資料群ガイド 琉球政府文書  総務局  渉外広報部 文書課
シリーズ 米国民政府との往復文書の管理に関する書類
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル 対米国民政府往復文書 1952年 7月 発送・受領文書
資料日付 (自)1952/07/01、(至)1952/07/31 この資料を見る
作成者 琉球政府総務局渉外広報部文書課
各種識別 [資料種別]文書、[個人情報]無、[内容コード]R00165526B
  (文書情報) ※リンクの張られた文書件名をクリックするとその文書を表示します。
2No Title1952/07/01
3[Report on Qualification of Technical Personnel]1952/07/16Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa電信関係職員の履歴
8Transmittal of Petition1952/07/01陳情、減刑
10Export Data1952/07/01Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa輸出、糖業、奄美
12Permission for Change of Status1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor永住許可
13Sewer Right-or-Way Ginowan-Son1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor下水道の敷設権、宜野湾村
14Interim Budget for FY19531952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor暫定予算、1953会計年度
15Soft Drinks Tax Law1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor嗜好飲料税法
16Petition for Disposition of Buildings1952/07/01校舎建設に関する陳情、コザ、越来
18Request to Change the Plan of the Conference of the New Legislature Building1952/07/01Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa立法院ビル
22Iriomote Coal1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor西表炭鉱
23Purchase of Ice and Lease of Cold Storage1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor氷の購入、冷蔵施設の賃貸借
24Report of TDY in Amami Gunto by Mr. Taggart, USCAR1952/07/01United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor鮮魚の販売と配給、奄美、名瀬
25Medical Treatment for Japanese Laborers1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor建設会社の日本人労働者、医療
26Application for License to Export Empty Beer Cans1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa空缶の輸出許可
27Sale of Non-Ferrous Metals1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Commerce & Industry Dept.非鉄性金属
29Export Data1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa輸出
30Burlap Bags and Metal Drums1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor麻袋、ドラム缶
31Ishikawa Carnival1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor石川カーニバル
32Resignation, tsuyoshi Oshiro, Legal Advisor, RG-10 Employment, Morinobu Sshingaki, Legal Advisor, RG-101952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor任免
33Government Budget for FY 19531952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor1953会計年度予算
34Record of Re-entry of Ryukyuan Vessel Clearance for Voyage Outside of the Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa琉球船舶の再入域記録
35Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association1953/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor琉球火災海上保険株式会社の定款改定
40Forwarding of a Legislature Resolution1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa立法院決議の送付
41Charges for Custody of Two Tug Boats1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa琉球海運会社、船舶
42Naha Commercial Port Area1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy GovernorGARIOA基金、那覇港
43Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
45Permanent Construction on Prefecture-Owned Land1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa会館建設、旧沖縄県有地
46Application for Installation of Radio Equipment of "Nissin-maru"1952/07/02Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa日進丸、ラジオ
47Request to Change the Plan of the Conference of the Legislature Building1952/07/02United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor立法院ビル
48Report on the Materials1952/07/03Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa平良市、石垣市、水・電力・港湾
59Designation of Correspondent Bank1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor琉球銀行
60Technician Training Program1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor技術者、研修計画
61Foreign Exchange Budget, 1 July-30 September 19521952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor外国為替
62Transfer of Funds for the Construction of the Harbor Facilities1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor建設基金、港湾施設、台風被害
631953 Fiscal Year Budget for Okinawa Housing Corporation1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor沖縄住宅営団、沖縄住宅公社
64Foreign Investment License Granted to Kenzar1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor外資導入、免許
68Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/03United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
70Request for Increase of Relocation Expenses1952/07/03Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa移転費用、上本部、本部、北中城、読谷、真和志、玉城、宜野湾、浦添、北谷、嘉手納
73Construction Contract1952/07/03Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa建設工事契約
75Funds for Flood-Disaster Emergency Works1952/07/03Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive水害、緊急事業
76Allotment Advice予算配当
78Transmittal of Petition1952/07/03Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa没収船の赦免嘆願
79Sale of Concrete Mixers1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaコンクリートミキサーの売却
80Import Notification No.71952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa輸入通知
83Forwarding of a Petition1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa土地の解放要求、那覇
84Immigration Fees1952/07/05United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor入域手数料
85Transmittal of Shipping Document (Weapons)1952/07/05United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor船積書類、武器
86No Title1952/07/05Headquarters Ryukyus Command Rycom Senior Offtcers Open Mess 8116th Army Unit日本製ビールの購入
87Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/05United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
89Signs on Native Taxis1952/07/05United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governorタクシー
90Docking of MG No.6601952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa漁船、本部港
91Change of Personnel in the Ryukyu University1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa琉球大学、人事
92Report on the Light Structural Work for Ten Days' Period1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa八重山、灯台
97Record of Re-entry of Vessels1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船舶の再入域
98Release of a Site for Koza Central Hospital1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa土地の解放要求、越来、コザ
99Transmittal of Army Shipping Document1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船積書類
100Financing to the Ryukyu Fertilizer Manufacturing Co. through RRFF1952/07/05Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa琉球復興金融基金、肥料
112Forwarding of a Receipt for Relocation Expenses - Mawashi-Son1952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa移転費用、真和志村
113Requisition for Relocation Expenses - Misato-Son1952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa移転費用、美里
114Forwarding of a Legislature Resolution Re: Land Rentals1952/07/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor立法院決議、土地賃貸料
115Requisition for Relocation Expenses - Urasoe-Son1952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa移転費用、浦添
116Sale of Vessel, LCM-OP-33, By Public Auction1952/07/08United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor没収船、公売
117Exportation of Ferrous Scraps1952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa屑鉄の輸出、スクラップ、奄美大島
118Transmission Line Right of Way, Yonabaru, Sashiki, and Tamagusuku Sons1952/07/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor送電線の施設権、与那原、佐敷、玉城
119Amendment of the Law Concerning Organization of Cities, Towns and Villages1952/04/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor市町村制、琉球政府
121Funds for Construction of Cargo-Passenger Ships1952/07/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor貨客船、建設資金
122Weekly Report of Sedan Taxi Operations, Reports Control Symbol CARC-1561952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaセダンタクシー、週報
123Request for Allocation of GARIOA Imported Fertilizer1952/07/07Chief Executive's Office Government of the Ryukyu Islandsガリオア、肥料の輸入
124Transmittal of Petition Re: Extension of Duty Tour for Lt, Hedani1952/07/07United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor滞在延長、陳情
125Requisition for Relocation Expenses - Misato-Son1952/07/07Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa移転費用、美里
126Disposal of Cheap Lodging House in Naze City1952/07/08United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor簡易宿泊所、名瀬
127Request for Your Review on a Law Draft which has Passed through the Legislature1952/07/08Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa立法案の再審理
129Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/08United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
130Revision of Telephone Rates1952/07/08The Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa電話料金の改正
134Amendment of Section 2 Art. VI CA Proclamation No.121952/07/08Chief Justice, Court of Appeals of the Ryukyus米国民政府布告第12号「琉球民裁判所制」(1952/01/02)の改正
135Repatriation of Fishermen Arrested on the Charge of Violation of Territorial Waters1952/07/08Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha, Okinawa漁師の送還、インド
137Importation of Japanese Cedar1952/07/08United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor日本杉の輸入
138Transmittal of Petition From Okinawa Gunto Social Welfare Council1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor陳情
139Board of Trade Stocks in Miyako1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor宮古、商工会議所
140Record of Re-entry of Ryukyuan Vessel Cleared for Voyage Outside of the Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa琉球船舶の再入域
141Foreign Exchange Budget, 1 April - 30 June 19521952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor外国為替
142Prohibition for Import of Measures Except Liquid Measures1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor度量衡
143Resignation-Takeji Kanna, Administrative Assistant, RG-81952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor退職
144Resignation of Sachiko Hachiman, Clerk-Typist1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor退職
145Ryukyuan Employees1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor琉球人雇用者、等級
146Permission for Change of Status1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor永住許可
147Sale of Governmental Property (Old Bito Dispensary)1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor政府有財産の売却
148Request for Review of Compensation Claim for a Military Contractor's Employee1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor労災
149Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
150Sedan Taxi Cab Overcharge1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governorセダンタクシー、過剰請求
151Complaints on Ryukyuan Taxi Service1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaタクシー、苦情
152Record of Re-entry of Vessel1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船舶の再入域
153No Title1952/07/09日琉間の貿易
156Notification of Personnel Action1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor人事、通知
