映 像 番 号 111_LC_48981 (0000251754)
タ イ ト ル 173D AIRBORNE BRIGADE BIVOUAC AREA 第173空挺旅団 野営地
撮  影  日 1965年05月23日 - 1965年05月25日
撮 影 機 関 米国陸軍通信隊長室
映 像 情 報 (カラー/音声なし)
【原文解説】Summary: Soldiers assembled in front of S-1 tent before being issued passes for Saigon. Soldier cleans M60 Machine Gun mounted on escort jeep. CU, sign: "S-1". Soldiers buy items from PX tent. Jeep equipped with radio telephone patch service to Okinawa. Negro soldier speaks over the jeep radio. LS, first-aid tent area. CU, Red Cross flag. CU, 319th Artillery, 3d Bn, Battery B, Guidon. Gun positions in background. Soldiers load and fire 105mm Howitzer from sandbagged position. Sergeant and officer leave CP building and walk to communications truck. Officer speaks over radio. Jeep drives to a stop at CP. Vietnamese officer gets out of jeep and is met by a US Sergeant and Captain David G Moore. CU, 17th Cav Troop E guidon. Lieutenant speaks over jeep radio. Sergeant gets into jeep and they drive off. Soldiers run from tent. Men get into jeeps mounted with Machine Guns and drive off. Soldiers run to jeep mounted with 106mm Recoilless Rifle and drive off. Jeeps drive out of area.
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館