資 料 群 : 米国収集資料 > 大学図書館 > プリンストン大学
シリーズ : ジョン・F・ダレス文書
(00003-001) Strictly Confidential, M (1).
(00003-002) Memoranda of Telephone Conversation, General, Jun 2, 1958-Jul 31, 1958 (5).
(00006-001) White House, Meetings with the President, Jan-Jun 30, 1958 (5).
(00008-001) Memoranda of Telephone Conversation, General, Jan 2, 1958-Mar 31, 1958 (2).
(00008-002) Strictly Confidential, Q-S (2).
(00010-001) White House Telephone Conversations, May-Dec 31, 1953 (1).
(00011-001) John Foster Dulles, Chronological, Apr 1955 (2).
(00013-001) Memoranda of Telephone Conversation, White House, Apr 1, 1958-Jul 31, 1958 (3).
(00013-002) Memoranda of Telephone Conversation, White House, Apr 1, 1958-Jul 31, 1958 (4).
(00014-001) John Foster Dulles, Chronological, Aug 1956 (2).
(00015-001) John Foster Dulles, Chronological, Feb 1958 (1).
(00015-002) John Foster Dulles, Chronological, Feb 1958 (3).
沖 縄 県 公 文 書 館