157Illegal Departure of Kanato Maru1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa密航、奄美
158GARIOA-Constructed Facilities (Highway No.1)1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governorガリオア、建設設備
160Revision of Rate of Charge on Domestic Radio Telegram1952/07/09The Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa国内無線電信、料金改定
165Return of Amami Gunto Government Inventory1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa奄美群島政府
166Use of Wooden Vessels for Trade between Japan and the Ryukyus1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa日琉貿易、木造船
167Fishing Vessels, Default in Performance of Chattel Mortgage Contract1952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa漁船
169Contract for Gathering Kaijinso at the Pratas Islands 1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor海人草、プラタス諸島
170Submittal of Petitions, Amami Gunto1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor奄美群島、陳情、日本復帰
174Assignment and Enforcement of Fishing Vessel Chattel Mortgage1952/07/09United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor漁船
1752nd Semi-Annual Report About the Foundation Funds and the Present Status of the Same in FY 19521952/07/09Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa基金、琉球大学
176Request for Payment of Compensation for Damages of Growing Crops1952/07/10Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa農作物の損害補償、本部、玉城
177Resolution from Eikei Heian1952/07/10United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor
178Foreign Investment1952/07/10Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa外資導入、海人草
179Prolongation of a Period of Using a Bus Converted Into From a Truck1952/07/10Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaバス
181Sale of Milk Products of the International Dairy Supply Company in Ryukyuan Economy1952/07/10Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa乳製品の販売
182Use of Net Profit and Payment of Dividends by Wholesalers Approved to Distribute Imported Staple Food1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor
183Amendment of Para. 2, Article 6 of Civil Administration Proclamation No. 12 Concerning Ryukyuan Court System1952/07/11Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa米国民政府布告第12号「琉球民裁判所制」(1952/01/02)の改正
184Approval of Re-Export of the Articles Imported1952/07/11Okinawa Eederation of Fishery Cooperative Naha, Okinawa漁業、ガリオア
185Instructions to BiddersUnited States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor入札
189Transmittal of Disbursing Manual1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor
190Request for Increase of Relocation Expenses1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor移転費用の増額
191Additional Request for the Shortage of Legal Affairs Department Budget1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor法務局、予算不足
192Cancellation of Foreign Investment License No. 691952/07/11Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa外資導入免許の取り消し
193Disposition of 90-Ton Fishing Vessel1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor漁船の払下げ
194Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
196Agriculture and Forestry Commodities Standards1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor農林業
197Fertilizer Program of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor肥料
199Re-Registration of Automobile PCG #11952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor自動車の再登録
200Distribution of Electric Power and Water Service to the New Hall of the Ryukyu Chamber of Commerce and Industry1952/07/11United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor電気・水道の供給、琉球商工会議所
201Disposition of Governmental Properties1952/07/11Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa政府有財産の払下げ、診療所
202No Title1952/07/12
203Sale of Non-Ferrous Metals1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor非鉄性金属の売却
205Approval of Re-Export of the Articles Imported1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Liaison Office輸出
206Request for Release of Land1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor土地の解放要求、壷川
207Request for Transfer of Funds Regarding Financing Funds for Emergency Works Resulted in the Last Flood-Disaster1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor水害、緊急工事
208Registration of an American Manufactured Motor Vehicle1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
209Relocation of the Repair Shop of the Department of Transportation Motor Pool1952/07/12United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governorモータープール、移転
210Record of Re-entry of Vessel1952/07/12Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船舶の再入域
211Weekly Report of Sedan Taxi Operations, Reports Control Symbol CARC-1561952/07/12Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaセダンタクシー、週報
212Report on Approval of Transfer of Funds1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive資金の流用
214Report on the Request for Transfer of Funds1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive選挙費用、笠利、奄美大島
216Contract No. DA 92-321-FEC 1041952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor契約書
217No title1952/07/14遺灰、捕虜
219Request for Sale in Lots of Ice for the Sick1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa氷の販売、製氷工場、牧港、天願
221Export of Motor Vehicles and Automotive Parts1952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor車両と部品の輸出
