映 像 番 号 342-USAF-18495 (0000206578)
タ イ ト ル B-29 RAIDS ON KOREA / 朝鮮半島におけるB-29機による攻撃 342USAF-18495
撮  影  日 1950年09月01日 - 1950年09月30日
撮 影 機 関 米国空軍司令部
映 像 情 報 Summary: B-29 raids on bridges located between Pakshon (Hakusen), and Sinanju (Shinanshu), North Korea, and on Chinnampo, port city of Korea. Excellent coverage of the H-5 (modified) used as ambulance ship and aerial photo ship. 3rd Air Sea Rescue, group evacuates patients from front line aid stations, and delivers whole blood to the front line aid station by the H-5. This group, and not the Marines as has been rumored, was the first to perform this task. Good shots of briefing of crew for raid. Korean terrain, refugee and prison camps, troop and supply trains. August -- September, 1950. Reel 1: SLATE: 28-31 Aug. 1950. B-29: Aerial formations; aerial single; Aerial Formation dropping bombs. Excellent shot of B-29 in a. form. B-29s are from 307 BGP. Bomb bay cameras as bombs leave ship and hit in Port Chinnampo and on the bridges across river at Sinanju, Korea. Bridges are on Chiuong -- Chang River. Bridges damaged. Good shots of stationary B-29s in Kadena AFB, Okinawa, as 3 F-84s buzz the field. Good shots of armorers working on gun turrets of B-29. ECU Nose of P-80 (sta) as nose guns are fired, sky in bg -- no ground visible in shot. Shot at Naha AFB, Okinawa. Reel 2: SLATE: AUG. 30. 1950. Several shots of briefing scenes at 20th AF briefing room -- large map folders in wall. Officers conduct briefing. CU Faces of crew. 19th Bomb group of the 3rd Air Sea Rescue group. Excellent coverage of the H-5 (modified), used in the air ambulance service (from the front lines back to the rear) as the roads and terrain are too rough for ground evacuation. Good shots of loading and unloading of wounded into the helicopter. Ambulance (truck used for ambulance service) hauling patients. Good shots of same helicopter used to deliver whole blood to front line aid stations. Good shots of the H-5 used as photo ship. Shots of terrain; refugee camp; prison camp; US airfield in Korea; Korean port city; US supply and troop train traveling thru Korean countryside and villages; train loaded with tanks, trucks, and men -- all moving shots from helicopters. Reel 3: SLATE: SEPT 1, 1950. Officers and men of the 20th AF, based in Okinawa, are briefed for a raid on N. Korea. Good shots of briefing room, maps on wall, target area layout on map. CU primary and secondary target; officers faces as they conduct briefing, crews listening to briefing. Good (Orig neg) / 朝鮮戦争の空爆の様子。 (00:03;00) B-29機、F-84機が並ぶ沖縄・嘉手納航空基地。 / 沖縄・那覇航空基地。 / (00:15;11) 沖縄の第20航空隊将校と兵士たちが北朝鮮への攻撃について説明を受ける。 目標地点が示された地図が壁にかけられた室内でのブリーフィングの様子。
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館