
分類名: 婦人クラブ活動
The Okinawa Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Club (LOSNA), affiliated with the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council, on June 24 presented a check for $2,108.75 and 11 wheel-chairs to the Okinawa Crippled Children's Hospital (OCCH), Naha, with the cooperation of the Okinawa Lodge No. 118, Loo Choo Lodge No. 172, Kadena Square & Compass Club and Tokyo Shrine Club. The money will be used for purchasing necessary materials to remodel wards into a physical therapy room. The club also presented a check for $30 to physically handicapped ■■■ who is skillful in making "hanagasa" hats used for Ryukyuan dances. Since 1962 the club has provided the crippled children with a game center, beds, wheel-chairs, and other equipment. The club has also invited the children to picnics and Christmas parties.
【和訳】 LOSNA婦人クラブが小児病院へ車椅子を寄贈
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
撮影地: 那覇市寄宮
撮影日: 1967年6月24日
資料コード: 0000213555
写真番号: 260CR-36_0346-03
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料070


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