレードが行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI'S LUNCHEON ? Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (2d from R, head table), Mr. Tadashi Kuranari (3d from R. head table), parliamentary vice-minister of the Government of Japan's Economic Planning Agency, and other noted persons were guests at a luncheon of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference, Okinawa yesterday at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel. The luncheon was hosted by Mr. Soko Sen (at podium), JCI vice-president and chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa 1963.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所昼食会 - 昨日、琉球東急ホテルで開催された国際青年会議所沖縄大会の昼食会には、シャノン・マキューン民政官(右から2人目、主賓席)、倉成正日本企画庁次官(右から3人目、主賓席)、その他の著名人が来賓として出席した。昼食会は、国際青年会議所副会頭であり、1963年沖縄会議の議長でもある千宗興氏(演壇上)の司会で行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI'S LUNCHEON ? Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (2d from R, head table), Mr. Tadashi Kuranari (3d from R. head table), parliamentary vice-minister of the Government of Japan's Economic Planning Agency, and other noted persons were guests at a luncheon of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference, Okinawa yesterday at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel. The luncheon was hosted by Mr. Soko Sen (at podium), JCI vice-president and chairman of the JCI Conference, Okinawa 1963.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所昼食会 - 昨日、琉球東急ホテルで開催された国際青年会議所沖縄大会の昼食会には、シャノン・マキューン民政官(右から2人目、主賓席)、倉成正日本企画庁次官(右から3人目、主賓席)、その他の著名人が来賓として出席した。昼食会は、国際青年会議所副会頭であり、1963年沖縄会議の議長でもある千宗興氏(演壇上)の司会で行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】YOUNG MEN FOR A NEW WORLD ? High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway (at rostrum) told the opening plenary session of the Junior Chamber International Conference that “you and your meeting are a bridge among nations”, and called the conference a “history making event.” Seated in front are dignitaries and delegations from the Ryukyus, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Republic of China, Korea and the Philippines.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 新世界のための若者達 - ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官(壇上)は、国際青年会議所の開会式で、「あなた方とあなた方の出会いは、国家間の架け橋になる」と述べ、会議を「歴史を作るイベント」と称した。正面に座っているのは、琉球、アメリカ、日本、香港、シンガポール、中華民国、韓国、フィリピンの要人や代表団。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】High Commissioner's Reception For Jaycees


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 高等弁務官による国際青年会議所会員の歓迎会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】High Commissioner's Reception For Jaycees


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 高等弁務官による国際青年会議所会員の歓迎会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】High Commissioner's Reception For Jaycees


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 高等弁務官による国際青年会議所会員の歓迎会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade
OKINAWA'S FIRST INTERNATIONAL conference, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference, Okinawa 1963, was officially opened with the delegate's parade through Naha City on Monday, Sept. 16. Forming at the Ryukyu Tokyo Hotel, the parade passed through the “Shuri-No-Mon” (Gate of Courtesy) and would through the city to Convention Hall in the Okinawa Power Distribution Company. Ryukyuan Boy Scouts lead the parade of U.S. Army, Air Force and 3rd Marine Division bands and delegates from the Ryukyus, the United States, Japan, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines, and Hong Kong, and Singapore. Ryukyu Islands' High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway was the keynote speaker at the Conference's opening plenary session on Sept. 16.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】YOUNG MEN FOR A NEW WORLD ? High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway (at rostrum) told the opening plenary session of the Junior Chamber International Conference that “you and your meeting are a bridge among nations”, and called the conference a “history making event.” Seated in front are dignitaries and delegations from the Ryukyus, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Republic of China, Korea and the Philippines.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 新世界のための若者達 - ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官(壇上)は、国際青年会議所の開会式で、「あなた方とあなた方の出会いは、国家間の架け橋になる」と述べ、会議を「歴史を作るイベント」と称した。正面に座っているのは、琉球、アメリカ、日本、香港、シンガポール、中華民国、韓国、フィリピンの要人や代表団。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Opening Ceremony
YOUNG MEN FOR A NEW WORLD ? High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway (at rostrum) told the opening plenary session of the Junior Chamber International Conference that “you and your meeting are a bridge among nations”, and called the conference a “history making event.” Seated in front are dignitaries and delegations from the Ryukyus, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan’s Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention’s agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議の開会式典
新世界のための若い人々 - 演台にいる高等弁務官ポール・W・キャラウェイ国際青年商工会議所の開会全体会合において次のように話した。あなたたちとその会議は、国家間の橋になる、と。そして、会議が歴史的な行事になるように要請した。前列に座っているのは、沖縄や米国、日本、香港、シンガポール、中華民国、韓国、フィリピンから幹部と代表者たちである。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月16日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Parade


