
分類名: 移民
A JOINT ANNOUNCEMENT on new travel documentation in Ryukyus was issued by representatives of the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR) and Japanese Government Liaison Office (JGLO) at Naha, at a news conference held Sept. 6 at the conference room of the Executive Building in Naha. Shown at the head table (L-R) are Arthur I. Tashiro, chief, Immigration Dev., Ralph C. Anderson, chief, Operations Div., Shigeo Kaneko, interpreter, and Harriman N. Simmons, director, all of the Public Safety Dept., USCAR; Chuichi Narumi, chief, Travel Section, and Yoshiaki Tsuda, chief, administration section, of the JGLO; and Kei Kakinohana, superintendent, Immigration Agency, Government of the Ryukyu Islands. The issuance of Japanese travel documentation in Naha results from an agreement of the Japanese travel documentation in Naha results from an agreement of the Japan-U.S. Consultative Committee, and passage by the Japanese Diet of a law to provide for the addition of special provisions to the Japanese Passport Law, effective Sept. 16.
【和訳】 琉球における日本へのパスポート手続きに関する記者会見
【分類】Immigration / 移民
撮影日: 1967年9月6日
資料コード: 0000213531
写真番号: 260CR-12_0109-05
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料046


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