資料群ガイド 米国収集資料  米国国立公文書館(Archives II)  RG342: 空軍司令部文書
シリーズ 戦後沖縄関連映像資料
シリーズ解説 1951-1953年の朝鮮戦争時のガンカメラの映像で構成された「Gun Sight Aiming Point 」シリーズ。1962年のキューバ・ミサイル危機時の空軍司令部の活動、1900年~1972年の東南アジアでの航空活動を記録した編集済み・未編集の映像で構成されたUSAFシリーズ。
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル WE FLEW THE MiG / ミグ15戦闘機 (MIG-15) の飛行 342USAF-20943 R1
資料日付 (自) 、(至)  この映像を見る
作成者 米国空軍司令部
所管(発行) 米国国立公文書館
資料解説 Summary: Scenes of MIG-15 with US markings taxiing, taking off, in flight, and landing. Shown with the aircraft are: Maj. Gen. Albert Boyd, Maj. C. E. Yeager, and Capt. H. G. Collins. (Photo'd by 2nd Photo Sqdn) WE FLEW THE MIG. 1) LS's high angle & CU of MIG-15 being towed on runway--stationary B-29 in bg. (This is at Okinawa.) 2) MLS of MIG-15, with USAF insignia on it, parked in hangar--personnel in fg are looking it over. 3) Several views as technicians work on MIG-15. 4) MLS MIG-15 being towed to the right--stationary B-29 in bg. 5) CU Maj. C. E. "Chuck" Yeager, Maj. Gen. Albert Boyd, and Capt. H. G. "Tom" Collins, three men who flew the MIG, standing in group talking to a large group of technicians. 6) MS as MIG-15 is refueled. 7) CU INT RV cockpit of MIG-15--pilot is studying the instruments. 8) Several views of technicians working with armament system on MIG-15 and checking the aircraft prior to takeoff. 9) Several views of pilot getting into MIG, then the aircraft is started. l0) MCU M10-l5 taxis out of frame left. 11) Tailaway view of MIG-15 taxiing R to L. 12) LPS MIG-15 taxiing to the right--ground taxiing and maneuverability tests. 13) MCU pilot, Capt. Collins, getting into cockpit of MIG-15. 14) MCU MIG-15 taxis out of frame, R to L. l5) LS camera pans right with two F-86 chase planes and MIG-15 taking off. 16) ALS two F-86's and MIG-15 doing maneuvers. 17) AMS SV MIG-15 in flight to the right, then aircraft peels off to the left. 18) AMS SV MIG-15 in flight to the right--cameraship is overhead photographing a full top view of MIG-15. 19) ASV MIG-15 coming in for landing to the right. 20) LS GC MIG-15 coming in for landing, L to R--aircraft makes touch down and taxis. 21) MS pan L to R MIG-15 taxiing in fg, flight line personnel direct parking. Reel 2: l) Series of shots of the armament on the MIG-15. (23mm and 37mm cannons) 2) Several views as AF technicians prepare to arm MIG-15 which was flown in fully equipped with ammunition. 3) Series of shots of MIG-15 on hardstand having its guns tested, and sighted. 4) Series of shots showing Gen. Boyd, Maj. Yeager and technicians reading data which they had prior to obtaining the MIG-15. 5) CU Maj. Yeager gets into cockpit of MIG-15 and puts on helmet. 6) MS pan L to R MIG-15, with US insignia, taxiing and taking off. 7) AELS F-86 and MIG-15 in flight to the left. 8) ALS & AMS SV MIG-15 in flight to the left. 9) AUS RV MIG-15 in flight to the right. 10) AMS SV MIG-15 in flight to the right. 1l) ALS SV MIG-15 doing inside barrel roll, traveling L to R. 12) ELS GC as F-86 and MIG-15 come in for landing. 13) ELS G/A MIG-15 and F-86 maneuvering. l4) ADS as MIG-15 makes touchdown on runway. 15) LS MIG-15 as ladder is placed on side of it--flight line personnel help Maj. Yeager out. 16) Several shots of Maj. Yeager signing form. PRODUCED BY UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. Fair / ミグ15戦闘機の飛行の様子。1953年9月21日北朝鮮のパイロットの亡命により翌22日に沖縄に運ばれたMIG-15機。ライト・パターソン実験基地のベテラン・パイロットであるアルバート・ボイド少将、チャールス・E・イーガー少佐、トム・コリンズ大尉、その他の米空軍パイロットによって各種のテスト飛行、およびF-86戦闘機「セイバー」との模擬空中戦が行なわれた。
各種識別 [資料種別]映像、[個人情報]無、[言語]英、[内容コード]A000023018
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用途 資料コード 記録アドレス 媒体標題 媒体種別 利用 公開 収納コード 書架コード
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館