222Foreign Exchange Budget, 1July - 30 September 19521952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor外国為替
223Reply to Request for Detailed Explanation of the Memorandum for Trade and Payment of All Trade Accounts Between Hondo and Nansei Shoto1952/07/14International Trade Bureau MITI日琉間の貿易
226Methods of Payment of Pension and Aids to Nansei Shoto1952/07/14Finance Bureau Ministry of Finance年金支払い
227Request for Transfer of Funds in Public Works Department, GRI1952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor琉球政府工務部、資金の流用
228Registration of an American Manufactured Vehicle1952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
229Sale of Vessel, Daisan Toho Maru, by Public Auction1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船の公売
230Request for Approval of Operation-Management of Electric Enterprise1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive電気事業
231Sale of Vessel, Daiichi Kyosei Maru(OF-604), By Public Auction1952/07/14Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船の公売
232Notice to Proceed (Contract DA-92-321-FEC-104)1952/07/14United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor放送番組
233General Register of Electors1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor有権者名簿
234Control of Narcotics1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor麻薬取締
236Request for Payment of Compensation for Damages to Crops Kadena-Son1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor農作物の被害補償、嘉手納
237[Petition Tarama Harbor]1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor多良間港
238Financing to the Ryukyu Fertilizer Manufacturing Co. through RRFF1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor外資導入、肥料
239Repatriation of Fishermen1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor Liaison Office漁師の送還
240Repatriation of Stranded Fishermen1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor Liaison Office漁師の送還、インドネシア、奄美
241Release of Property, Koza Hospital1952/07/15United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor財産の放出、コザ病院
242Expenses for Re-Election at Kasari-Son1952/07/15再選挙費用、笠利、奄美大島
250Forwarding of Legislature Resolution No.231952/07/16United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor立法院決議の送付
253Bill Concerning the Payment of Revenue by a Means of Stamps1952/07/16United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor立法案の承認
254Transfer of the Right of Administration and Operation of the Tomari Harbor1952/07/16United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor泊港、管理
255Report on Qualification of Technical Personel1952/07/16The Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa電信関係職員の履歴
256Building Available for Businessmen's Association1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor職業訓練校
257Application for Lease of Land for School Use1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa学校用地、嘉手納
258Request for Assistance in Making Motion Pictures of the Restoration Progress of Okinawa Activities1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa映画製作
260Forwarding of a Petition from Naha City's Mayor, Request for Discontinuance of Sand Delving1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa那覇、上之蔵、整地
261Requisition for Relocation Expenses, Misato-SonUnited States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor移転費用、美里
263No Title1952/07/17Major General, U.S. Army Deputy Governor ガリオア
265Docking of MG No.6601952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor船舶
266Transportation of POL Aboard Local Vessel1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor油脂の輸送
267Registration of American Manufactured Motor Vehicles1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
268Bus Fares1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawaバス運賃
274Record of Re-Entry of Ryukyuan Vessel Cleared for Voyage Outside of the Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa船舶の再入域
276Request for Investigation of the Amount of Salaries or Wages of Ryukyuan Employees of USCAR1952/07/17Legislature Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the SpeakerUSCARの琉球人職員、給料
279Return of the Map of the Naha Commercial Port Area1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa那覇商業港
280Application for Installation of Radio Equipment of Nissin-maru1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor巡視船、無線機器
281Compensation for the Damaged by Heavy Rain1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa豪雨による被害補償
283Request to Supplement Allowances to FY 1952 Budget1952/07/17Legislature Government of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Speaker1952会計年度予算、退職金
284Expense for Liabilities of Miyako Ice Plant宮古、製氷工場
285Transfer of Funds1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive
287Limit of the Land Essential to Machinato Steam Power Plant and Transmission System1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa火力発電所、送電システム、牧港
288Establishment of Farm Products Market1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor農産物、市場、真和志
289Naha Reefer Plant1952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa那覇冷蔵工場
293Transmittal of a Petition for Use of Route No.31952/07/17Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa3号線、小禄、陳情
295Amami People on Okinawa, Name of Person Who Will Handle the Accounts of Land of Unknown Ownership1952/07/17United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Office of the Deputy Governor在沖奄美出身者、所有者不明の土地