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所のパレード


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI SEMINAR ON EDUCATION ? “Education as a Factor in Economic Development” was the subject of the address by Civil Administrator Shannon McCune (at rostrum) to some 500 delegates at the education seminar of the current Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference in Naha, Okinawa. Prior to assuming his present position, Civil Administrator McCune was the director of the Dept. of Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris, France and from 1955 to 1961 he was Provost of the University of Massachusetts. At right (facing camera) is the JCI Community Service Commission Director, Gregorio Araneta, II, of the Philippines.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 那覇市で開催されている国際青年会議所会議の教育セミナーでは、シャノン・マキューン民政官が「経済発展の要因としての教育」と題して、約500名の参加者に向けて講演を行った。マキューン民政官は、現職に就く前は、フランスのパリにある国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の教育部長を務め、1955年から1961年まではマサチューセッツ大学の学長を務めた。右(カメラに向かって)は、フィリピンのグレゴリオ・アラネタ二世国際青年会議所社会奉仕委員長。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Seminar On Economic Development In Asia


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 アジアにおける経済開発に関する国際青年会議所の講習会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Seminar On Economic Development In Asia


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 アジアにおける経済開発に関する国際青年会議所の講習会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】U.S. Forces Personal Help JCI Conference
From left to right are Mrs. Margaret Barrineau, steno-typist from the U.S. Civil Administration, Ryukyus (USCAR) office; Kazuharu Nagamine, USCAR interpreter; 1st Lt. Martin J. Manning of the 97th Civil Affairs Group, US Army, assistant project officer in charge of administration; Miss Pamela Kidwell, steno-typist from the US Army Ryukyus Islands Command (USARYIS), and PFC Robert H. Hoffman and Lance Corporal Gary H. Trotter, clerk typists from the Third Marine Division on Okinawa.

L to R
USCAR (steno typist)
b. Kazuharu Nagamine, USCAR, interpreter
97th CA GP
USARYIS (steno-typist)
【和訳】 米軍関係者が国際青年会議所会議を支援


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】U.S. Forces Personal Help JCI Meeting
Mr. Yoshikane Nakayoshi, left, and Sergeant First Class Peter Barbour listen as Mr. Tsuneo Kamisato of the Okinawa Junior Chamber discusses the translation of conference materials from English to Japanese. Mr. Nakayoshi is an interpreter from the Ryukyuan Development Loan Corporation and Sergeant Barbour is with the US Army Quartermaster Group on Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 米軍関係者が国際青年会議所会議を支援


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Mrs. Phyllis Walker of USARYIS types dictation given by Mrs. Karen Hinaman of the US Army Quartermaster Group on Okinawa. Both ladies are members of the American assistance team working with the Okinawa Junior Chamber during this week's Jaycee conference here.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 在沖米国陸軍のフィリス・ウォーカーは、在沖縄米国陸軍需品係集団のカーレン・ヒナマンによる口述をタイプしている。2人の婦人は、今週開催の国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議で、沖縄青年会議所とともに運営するアメリカ側の補助員でもある。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】U.S. Forces Personal Help JCI Conference
Sergeant First Class Arthur C. Philpot of USARYIS, right, explains editorial procedures to, from left, Mr. Richard G. Button of USARYIS, former secretary and board of directors member of the Charleston, South Carolina, chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Koei Matayoshi of the Okinawa Junior Chamber, and Capt. Harrol R. Cato of USARYIS, vice president of the Arkansas State Junior Chamber before coming to Okinawa. Sergeant Philpot coordinates the preparation of news releases of conference activities.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 米軍関係者が国際青年会議所会議を支援


