写真解説: |
FLORAL TRIBUTE -- Japanese House of Councillors Member Kanemitsu Tabata, head of the Ryukyuan Affairs Committee, Japan Democratic Socialist Party (JDSP), is shown laying a floral wreath at the Buckner Memorial in southern Okinawa, where Lt. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, commander of the U.S. Tenth Army, was killed in action while leading his forces shortly before the end of the Battle of Okinawa on June 18, 1945. Councillor Tabata is leader of a four-man JDSP observation group visiting the Ryukyus from May 25 to 28 at the invitation of the High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands. Other members not shown are: Japanese House of Representatives member Isamu Imaizumi, chairman, JDSP Policy Research Board; Japanese House of Councillors member Katsumasa Amada, chairman, JDSP House of Councillors Group; and Mr. Keigo Ouchi, chief secretary, JDSP Policy Research Bureau. 【和訳】献花 - 1945年6月18日の沖縄戦終結直前に米第10軍司令官サイモン・B・バックナー中将が戦死した場所である沖縄南部のバックナー慰霊碑に花輪を捧げている日本民社党琉球問題対策委員会委員の田畑金光参議院議員。田畑参議院議員は、高等弁務官の招きで5月25日から28日まで琉球を訪れた4人の日本民社党視察団の団長。写っていない他のメンバーは民社党政務調査会会長イマイズミ・イサム衆議院議員、民社党参議院グループ委員長アマダ・カツマサ議員、民社党政務調査会事務局長オオウチ・ケイゴ。