資料群ガイド 沖縄関係資料  個人文書  ジョージ・H・カー(George H. Kerr) 文書
シリーズ Publications on Japan and Okinawa and Related Projects
  (簿冊情報)  ※来館時の請求記号はこちら
タイトル Japanese Arts and Social Traditions, 1937-64. 03
資料日付 (自)1937/01/01、(至)1937/12/31
資料解説 "Research materials for [JAST]": lists of international exhibitions joined by Japan, ?Chapter headings and illustration lists, letter of translator S. Hatano, "List of essays to be translated or abstracted," "Todaiji Edokoro Diary…" pp.2-13 + 2pp., draft letter and draft text "Kikuchi-Tosai, an early Japanese painter-propagandist" by GHK, pp.1-4, "Administration of Art," pp.1-14, and pieces by Tani Nobuzaki: 1. "On the Making of Buddhist Statues," pp.1-7, 2. "Kamakura Jidai Chokokumono" (by Kobayashi Go) pp.1-8+1p., 3. "On the Appreciation of Chinese Paintings Brought to Japan During the Middle Ages" pp.1-3, 5. "On Buddhist Sculptors and their Ateliers" pp.1-4, and an unnumbered copy of 5. Pp.1-6, "The Biography of Kosho as an Introduction to the Study of Jocho" pp.1-3, and "The Biography of Kosho as an Introduction to the Study of Jocho" pp.1-3 (+n.d.)
各種識別 [資料種別]文書、[個人情報]無、[数量]15 items、[言語]和英、[内容コード]0000018993
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用途 資料コード 記録アドレス 媒体標題 媒体種別 利用 公開 収納コード 書架コード
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館