
分類名: 学内活動

The American people provided some 18 million pounds of nutritious food last year to Ryukyuan families, schools and institutions under U.S. Public Law 480, known as the Food-for-Freedom program. The donated food consisted of 10,515, 445 pounds of bulgur wheat, 1,943,743 pounds of CSM (corn, soybean, milk). There are three programs in operation in the Ryukyus: school lunch, family, and welfare institution feeding programs. The lunch program supplies bread, milk and other commodities to all primary and junior high school students; the family program provides food to those who are classified as public assistance or needy cases according to appropriate Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) laws; and the institution program assists all Ryukyuan welfare institutions. The U.S. donated food is distributed locally by the GRI with the assistance of the Church World Service and Catholic Relief Services. The two religious organizations, officially designated by the U.S. Government as agencies of the American people in distributing the donated food to overseas areas, make up the membership of the Ryukyu Islands Voluntary Agencies Committee (RIVAC) along with the GRI and the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus. RIVAC coordinates the Ryukyuan aid requests and distribution plans.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】School Activities / 学内活動
撮影地: 那覇市安謝
撮影日: 1968年3月22日
資料コード: 0000213510
写真番号: 260CR-02_0020-05
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料025


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