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Tokusuke Arakaki (2nd from R), chief, Police Headquarters, Government of the Ryukyu Islands, presents letters of appreciation and mementos to Capt. Roy J. Spencer, Jr. (C), 21st Airlift Squadron, 374 Tactical Airlift Wing at Naha Air Base, and Edward Scott (2nd from L), manager, beach facility at Naha Air Base, for their "meritorious services" for the rescue of five Ryukyuans from their sinking fishing boat some two miles off Senaga Island near the base on June 3. Shown with them at the ceremony at the police headquarters on June 26 are Rinko Teruya (L) at Chinju Kinjo. They were two of the five rescued by the members of the squadron and the beach facility. As his C-130 Hercules plane was returning to the base, Capt. Spencer, the pilot, saw a person waving a white flag on the boat. He immediately notified the Air Defense Control Center at the base, which in turn, contacted the beach. The beach dispatched two boats to the area in spite of rough seas and rescued the Ryukyuans. 【和訳】 人命救助に感謝状 6月3日に那覇航空基地近くの瀬長島から2マイルの沖合で沈没した漁船から琉球の5人の乗組員を救助したとして、琉球政府警察本部長新垣徳助氏から、那覇航空基地第374輸送機部隊第21空輸隊のロイ・J・スペンサー大尉とビーチ施設管理人エドワード・スコット氏に人命救助の感謝状と記念品が贈られた。写真は6月26日に警察本部長室で行われた式典の様子。左はテルヤ・リンコウ氏、右はキンジョウ・チンジュウ氏。2人は救助された5人のうちの2人で、スペンサー大尉が操縦するC-130ハーキュリーズ輸送機で基地に戻る途中、船上で白い旗を振る人影を見つけ、すぐさま基地の防空管制センターに通報。防空管制センターはビーチ施設に連絡し、ビーチから荒海にもかかわらず2隻を派遣し、船の乗組員らを救出した。 【分類】Awards / 賞