296Memorandum for Trade and Payment of All Trade Accounts Between Hondo and Nansei Shoto1952/07/18Government of the Ryukyu Island Office of the Chief Executive Naha,Okinawa日琉間の貿易協定
311Petition Relating to the Clearance of the Senaga Sub-Village Area1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor
312Application for Release of 3" C.I. Pipes and Valves1952/07/18Naha City Office水道、那覇
316Right of Way, Awase-Kubasaki Water Line1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor送水管、泡瀬―久場崎間、北中城
317Establishment of Marine & Cargo Surveyor Office1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor貨物検査
318Registration of an American Manufactured Motor Vehicle1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
319Information of the Average Number of the Students Attending Technician Training1952/07/18Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive技術研修
324Revision of Telephone Rates1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor電話料金の改定
325Request for Change in Plan of the Proposed Legislature Building1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor立法院ビル
326Iriomote Coal1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor西表炭鉱
327Establishment of Marine & Cargo Surveyor Office1952/07/18United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor貨物検査
328Transmittal of an Application1952/07/18the GovernmentoftheRyukyuIslands, Office of the Chief Executiveホテルでの酒類販売
329Application for Construction of Permanent Building1952/07/18the GovernmentoftheRyukyuIslands, Office of the Chief Executive沖縄バス、ビル建設、安里、真和志
330Transmittal of an Application1952/07/18the GovernmentoftheRyukyuIslands, Office of the Chief Executiveコカコーラの販売、奄美・宮古・八重山
331Permission for Change of Status1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor永住許可
332Borrow Pit - Nakagusuku Son1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor土取場、中城村
333Foreign Investment - Consolidated Factors1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor外資導入
334Foreign Investment1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor外資導入
335Sedan Taxies1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorセダンタクシー
336Procedure of Permission of Japanese Vessels into the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/19Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive日本車の輸入、軍政府特別布告第32号「刑法並に訴訟手続法典」(1949/07/05)
337Record of Re-Entry of Vessels1952/07/19Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive船舶の再入域
338Weekly Report of Sedan Taxi Operations, Reports Control Symbol CARC-1561952/07/19the GovernmentoftheRyukyuIslands, Office of the Chief Executiveセダンタクシー、週報
339Contract DA-92-321-FEC-103 (Supplies & Equipment to be Furnished by RCAC)1952/07/19United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor工兵隊との契約
340Report on Transfer of Funds between Projects Financed by Grant-in-Aid Fund1952/07/19Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive宮古群島の中学校、集会場
342Recovery of Fund Derived from the State Forest1952/07/19the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Department of the Natural Resources日本国有林
343Sending of Collected Report Published by the Forestry Experimental Institute1952/07/19the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Department of the Natural Resources林業試験場
344South Okinawa Sugar Company1952/07/21Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive沖縄南部製糖株式会社
356Special Election for Legislature Members1952/07/21Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive立法院議員の選挙、笠利、奄美大島
357Quarry Site, Ginowan-Son1952/07/21United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor採石場、宜野湾、米国による土地使用、農作物・墓の撤去
358Interim Budget for FY 19531952/07/21United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor1953会計年度暫定予算
359USCAR Logistic Support FY 1953United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy GovernorUSCAR支援金、1953会計年度予算
361Guaranty for Employment of Laborers of Nippon Doro Kabushiki Kaisha1952/07/21United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor日本道路スト、労働争議、清水建設
364Request for Permission for the Use of a Building Attached to the Legislature Building1952/07/21Legislature Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Speaker立法院附属施設、使用許可
365Application for Purchasing Textiles from SAX Oversea Inc.1952/07/21Kita Shokai
366Amami People on Okinawa1952/07/21Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive在沖奄美出身者、人口・就労調査
370Unanswered Correspondence1952/07/22United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorガリオア資金の割当
371Joint Fertilizer Committee1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive肥料、委員会
374RequisitionW.D., AGOパイプ・バルブ、水道
375Repatriation of Stranded Fishermen1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive漁師の送還
377Application for License to Export Empty Beer Cans1952/07/22United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor空缶の日本への輸出
378Transmittal of Letter1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief ExecutiveUSCARの琉球人職員、給料
379Request for Payment of Compensation for Damages on Crops - Gushikawa-Son1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive農作物の補償要求、具志川、天願
380Registration of an American Manufactured Motor Vehicle1952/07/22United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor米国製自動車の登録
