資料群ガイド 沖縄関係資料  個人文書  ジョージ・H・カー(George H. Kerr) 文書
シリーズ Publications on Japan and Okinawa and Related Projects
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル Other Academic Involvements (Projects, Problems and Affairs), 1959-88 03
資料日付 (自)1959/01/01、(至)1962/12/31
資料解説 "E[ast] W[est] Center" Hawaii, correspondence with Lois Haase (of UNESCO), Masao Nakachi (4), Alexander Spoehr (5), recommending fellows for the center, Barbara, Dr. Stalker, T. Ige, and Lawrence H. Sunder, with an article on the Center and a leaflet on it (Looking back on his involvement in the JICST (Japan Information Center for Science and Technology) project, GHK wrote "Six months were spent in Japan in 1959 on behalf of the Pacific Science Board of the National Science Foundation. My report on certain problems of interest to them was subsequently issued with additions and modifications by the Japan Documentation Society (?1961))"
各種識別 [資料種別]文書、[個人情報]有、[数量]14 items、[言語]英、[内容コード]0000019387
  (媒体情報)  ※「閲覧用」資料コードで閲覧請求ができます
用途 資料コード 記録アドレス 媒体標題 媒体種別 利用 公開 収納コード 書架コード
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館