
分類名: 婦人クラブ活動
Mrs. Edward K. Shultz, wife of the Deputy Civil Administrator, Office of the High Commissioner, was feted at a luncheon hosted by Mrs. John G. Ondrick, wife of the Civil Administrator, on Monday, July 11 at the home of Mrs. Ondrick. Welcoming the new arrival (right) on the island were a group of Ryukyuan and American ladies including (l to r the picture): Mrs. Paul W. Caraway, wife of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Seisaku Ota, wife of the Chief Executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, and Mrs. Ondrick. Others present were Mrs. Akio Nagamine, wife of the Speaker, GRI Legislature; Mrs. Keiso Nakamatsu, wife of the Chief Justice of the Appellate Court; Mrs. Hiroshi Senaga, wife of the Deputy Chief Executive, GRI; Mrs. John R. Sutherland, wife of the Commanding General of the 313th Air Division; Mrs. John H. deRussy, wife of the Deputy Commander, 313th Air Division; Mrs. Saxe P. Gantz, wife of the Commander, Fleet Activities; Mrs. Raymond K. Harada, wife of the Language Aide to the Civil Administrator; Mrs. T. G. Sakai, wife of the Language Aide to the High Commissioner; Mrs. Edward O. Freimuth, wife of the Director, Liaison Office, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Orba F. Traylor, wife of the Director, Finance Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. W. D. Stout, wife of the Director, Labor Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. John G. Nardin, wife of the Special Projects Officer, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Samuel C. Oglesby, wife of the Acting Director, Economic Development Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Russell L. Stevens, wife of the Director, Judicial Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Irving Eisenstein, wife of the Acting Director, Legislative and Legal Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. George Phillips, wife of the Acting Director, Office of the Comptroller, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Roy A. Highsmith, wife of the Director, Public health and Welfare Department, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. Monta L. Osborne, wife of the Director, Office of Public Affairs, Office of the High Commissioner; Mrs. W. Garland Richardson, wife of the American Consul General, and Mrs. George E. Meloon.
【和訳】 シュルツ民政官の歓迎昼食会
アンドリック民政官夫人は7月11日シュルツ副民政官夫人を主賓として自宅で昼食会を催した。写真は左からキャラウェイ高等弁務官夫人、太田主席夫人、アンドリック夫人と交換するシュルツ夫人 (右) その他この昼食会には次の婦人達が出席した。長峯立法院議長夫人、中松上訴裁判主席判事夫人、瀬長副主席夫人、ソーザランド夫人 (第313空軍師団長夫人) 、ジョン・H・デラスィー夫人 (第313空軍師団副団長夫人) 、サックス・P・ガンツ夫人 (艦隊基地隊長夫人) 、レイモンド・K・原田夫人 (民政官副官夫人) 、酒井夫人 (高等弁務官副官夫人) 、エドワード・O・フライマス夫人 (高等弁務官府渉外室部長夫人) 、オーバ・F・テイラー夫人 (財政部部長夫人) 、スタウト夫人 (労働部部長夫人) 、ナーデン夫人 (特別企画担当官夫人) 、オグレスビー夫人 (経済開発部部長代理夫人) 、スティーヴンス夫人 (司法部部長夫人) 、アイゼンスタイン夫人 (法制法務部部長代理) 、フィリップス夫人 (計画局長代理) 、ハイスミス夫人 (公衆衛生福祉部部長夫人) 、オスボン夫人 (渉外報道局局長夫人) 、リチャードソン夫人 (アメリカ総領事夫人) 、メルーン夫人.
【分類】Women's Club Activities / 婦人クラブ活動
撮影日: 1961年7月11日
資料コード: 0000213545
写真番号: 260CR-33_0335-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料060


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