資料群ガイド 琉球政府文書  総務局  渉外広報部 文書課
シリーズ 米国民政府との往復文書の管理に関する書類
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル 対米国民政府往復文書 1958年 受領文書 労働局
資料日付 (自)1957/03/01、(至)1957/12/31 この資料を見る
作成者 琉球政府総務局渉外広報部文書課
各種識別 [資料種別]文書、[個人情報]無、[内容コード]R00165593B
  (文書情報) ※リンクの張られた文書件名をクリックするとその文書を表示します。
2Wage Committee and Minimum Wage Rates1957/03/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor賃金審議会、最低賃金
4Partial Amendment to Labor Standards Act1957/04/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor労働基準法の一部を改正する立法
6Entry of Guest Instructor into the Ryukyus1957/04/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor沖縄への講師の入域
8Ryukyuan Personnel Manuals1957/06/05United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor琉球人の雇用、人事手引き
10Legislative Bill for Partial Amendment to Labor Standards Act1957/06/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor労働基準法の一部を改正する立法
12Request for Cooperation in "Industrial Safety Week"1957/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner産業安全週間
14Employee Suggestion No.267 - Proposed Amendment to CA Ordinance No.103, "Trust Funds for the Payment of Labor Wages"1957/08/16United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner米国民政府布令第103号「労務賃金支払用委託金」(1953/03/11)の改正案
16Joint Industrial Training Council1957/09/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner産業教育審議会
20Wage Committee and Minimum Wage Rates1957/09/10United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner賃金審議会、最低賃金
22Standards Governing Employment of Ryukyuans Abroad1957/10/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner海外の琉球人の雇用
25Amendment1957/10/16United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner改正
27Appointment of Members of Central Labor Relations Commission, Government of the Ryukyu Islands1957/10/21United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner中央労働委員会、委員の任命
29Petition for Assistance for Reconstruction of School Buildings Damaged by Typhoon Faye1957/11/06United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner台風被害、校舎再建
31Labor Mission under National Leaders Program1957/12/20United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner国民指導員計画、労働行政
34Request for Apportionment of Land under Custody of USCAR on Non-Reimbursable Basis1957/12/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the High Commissioner米国民政府管理の土地の割当て
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沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館