資料群ガイド 琉球政府文書  総務局  渉外広報部 文書課
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タイトル 対米国民政府往復文書 1957年 発送文書 警察局
資料日付 (自)1957/06/01、(至)1957/12/31 この資料を見る
作成者 琉球政府総務局渉外広報部文書課
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2Transfer of Fund from Reserve Account1957/06/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa予備費流用
4Bill for Partial Amendment to the Tabaco Excise Law (Law No.31 of 1952)1957/06/04Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa煙草消費税法の一部を改正する立法
7Bill for Partial Amendment to the Law Concerning Travelling Expense for Officials, Etc. of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands1957/06/06Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa琉球政府公務員等の旅費に関する立法の一部を改正する立法
14FY 1958 Budgets for Special Accounts for Fishing Boat Building Financing Fund and Distribution Tax1957/06/07Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度漁船建造資金融通特別会計予算
21Dispatch of Revenue Officials in Leadership to the United Stats of America for their Training in Tax and Customs Administration1957/06/07Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa租税及び関税管理についての研修、琉球政府職員の米国派遣
23Budget for FY 1958 Special Account for Business of United Stated Government Use Land Rentals, Etc.1957/06/17Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度軍使用土地賃借料等の支払事務に関する特別会計予算
30Bill for the Treatment of Money in Custody1957/06/18Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa保管金の取扱に関する立法
31FY 1958 Budgets for Land Improvement Project Special Account1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度土地改良事業特別会計予算
41FY 1958 General Account Budget1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度一般会計予算
307FY 1958 Budget for Special Account for Custody of Unknown Owners' Lands1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度所有者不明土地管理特別会計予算
313Budget for FY 1958 Special Account for Business of United Stated Government Use Land Rentals, Etc.1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度軍使用土地賃借料等の支払事務に関する特別会計予算
319FY 1958 Budget for People's Finance Corporation1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度大衆金融公庫予算
334FY 1958 Budget for Emigration Bank1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度移民金庫予算
351Bill for Partial Amendment to the Mutual Loan & Savings Bank Law1957/06/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa相互銀行法の一部を改正する立法
352Request for Delivery of USCAR Grant-in-Aid in the Amount of \116,567,6001957/06/29Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, OkinawaUSCAR援助資金、建設費
355Election Law for Assemblymen and Mayors of Cities, Towns and Villages (MG Ordinance No.17 of 7, 1950)1957/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa軍政府布令第17号「改訂市町村長及び議会議員選挙法」(1950/07/07)
356Bill for Partial Amendment to the Municipal Autonomy Law (Law No.1 of 1953)1957/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村自治法の一部を改正する立法
359The Certified Public Accountant Bill1957/07/11Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa公認会計士法
382Securities and Exchange Bill1957/07/12Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa証券取引法
422Bill for Partial Amendment to the Sugar Excise Law (Law No.26, 1952)1957/07/15Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa砂糖消費税法の一部を改正する立法
424The Enforcement Regulations of the Law Concerning Payment of Revenues in Securities1957/07/15Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa証券をもってする歳入納付に関する立法
427Bill, No.27, Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Income Tax Law"1957/07/19Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa所得税法の一部を改正する立法
428Corporation Tax Return of Foreign Taxpayers1957/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa法人税
429Law Concerning Special Account for the Municipal Distribution Tax1957/07/24Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村交付税特別会計法
430Establishment of the Municipal Distribution Tax Law1957/07/24Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村交付税法
431FY 1958 Budget for Special Account for the Distribution Tax1957/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度市町村交付税特別会計予算
438Allowance to Repatriates1957/07/29Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa帰還者、引揚者、手当
439Bill No.49 Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Law Concerning Gratuitous Lending and Transfer, Etc. of Goods"1957/08/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa物品の無償貸付及び譲与等に関する立法の一部を改正する立法
440Bill for Partial Amendment to the Law Concerning Travelling Expense for Officials, Etc. of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands1957/08/14Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa琉球政府公務員等の旅費に関する立法の一部を改正する立法
446FY 1958 Budget for Special Account for Fishing Boat Building Financing Fund1957/08/14Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度漁船建造資金融通特別会計予算
461Bill No.59 Entitled "Law Relating to Rationalization of Execution of Budget Concerning Subsidy, Etc."1957/08/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa補助金等に係る予算の執行の適正化に関する立法
