写真解説: |
Two Army personnel of the Army explosive disposal unit were honored with letters of appreciation today by the Ryukyus police director for their work in preventing accidents by recovering explosive duds from World War II. Yukio Yogi, director of the Police Dept., Government of the Ryukyus, is shown presenting the letters to Sp/5 William P. Carter and Sp/4 James W. Estes (middle), 5th Ordnance Detachment, U.S. Army Ordnance Gp., at right is Capt. Michael J. Kaido, commanding officer. Both enlisted men are departing soon for the United States. 【和訳】 警察局爆弾処理隊員を表彰 琉球政府警察は近く米国に帰る爆弾処理隊員を表彰した。写真は米陸軍武器弾薬部隊第5爆弾処理隊のウィリアム・P・カーター陸軍2等特技下士官とジェームズ・W・エステス陸軍特技兵(中央)に感謝状を贈呈する与儀幸雄警察局長、写真右は同隊々長のマイケル・J・カイド大尉。 【分類】Police & Fire Departments / 警察署および消防署