
分類名: 組織
of eight Ryukyuan and eight American Boy Scout from the Ryukyu Islands gather at Kadena Air Force base, Okinawa, at a gala sendoff July 1, 1964, for the Scouts before they board a U.S. Military Air Transport Service jet plane for Travis Air Force Base, Calif. Under travel arrangements coordinated by the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Is. From Travis, the Scouts are to travel across the U.S. on a bus, with the Ryukyuan Scouts stopping in St. Louis, Mo., to stay as guests of the St. Louis Area Boy Scouts, and the American Scouts going to New Jersey as guests of that area's Scouts. From July 17 to 23 both the Ryukyuan and American Scouts fron the Ryukyus will participate in the U.S. Boy Scouts' National Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa. The Ryukyus' contingent is scheduled to return to Okinawa on Aug. 3.


held every four years, is one of international Scouting's greatest adventures, featuring competitive scout craft skills and activities, natural resources conservation, field sports, and physical fitness. Some 52,000 boys and their leaders from every one of the 50 American states plus 800 from 44 foreign countries are expected to come to Valley Forge, Pa. by rail, plane, bus, auto, or ship. Besides attending the Jamboree, the Ryukyuan and American Scout contingent from the Ryukyu Islands will visit the New York World's Fair and historical places in the U.S. The Ryukyuan scouts will also be guests of the St. Louis, Mo., Area Scouts, while the American group will be guests of the New Jersey Area Scouts. The Office of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyus coordinated arrangements for the entire local group to fly to and from Travis Air Force Base, California, aboard Military Air Transport Service planes. Funds for all air and lend travel and living expenses are provided by Ryukyuan and American civic groups, and by American Boy Scout groups in the U.S.
【和訳】 琉米ボーイスカウト16名のスポンサー家族及び援助資金供与者が7月1日の嘉手納飛行場でボーイスカウト見送り式に参列している。これら16名のスカウトたちは高等弁務官の手配した軍用機にてカリフォルニアのトラヴィス空軍基地に向け出発する。トラヴィス飛行場から琉球人スカウト達はバスでミズーリ州セントルイスまで行きセントルイス地区ボーイスカウトのゲストとして滞在し、アメリカ側スカウトはニュージャージーへ行きニュージャージーのスカウトのゲストとして滞在する。琉米スカウトは7月17日から23日までペンシルベニア州バレーフォージで行われる全米ボーイスカウト・ジャンボリーへ参加する。琉球からのスカウトは8月3日に帰る予定。


【分類】Organizations / 組織
撮影地: 嘉手納町
撮影日: 1964年7月1日
資料コード: 0000213523
写真番号: 260CR-08_0042-01
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料038


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