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】U.S. Forces Personal Help JCI Conference
Three members of the American assistance team go over a news release of one of many events at this week's Okinawa Junior Chamber International Conference. Left to right, they are Specialist Fourth Class Gerald D. McDougall from US Army Special Troops, former member of the Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry; Marine Reserve Capt. Robert F. Ruan, a member of the Taipei, Taiwan, Junior Chamber currently in Okinawa on temporary duty with the Third Marine Division, and 1st Lt. William S. Talbutt, adjutant of the US Army Quartermaster Group on Okinawa, and former member of the Cotulla, Texas, Chamber of Commerce.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 米軍関係者が国際青年会議所会議を支援


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】High Commissioner's Trophy To The Winner Of The JCI Golf Tournament


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所ゴルフトーナメント優勝者に贈られる高等弁務官トロフィー


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】High Commissioner's Trophy To The Winner Of The JCI Golf Tournament


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所ゴルフトーナメント優勝者に贈られる高等弁務官トロフィー


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JAYCEE HONG KONG DELEGATE Bahar Ramchandani (C) opens the JCI Okinawa Conference's International Relations Commission's initial meeting at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel on Sept. 17, with secretary Illuminado Estacio of the Philippines sitting to his right. The stenographer is Mrs. Phyllis Walker, provided by the U.S. Army, at the request of the Jaycees.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月17日、琉球東急ホテルで開催された国際青年会議所沖縄大会国際関係委員会の初会合では、右にフィリピンのイルミナード・エスタシオ幹事が座り、開会の挨拶をするのは青年会議所香港代表のバハール・ラムチャンダニ氏(中央)。速記者は、青年会議所の依頼で米軍から派遣されたフィリス・ウォーカーさん。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Community Service Commission Chairman Gregorio Araneta II of the Philippines (at head of table) convenes a commission on community service at the JCI Conference now underway in Naha, Okinawa. Photo was taken Sept. 17 at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄、那覇市で開催中の国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議で、社会奉仕委員会を招集するフィリピンのグレゴリオ・アラネタ2世委員長(テーブルの先頭)。写真は9月17日に琉球東急ホテルで撮影された。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JAYCEE LEADERSHIP TRAINING COMMISSION meets at its initial gathering at the Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel on Sept. 17 as part of the JCI Conference now underway in Naha, Okinawa. At head of the table is the commission's chairman, Tsuyoshi Matsuzoe of Japan; the secretary is Lt. Col. Willis H. Brehm, former Jaycee from Coffeyville, Kansas, now an associate member, Okinawa Jaycees, and serving with the U.S. Army's IXth Corps on Okinawa. The stenographer is Mrs. Peggy Snelling, assigned by the U.S. Forces on Okinawa to assist the conference at the request of the Jaycees.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 青年会議所リーダーシップ研修委員会は、沖縄の那覇市で開催中の国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議の一環として、9月17日に琉球東急ホテルで初会合を開催した。幹事は、ウィリス・H・ブレム中佐(カンザス州コフィービル出身の元青年会議所、現在は沖縄青年会議所の構成員であり、沖縄の米陸軍第9軍団に所属。速記者はペギー・スネリングさんで、在沖米軍から青年会議所の要請を受けて会議の手伝いをすることになった。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Commission Meetings


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan’s Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention’s agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 委員会会議


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市天久
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Ryukyu Tokyu Hotel


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 琉球東急ホテル


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月17日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Luncheon By Mayor Of Naha


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 那覇市長主催の昼食会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】HAWAII'S DELEGATE to the Junior Chamber International's Conference in Naha, Okinawa ? Mr. Yukio Naito, state president, Hawaiian Junior Chamber of Commerce ? registers Sept. 18 as a delegate to the conference while Okinawa Junior Chamber President Shigeru Miyazato (R) and Vice-President Takashi Arimura (C) look on. There are 1,500 Hawaiian Jaycees organized in 19 local chapters.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄の那覇市で開催された国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議に参加するハワイ青年会議所のナイトウ・ユキオ州会頭は9月18日、沖縄青年会議所の宮里茂会頭(右)と有村喬副会頭(中央)が見守る中、会議に参加するための代表者として登録した。ハワイ青年会議所は19の支部で構成され、現在1,500のハワイ青年会議所会員が活動している。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE HIROSHI SENAGA of the Government of the Ryukyus is shown explaining highlights of the Ryukyuan economy, which has enjoyed an average growth rate of 10.9 percent since 1955, at a seminar he conducted Sept. 18 before delegates to the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference underway in Naha, Okinawa, from Sept. 15 to 19. The seminar was held in the Conference Hall of the Okinawa Power Distribution Co. Bldg.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 1955年から平均10.9%の成長率を誇る琉球経済の主要部を説明する琉球政府の瀬長浩行政副主席は、9月15日から19日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催中の国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議の参加者を前に18日、セミナーを行った。セミナーは沖縄配電ビルホールで開催された。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035

THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】GREGORIO ARANETA II, of Manila, Philippine Islands, director of the Junior Chamber International's Community Service Commission, is shown explaining a screening of JCI community service projects in action, at a seminar of the JCI Conference in Naha, Okinawa, on Sept. 18, 1963. Operating the slide projector at right is Mr. Yobun Zamami, of the Okinawa Jaycees. Second from left in near is Mr. Akira Sho, Okinawa Jaycees' chief delegate.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 1963年9月18日、沖縄の那覇市で開催された国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議のセミナーで、国際青年会議所の社会奉仕委員会の理事長であるグレゴリオ・アラネタ2世(フィリピン・マニラ)は、実際に行われている国際青年会議所の社会奉仕プロジェクトの上映会について説明している。右のスライドプロジェクターを操作しているのは、沖縄青年会議所の座間味庸文氏。左から2番目が沖縄青年会議所の尚詮会頭。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所の会議総会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035

THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月18日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035

THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】U.S. Forces Personal Helps JCI Conference
THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference on Okinawa, Sept. 15-20, received a great assist from the U.S. Forces in making Okinawa's first international gathering a very successful venture. Here, Specialist Fifth Class James H. Rourk, Jr. (L) and Specialist Fourth Class Patrick H. Grier, Jr., both of the U.S. Army Broadcasting and Visual Activity, Pacific, mimeograph a JCI news release during the Conference.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 米軍関係者が国際青年会議所会議を支援


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Scene at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference Assembly on Sept. 19 at the conference hall at the Okinawa Power Distribution Building. At left foreground is Mr. Soko Sen, JCI vice-president and Conference chairman; at right is Okinawa Junior Chamber International Chairman Shigeru Miyazato. Above them are Messrs. Yoei Miyara (R) and Kiyoshi Kabira, interpreters at the assembly.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日、沖縄配電ビルホールで行われた国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議総会の様子。手前左が国際青年会議所副会頭・大会議長の千宗興氏、右が沖縄青年会議所理事長の宮里茂氏。その上に通訳の宮良用英氏(右)と川平朝清氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Scene at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference Assembly on Sept. 19 at the conference hall at the Okinawa Power Distribution Building. At left foreground is Mr. Soko Sen, JCI vice-president and Conference chairman; at right is Okinawa Junior Chamber International Chairman Shigeru Miyazato. Above them are Messrs. Yoei Miyara (R) and Kiyoshi Kabira, interpreters at the assembly.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日、沖縄配電ビルホールで行われた国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議総会の様子。手前左が国際青年会議所副会頭・大会議長の千宗興氏、右が沖縄青年会議所理事長の宮里茂氏。その上に通訳の宮良用英氏(右)と川平朝清氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Scene at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference Assembly on Sept. 19 at the conference hall at the Okinawa Power Distribution Building. At left foreground is Mr. Soko Sen, JCI vice-president and Conference chairman; at right is Okinawa Junior Chamber International Chairman Shigeru Miyazato. Above them are Messrs. Yoei Miyara (R) and Kiyoshi Kabira, interpreters at the assembly.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日、沖縄配電ビルホールで行われた国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議総会の様子。手前左が国際青年会議所副会頭・大会議長の千宗興氏、右が沖縄青年会議所理事長の宮里茂氏。その上に通訳の宮良用英氏(右)と川平朝清氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所総会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所総会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所総会