381[Sale of Vessel, Daini Koei Maru, Kotohira Maru, Yuho Maru, by Public Auction]1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive公売による船舶の売却
384Record of Re-Entry of Ryukyuan Vessel Cleared for Voyage Outside of the Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive船舶の再入域
385Release of Grant-in-Aid Materials and Appropriation of Supplemental Funds for Naha City Water Supply Project, A Request for1952/07/22Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive那覇、水道、パイプ・バルブ
386No Title1952/07/23Okinawa Suisan Company Ltd.船舶の洗浄
387Permanent Location of Medical Supply Warehouse1952/07/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor医療品倉庫
388Sale of Non-Ferrous Metals1952/07/23Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive非鉄性金属の売却
390Transmittal of Petition1952/07/23Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive移転費用、那覇
391Construction Contracts1952/07/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor建設工事契約
392Collections Against Chattel Mortgage Contracts1952/07/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorガリオア、漁船、抵当
393Taxi Service1952/07/23Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executiveタクシー
395Correction of Figures of Transferred Funds1952/07/23Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive振込金額の是正
397Fishing Vessels, Default in Performance of Chattel Mortgage Contracts1952/07/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor漁船、抵当、不履行
398Recommendation on Release of Military Surplus Ice for Native Sick Persons and Refrigeration of Foodstuffs1952/07/23United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor軍の余剰氷の払下げ
399Adequate Care of Equipment1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor医療器具、予算
400Protection of Public Building from Fire1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor消防、消化器の設置、与儀中央農業試験場
401Personnel Records1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy GovernorUSCAR琉球人職員の人事記録
402Future Clearance at Bolo, Yomitan and Futema Airfields1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorボーロー、読谷・普天間飛行場、宜野湾、農作物の撤去
403Record of Re-Entry of Vessel1952/07/24Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive船舶の再入域
404Repatriation of Fishermen Arrested on Charge of Violation of Territorial Waters1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor漁師の送還
405Request for Transfer of Ownership of Cocaine Farm in Haneji-Son1952/07/24Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive武田製薬のコカイン農場、羽地、所有権譲渡
407Branch Stations, Amami Agricultural Institute1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor奄美農業試験場
408Use of Wooden Vessels for Trade Between Japan and the Ryukyus1952/07/24United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor日琉貿易、木造船
409Application for License to Export Empty Beer Cans1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive空缶の日本への輸出
410Application for License to Re-Export Fishing Supplies Procured by GARIOA Fund1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief ExecutiveGARIOA基金、漁具の再輸出
412Forwarding of a Receipt for Relocation Expenses - Yomitan-Son1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive移転費用、読谷
413Forwarding of a Petition for Release of Land, Mawashi-Son1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive土地の解放要求、真和志、安謝、天久
414Disposition of Governmental Properties1952/07/25United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor政府有財産の払下げ、診療所、具志頭
415Report on Additional Unpaid Obligations Transferred from Miyako Gunto Government1952/07/25United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor宮古群島政府、未払い債務
416Establishment of the Radio Telephone Circuits between Ryukyu and Japan1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive日琉間の無線電話回線
417Broadcast Program Distribution System1952/07/25United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor放送番組、配給システム
419Request for Approval of Tomari Bay Reclamation Project1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive泊港、埋立計画
420Iriomote Coal1952/07/25United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor西表炭鉱
422Receipt and Accountability of GARIOA Procured Fertilizer1952/07/25Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executiveガリオア、肥料
423Exportation of Ferrous Scraps1952/07/26United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor鉄屑、スクラップ、日本への輸出
424Participation of Okinawans in Japan's Athletic Meetings1952/07/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive国体への参加、沖縄体育協会、当間重剛
426Transmittal of a Petition on Release of Land Misato-Son1952/07/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive土地解放要求、美里、泡瀬
428Weekly Report of Sedan Taxi Operations, Reports Control Symbol CARC-1561952/07/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executiveセダンタクシー、週報
429Sale of Governmental Property1952/07/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive政府有財産の払下げ、診療所
430Petition for Release of the Confiscated Vessel, Taisei-Maru, OP-301952/07/26Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive押収船、還付、陳情
431Release of Heavy Equipment1952/07/27Midori Sangyo K. K.重機の払下げ
432Water Supply1952/07/28United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor水道
433Amendant of Section 2, Article VI, CA Proclamation No.121952/07/28United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor米国民政府布告第12号「琉球民裁判所制」(1952/01/02)の改正
435Employment of Kenji Yuda, Translator-Interpreter ClerkUnited States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor翻訳官の雇用
