映 像 番 号 111-LC-57080 (0000206578)
タ イ ト ル PARAGUAYAN NAVAL AMMO DESTRUCTION BY US ARMY / 米陸軍によるパラグアイ海軍爆薬物処理 111-LC-57080
撮  影  日 1971年11月11日 - 1971年11月15日
撮 影 機 関 米国陸軍通信隊長室
映 像 情 報 Summary: LS, pan from Presidente Stoessner Airport terminal bldg. to C-130 taxing to unloading area. Man signals aircraft to a stop, aircraft on ground in bg. VS, COL Edward Gradoville, US Mil Group, Paraguay and aide greet members of the 36th EOD DET. VS, US soldiers and civilians transfer cartons of C-4 explosives from C-130 to truck. VS, COL Gradoville and EOD personnel talking. LS, pan, city of Ascension, boat on river in fg. VS, Paraguayan soldiers carry 120mm shells from storage bldg. and load them into truck. American EOD team assists. VS, EOD team arrives at disposal site in civilian truck. VS, EOD team shape charges from C-4 explosives. LS, 120mm shells are unloaded from truck. VS, EOD team place single shell into hole. C-4 charge set on top of shell. Another member of team sets shell on small slope. CU, soldier places MK-2 shape charge on rear of shell so that it will fire through fuse. EOD team check diagram of interior of shell, charge is set on shell. VS, soldier ignites length of fuse for time check. VS, soldiers crimp detonators caps on fuses. VS, soldiers place fuses into charges set on shells. VS, soldier walks from one shell to another pulling fuse ignitors. CUs, shells which were not destroyed when charges exploded. CU, EOD team checks fragments of partially destroyed shell. VS, team places several shells into hole. VS, Paraguayan soldiers carry shells from storage bldg and place them into crates on truck. EOD team soldiers supervise. VS, sand is placed on shells in open crate. VS, truck loaded with shells and soldiers leaves storage bldg and drives to demolition area. VS, Paraguayan soldiers unload boxes of 120mm shells from truck. VS, Paraguayan soldiers place shells in jeep. Jeep drives up hill. VS, soldier places C-4 explosive atop row of shells. CU, soldier crimps caps on fuses. VS, fuse with cap and ignitor is inserted into C-4 charge. CU, hands pull ignitor. VS, American and Paraguayan soldiers pass shells chain fashion from truck and stack them in a hole. / パラグアイでの爆発物処理班の活動の様子。
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館