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1260CR57-0319_01病院1952年10月4日コザ【原文】Open House at Koza Health Center Dr. Seiko Fukuchi, Veterinarian

2260CR57-0326_01公衆衛生1953年10月【原文】Public Health Milk Story

【和訳】公衆衛生 ミルクストーリー
3260CR57-0327_01公衆衛生1953年10月14日【原文】Koza Health Center Mobile Health Clinic

【和訳】コザ保健所 移動病院
4260CR57-0337_01公衆衛生1953年10月14日【原文】Public Health Clinic

6260CR57-0339_01公衆衛生1953年9月18日名護【原文】Sanitary Demonstration at Nago Health Center

7260CR57-0340_01公衆衛生1953年9月18日名護【原文】Sanitary Demonstration at Nago Health Center

8260CR57-0341_01公衆衛生1953年9月8日名護【原文】Sanitary Demonstration at Nago Health Center Rodent, Masquito Control

【和訳】名護保健所での衛生実演 ネズミ、蚊の管理
9260CR57-0322_01公衆衛生1954年2月【原文】Industry Coca-Cola

【和訳】産業 コカ・コーラ
10260CR57-0305_01公衆衛生1955年【原文】Nurse Graduation

11260CR57-0306_01公衆衛生1955年【原文】Nurse Graduation

13260CR57-0349_01公衆衛生1955年11月【原文】OCH Nurses Capped Col. Lucius Thomas

【和訳】ルーシャス・トーマス大佐 大山陸軍病院の戴帽を受けた看護婦
14260CR57-0347_01公衆衛生1955年11月18日【原文】Public Health

【和訳】公衆衛生 卒業
15260CR57-0348_01公衆衛生1955年11月18日【原文】Graduation of Public Health Nurse

16260CR57-0350_01公衆衛生1955年11月23日【原文】OCH Nurses Capped

17260CR57-0307_01公衆衛生1955年3月【原文】Nurses get 20 bikes from RYCOM women

18260CR57-0308_01公衆衛生1955年3月【原文】Nurses Get 20 Bikes from RYCOM 's Club

19260CR57-0309_01公衆衛生1955年3月【原文】Mrs. Moore Bike Gift

【和訳】ムーア夫人 自転車の贈り物
20260CR57-0310_01公衆衛生1955年3月【原文】Mrs. Moore Bikes to Nurses

【和訳】ムーア夫人 自転車を看護婦たちへ
21260CR57-0314_01公衆衛生1955年3月【原文】To Go To U/R Nobu Madanbashi, C.N; Kayo Yonahara - R Hatsuko Kinjo L

【和訳】琉球大学へ行く 真玉橋ノブ看護婦長 ヨナハラ・カヨ(右) キンジョウ・ハツコ(左)
22260CR57-0301_01公衆衛生1955年3月18日【原文】Nurse Graduation

23260CR57-0303_01公衆衛生1955年3月18日【原文】Nurse Graduation

24260CR57-0304_01公衆衛生1955年3月18日【原文】Nurse Graduation Mrs. Johnson

【和訳】看護婦卒業 ジョンソン夫人
25260CR57-0311_01公衆衛生1955年3月23日【原文】Mrs. Moore; Atsutoshi Yamashiro

【和訳】ムーア夫人 山城篤俊(医師)
26260CR57-0316_01公衆衛生1955年6月コザ【原文】Koza Central Hospital
Many American doctors serving with the U.S. Armed Forces in Okinawa have devoted considerable time to relieving the suffering of local residents. Important work of this nature is currently being done by Lt. Col. J. Sidney Rice of the Dermatology Section of the Army Hospital here (in uniform). Who devotes one morning each week to clinical work at a large Okinawa hospital. In addition to patients, the clinic is usually crowded with Okinawan physicians desiring to learn the most modern methods of treating skin diseases under direction of this skilled U.S. dermatologist.

27260CR57-0317_01公衆衛生1955年6月那覇【原文】Naha Central Hospital

28260CR57-0318_01公衆衛生1955年6月【原文】Many American doctors serving with the U.S. Armed Forces in Okinawa have devoted considerable time to relieving the suffering of local residents. Important work of this nature is currently being done by Lt. Col. J. Sidney Rice of the Dermatology Section of the Army Hospital here (in uniform). who devotes one morning each week to clinical work at a large Okinawa hospital. In addition to patients, the clinic is usually crowded with Okinawan physicians desiring to learn the most modern methods of treating skin diseases under direction of this skilled U.S. dermatologist.

29260CR57-0318_02公衆衛生1955年6月【原文】Many American doctors serving with the U.S. Armed Forces in Okinawa have devoted considerable time to relieving the suffering of local residents. Important work of this nature is currently being done by Lt. Col. J. Sidney Rice of the Dermatology Section of the Army Hospital here (in uniform). who devotes one morning each week to clinical work at a large Okinawa hospital. In addition to patients, the clinic is usually crowded with Okinawan physicians desiring to learn the most modern methods of treating skin diseases under direction of this skilled U.S. dermatologist.

30260CR57-0312_01公衆衛生1965年11月10日那覇【原文】Naha Nursing School

31260CR57-0313_01公衆衛生1965年11月10日那覇【原文】Naha Nursing

32260CR57-0302_01公衆衛生1966年1月20日【原文】WHO Dr. Hirshman

33260CR57-0302_02公衆衛生1966年1月20日【原文】WHO Dr. Hirshman

45260CR57-0315_01公衆衛生【原文】RYCOM Women Give Bikes to Nurses Mrs. Weinecke Mrs. Moore Mrs. Mote

【和訳】看護婦へ自転車を寄贈するライカム婦人会 Weinecke夫人 ムーア夫人 Mote夫人
46260CR57-0323_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

47260CR57-0324_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

48260CR57-0325_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

49260CR57-0328_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

50260CR57-0329_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

51260CR57-0330_01公衆衛生糸満【原文】Public Health≪糸満結核療養所に於イテ療養状況≫

52260CR57-0331_01公衆衛生糸満【原文】Itoman Tuberculosis (TB) Hospital

53260CR57-0332_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health
ALL STREAMS, DITCHES and other bodies of water are sprayed regularly in combating malaria in the Ryukyu Islands. No new or recurrent cases of malaria have been reported since February, 1961. If this record can be maintained until February, 1963, public health officials will be able to announce that malaria has been eradicated in the Ryukyus. Even though that point is reached, spray programs such as this, coordinated under a general malaria surveillance program, must be maintained.

54260CR57-0333_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

55260CR57-0334_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

56260CR57-0335_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health

60260CR57-0345_01公衆衛生【原文】Public Health Dr. Hara

【和訳】公衆衛生 ハラ博士
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