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI CONFERENCE MEMBERS examine Ryukyuan leather products on display at the Showa Kaikan Hall, during their tour of the Ryukyu Products Exhibition on Sept. 19. Included in the display of Ryukyuan products were textiles, lacquerware, chinaware, wood products, transistor radios, hardware, bingata (dyed textiles), sugar, canned pineapple, confectioneries and other items.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日に開催された琉球物産展の見学会では、昭和会館ホールに展示されていた琉球の皮革製品を見学した国際青年会議所会員。琉球製品は、織物、漆器、陶磁器、木製品、トランジスタラジオ、金物、紅型、砂糖、パイナップル缶、菓子などが展示されていた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市上泉町
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ADDRESSING Junior Chamber International ( JCI ) Conference members at the Harborview luncheon held Sept. 19 is Mr. Howard B. McClellan, president, American Chamber of Commerce of the Ryukyu Islands. Right is Mr. Hiroshi Senaga, Deputy Chief Executive, Government of the Ryukyu Islands.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日に開催されたハーバービュークラブでの昼食会で、国際青年会議所会員と挨拶したのは、琉米商工会議所のハワード・マクレラン会頭。右は琉球政府行政副主席の瀬永浩氏。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地: 那覇市上泉町
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】ADDRESSING Junior Chamber International ( JCI ) Conference members at the Harborview luncheon held Sept. 19 is Mr. Howard B. McClellan, president, American Chamber of Commerce of the Ryukyu Islands. Right is Mr. Hiroshi Senaga, Deputy Chief Executive, Government of the Ryukyu Islands.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月19日に開催されたハーバービュークラブでの昼食会で、国際青年会議所会員と挨拶したのは、琉米商工会議所のハワード・マクレラン会頭。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】MILITARY FACILITIES TOUR ? During a military facilities tour on Sept. 18, members of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference visited the Milk Plant of the U.S. Army Quartermaster Group where they were briefed by Mr. Shukan Miyahira (L), Ryukyuan supervisor. The tour schedule also included the Machinato Service and Sukiran Troop areas and the Museum in Sukiran.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republic of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 軍事施設視察 - 9月18日、国際青年会議所の一行は、米陸軍施設技術群のミルク工場を視察し、琉球人監督者のミヤヒラ・シュウカン氏(左)から説明を受けた。また、マチナトサービスや瑞慶覧部隊地域、瑞慶覧内の博物館なども視察した。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】THE U.S. ARMY welcomed Junior Chamber International (JCI) Conference members during their tour of military facilities of Okinawa yesterday, Sept. 18. Mr. Kenko Kanashiro (3rd from L), a Ryukyuan supervisor, data section, U.S. Army Data Processing Activity Unit, explained the functions, activities and responsibilities of the section. Prior to their arrival at the Unit, the group toured machine shops of the U.S. Army Engineer Group and the milk plant of the U.S. Army Quartermaster Group in the Machinato Service Area.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 昨日9月18日、米軍は沖縄の軍事施設を視察に訪れた国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議の一行を歓迎した。米陸軍データ処理活動部隊データ課の琉球人監督者のカネシロ・ケンコウ氏(左から3人目)から、同課の機能や活動、責任について説明があった。一行は、部隊到着に先立ち、マチナトサービスエリア内の米陸軍施設技術群の機械工場や米陸軍兵站部のミルク工場を視察した。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所代表者会議


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所代表者会議


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月19日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JCI Conference Assembly


