資料群ガイド 沖縄関係資料  個人文書  ジョージ・H・カー(George H. Kerr) 文書
シリーズ Publications on Japan and Okinawa and Related Projects
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル Ryukyu: Kingdom and Province to 1945, Ryukyu no rekishi, and Okinawa: the History of an Island People, 1952-58 Primary and Secondary Sources in Translation 3
資料日付 (自) 、(至) 
資料解説 Transcripts of primary and secondary sources including the writings of Basil Hall, articles in the Nippon Times, and the Japan Weekly Mail (texts of Ryukyuan oaths to Satsuma); Beechy; Habersham; Warburg; Halloran; McLeod; Satow; "Bibliographical Notes;" "Notices of Fu-Sang;" "Chinese Text Quotes 'E' to 'G' for the excerpt from The Chinese Repository...," likewise "'A' to 'D'," W.G. Beasley; Correspondence Relative to the Naval Expedition to Japan (including Perry); Bp George Smith, Ten Weeks in Japan; Henry Willis, Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to Japan, and "Pires Suma Oriental," with a table of contents (n.d.)
各種識別 [資料種別]文書、[個人情報]無、[数量]29 items、[言語]和英、[内容コード]0000019020
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沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館