
分類名: 組織
Russell L, Moberly (standing), authority in the field of industrial and human relations, one of three currently visiting American management experts, is shown holding a seminar at the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) on March 9. His seminar and consultation on business management for Ryukyuan managers is a part of a continuing management development program jointly sponsored by USCAR and the Management Promotion Council of the Ryukyu Islands (MPCRI), through the cooperation of the Council for International Progress in Management in New York. On the blackboard, Mr. Moberly has written "Workers do well only what they want to do and know how to do".
Participants at the seminar were representatives of Arimura Sangyo Co., Okinawa Edison Co., Daiichi Warehouse Co., University of the Ryukyus, Ryukyu Chemical Industry Co., Okiko Co., Chuo Sogo Bank, Ryukyu Development Loan Corp., Ryukyu Electric Power Corp., and Hokubu Sugar Mill Co.
【和訳】 経営セミナー
【分類】Organizations / 組織
撮影地: 那覇市泉崎
撮影日: 1966年3月9日
資料コード: 0000213522
写真番号: 260CR-07_0332-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料037


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