写真解説: |
The Ryukyu Agricultural Experiment Station in Shuri dedicated its new building on Friday, Dec. 8 with High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as a special guest.
TREE PLANTING Planting a tree to commemorate the dedication of the new building is High Commissioner Paul W. Caraway as Hiroshi Senaga, deputy chief executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands looks on. 【和訳】 1961年12月8日に行われた琉球農業試験場の落成式で、記念植樹を行う高等弁務官。
記念植樹 落成を祝って記念植樹を行うポール・W・キャラウェイ高等弁務官と、見守る琉球政府瀬長浩副主席。 【分類】Dedications / 落成式