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 国際青年会議所代表者会議


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】A GOLF TROPHY FROM HIGH COMMISSIONER PAUL W. CARAWAY was presented by Major General Lawrence J. Lincoln (L), deputy commanding general, U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands, to Mr. Munehiro Nakaima of the Okinawa Jaycees, winner of the JCI Golf Tournament held Sept. 20 at the Awase Meadows Golf Course. Mr. Nakaima's net score was 69 and his handicap was 7. Second place went to Mr. T. Mineyama, with a net score of 71. The presentation was made at the Awase Country Club. The tournament was the final activity of the successful eight-country Junior Chamber International Conference held from Sept. 15 to 20 in Naha, Okinawa.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 9月20日に泡瀬メドウズゴルフコースで開催された国際青年会議ゴルフトーナメントで優勝した沖縄青年会議所のナカイマ・ムネヒロ氏に、在琉米陸軍副司令官ローレンス・リンカーン少将(左)から、ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官ゴルフトロフィーが贈られた。ナカイマ氏のネットスコアは69、ハンディキャップは7で、第2位はT・ミネヤマのネットスコア71。表彰式は泡瀬カントリークラブで行われた。この大会は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された8カ国青年会議所国際会議所大会の最後の活動として行われた。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】INDUSTRIAL TOUR - Members of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) visited the Ryukyu Tobacco Co., one of three tobacco companies in the Ryukyus, during Jaycee tours of local industries in conjunction with the JCI conference in Naha, Okinawa, Sept. 15 to 20.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 産業視察 - 国際青年会議所会員は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議に合わせ、産業視察を行い、琉球のタバコ会社3社のうちの1社である琉球タバコ株式会社を訪問した。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】INDUSTRIAL TOUR - Members of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) visited the Ryukyu Tobacco Co., one of three tobacco companies in the Ryukyus, during Jaycee tours of local industries in conjunction with the JCI conference in Naha, Okinawa, Sept. 15 to 20.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 産業視察 - 国際青年会議所会員は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議に合わせ、産業視察を行い、琉球のタバコ会社3社のうちの1社である琉球タバコ株式会社を訪問した。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】INDUSTRIAL TOUR - Members of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) visited the Ryukyu Tobacco Co., one of three tobacco companies in the Ryukyus, during Jaycee tours of local industries in conjunction with the JCI conference in Naha, Okinawa, Sept. 15 to 20. Inspecting products of the company are Messrs Hsu Sen-tang (2nd from L) and Hsu Yon-ling (3rd from L), Jaycees of Taichung, Taiwan.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 産業視察 - 国際青年会議所会員は、9月15日から20日まで沖縄の那覇市で開催された国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議に合わせ、産業視察を行い、琉球のタバコ会社3社のうちの1社である琉球タバコ株式会社を訪問した。台湾台中の会員であるスー・センタン氏(左から2人目)とスー・ヨンリン氏(左から3人目)は、同社の製品を視察しています。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JAYCEES VISIT U.S. AIR FORCE on Okinawa ? Jaycee James T. Lee (dark suit) of Taipei, Taiwan is shown on a ladder peering into the cockpit of a supersonic U.S. Air Force F-105 at Naha Air Base during a tour of the base on Sept. 20 by Junior Chamber International (JCI) participants to the JCI Conference on Okinawa. At left is Lt. Col. Robert P. Ash, commanding officer, 33rd Air Rescue Squadron, which presented a demonstration of rescue operations and equipment for the Jaycees. Jaycees in foreground are unidentified.


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄の米空軍を訪問した青年会議所会員 - 台湾台北市のジェイシー・ジェームズ・T・リー氏(ダークスーツ)は、9月20日の国際青年会議所1963年沖縄会議に参加した国際青年会議所の一行が那覇基地を視察した際、はしごの上から米空軍の超音速機F-105のコックピットを覗き込んだ。左は第33航空救難飛行隊のロバート・P・アッシュ中佐。手前の会員は不明。


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JAYCEES VISIT U.S. AIR FORCE on Okinawa


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄の米空軍を訪問した青年会議所会員


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】JAYCEES VISIT U.S. AIR FORCE on Okinawa


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 - the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 沖縄の米空軍を訪問した青年会議所会員


【分類】Organizations / 組織

分 類 名: 組織
撮 影 地:
撮 影 日: 1963年9月20日
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料035
写真解説: 【原文】Jaycees Tours Military Facilities


THE JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI) Conference, Okinawa, 1963, is being held in Naha from Sept. 15 to 20 ? the first international conference ever convened in the Ryukyu Islands. Some 500 Jaycees from the Ryukyus, Japan, the United States, the Republics of China, Korea and the Philippines and Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sarawak were scheduled to attend the conference. High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway, Civil Administrator Shannon McCune, Government of the Ryukyu Islands Deputy Chief Executive Hiroshi Senaga, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Japan's Economic Agency Tadashi Kuranari and other officials are on the convention's agenda as speakers and seminar leaders. The purpose of holding international meetings of local chapters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, President Shigeru Miyazato said, is “to develop a spirit of international cooperation, outlook and understanding, through the exchange of ideas and thoughts by young men of different races, creeds and beliefs.” The delegates are also meeting in seven JCI commissions ? economic affairs, community service, education and youth activities, leadership training, international relations, public relations, and constitution and by-laws.
【和訳】 青年会議所会員らが軍事施設を視察


【分類】Organizations / 組織