写真解説: |
Harold Robinson, chief of Academic & Vocational Education Division, Education Dept., U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, presents a check for $50 each to Nobuo Miyagi (2nd from L), 3rd-year student, and Yasuko Itomura (3rd from L), 2nd-year student, of the Futenma Senior High School. The scholarships were presented by the Ryukyuan-American Welfare Council Scholarship Program. Witnessing the presentation were Principal Kokichi Sakumoto (L) of the Futenma Senior High School, and Chuhachi Nakasone (R), education consultant, Education Dept., Government of the Ryukyu Islands. 【和訳】 奨学金 琉球列島米国民政府教育部学術・職業教育課のハロルド・ロビンソン課長から、普天間高校3年のミヤギ・ノブオさん(左から2人目)と2年のイトムラ・ヤスコさん(左から3人目)にそれぞれ50ドルの小切手が贈られた。この奨学金は、琉米福祉協議会奨学金制度により贈呈された。贈呈に立ち会ったのは、普天間高校の佐久本興吉校長(左)と琉球政府文教局のナカソネ・チュウハチ指導主事(右)。 【分類】Scholarships / 奨学金