
分類名: 学内活動
SEVEN UNIVERSITY SUMMER WORK-STUDY PROGRAM July 31- Sept. 4 is being participated in by 93 Ryukyuan students, of which 54 are from the University of the Ryukyus, 27 from Okinawa University, one from Kokusai University, and 11 from the Commercial Institute in Urasoe-Son. The program is designed to provide Ryukyuan students with practical on-the-job training related to their individual academic fields of study. The program is administered by Hq., U.S. Army, Ryukyu Islands (USARYIS) and funded by the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus (USCAR). USARYIS received 74 student trainees in medical depot and veterinary activities, pathology, entomology, data processing, engineering, library operations, recreation, crafts, sports, entertainment, rest centers, publicity, comptroller activities, and communications electronics. The other 19 students in the program are trainees at USCAR in economics, public affairs, education, public health and welfare, and electric power. USARYIS Civilian Personnel Office divisions of Training and Development, Personnel Management Assistance, and Ryukyuan Employment arranged the entire program with the cooperation of the Education Dept., USCAR.
【和訳】 マスターキャプション

【分類】School Activities / 学内活動
撮影日: 1967年8月18日
資料コード: 0000213509
写真番号: 260CR-01_0555-05
アルバム名: USCAR広報局写真資料024


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