写真解説: |
MRS. CLARA KATEKARU (C), president of the Oahu Student Counsellors Association, and her husband (R, Mr. Ray Teisei Katekaru), were met by representatives of the Education Dept., Office of the High Commissioner and the Government of the Ryukyus on her arrival at Kadena Air Force Base June 19 for a two-week's visit at the invitation of the Office of the High Commissioner. While on Okinawa, she will meet with Ryukyuan and American educational officials to discuss programs of student guidance and counselling. At left is Shinko Higa, guidance section chief, Education Dept., GRI. 【和訳】高等弁務官の招きで2週間の滞在のため6月19日に嘉手納空軍基地に到着したオアフ島学生カウンセラー協会会長クララ・カテカル(中央)と夫のレイ・テイセイ・カテカル(右)は、教育局、高等弁務官室、琉球政府代表者の出迎えを受けた。滞在中は琉米の教育関係者と会談し、生徒指導およびカウンセリング・プログラムについて話し合う。左は琉球政府文教局指導課ヒガ・シンコウ課長。