
分類名: 要人
Mrs. Zentaro Kosaka visited the U.S. Armed Forces Museum in Sukiran on Dec. 16. Here she observes a 125-year-old stuffed turtle, being described by Mr. Ichiro Izumi, assistant curator of the museum. Escorting Mrs. Kosaka is Miss Mary M. Saito (L), Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner.
STUFFED TURTLE -- Mrs. Zentaro Kosaka (C), wife of visiting Japanese Diet member and forces Museum in Sukiran Dec. 16, and observed a 125 year-old stuffed turtle, being described by Mr. Ichiro Izumi (R), assistant curator of the museum. Escorting her is Miss Mary M. Saito (L), chief, Translations Branch, Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Kosaka arrived the same day at the invitation of High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway for a four-day visit to the Ryukyu Islands.
【和訳】12月16日、瑞慶覧の米軍博物館を訪れた日本の国会議員小坂善太郎夫人。125才の亀の剥製について、イズミ・イチロウ博物館学芸員補から説明を受けているところ。夫人を案内するのは高等弁務官室広報局メアリー・M・サイトウ(左)。小坂夫妻は ポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官の招きで4日間の訪問日程で同日沖縄入りした。
撮影日: 1963/12/16
資料コード: 0000251643
写真番号: 260CR75-0201_01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料 140 Box75-05(CR75-0201~0250)


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