462Transmission of an Application from the Kagoshima Bank for Re-transfer of its Assets Transferred to the Funding Officer's Account, USCAR to Deposit Account in the Bank of the Ryukyus1957/08/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa鹿児島銀行、琉球銀行
463Bill for the Cancellation of the Bicycle Race Law1957/09/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa自転車競技法を廃止する立法
464Transfer of Fund from Reserve Account for Indemnification of Damages Caused in Motorcar Accident1957/09/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa予備費流用、自動車事故の被害補償金
466Bill, No.88, Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Sugar Excise Law”1957/09/13Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa砂糖消費税法の一部を改正する立法
467Bill for Partial Amendment to the Municipal Finance Law1957/09/14Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村財政法の一部を改正する立法
468Points in Question on the Education Code1957/09/14Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa教育法の論点
470Interest Control Bill1957/09/17Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa利息制限法
471Draft Bill for Partial Amendment of the Act Concerning City, Town or Village Autonomy1957/09/18Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村自治法の一部を改正する立法
474Bill No.48 Entitle "Municipal Enterprise Law"1957/09/20Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村公営企業法
475Request for Delivery of Funds for the Special Accounts for Resettlement Fund1957/09/27Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa移住資金の特別会計
478Alteration of Projects on Special Account for Resettlement Funds1957/09/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa移住資金の特別会計
480Bill No.94 Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Tax Collection Law"1957/09/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa租税徴収法の一部を改正する立法
481Bill No.79 Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Tobacco Excise Law"1957/10/02Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa煙草消費税法の一部改正
482Allowance to Repatriates1957/10/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa帰還者、引揚者、手当
483Estimated Relief & Restoration Expenses for Damages by Typhoon "Faye"1957/10/08Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa台風フェイ、災害復旧基金
618Bill No.99 Entitled "Law Partial Amendment to the Special Taxation Measures Law"1957/10/12Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa租税特別措置法
619Request for Use of Vehicle1957/10/14Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa車両の譲渡
620Bill No.115 Entitled "Law for Partial Amendment to the Municipal Autonomy Law"1957/10/16Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa市町村自治法の一部を改正する立法
621Request for Delivery of Funds for the Special Accounts for Resettlement Fund1957/10/17Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa移住資金の特別会計
623Invitation of Lecturers for Taxation Service Training from Japan1957/10/17Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa税務業務における日本人講師の招請
625Bill No.100 Entitled "Amusement Tax Law"1957/10/21Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa娯楽税法
627Bill No.101 Entitled "Amusement, Drinking and Eating Tax Law"1957/10/23Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa遊興飲食税法
636Bill No.119 Entitled "Law Relating to the Securing of Liquor Tax and Liquor Manufacturing Cooperative, Etc."1957/10/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa酒税の保全及び酒造組合等に関する立法
638Transfer of Fund from Reserve Account1957/11/29Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa予備費流用
640The Securities and Exchange Bill1957/11/21Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa証券取引法
641On Reopening of the Loan for the Reconstruction Works of the City of Naha, a Petition for1957/11/27Naha Municipal Office Office of Mayor Naha Okinawa那覇市再建設事業、陳情
645Revision of the FY 1958 Budget for the Special Account on the US Military Use Land Rental, Etc. Payment Service1957/11/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa1958年度軍使用土地賃借料等の支払事務に関する特別会計予算の改正
657Lease of Japanese State Lands and Okinawa Prefectural Lands1957/12/03Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa国有地及び県融資の賃貸借契約について
658Dissolution of Mawashi City for Incorporation of its Area into Naha City1957/12/04Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa真和志市の廃止、那覇市への編入
659Request for Delivery of Funds for the Special Accounts for Resettlement Fund1957/12/11Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa移住資金の特別会計
661Transfer of Fund from Reserve Account1957/12/11Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa予備費流用
663Reopening of the Loan of the Naha City Reconstruction Financing Fund1957/12/13Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa那覇市再建設事業
665Election Law1957/12/16Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa軍政府布令第17号「改訂市町村長及び議会議員選挙法」(1950/07/07)、改正
668Dissolution of Mawashi City for Incorporation of its Area into Naha City1957/12/16Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa真和志市の廃止、那覇市への編入
669Transfer of Fund from Reserve Account1957/12/27Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa予備費流用
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