436Employment of PersonnelUnited States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor職員の雇用
437Request for Services on Filming1952/07/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive映画製作
438Financing Information Centers on Outlying Islands, RFY 19531952/07/28United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor
440Petition for Release of Spare Parts for Gray Marine Diesel Engine1952/07/28Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executiveディーゼルエンジンの払下げ、陳情
441Sub-Distributors of Coca Cola in Outlying Islands1952/07/28United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorコカコーラの代理販売
442Transmittal of Invitation to the Memorial Service for the War Dead1952/07/29Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive慰霊祭への招待、8月15日
443Request for Budget Information1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor
444Petition concerning Removal of Racial Discrimination in Treatment of Ryukyuans Employed by U.S. Military Agencies1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor軍雇用員、人種差別問題
445Further Request Concerning the Amount of Rents for Lands Leased by the U.S. Military Agencies1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor軍用地代
448Amami Gunto Unpaid Obligations Failed to be Transferred as of 31 March 19521952/07/29Oshima Regional Finance Branch奄美群島政府、未払い債務
450Alcoholic Beverage Excise Tax Law Passed by the Legislature 2 July 19521952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor酒税法
451Petition Concerning Removal of Racial Discrimination in Treatment of Ryukyuans Employed by U.S. Military Agencies1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor軍雇用員、人種差別問題
452Petition - Ship-to-Shore Station, Amami Oshima1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor奄美大島、無線放送
454No Title1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor出版、"Flora of Yaeyama Gunto"、"The Useful Trees and Shrubs of the Ryukyus"
455Action Upon Petition Clemency1952/07/29United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor減刑、恩赦、陳情
456Furtherance of Repatriation of the Detainees In Red-China1952/07/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive中国抑留者の送還、上本部
457Translation1952/07/30Machine Factory, Public Work Dept. GRI政府有財産の払下げ
458Recommendation for Purchasing Textile to Kita Shokai1952/07/30The Department of Commerce & Industry, Government of the Ryukyu Islands繊維製品の購入
459Imports by Japanese Contractors1952/07/30Ryukyus Chamger of Commerce & Industry日本の建設会社、基地建設
461Participation of Okinawans in Japan's Athletic Meeting1952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor国体への参加
462Establishment of Naha Electricity Co. Ltd, An Application for Approval of1952/07/30電力会社の設立、那覇・首里・真和志・小禄への送電
476Questions Submitted by Mayors in Conference of 1 July 19521952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor沖縄市町村長会
479Release of Area Kamiizumi Cho1952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor那覇上泉町の解放
480Proposed Revision of Naha Central Post Office Building Plans1952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor那覇中央郵便局
481Ryukyuan Weather Bureau Pilot Balloon Observation1952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor琉球気象台
483Land Essential to GARIOA Constructed Electrical Facilities1952/07/30United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor送電施設の建設、ガリオア
484Return of Allocations of Property1952/07/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive資産の割当
485Imposing Tax on Income of Foreigners, Foreign Firms and Bank of the Ryukyus, etc.1952/07/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive外国人への課税、琉球銀行
486Request for Transfer of Disbursing Funds1952/07/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive
487Transmittal of Letter1952/07/30Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive立法院附属施設、使用許可
488Sale of Non-Ferrous Metals1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor非鉄性金属の売却
489Expense for Investigation of Special Election for Legislator1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor立法院議員特別選挙
490Aguni-Son1952/07/31Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive粟国村、村勢調査
497Borrow Pit, Isa, Ginowan1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor宜野湾村伊佐、土取場、農作物の撤去
498Bill Number 411952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor立法案第41号の承認
499Bill No. 151952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor立法案第15号の承認
500Record of Re-Entry of Ryukyuan Vessel Cleared for Voyage Outside of the Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands1952/07/31Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive琉球船舶の再入域
501Transmittal of Letter of Appreciation1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor感謝状
502Request for Permission to Use Building Attached to the Legislature Building - Memorandum for Higa1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governor立法院附属施設、使用許可
503Claims for Ryukyuan Property in Formosa1952/07/31Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive台湾からの引揚げ、琉球人の財産、南風原朝保
504Permission to Sell Alcoholic Beverages at the Hotel Ryukyu1952/07/31United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Deputy Governorホテルでの酒類販売
505Transmittal of Petition1952/07/31Government of the Ryukyu Islands, Office of the Chief Executive奄美大島連合教職員連合、村山家国
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