
分類名: 学内活動
Students in the secretarial course in the new, modern Commercial Institute are shown learning the operation of electric calculators under the guidance of Takashi Tamaki (standing), an instructor in the business course. The institution, located in Iso, Urasoe-Son, was built and equipped at a cost of $260,00 in U.S. grants and began classes on April 8. It offers secretarial, management, and sales courses to 126 students who have graduated from commercial high schools or finished commercial courses in regular high schools. The institute is administered and staffed by the Government of the Ryukyu Islands personnel and Ryukyuan and American instructors. Mr. Tamaki, who received technical training at the Kapiolani Technical School in Hawaii under the U.S. Technical Training Program, is one of the U.S.-trained Ryukyuan instructors.
【和訳】 オフィス用電子機器の操作訓練
【分類】School Activities / 学内活動
撮影地: 浦添村伊祖
撮影日: 1966年5月14日
資料コード: 0000213509
写真番号: 260CR-01_0484-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料024


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