
分類名: 琉米親善
George Edwards, the "last of the old cowboys," takes aim as he prepares to fire at a small balloon which had been thrown into the air. This was only one of Edwards' many outstanding feats of marksmanship as he entertained more than 8,000 persons at two separate performances during his voluntary PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE visit to Kume Jima on Friday, Nov. 3. Here Edwards is shown during his morning performance at Torii-Shima in Gushikowa-Son where he kept an overflow audience of approximately 3,000 persons spellbound for more than an hour as he demonstrated a variety of trick shots with rifle and pistol.
【和訳】 西部の老カウボーイ久米島に渡る
【分類】Ryukyuan-American Friendship / 琉米親善
撮影地: 具志川村硫黄鳥島
撮影日: 1961年11月3日
資料コード: 0000213564
写真番号: 260CR-39_0393-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料079


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