映 像 番 号 111-adc-1502 (0000251758)
タ イ ト ル INVASION OF SAIPAN, MARIANAS ISLAND GROUP サイパン侵攻 マリアナ諸島 【閲覧注意】
撮  影  日 1944年06月16日
撮 影 機 関 米国陸軍通信隊長室
映 像 情 報 (白黒/音声なし)
【原文解説】Ls, naval ships and transports off Saipan; smoke rises from shore line. OH, US troops load into LCVP; LCVP moves from transport thru water headed for shore;shore line in distance. MSs, LSs, LCVPs en route to island. LS, oil dump on island burns. LSs, Co A soldiers move across shelled terrain, thru cane fields, toward camera. VS, Hq in field, 1st Bn, 105th Inf: troops gather to receive instructions from officer. Soldiers march toward front line past dead Japanese soldiers. MS, dead Japanese bodies. LS, MLS, Korean civilians of village gather together near huts to receive medical attention and food rations from US soldiers. LS, MS, Korean civilians receive water and bread from soldiers. (Among the civiliansis one wounded Japanese soldier.) VS, wrecked Japanese plane: camouflaged Japanese planes; wounded Japanese prisoner hobbles across airstrip under US guard. CU, Japanese prisoner undergoes interrogation. LS, MS, wrecked Japanese planes and hangars at airfield. MS, wrecked Japanese bombers.
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館