
分類名: 公衆衛生
ANNIVERSARY OF AIRAKU-EN LEPROSARIUM -- Dr. (Col.) John P. Fairchild (L), director, Health, Education and Welfare Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus, congratulated the people of the Airaku-en Leprosarium on the 30th anniversary of the institution on November 20. In his congratulatory address, Dr. Fairchild commended the patients for their cooperation and assistance in health education so that early detection and treatment was facilitated and control of Hansen's disease brought closer to reality. He also praised Dr. Jiro Minato, director of the leprosarium, and his dedicated staff for their contribution toward the treatment and management of Hansen's disease patients. Those attending the ceremony included Chief Executive-elect Chobyo Yara; Bunsho Gima, director, Welfare Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands; Nobuo Uehara, chairman of the board of directors, Okinawa Leprosy. Control Association; Minoru Seijo, chairman of the board of directors, Japan Leprosy Control Association (TOFUKAI); and Dr. Einosuke Shionuma first director of the leprosarium. ≪愛楽園の創立30周年記念式典:写真は米国民政府厚生教育局長ジョン・P・フェアチャイルド大佐(医博、左)が11月20日愛楽園創立30周年記念式典で祝辞を述べているところ。右側は同厚生教育局のフランク・F・ノムラさん。祝辞の中で、フェアチャイルド医博は入園者に対し、患者の早期発見と治療及びハンセン氏病対策等の保健教育に協力してくれたことを称賛した。さらに、湊次郎園長(医師)や献身的な職員が患者の治療と保健管理に貢献したことを称賛した。この式典は屋良朝苗次期主席、儀間文彰厚生局長、上原信雄沖縄らい予防協会理事長、聖成稔藤楓会理事長及び塩沼英之助初代園長等が出席して行われた。≫
撮影日: 1968/11/20
資料コード: 0000251627
写真番号: 260CR58A-0386_06
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料 124 Box58A-08(CR58A-0351~0400)


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