資料群ガイド     沖縄関係資料  個人文書  ジョージ・H・カー(George H. Kerr) 文書
シリーズ Publications on Japan and Okinawa and Related Projects
タイトル Ryukyu: Kingdom and Province to 1945, Ryukyu no rekishi, and Okinawa: the History of an Island People, 1952-58 Draft Text, Publication, Book Reviews 2
資料日付 (自)  、(至) 
資料解説 "Notes," including a contents page for ?OHIP, illustrations, rough draft and final draft of the map list and bibliography, draft notes pp.viii-ix, memorandum on Foundation Opportunities in the Ryukyus, from Robert B. Hall of the Asia Foundation, extracts from the Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy of China... by Henry Ellis, notes on Okinawa including data on missionaries, and a letter of Earl R. Bull, 1956 (n.d.)
各種識別 [資料種別]Texual Record 、[個人情報]None 、[数量]122pp. 、[言語]Eng 、[内容コード]0000019039
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