
At about 9:40 a.m. on the 14th, Shinsho Tokashiki (59) of 3-Han, Sumiyoshi-Ku, Mawashi City, and his son, Shinsro (18), happened to be fishing nearby when they saw a jet plane plunge into the sea near Machinato. They immediately hastened to the scene of tho accident and rescued the pilot, 2nd Lt. Fred Shattuck.
At 11 a.m. on the 19th, the two were summoned to tho office of Director Nakamura of the Police Department and awarded an official commendation. Present at the ceremony were Lt, Shattuck who was rescued, and Major Robert Schellhous. They shook hands and thanked the Tokashiki father and son who received c. sun of money, together with the citation from Director Nakamura, and then posed for newspaper photographers.
In answer to Director Nakamura's words of admiration "that their brave deeds helped strengthen the Ryukyuan-American Friendship," the elder Tokashiki said, "We have only done cur duty for which words of praise have been so lavishly bestowed upon us, and I an deeply moved"
【和訳】 アメリカのジェット機のパイロットを救助した親子が、公式表彰を受け取る。
14日の午前9時40分ごろ、真和志市に住むトカシキ・シンショウ氏 (59) と息子のシンショウさん (18) は、牧港付近の海でジェット機が突っ込むのを見た際、たまたま近くで釣りをしていた時。彼らはすぐに事故現場に急いで向い、パイロットのフレッド・シャタック少尉を救出した。
【分類】Awards / 賞
撮影日: 1955年2月19日
資料コード: 0000213577
写真番号: 260CR-55_0121-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料092


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